Discover My Experiences: She is Interested in You or Not

Do you have a crush on a girl? Then you must be struggling hard to make sure whether she is interested in you or not. If you keep your eyes on her, you will find it as an easy task to determine whether she has an interest towards you or not. However, you should carefully analyze her signs. If you have a clear understanding about the signs that indicate she is interested in you, you will find it as an easy task to take the next step. Here is a list of 7 such steps that you should keep your eye on.

1. She is trying to make eye contact with you

You need to see whether the girl you like is trying to make eye contact with you. It would be long eye contact at first. If you notice this, it would be a good idea to play safe. You can also assume that she shows some sort of an interest towards you. Hence, you shouldn’t take the risk of letting her go out of your life. In this kind of a situation, you need to try and engage in a conversation. This will assist you to determine how much she is interested in you. In case if you notice that she is looking at her phone or looking around, it indicates that she is trying to avoid conversations with you.

2. She will remain closer to you in public places

If she remains closer to you in public places, you can determine that she has some sort of an interest towards you. Women don’t tend to initiate conversations at public places. Instead, they indicate that they are available for you to go ahead and have a conversation. As a result, they get into a position where they can easily be approached or noticed.

3. She would smile with her eyes

Smiling can be tricky. But if she is smiling with eyes, you need to keep in mind that she shows an interest towards you. This is one of the obvious signs available for you to determine whether a specific girl is interested in you or not.

4. She will have right touches in the right places

When you get to know each other, she will start touching your hands. Right touches at the right place indicate that she is interested in you. For example, she will touch your shoulder, hand or chest. Once you crack a joke, she would go ahead and slap you in a playful manner. If you are sitting close to each other, your shoulders would touch with each other. All these signs indicate that she is interested in you and she is trying to get closer to you.

5. She would invite you for a dance

Ladies tend to use dancing in order to grab attention towards them. Hence, you should keep that in your mind when trying to figure out whether she is interested in you or not. While you are attending a social event, such as a wedding or a company annual party, she would come ahead and invite you for dancing. You need to take this as a positive sign of invitation. Then you will be able to take the relationship you have with her to the next level.

6. Observe her feet

This is one of the secrets that you should be aware of, in order to realize whether she is interested in you or not. Women have the ability to talk with their feet as well. Therefore, you should carefully analyze the way how her feet move. If the feet girl is facing towards you, even if she is looking away, you can conclude that she has an interest towards you. This is applicable for almost all women who live out there in the world.

7. She continues talking to you

After meeting her, you would go into a courtship stage. You need to see whether she is responding to you in such instances as well. If she is communicating along with you via texts you can conclude that she is interested over you. Hence, you will be able to take the relationship to the next level.

The Best Ways To Boost Your Confidence With Women

There is no denying the fact that women absolutely love men who are confident. If you’re not, they’re going to recognize it right away.

With a little confidence in play, your chances of landing a date are going to be dramatically increased. For the guy who lacks confidence, there are ways for you to add some confidence with women. From this guide, you’re going to discover tips for boosting the confidence you need to get with the ladies.

Tell Yourself
First and foremost, you should start by telling yourself that you’re an amazing individual. Find out what your best strengths are. Then, you should look in the mirror and rattle off these strengths. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re going to be good with women because you’re funny, smart, and loyal. Continue doing this day in and day out. As long as you stick with it, you’ll eventually begin believing it. In return, you’ll find that it is much easier chatting with women.

Work Out A Little
There is a really good chance that you’re not working out at this point in time. If not, your confidence is going to be very low. With this in mind, you should change your attitude right now. Make sure that you’re working out a little more frequently. Doing so will make a major difference in your life. You’ll begin feeling better about yourself and you’ll gain confidence as well. You don’t have to take things to the extreme. Instead, you should start by running twenty minutes a day. This is a good start and it’ll be enough to give you a boost.

Watch What You Eat
Since you’re going to be working out, you should combine it with a good diet. This will make a huge difference. It’ll increase the likelihood that you’re going to be able to lose weight. Once you begin slimming down, you’re going to start feeling better about your appearance. You’ll know that you’re an amazing person and that you look great. This will definitely fill you with confidence. In return, you’re going to hand no trouble scoring points with the ladies.

Practice & Gain Experience
Ultimately, being good with women is all about having experience. If you get enough experience, you’re going to be good at pretty much anything. The same can be said for confidence with women, so go into each interaction thinking that it’s a practice and a way to improve your game for the next time. It’s not to diminish the interaction with the girl, but to take the pressure off yourself. You can also just turn to the web and find something like UK sex contacts, Ashley Madison or an equivalent. Or, you can find beautiful women in your area. Either way, you definitely need to gain a little more experience before trying to score a hot date.

Read Books
Believe it or not, reading books can indeed make you a much smarter individual. This is true in pretty much every single aspect of life. Books can teach you about the world and so much more. If you’re interested in learning how to speak with women, you should definitely read a few books. There are books specifically written on this very subject. They’ll give you pointers for delivering those good one liners and landing a sexy babe.

Be Persistent
At the end of the day, you should know that you’re going to run into hiccups along the way. There is a good chance that you’ll get turned down here and there. You cannot let this stop you. Instead, you need to keep moving forward. Don’t give up after you’ve been let down. Just keep at it and you’ll eventually get it right!

Now go out and talk to some girls.

These Unpopular Opinions About Best Friends Will Have You Rethinking Your Friendships

Recently, a new trend has surfaced on Twitter in which a user will suggest a topic for people to share their “unpopular opinions.” From food to music to relationships, people all over Twitter have revealed some of their most unpopular opinions—like one guy who suggested bacon isn’t “all that.” Thank you, kind sir, but, next.

The latest topic to be thrown out was from Twitter user LUSH LAVIÉ, who suggested that people on his timeline share their unpopular opinions about best friends.

Let’s face it, there are tons of societal expectations and stereotypes when it comes to our friendships—but, not all of them are legit or accurate. In fact, there are tons of unpopular opinions in this thread that may have you rethinking the way you look at friendships in your own life.




















Girls Reveal The ‘Sneaky’ Things Guys Do That They Always Notice

It’s hilarious how unsubtle men can really be. They clearly think that we, as women, the most intelligent gender out of the bunch, happen to not notice their mindless and incoherent advances but in reality we just do and not because they don’t try hard enough to hide them trust me they do, but because they don’t know how to properly hide them without us noticing. Although, when you really think about it, there really is no reason to. Most of the time, it’s just the nature of the action that yearns to be noticed. I mean, how can one not notice a guy immediately break his neck for you as soon as you turn away? Every lady in this reddit thread has a thing or two to say about this particular subject and it’s quite relatable.

Thanks but no thanks:

The hug that’s actually just an excuse to have my boobs up against you was big when I was younger.
Now it’s the “subtle” glances at my cleavage.

Yes, be more awkward, I dare you:

Flirting. “So, uh, um, w-what are you, ahem, d-doing here?”

Because we can totally see that:

When they try to hide their raging hard-ons.

This is just gross:

Trying to discreetly pick their noses. The exception was this one weirdo at the bus stop who made no effort to hide it, he was up to his wrist in his nostril, but he didn’t stop there, he actually then proceeded to consume the contents of said nostril. All while staring me straight in the face. So nasty.

But, WHY:

The ole scratch ‘n’ sniff.

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On The Perv Who Sent Her D*ck Pics

Women online today go through more harassment than anyone can imagine. With Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter all having settings that allow you to “slide into someone’s DMs,” men believe it’s the perfect way to send anything they’d like through the virtual world—inluding unsolicited pictures of their junk.

26-year-old Tara Natasha from Cardiff, Wales recently shared the story of how she was sexually harassed online by a guy who would not stop sending her d*ck pics.


Natasha said that she had gotten an add on Snapchat from a random guy and immediately, he sent her two XXX photos right there in her Snap messages.

“It was 1am when I got a random add on my Snapchat. The guy immediately sent me two photos of him naked and one of his face. I completely ignored it at first, but half an hour later he sent me a crude message.”


After ignoring him, Natasha realized the guy wasn’t going to leave her alone. So, instead, she decided to troll him sarcastically. However, he didn’t think that it was sarcasm and instead thought that Natasha was trying to meet up with him. Like anyone else, she went with it to troll him even more.


Instead of sending him her exact address, Natasha sent him to somewhere that anyone would know—Buckingham Palace. Turns out, this guy knows nothing and immediately was ready to invade the palace all to get some action.

She added:

“It was so funny I couldn’t cope. When he was approaching Buckingham Palace, he still didn’t click.”

Natasha said:

“He then realized and he just went mad, he did not appreciate it at all. He told he had drove forty minutes from outside of London and had spent so much money on petrol.”

“He then started sending me abusive messages. He started threatening me and told me he would come find me. I just had to end up blocking him. I do hope he has calmed down now, and just sees it as a bit of banter.”

In all honesty, that’s revenge done right. 

This Guy Told A Girl To Buy ‘Anything She Wanted’ With His Credit Card & She Bought A F*cking Bouncy Castle

When it comes to males, for some reason, they cannot take rejection well. Take it from someone who has been a single woman on Tinder once or twice in her lifetime – when you say no, they think you’re saying, “please, try harder.” It’s as if the words “no” don’t resonate in their minds and they insist on making themselves look like complete fools – for the entire world to eventually see because we don’t keep that sh*t to ourselves – right ladies?

One woman – Leagan – has set the bar outrageously high for payback to men who cannot take no for an answer. Seriously – this is the best story I have heard to date. A guy asked Leagan out on a date and she respectfully said no, because she just wasn’t interested in him. Instead of taking the rejection, this guy decided to send Leagan his credit card – front and back – to “allow her to buy anything her heart desires.” As if, this was going to win her over.

She decides to buy the one thing every girl secretly wants in their life – a bouncy castle. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The big, giant, blow-up castles that your rich friends have at their backyard birthday parties but your parents would never let you have because it would “ruin the lawn.”

After her purchase, the guy messages her to ask her “what is this” that she just bought with his credit card. Her response?

Women Are Sharing Pics Of Weird Stuff In Guys’ Bathrooms And Honestly We’re Confused

I don’t want to stereotype men here. There are lots of men who keep perfectly normal, clean bathrooms, without anything in them that would make a person stop and say “huh?” I think. I think those men exist, but I’m not positive, only because every guy’s bathroom I’ve seen is a huge mess with gross, weird things lurking in every dank-towel covered corner.

Twitter user Jodie Grace posted a picture of something she found under the sink in a dude’s bathroom that defies explanation. Well, I mean, I’m sure there is an explanation for it, but it’s not at all clear upon seeing the item (a hairbrush taped to a plunger). All I know for sure is, that brush is not meant for hair. UGH.


She included the text, “ladies what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found in a boy’s bathroom? allow me to start.”

And many women responded, including pictures of the strange inventions and terrible nightmares that live in dudes’ bathrooms. Like this weird hose.

Or this toilet paper, which, what the?

This has to be the most ridiculous toilet paper holder in existence.

Oh my god, just get a toothbrush holder. Use a mug! Use anything other than actual rotting food!

I guess necessity really is the mother of invention.

Then there’s this skinny guy hanging out in the bathroom, watching people go. Creeper.

What bathroom is complete without a picture of a clown?

This is the biggest cockroach I’ve ever seen.

Hey, at least they have a toilet paper holder. Baby steps.

Everyone loves Jeff Goldblum, but maybe not in the bathroom with you?

When it’s seriously time to do the dishes.

This is not okay.

Again, how much could a toothbrush holder possibly cost?

Okay, not everything in these guys’ bathrooms is awful.

This is the time for clean guys to speak up. Or else women will think that this is how the bathroom of every male they know looks.

H/T BuzzFeed

7 Small Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

It is a common story we have all probably heard one too many times already. Girl meets boy. Girl falls head over heels for Boy. Boy is not all that interested. Girl gets sad over boy. Girl wonders if she will ever find love. Boy is out there doing his own thing. Girl is heartbroken forever until she finds new Boy to pine over. There is even a romantic comedy about it. The entirety of that movie is factual and I stand by that claim. This story has turned into a vicious cycle that so many girls become sucked into. How do you know if you have become part of the cycle? How do you find the courage to fall for another person if every guy you fall for doesn’t return the love?

1. He always says you two should chill, but he never follows through with plans.

If he was really that into you, he would take any chance he could get to see you. Guys who aren’t that into you will say you two should get together sometime, but “sometime” turns out to be never. If a guy doesn’t make any effort to actually see you and you end up with a text-only relationship, it’s not real, girl. You deserve to be with someone who wants to see you and enjoy your company. Don’t keep trying to impress someone who makes little to no effort. Move on.

2. You always are the one to initiate a conversation between the two of you.

If you’re sending the first text, Snapchat, direct message – anything – every time, he’s not that into you. We all know how stupid we look when we’re constantly chasing after something we’ll never get. Do yourself a favor: check your text history with the guy you’re crushing on. If it’s mostly blue/green bubbles on that screen – it’s a red flag. You shouldn’t be the one always trying to get his attention. Let him come to you. And, if he doesn’t come to you – bye.

3. He will go a long period of time without speaking to you.

Along with texting first, you shouldn’t be having conversations with yourself. If you’re trying to initiate a relationship with someone, they should want to talk to you frequently. I’m understanding that life can get busy and messy – but you shouldn’t be texting an empty box. If he’s not answering you, or even trying to touch base with you a few times a week, it’s a major sign that it’s not going to work out.

To The Next Guy Who’s Willing To Brave My Storm

“Storms never last do they baby, bad times all pass with the wind, your hand in mine stills the thunder and you make the sun want to shine.”

First off I can’t promise you that the journey you’re about to embark on is going to be easy, but I can promise it’ll be worth it.

“Nothing that’s worth while is ever easy. Remember that.” -Nicholas Sparks

I don’t know when I’ll meet you, though I can tell you I’m looking forward to it. Don’t be alarmed if I seem guarded and uninterested, I’m just tired of dealing with guys who can’t handle the love that I have to offer.

I’ve been introduced to all the wrong guys, the ones who let you fall with no intention of catching you or worse the ones who prove that it’s hard to find someone that’s willing to be loyal to just you. From a young age, I’ve known guys that have abused, used and played with my emotions.

I need to tell you a few things before you jump in the head on. If you invest your time in me, I’m going to invest mine in you.

I’m going to love you with everything I know, and I’m not going to half-ass it either.

My walls are built high, with a moat around it. It’s unfair to you that I automatically judge you to be just like the people of my past, but it’s to protect my heart that so easily clutches onto the idea of love.

I’m the girl who loves with every fiber in me and I do it the right way. A lot of guys don’t know how to handle or accept the kind of love I have to offer.

My heart has been broken in the past but it doesn’t mean the right person can’t help mend it. I’m braver because of the heartache, because not only am I willing to take chances on people, I’m willing to give someone else the chance to get the love I think they deserve.

Finding someone who can love me the way I can love them is something I’m looking for and I’m willing to work for the relationship that not only I deserve but that you deserve as well. It’s a partnership, I’m looking to grow and enjoy life’s adventures with. It’s a chance that is terrifying because I could end up heartbroken again but I’m willing to try and fight for love.

I’ll let you in on my past because for us to have a future we’ll need to start at the beginning. I’ll reopen the wounds and the pain because I trust you.

“Everyone has a past, but that’s just it. It’s in the past. You can learn from it but you can’t change it.” -Nicholas Sparks

I’ll take you on the good days and the bad. When you’re ready to tell me about your demons, I’ll face them head on with you. I’ll never be quick to judge because I know how it feels and if your past troubles you, I’ll work to help make it a little less troubling.

Our generation has lost sight on love and romance, but I can tell you I’m not that girl. I’m a hopeless romantic that’ll remind you daily that you’re important to me, even in the smallest gestures.

As I’m asking you to not take my heart for granted, I promise to never do the same to yours. This isn’t a game of who can break whose heart first and if you open yourself up to me I promise to cherish everything you share and the memories that we make.

I’m asking you to be patient with me. It’s not going to be an easy task for me opening up to you right away. If you put in the work and the effort, I promise my heart will show you the loyalty you deserve. Once I love you, I’ll love you in ways you never thought imaginable.

All the reasons your past relationships didn’t work out won’t matter to you anymore; I’ll show you what was wrong with those girls and raise your standards to what a real relationship should be like.

I’ll love you with my whole heart because that’s all I know how to do.

I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands. To speak when words are need and to share in silence when they are not. To live with in the warmth of your heart and always call it home. –The Vow 

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