12 Advanced Life Hacks That Everyone Needs to Know

Because who doesn’t want to do things a little bit easier?

I think we can all agree that life is made a little easier with some easy-to-use life hacks. These 12 tips have gotten me through holidays, financial topics, skincare problems, college crises, and so much more. So, if you’re looking for some behind-the-scenes hacks that can help with your daily life, read on.

1. You can save money on a coffee order by ordering a grande iced vanilla latte with caramel drizzle ($4.95) instead of a grande iced upsidedown caramel macchiato ($5.25) since it’s the same recipe.

2. Using aloe vera gel as a buffer between your skin and a topical drying acne cream can reduce the burn of chapped skin while your skin adjusts to a harsher medication (usually in prescription medications).

3. If you want to leave your house to work or study but don’t want to spend money at a coffee shop or cafe, your local library has quiet places to work – and most even have private rooms you can reserve.

4. For students, using a picture of your schedule as your lock screen for your electronics can save time and confusion while trying to get from class to class.

5. Using a pencil holder/cup to store remotes is usually cheaper than purchasing an actual remote control holder.

6. A candle jar lid can make a great last-minute coaster.

7. If you have a long document (essay, book, proposal, etc.) and need to remember something from it, highlight it in a bright color and/or increase the font size so it’s easier to find when you’re scrolling.

8. Use a paper clip as a bookmark to show exactly where you stopped reading.

9. Create a separate folder in your email for receipts/order confirmations from online orders you’ve placed so you have all of them in the same spot without littering your inbox. You can also do this for offers and coupons you get from stores that you want to save.

10. Buy birthday and Christmas presents throughout the year so you’re not rushing the week before.

11. When traveling, cover the top of a liquid-filled bottle with saran wrap before screwing on the top. This will help stop any leaks that may happen when your bag is being tossed around.

12. Fill your carry-on bag with heavy products while traveling (books, shoes, electronics, etc.) so that your checked bag will weigh less. Not only could it save you from paying extra money, but you’ll be able to handle your heavy (and maybe more valuable) products yourself.

Whether traveling, shopping, cleaning, or anything else, these hacks will help you save money, travel easier, clean more efficiently, and overall save you some time and effort. Try some out and see how much easier your life may get!

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

The Only Makeup Product You’ll Need That Won’t Break the Bank

What if I told you that there’s just one makeup product out there that will elevate your makeup look significantly? And it can cost as little as $1.50 at Ulta? You’re welcome in advance.

Two words: White Eyeliner

You may be thinking, “What can simple eyeliner do?” Allow me to explain. Eyeliner is one of the most popular go-to products for eye makeup. I, personally, rarely leave the house without it. Now imagine a majority of eye shadow creations you can make: most of them omit bright white (unless it’s in the inner corners as an accent). Typically, you find eye shadow in a lot of shades minus stark white.

All of that combined shows that white liner is unique enough to elevate your makeup – with or without anything else.

Every single time I have worn white liner, I get complimented on it – which is more times than if I did a full-face complete with eyeshadow and lips. To think that such a tiny product for such little money can make such a difference is incredible.

Not to mention, white goes with everything.

Black, brown, navy, purple, dark green… The list goes on and on. Even if you don’t have on any makeup, the touch of white eyeliner will add just enough pop to make it seem like you did way more with your makeup than you actually did.

White eyeliner also makes you look more awake.

For those who work long hours, don’t get enough sleep, or are just always tired, white eyeliner is a life-changing hack. This trick works on the bottom waterline especially, but can really be applied anywhere on or around the eye.

This comes in very handy for those who don’t really know how to do makeup.

A lot of people don’t really know the ins and outs of makeup unless they’ve been doing it for a while or went to school for it like I did. I’m pretty sure that I would be in the same boat if I didn’t get my certification. Makeup is a challenge – especially nowadays with such intricate, incredible looks. My point is, it’s hard to learn about makeup, which is why one swipe of white eyeliner will make you look like you mastered the art of the pencil in 10 seconds flat.

Your wallet will thank you.

Shopping at Ulta and Sephora, I have seen some very pricey makeup products. We’re talking in the hundreds – maybe more, depending on where you shop. For someone like me who’s on a budget (hello, student loans), makeup can get pretty pricey. But, let’s be real. You have at least $1.50 in your console left over from your last Starbucks run.

Want to try all of this for yourself? Run out to Ulta, Target, Walmart, a drug store… Really anywhere you can buy makeup and grab a white eyeliner pencil. Swipe on your lid and wait for the compliments to come rolling in. I mean, you did just elevate your makeup in a few seconds. You’re killing it.

About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

15 Trader Joe’s Food Hacks That’ll Up Your Grocery Shopping Game

Are you a Trader Joe’s fan? You should be, if you happen to live by one. I personally do not want to imagine an existence without their brownie bites and their world’s puffiest corn puffs.

If you do shop there, check out some of these cool hacks kindly provided by generous Twitter users. You might find yourself buying something you haven’t before or combining things you might not have otherwise.

And if you don’t shop there, now’s as good a time to start as any! Try something new!

1. Like this bagel idea.


2. Or this sweet combo.

3. Here’s another tasty combo to try.

4. The cherries are good but have you tried freezing them because yes.


5. Cheese and crackers are perfect together, of course.

6. But how about something a little fancier?


7. Speaking of fancy, everyone likes drinking candy.

8. Ever had Trader Joe’s cookie butter?

9. You can and should eat it with just about everything.

10. It’s even vegan.

11. As is this meal.


12. This isn’t vegan but sounds delicious.


13. Here’s something else you can do with that prosciutto.

14. How about this super easy potato salad?

15. And here’s the “ultimate trifecta.”

Hungry yet?

h/t: BuzzFeed

6 Common Problems That Feel Like ‘Relationship Killers’ But Are Actually 100% Normal

Being in a long-term relationship is, admittedly, awesome. That said, it also involves a lot of compromise, communication, and vulnerability. And, in most cases, it involves some decidedly unromantic behavior.
Continue reading 6 Common Problems That Feel Like ‘Relationship Killers’ But Are Actually 100% Normal

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