Grandma Happy Birthday in Heaven, you are so missed! 

It’s these days, the days you should be here that make losing you that much harder. Three years how has it been three years you have been gone. Life just don’t seem quite as good now that you aren’t here. Every major mile stone feels like there is something missing. A piece that we cannot get back. 

So today, on your third birthday in heaven I sit here, by your head stone. I know you aren’t here. It’s just the last place that we where with you. I have my coffee and I’m just staring at the sky. Words are mostly lost so I write. 

Days like today are the hardest. Your memory is so alive, yet everything feels different. There is an emptiness in days like today. Days when I wish I could be sitting at your feet while you play with my hair. While the cake is baking in the oven. I wish we could go to your favorite restaurant together, and come home to sing happy birthday. 

I pass the card isle at the store and think, I’ll never get to buy you a card again. I stand there for a few minutes looking at all the cards marked “Grandma” wishing I could see the smile on your face as you open it up. Seeing the tears in your eyes because you are so touched by it. Grandma, although these memories will stay with me forever, I long for just one more time. 

I reach for my phone to call you and tell you all about my day. Even though it’s been three years now. I think about our conversations. How when I would have a hard day I could here you say “stay strong, you can do this.” I look down at my wrist where it’s tattooed on me. 

It’s days like today when celebrating you makes my heart ache. When the little things in life feel so empty. When I just wish for one more day, even one more minute to see your smile. 

Happy Heavenly Birthday. Keep watching over us! We still need you. 

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7 Socially Distanced Ways To Be There For Your Grandparents

A family is all someone needs to live a happy life. No doubt parents and siblings all love you, but you cannot replace or find the love your grandparents possess for you. Grandparents always care about their grandsons and granddaughters, so you can ask them for any kind of help
Don’t you think they deserve your time and love for the efforts they have made to make you whatever you are? Obviously, they do. 
Since we are in the middle of a Pandemic, here are 7 “Socially Distanced” ideas to show your Grandparents just how much you love them. 

1. Talk To Them Over A Phone Call

We never know the importance of our grandparents as long as we have them. One of the best ways of winning your grandparent’s heart over and over again is to call them.
And while, you may not talk for hours, receiving a call from their grandson or granddaughter can certainly make their day special
Due to the pandemic, you may not be able to visit them. But a phone call can help you stay connected to them.  

2. Surprise Them With Gifts

One of the most ingenious ways of making your grandparents feel happy is to surprise them with gifts. Do you remember the days when they would give you gifts just to see a smile on your face? Now is the time to do the same for your them. For example, if it’s your grandparent’s birthday, there are many birthday gift ideas for grandparents to make their day special.  With minimal effort, you can make them happy because they never demand too much out of you. A simple gesture like a gift is all they need to feel happy

3. Have Zoom Chats With Them

If your grandparents are living with you, there’s nothing more satisfying than this. However, if your grandparents aren’t living in your family, make sure you have a face time or zoom chat at least once a week.

4. Plan A Surprise Virtual Get-Together For Them

Grandparents always love having all of the family members around them. Unfortunatelydue to the pandemic, this cannot happen right now.  But you can surprise them with a family get-together virtually where you can invite all of your family members. And a surprise virtual get-together can be a lot more fun if each and every family member shares a memory with the grandparents to take them back to the days when they were together. 
And if you have your grandparent’s wedding movie – it could be the best thing to play to make your grandparents relive one of their happiest moments.  

5. Help With Errands And Tasks

You may not remember, but your grandparents have done everything they could to give you the very best in life. Maybe they stayed awake for you when you were feeling ill as a child? Well, now it is payback time. Elders often have pre existing health conditions leaving them with compromised immune systems. With COVID-19 cases on the rise the elderly are the most vulnerable. By helping them with bill and errands that do not require you to be putting them at risk, you are will be keeping them safe and with less stress.

6. Browse Through Old Albums

You cannot even imagine how happy they feel when they browse through the old photo album. Not only will it be a source of joy for them, but they will also have so many tales to tell regarding those photos. 
It will also take them back to their adulthood when they were young. The best way to make this process much more fun is to involve all the family members. Create an online album or slides for them to go through. You can have it handy for your virtual group chat. 

7. Ask For An Expert Opinion

You cannot doubt the expertise of your grandparents. They have spent years of life, and they have seen almost everything you are yet to see. And as worldly individuals, they usually have great advice. So whenever you feel unsure about a specific decision, chat with them and ask for an advice. Because it will make their day to be helpful and involved in your life in some way.


If your grandparents are alive, you are so lucky! Often times, we never really appreciate our grandparents until we lose them.  So now that we are in the middle of a frightening Pandemic, your Grandparents truly deserve every bit of your social distanced love and care, and the aforementioned ideas can help you make them realize just how much they mean to you.

About The Author

Alastair has been a writer for three years. He writes articles for business and general articles. He provides articles for a number of websites.
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