These Unpopular Opinions About Best Friends Will Have You Rethinking Your Friendships

Recently, a new trend has surfaced on Twitter in which a user will suggest a topic for people to share their “unpopular opinions.” From food to music to relationships, people all over Twitter have revealed some of their most unpopular opinions—like one guy who suggested bacon isn’t “all that.” Thank you, kind sir, but, next.

The latest topic to be thrown out was from Twitter user LUSH LAVIÉ, who suggested that people on his timeline share their unpopular opinions about best friends.

Let’s face it, there are tons of societal expectations and stereotypes when it comes to our friendships—but, not all of them are legit or accurate. In fact, there are tons of unpopular opinions in this thread that may have you rethinking the way you look at friendships in your own life.




















Date Someone Who Texts You Good Morning

Good Morning Texts

You’re tired of people who stand you up, the people with narcissist complexes, those who never bother to ask how you’re feeling. You constantly search for something more, the simple, intangible love you can never seem to find, the person whose small, kind gestures can make your heart race.


Date someone who texts you “good morning.”

They’re unafraid to reveal their love for you, sharing every piece of their heart, leaving you without questions, without doubts. And they’re in touch with their deepest emotions, unapologetic in their love for you. They’re unwilling to shy away from passion, ready to transcend their insecurities and prioritize feelings.


Date someone who is willing to put you first.

They wake up every morning and immediately praise your beauty, encouraging you to finally embrace your gentle curves, flowing hair, and shining eyes. As the sun streams through the window, they send you sincere, thoughtful words, celebrating their love for you and you alone. With every simple gesture, they establish you as a top priority, as their first thought as they begin day after day.


Twitter Thread Proves That Giving Up On A Good Girl Will Haunt You Forever

Many times in life, it so happens that we meet people at the wrong time. Even if two people are destined to be together, if it’s not the right time, things just won’t work out. Think of it this way—how many times have you dated someone that was in a completely different stage of their life (emotionally, mentally) and because of this, you could never see eye-to-eye? Maybe you wanted to move forward—get married, start a family—and your partner was too busy clubbing and bar-hopping every weekend.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but when you aren’t ready for the “right one,” the right one won’t wait around for you. So often, people think that “true love will wait,” but, that’s unrealistic and a bunch of fairy tale garbage. To prove it, I bring you Twitter user Rev Rell, who shared a story of her friend who lost a good girl forever.

People online were applauding the thread, thanking her for being so real and honest, and sharing their own experiences that this is—indeed—facts.

15 Dating ‘Green Flags’ That Let You Know He’s A Keeper

Most of us can share at least a handful of red flags we wished we’d noticed (or chosen to acknowledge) in a past relationship. However, because it’s 2018 and there’s already plenty of negativity in the world, Reddit asked its users to talk about green flags they saw in their significant other—things that made them realize “hey, this person isn’t a piece of human garbage”—and these are our favorite ones.


Talking for 5 hours but only thinking the date lasted around 90 minutes



If you are introverted, if you hang out with them and it feels just like being alone. Like they don’t affect your “dealing with people” meter. You feel comfortable around them


A friend of mine hit it off in the car with her date that they ended up driving over two hours PAST their date destination. When conversation is that good, you’ve got a blaring green light! They’re married for around 15 years now.


When they actually pay attention to what you’re talking about and even make the effort to come back to the topic if interrupted.


The first time my now husband ever touched me it felt like I knew him a 1,000 years already. I don’t like being touched, and the instant comfort I got.. I knew I wasn’t just going after booty on this one.



According to my fiancée, it was when I first went to her house and get cat sat in my lap. Her cat hates everyone but loved me.


When you find you’re comfortable enough with someone to open up about those parts of yourself that you’d normally be a little afraid to reveal – the insecurities, desires, dreams you hold inside yourself, and that you’re afraid of being mocked or criticized for. And then they react in a safe, supportive manner.



Met a guy at a bar, he had a cake tin in a bag next to him.

Two weeks later he baked me a cake for my birthday, and we’ve been together now 19 years.

Only downside is he never baked me another cake!



When they are kind to animals and people in the service industry – ESPECIALLY if they don’t know you’re watching them.



On my first date with the man who is now my fiance, we walked from our high school to a local restaurant and he insisted on walking on the side of the sidewalk that was closest to the road. In that moment he reminded me of my grandfather, who had recently passed, because when I was a small child my grandfather told me “A gentleman always walks closer to traffic than the lady.” It just gave me a really good feeling about him, that he was polite and a little bit old-fashioned.


17 Of The Most Splurge-Worthy Finds From Uncommon Goods

When the weeks are long and the days seem endless, sometimes the best way to power through is by treating yourself for all of the hard work that comes with being human. Let’s face it, your nine to five becomes significantly more bearable when you know there’s a brand new set of wine glasses or a fun cooking apparatus at home waiting to be tried out. The best place to find all of these hidden treasures is without a doubt Uncommon Goods. Here are just a few finds we came across today that will motivate you all the way to the weekend.

*Full disclosure: We may receive some portion of the sales made on this list. We’re putting all the money into stocks and bonds. And by stocks and bonds, I mean chocolate and ice cream.

17. This parlor ice cream mixing set so you can have your very own at-home Cold Stone.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “I gave this to my future sister-in-law at a wedding shower. No one knew you could buy one and everyone loved it! My sister-in-law loved it!” – Em

Get it for $69.95

16. These nifty diagram glasses for your nights spent in Margaritaville.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “My husband & I like to make single margaritas & this isn’t easy in a traditional glass. These are perfect for stirring & getting it ‘just right’!” – Ash

Get it for $25.00

15. This 3-in-1 produce chopper that eases the hassle of meal prep.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “Make a lot of green chili recipes and this makes the veggie prep work much faster. Solid lid and hinge points, easy clean, minimal pieces, really enjoy this.” – Bob

Get it for $49.99

14. This fishing pole campfire roaster that will make smores even more fun and less messy.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “Instantly loved the idea. We bought one for each of our kids and grandkids; a total of 8. It was great to be able to do all our family Christmas shopping at once. I mentioned it to our mailman who bought one as a gift but liked it so much decided to keep it for herself.” – Chris

Get it for $19.99

13. This genius BottleLoft that saves space in your fridge and looks really cool.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “Love this product. My husband is delighted to be able to keep bottles out of harm’s way in the fridge. The magnets are a little pricey, but they are worth it!” – Amy

Get it for $38.00

12. This dog bowl water bottle to make it easier for your pup to drink on-the-go.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “Like how the water goes back into the bottle, easy to squeeze the water up. Just takes a little patience for the dogs to get used to it. Looking forward to using it on road trips and hikes.” – Nic

Get it for $15.00

11. A set of mesmerizing aerating wine glasses that you can show off to your guests.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “This is a cool aerating glass. I purchased for my friend’s birthday and now want one for myself. Cheers!” – StefB

Get it for $50.00

10. This personal planetarium that will help you escape to a galaxy far far away.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “You normally can get a planetarium software for your mobile phone, but this one allows you to see the real sky at the same time.” – car

Get it for $50.00

9. An adorable dog egg mold to brighten up your breakfast.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “This product makes cooking fun!” – Dog Mom

Get it for $9.99

8. This set of kabob grilling baskets that will keep your grill clean and produce a perfectly cooked masterpiece.

Uncommon Goods

Encouraging Review: “These make kabob grilling so easy!! Don’t have to worry about food falling off & can use any type of food – love them.” – Love2Shop

Get it for $16.99

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