Guy Discovers His Girlfriend Has Been Stashing Dirty, Used Tampons Under Their Bed

Love conquers all—or, that’s what they say. I’m pretty sure that love does not conquer your girlfriend stashing her used and dirty tampons underneath your bed—blood-covered and all, right? At least, I’d hope it doesn’t.

Recently, a Reddit user shared the horrifying and disgusting discovery he made about his girlfriend after living together for six months.

The anonymous Reddit user said that he and his girlfriend have been together a little under 2 years, but their relationship has been going great. They moved in together 6 months ago and things have been on the up and up—they’ve even discussed taking the next step to getting engaged. However, one night when goingto store some winter clothing under the bed, the guy discovered that his girlfriend has been wadding up her useddirty tampons in tissue and tossing them under the bed.

The full Reddit post reads:


People online were seriously disturbed and grossed out…obviously.

But, some people suggested that possibly, if they have a dog, it could be that the dog got into the garbage and made the mess.

Here’s to hoping it is the dog and not his weird, dirty girlfriend.

Woman Begs Internet For Advice After Receiving Horrendous Engagement Ring

Getting engaged is a monumental moment in every woman’s life—they look forward to it for years. While many woman dream of their “ideal ring,” there are those who will be happy with anything their partner chooses—with some exceptions.

One soon-to-be-bride shared her story on Reddit, saying that she was “so excited to get engaged to her boyfriend of 5 years.” However, the ring was so bad that she had no idea what to do. She said that she and her boyfriend had “discussed” some things she “didn’t want,” but she had never expected to receive this.


She asked the Internet for some help in how to approach the conversation about getting a new ring because let’s face it—she can’t rock this every day.


She then shared a photo of the ring…wow, just WOW.

I can’t even believe this is real. And, neither can Twitter.

If I were her, I’d throw my whole fiancé away, too.

15 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Despise Physical Contact

For some reason, people absolutely love to be “touchy-feely.” No matter how many times you try to stop them, ask them not to touch you, or avoid people altogether, it’s impossible to stop people from hugging you and even stroking you. *Shudders* If you’re like me, and you hate human contact altogether, you’ll know that trying to avoid it is almost a job.

1. You are constantly angry while out in public because no one understands “personal space.”

2. You despise the holidays and family events because you know your family will make you “hug and kiss” literally everyone.

3. You don’t understand why everyone wants to hug and give “cheek kisses” every single time you see them.

4. When people touch your hair or your clothing when complimenting you, it’s like the absolute f**king worst.

5. Or, when people tap you to get your attention. Gagging.

6. You constantly carry around hand sanitizer because who knows where people’s hands have been.

7. Everyone you know says you’re a “cold” person.

8. But you’re really not a cold person at all.

9. You just think human beings are annoying and don’t understand the idea of consent.

10. When guys try to dance with you at bars and clubs, you always have your fists in a ball ready to battle.

23 Attractive Women Share Why Being Pretty Isn’t Really That Great

We all assume that the people that are the richest and most beautiful have it really easy. And likely, a lot of the time it’s true. There is no wonder people are most jealous of those that are super hot and flushed with cash.

But apparently there are downfalls, especially when you’re a beautiful woman. You see, unlike attractive men, women more often get treated like sex objects rather than actual human beings. They are expected to act a certain way, and most people assume they are stupid, vapid, and promiscuous.

It’s like a lot of people forgot that lesson of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” that was drilled into our heads as children. People assume all beautiful women are the same, and merely sex objects that people can oggle and touch as they please.

Sexual harassment is a serious issue for all women, and ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL. Let’s get that part straight. We are all unique and sexy AF and deserve respect. Seriously, how is it that we have to keep saying sh*t like that? Treat women with respect, and don’t go around touching people without their consent. If you needed to hear that, then you are a major part of the problem.

These 23 women share the downfalls of being pretty:





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