When it comes to friendship goals, many look to TV shows for our epic and iconic “gal pals.” From ’90s sitcoms to modern day dramas—we have a few pairs that show us what it really means to be a best friend. Like…
Brooke and Peyton from One Tree Hill
Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl
Cristina and Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy
The ladies from Sex & the City
And, who can forget Rachel and Monica from Friends
Speaking of the iconic duo—recently, it was Jennifer Aniston’s big 50th birthday and all of her best friends came out to celebrate her big day. So many people in fact, that Brad Pitt—that ex—was spotted at her birthday party. Kate Hudson was there, Reese Witherspoon—everyone who is anyone attended the goddess’ big 5-0.
I mean…just look at this picture…
But, the most adorable part of Aniston’s birthday was when her former roomie and BFF—Courtney Cox—wished her a sweet, happy birthday on Instagram. Cox posted a photo of the two saying:
The world definitely got brighter the day this girl was born. Happy birthday sweetheart! I Love you!
Obviously, any Friends fan feels this deep down in their soul. The two have been a part of each other’s lives for so long, it’s hard to not get all up in your emotions seeing how much they still care about each other and their friendship—off-screen. Many were sobbing all over social media.
Love it.