How To Create A Music Room In Your Apartment

There was a time when every home had a music room, but as apartments started getting smaller and more and more people found themselves living with roommates, they quickly fell out of fashion.

However, if you’re sharing an apartment, stuck in close quarters at all times with other people, a dedicated room to decompress and either play or listen to music couldn’t be more important. You need somewhere to “get away from it all” that isn’t just your bedroom.

If you have the space, here’s a couple of tips to get your music room just right.


Sound Proofing

The first thing you need for a music room is sound proofing. If you’re playing music, you don’t want it blaring out and annoying the neighbors. If you’re listening to music, you don’t want every car driving past outside to interrupt the quiet parts of whatever music you’re enjoying.

The key here is to invest a good set of soundproof curtains to cover up the windows in the room – probably the biggest point of entry/exit for sound.

You may also want to look at panels for the walls if your roommates are especially noisy, but beware of putting egg cartons on the walls – that’s only good for reducing reverberation within the room. It does nothing to keep sound either in or out.

If your issue is noisy downstairs neighbors, consider picking up a thick rug to cover the floor, perhaps even with a layer of cork board underneath. This will both dampen the sound coming from you and protect you from the sound of their TV or even their kids.


Comfortable Seating

You want your music room to be comfortable, right? A music room where you’re just sitting on a plastic folding chair isn’t really going to be particularly enjoyable.

Invest in a decent thick armchair or a sofa large enough to lay out on and get as relaxed as possible while listening to music.

If the room is for creating music, you’ll want to put a little more care into selecting the correct furniture. If it’s electronic music, get a decent quality desk chair. If you’re looking to play guitar, you’ll want a chair either with no arms or with arms that can be put up or down. If the room will feature a piano, get a decent quality piano bench that can also double as storage for your sheet music, as well as a seat for visitors.

Remember as well that you’re probably not the only person that will be in there, and if you’re setting up a home studio in your music room, you will undoubtably be looking to have friends around to hear the music you’re creating. Consider adding a decent sized and comfortable couch opposite your workstation so that your guests will have a balanced sound of both of your studio monitors.



A music room that’s got bare walls and a bare bulb isn’t going to be very vibey now is it?

This is where you add all of the finishing touches to make your music room a super comfortable and fun place to hang out. Consider adding some green plants to the room (though if you do go the soundproof curtain route, make sure they can live with little sun). A couple of posters can go a long way. If you’re feeling extra flash, consider an aquarium with some colorful fish and changing lighting to really make it a place that you can chill out in.



It’s important to have a room in your house that isn’t pure function. A kitchen is for cooking, bedroom is for sleeping, and the living room in an apartment is often a place that you end up being around others.

Get your music room set up and soon you’ll have a space to get away from everyone and get lost in music.

What could be better than that?

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10 Mind-Blowing Guitarists You Haven’t Heard Of

Many people, present company included, would argue that no band is complete without a solid guitar player holding down the rhythm and leads of the songs.

I may be biased, but whatever the case; we can all appreciate a great musician when we see one. Sadly, not all guitarists get the attention they deserve, while non-musicians like Justin Bieber soak up the spotlight without creating their own original music. This list is to bring to your attention some of the great guitar players who you need to hear, especially if you are a musician yourself.


1. Guthrie Govan

Guthrie first making his way in the guitar field by playing a short stint for the band Asia, though he hadn’t found much recognition through the band. It wasn’t until many years later, when he began to release instructional videos on guitar playing that Govan really found the spotlight. His guitar playing is admired by amateurs and professionals alike and is great fun to listen to.


2. Jamie Cook

You may not have heard of Jamie Cook, but you most likely have heard of his band, Arctic Monkeys. This is one of those situations where the name of the guitar player is lost to the overwhelming popularity of the band (I doubt he’s complaining). As a band, they have said they want to restore rock and roll to its old popularity and Jamie Cook is doing a great job on the guitar side of this goal. Not many people write or play like him.


3. Tosin Abasi

 It’s very rare that you hear of jazz and metal music being combined. It’s even rarer when that combination is fun to listen to. This is was the self-taught Abasi does; he fuses two seemingly impossible genres and creates a unique blend that is pushing the boundaries of guitar. Not to mention his guitars are ridiculously big. Abasi is truly fun to watch play and no one quite compares to his style.


4. Brent Mason

Okay, to be fair, Brent Mason has won a ton of awards, including Grammy’s, for playing guitar. You may or may not have heard of him, but the amazing thing is most of his playing can be found on other musicians records. As a studio musician, he is one of the most prolific guitarists of all time.


5. Gary Clark Jr.

This is another guy you might have heard of, considering his popularity is consistently growing; and for good reason. Good ole fashion blues is what Gary Clark Jr. puts out and he’s great at it. Though he may not be the most technical player in the world, his tight rhythms and exciting leads make him a joy to listen to and watch play.


6. Keshav Dhar

Apparently India is going through a music revolution at the moment, especially in the metal genre. In this genre so popular in the west, Dhar is leading the charge in India being metal to the forefront of the music industry while simultaneously pushing the boundaries past his home country. His style and songwriting is very Western influenced and sounds fantastic. It’s also important to note he writes, records, and produces his band Skyharbor out of his own home studio; which is pretty awesome.


7. Eric Sardinas

 If you are a fan of blues or rock, or blues-rock, Eric Sardinas should definitely be on your radar. This guy can shred a guitar, using slide and a more traditional technique; he’s all over the fret board in a good way. He’s especially known for using an electric resonator guitar which in of itself is a great way he distinguishes himself from the pack of musicians around today. Apparently he sets his guitar on fire while on stage? What a badass.


8. Marty Friedman

Known best for his work with Megadeth in the 90s (he was the best player to cycle through that band in my opinion), Marty Friedman’s leads are what have gained him a spot in the inner circle of amazing guitar players. His more recent music is not as original or fun to listen to, but he is still one of the best ever. The most technical creation of his was the band Cacophony, a speed metal duo with Jason Becker that may be the most insane playing you’ll hear.


 9. Troy Stetina

Much like Guthrie Govan, Troy Stetina has made his name as a guitar instructor more so than as a performer. He has put out many DVDs/instructional, totaling over a million units sold according to Wikipedia. For a guitar educator, that’s pretty incredible. His playing is clean and exciting, and his solo music is great to listen to, especially if you want to learn how to be a better musician.


10. The Hellecasters

These guys are unbelievably good, and that’s why I’m including all three of the band members in this final spot: Will Ray, John Jorgenson, and Jerry Donahue. Fast-paced country-rock is the best way to describe their music. The virtuosity with which these men play their Telecasters is on a level above and beyond what a normal human being should be able to do. And it makes for an entertaining show. It’s hard to describe other than saying my fingers hurt just watching these guys play.

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