
A Grandmother is someone who is irreplaceable in the life as a child.

She is the person that you can count on to be there with a big hug and something sweet, while she listens to your troubles. She is someone always up for a shopping spree, no matter how she feels. She is someone who will teach you to make your favorite dish (even if cooking isn’t your strong suit). However, a heart like this cannot be with us forever.



Two years ago you gained your wings and I lost a piece of me and I will never be the same. I am so grateful for the many hours of memories that I can pour over in my head. However, none of them will ever be good enough because it is not the real thing. 


I often talk to you about my troubles, only now it is a one way conversation and I long for you to come down from the clouds and tell me what the right decision is. I wish to feel your hug one more time and I want to hear your voice tell me that everything is going to be okay even if it might not be. 


To My Grandma in Heaven, Your Memory Will Forever Live in My Heart

Missing Grandma

I can’t even begin to explain how much I miss you, grandma. And how much I wish I could have you by my side to tell you how much I truly love you and appreciated you in my life. I wish I could turn back time to spend more time with you but I can’t. There is absolutely nothing I can say to make up for all the time I lost with you. All the times I didn’t answer your phone call or didn’t go and see you.


No excuses

There is no excuse for why I dropped you once I got older except the fact that I was dumb and didn’t realize what I was doing. Back then I couldn’t see the importance that you had in my life. I couldn’t truly appreciate how lucky I was to have an amazing grandma like you. And I regret that.


30 Things You Never Thanked Your Grandma for

A grandma truly has a heart of gold. She’s one of the biggest inspirations in your life by just being herself. The one person you know you can to turn to who keeps you grounded when life gets messy and chaotic. And just for that you owe her a few thousand thank you’s.

She gives the best hugs.

And always knows just what to say to make things better.

You can always count on her to be there for you, even in the worst of times.

She gives you a unique perspective on life.

And her advice is genuine and wise.

She taught you how to have self-respect just from leading by example.

She’s one of your biggest fans.

And she’s the greatest listener.

She always makes you feel special and good about yourself.

 A grandma teaches you to be brave even when you’re scared.

And strong when you feel weak.

 Because she’s one of the strongest women you know.

 She taught you how to speak your mind when necessary and to stand up for what’s right.

Her voice and contagious laughter will always lift your spirits.

She is the classiest woman.

Her stories are one of a kind.

 She told you were beautiful even when you didn’t feel like it.

 A grandma never forgets your birthday.

  If you’re ever feeling sick or in danger, she will take care of you.

Let’s be honest, you’ve never left your grandma’s house hungry or empty-handed.

 Her cooking is absolutely delicious.

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