This Girl Gave Her Tinder Match 2 Hours To Write A Resume Explaining Why He Should Be Her Wedding Date, And He More Than Delivers

Swiping through Tinder never fails to be an adventure. Sometimes that adventure involves creepers and unsolicited photos, but other times it can involve some truly great conversation.

Sometimes it can even mean finding the perfect wedding date. Just ask Delyanie who matched with one very dedicated guy named Nate who was even willing to build a resume to go to a wedding with her.

This is South Carolina native Delaynie AKA @delayniemarie.


While swiping on Tinder one day, Delaynie matched with Nate who was interested in being her wedding date and jokingly, Delaynie requested a formal resume.


And Nate took the request pretty seriously.


A few hours later, Delaynie received this outstanding and thorough resume.


Note the many prestigious awards and acknowledgments.


Delaynie shared the entire exchange on Twitter where it garnered over 50K likes.


Needless to say, people were obsessed and wanted to know the outcome.


Though, some commenters pointed out how odd it was to invite a stranger to a family wedding.

And several people were rooting for Gavin.

It wasn’t long before Delaynie shared an update saying she would be taking Nate to the wedding.


According to Bored Panda, however, the pair did not end up going to the wedding together, but they did remain friends.


h/t Bored Panda

Woman Receives Fake ‘Wrong Text’ Message From A Guy She’s Been Ignoring

A woman who had been ignoring repeated texts from a man received one from him that said “wrong text” but it was pretty clear he’d done it on purpose. And it definitely belongs in the Fake Wrong Text Hall of Fame.

Mariah White of Arlington, TX, told BuzzFeed News that she’d been getting the texts from the dude since early November. The texts all mostly just said “hi” or “how are you?” but this last one, the “wrong text” one, is hilariously obvious in its thirst for the 22-year-old’s attention. It involved both the man’s mother and his money, and it was clearly designed to get a response from White.

The man sent a text to White that was supposedly meant for his mother. It read, “Hey mom… I just transferred $2800.00 to your account…. you should have told me sooner that you needed help… text me when you get it…love you!” the text read, followed by one that said simply, “Wrong text….my bad….”

Speaking to BuzzFeed, White said, “I knew right away that was messed up because how do you send a whole text with all those ellipses and not realize it’s going to the wrong person? What are the odds that M-Ariah and M-Om are right next to each other in the contact list? It just did not add up.”

White men the man, who is reportedly in his forties or fifties, when she was driving for a car company and he was a passenger. White said, “We had a really good polite conversation about my unique major, the university, being the only black people in our departments, stuff like that.

The two exchanged contact information and she sent him a text with her full name so the man could add her on LinkedIn. Instead, the man started texting her. She said she got “weird vibes” from him, and after answering his first few texts, she began to ignore him.

White said she didn’t block him or anything because his messages were “so infrequent” that she “didn’t even think about it.”

White tweeted a screenshot of the awkward “wrong text” message, where it quickly went viral.

The responses she got to it were hilarious.

At least one person decided to try the text on someone else, to see if he got a response.

White said that she’s gotten a lot of “nasty DMs” telling her that she should have stopped “wasting his time” and just told him she wasn’t interested. But to that she says, “This was a grown man who somewhat misled me into giving him my number the first place. You should know when to call it quits when someone is clearly uninterested.”

H/T BuzzFeed News

This Is Why Guys Go Silent After A Breakup And How To Cope With It

Why won’t he call? Can’t he just have a conversation to give me some peace of mind? What’s wrong with him? What did I do to deserve this? Did I really mean this little to him? These are the questions that echo in our heads after a breakup from hell. Walking away from a relationship without even the slightest bit of closure can drive a girl crazy and cause a lot of sleepless nights. But the truth is, guys, go silent after a break up for a reason, and here’s how to cope with it. 

Sometimes closure looks differently than we imagine it. Sometimes we don’t get all of the answers we’re seeking. Sometimes it’s not wrapped in a pretty bow with two people who amicably say “this is for the better.” And most times, we just have to find it in our own ways.

Do you think most people can easily admit their fears? Of course, we all would like our partner to care enough to tell us the truth no matter how much it hurts, but that’s almost never the case. Guys handle breakups in their own ways and the product of their own healing is silencing us out.

They don’t spend their days over-analyzing every second we spent with them, wondering where it all went wrong, trying to pinpoint the exact moment they sensed the downfall.

In fact, they won’t put much effort into thinking about the breakup at all. In their minds, it’s more general events: how the breakup happened and what the main reason for why it fell apart. Their lack of overthinking leads to silence because they don’t need any questions answered, they don’t want to know much more than what they already do. If they were to reach out, it could only potentially hurt them more, so they remain, silent and safe in their uncomplicated mindset.

We find it comforting to vent to a friend about a breakup and crave advice on how to handle it, while guys do the exact opposite.

Maybe they’ll have a quick, “we broke up” conversation with their bro’s and most likely call us ‘crazy’ and that they “just couldn’t do it anymore,” but it doesn’t go much deeper than that. Guy friends skip the emotional-healing aspect of a breakup and head towards the binge-drinking, bar hopping, sloppy nights out instead, doing whatever it takes to get the breakup off his mind.

Guys are just wired differently, they don’t need the same support girls require after a breakup.

Their reaction is silence because it’s the easiest way to deal with the emotions that are flooding in, otherwise, they wouldn’t know what to do with them.

So in order to cope, us girls need to pause and think.

Take a deep breath and tell yourself, “I will figure this out.” Don’t take on their issues and make them your own. Realize that we all have insecurities, and not all of us can understand how they impact us.

The best thing you can do is take it as a sign from the universe that it’s time to move on…

…and that any person worthy of being your partner would never leave you in the lurch like that. Remember this saying, “If not this, something better.” These words sound stupid and irritating when your relationship has just ended, but they are true for a reason.

We don’t always get what we want, but we get what we need.

Change is inevitable. Change is good. If it was meant to be, it would have been, and if it is meant to be, it will be. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always go along with our preconceived notions of how things should be, and people aren’t always what we want and need them to be. Life isn’t always wrapped up in a pretty package with a bow on top. Sometimes you get closure and sometimes you don’t. Sometimes the lack of closure is the very lesson that you needed to learn. Maybe you needed to learn to validate yourself and accept yourself.

Consider seeing this person as a gift sent to you.

They were brought to you as a reflection of yourself. Thank them for being a part of your journey and send them on their way in your mind.

If you are waiting for your ex to give you closure, it might be time to dig deep inside and give it to yourself. To heal a wound you need to stop touching it. 

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To The Guy Who Deserted The Girl He Loves


“That’s when I finally got it. I finally understood. It wasn’t the thought that counted. It was the actual execution that mattered, the showing up for somebody. The intent behind it wasn’t enough. Not for me. Not anymore. It wasn’t enough to know that deep down, he loved me. You had to actually say it to somebody, show them you cared. And he just didn’t. Not enough.”-  Jenny Han


It’s not the thought that counts.

You thought it’s enough to think about it. You thought it’s enough that deep down, you love her.

You thought that being enigmatic was an excuse to stop appreciating her – so you let your past, your pride, your demons, your selfishness, the fact that you’re weak or scared, be a validation for why you stopped fighting for it, making an effort for it.


But this is the girl who you need to appreciate.

Give her your time, all your love, take her on a crazy adventure. Hold her hand, teach her something new. Kiss her face a million times, take her somewhere she’s always wanted to go, dance with her cheek to cheek, spoil her, make her feel special every day.

This is the girl who has changed your life, who has made you a better man. This is the girl who loves all your wrongness, all those parts of you that you hate. The girl who wipes your tears when you speak about your dad, who kisses your edges, who loves all your roughness. Those parts of yourself that you only show to her, she adores them – her love warms them, your imperfections, it changes you.

This is the girl you need to appreciate because you know in your heart you will never give all of you like that to anyone else; no one will love you better. No one will make love to you with as much passion.



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