To My Boyfriend: A Year Of Loving You

A year ago I never would have thought I’d go to one of my best friends wedding and there you’d be. With those bright hazel eyes that can light up a room. I didn’t know that I would get to fall in love with you on the dance floor. 

A year later our love has grown by leaps and bounds. I love you more and more everyday. Something that I never knew that I would need in my life. Your love! I cannot even count the ways that I love you. There are just too many. But I will name my favorites. 


When you hold me after a hard day: 

I know you can see it, the hard days on my face. You can see it as I walk up to the door. You stand there on these days with your arms stretched out because you know all I need is your arms around me. Maybe a cup of coffee and to hear that everything is okay. 


And then you listen: 

I’m sure these are the days you hate, because you know I have to get that bad energy out. So it becomes like word vomit that I share with you. You just sit there and listen. When I’m done you hold me close. It’s the best feeling in the world, especially because the whole world melts away with my worries and all. 

You make me laugh: 

This is especially helpful on the hard days, but the good ones too. When I see you a big smile comes to my face. I feel like a lot of times you look over at me just so I will smile. I love that you do that. I love that you will say or do anything goofy just so I will laugh. I love when you laugh because your laugh is contagious it makes me laugh. It’s the best place to be all of the time. 


Your the best dog daddy: 

I know that when we got together the last thing you thought you’d be is a dog daddy but your great at it. You know when I need a break and you take over. You go out and play with her because you know my days are long. There is nothing I love more then seeing you two sit in the grass next to each other! 


Your all mine: 

I love that I get to call you my guy. I love even more when you put your arm around me or let me put my feet in your lap while we are in the car. I love that you rub my back when I’m upset. I love the way you love me, and I love loving you. 

Happy one year babe. Here is to so many more. This life with you is going to be amazing, and challenging. I’m excited for the ride!! 

36 Little Things We Should Thank Our Boyfriends For

Grateful Girlfriend

When you first start dating you usually go out of your way to thank your new boyfriend for all the wonderful things he does for you. They dedicate a day to them national boyfriend day, however we know they deserve to be thanked more than just one day of the year.


1) For  always letting me lay my head on your chest. I know ten minutes in your arm has fallen asleep yet you are such a champ through it.


2) For not getting mad when I can’t make up my mind on what I want to eat.


3) For waiting for me to get ready, because we’ve both learned that 5 minutes is actually 10.


4) For always calling me beautiful even after I just woke up and yesterday’s makeup is running down my face.


5) For dealing with the fact that whenever we cuddle my hair usually ends up everywhere, including your mouth. I’m really sorry about the amount of shedding I do.


6) For encouraging me to chase my dreams and standing beside me when that journey doesn’t always make sense and for pushing me when I want to throw in the towel.


7) For taking all the selfies I ask for even though I know that isn’t your favorite activity.


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