36 Little Things We Should Thank Our Boyfriends For

Grateful Girlfriend

When you first start dating you usually go out of your way to thank your new boyfriend for all the wonderful things he does for you. They dedicate a day to them national boyfriend day, however we know they deserve to be thanked more than just one day of the year.


1) For  always letting me lay my head on your chest. I know ten minutes in your arm has fallen asleep yet you are such a champ through it.


2) For not getting mad when I can’t make up my mind on what I want to eat.


3) For waiting for me to get ready, because we’ve both learned that 5 minutes is actually 10.


4) For always calling me beautiful even after I just woke up and yesterday’s makeup is running down my face.


5) For dealing with the fact that whenever we cuddle my hair usually ends up everywhere, including your mouth. I’m really sorry about the amount of shedding I do.


6) For encouraging me to chase my dreams and standing beside me when that journey doesn’t always make sense and for pushing me when I want to throw in the towel.


7) For taking all the selfies I ask for even though I know that isn’t your favorite activity.


Things that Happen When You Meet a Good Guy After a Toxic Relationship

When You Meet A Good Guy

When you meet a good guy after you’ve been in a toxic relationship, your heart’s still shattered and vulnerable. So your whole “romantic” world as you know it, spins out of control. And since your heart’s guarded and you haven’t experienced such a unique and special guy like this in so long. Or ever for that matter, the experience of being with someone who’s actually good for your heart might feel completely foreign to you.


1. You feel grateful and terrified at the same time. 

And you are happy to have finally found him but also scared because your heart has only ever known heartbreak. You are constantly waiting for him to drop the good guy act, or leave without notice because that’s what your broken heart is used to. But, a good guy stays.

2. But even though he sticks around, you find yourself questioning his motives. 

When he is talking to other girls, you feel a sneaking suspicion creep into your soul even though you know there’s no reason for it. You dissect his compliments looking for hidden meanings even though what he is offering is genuine. You find yourself examining his texts, his words, his actions for any sign of inconsistency. But, a good guy isn’t playing the games that you’re used to. He is the real thing…

Why I know he won’t cheat on me

My boyfriend is not a saint, nobody is in this world. He has made mistakes and I’ve accepted them. One of those was cheating on his ex with me. But here’s a few reasons why I know he won’t cheat on me.

He won’t cheat because his job is demanding and he simply doesn’t have time to even think about anything (thank god). He spends 100% of his free time at work texting me and telling me how much he loves me.

He won’t cheat because unlike his last relationship, he’s happy when he’s with me. He can be himself and not feel weird about it.

He won’t cheat because we are attracted too each other and please each other. We know what the other one wants both sexually and in life.

He won’t cheat because his mother would kill him if he ever did it again. His mom is Hispanic so just let that sink in.

I know my boyfriend loves me and I never not once think he’s cheating. I’m writing these reasons to show women that ” once a cheater, always a cheater” is a bunch of crap. Your man will only be a cheater if you don’t give him the attention he needs from you.

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