Spring is a bouquet of new beginnings and a reminder of how our times of darkness are never as permanent as they seem. Warmer weather and flowers in bloom don’t just make this world a brighter, more colorful place. They shake us awake from the various forms of slumber that take hold of us in winter.
How crazy it is to think of who we were even only a few weeks ago! Whether it was physically bundled up in defense against the elements, or locked away mentally in attempts to weather internal storms, today, I hope, is different. I look back, an act of quiet privilege, to see how growth has shifted me further and further from what once felt so permanent. The shiver against the cold has left my body, and though I remember its chill, the warmth of today feels all the more welcoming.
We speak so often of happiness, something as fleeting as our seasons, but I think our focus is sorely misplaced. You see, people want the state of happiness like they want warm weather. Are we not the same people who dredge through the summer months as well? I can picture us now, soaked through our clothes and brows permanently slick with perspiration.
Like hot and cold, life’s challenges ebb and flow, and to want for one is to unknowingly beg the invitation of the other.
To chase happiness is to chase a feeling that we tie to a certain day or moment in our lives where it seemed like cold or even brutally hot days would never again surface. You can cling to that for as long as you want, so long as you realize you will be forever subservient to an idea, a yesterday that has come and gone.
Instead of happiness, like a new spring each year, I yearn for growth. Truthfully, it’s within growing that we gain new understandings of peace – something well beyond the limits of a happiness that once served us. Discover the peace of letting go of the idea of chasing happiness, and realize it’s right here, regardless of the weather.
I’ve always dreamt of an eternal spring.
To bottle the energy, sights, and smells of this season would be like capturing our closest slice of utopia. However, to bottle spring without an inkling of winter or summer or fall, would be like getting all dressed up to sit on the floor of your living room. There would be no substance, no reason to rise to the occasion and step into the warmth we all so dearly cherish.
This winter, especially, seemingly drawing to no end, has made me appreciative of the need for seasons; the need for change. I savor every day, even the gloomy ones, more knowing that the world I see today is constantly changing. The tears we shed today will be gone tomorrow, the snow that once blocked our paths will melt away, and the flowers will bloom. Those flowers, though they will leave us, or even precisely because they will leave us, bring joy.
It’s in seeing the beauty of a world that starts again; in life that opens up in the aftermath of winter’s hostility, that I see our lives are not much different.
With each season I feel myself growing closer and closer to something I can’t even put words to yet. I remember once spending my days worrying about if I would ever grow, and now I simply marvel at what I’ve grown into. That’s my favorite part about all of this, and I see it reflected in the world around me as I see flowers blooming in places I would never have expected. I see colors where I once saw barren nothingness.
In my life, as I know thanks to the nature around me, other seasons rest around the corner, waiting to instill even more growth. There will be sunny, tormenting, and unbearable days, where I fly too close to the sun, foolishly thinking I won’t get burned. Cooler temperatures in fall will show me respite, but also leave me wishing the colors that once adorned the trees would stay evermore. Finally, and most certainly, there will be winter yet again. There will be darkness and frost that freezes over many of the things I cherish.
Of course, this is all for a reason, and, yet again, we will bloom in spring.
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About the Author
Miguel is a senior at American University studying Business Administration with a concentration in Sustainable Change & Analytics. His passions outside of writing are running, traveling, and learning new languages. Follow him on Instagram.