I Am Slowly Learning What It Means To Be Okay

I am slowly learning what it means to be okay.

It seemed to be an unfading happiness, a joy that tears could never squelch. An inextinguishable self-love. An indubitably fulfilling life.

“Okay” was a panacea, a remedy for every conceivable personal ill. A life devoid of problems, mental roadblocks, and perpetual sadness. It was health. It was love. It was perfection. It was a journey; extraordinarily simplistic at first appearance, but nearly impossible to reach.

The seemingly perfect “okay” I sought was nothing but a fantasy, an ideal conceptualization awash in a haze of temptingly alluring lies. I am slowly discovering that being okay is an art form, a balancing act, a dance, a marriage of joy and melancholy.

It’s no longer feeling numb in the wake of life’s problems, but never being fully able to reach the glowing warmth of true happiness. It’s an ember that gradually warms the heart but gradually flickers out as the sadness returns to envelop your mind.

It’s refusing to hate your body and your mind, but not fully loving yourself. It’s looking in the mirror, acknowledging your appearance and walking away as you valiantly fight off the negative thoughts that are bound to invade your mind and refuse to let go.

It’s wondering if you should leave your job, but convincing yourself to stay. It’s resolving to make the most of your circumstances instead of seeking a new path. It’s accepting your decision not to move forward without true happiness, but without regret.

It’s resigning yourself to a life of “almost relationships.” It’s constantly bouncing between “single” and “it’s complicated” without constantly thinking about finding “the one.” It’s seeing an influx of engagements and marriages, but no longer wondering when your will find your forever person.

It’s acknowledging that your life proceeds on its own timeline. It’s no longer wishing that you were somewhere else in life, even though you don’t love where you currently stand. It’s attempting not to compare yourself to others, even if you don’t always succeed.
It’s complacency. It’s resignation. It’s acceptance.

It’s feeling caught in a hazy limbo between who you are and who you could become, not seeking out change, but no longer feeling completely numb as you ponder your life choices. It’s feeling joy and sadness in tandem as you reflect on your life. It’s experiencing the contentment that arrives after tremendous pain, the simple sparks of emotion that remind you that you are sentient.

Being okay is embracing the monotony inherent in living. Being okay is knowing that no matter where you are or how you feel, you are enough.

For The Strong Girl Who’s Not Used To Needing Reassurance

Yes Girl You Are Strong

I know you’re not used to being in this position. 

You’re not the girl who asks for help. You’re the girl who helps everybody else. You’re the one who always has a plan and is quick on her feet when things change. You’re the one who provides reassurance for others, but now you find that you need that comfort.

And, it’s okay. Because you were carrying around these expectations of yourself and what it means to be strong. You were viewing strong as unbreakable, as impenetrable. But, darling that’s not all there is to being strong. 

I know that you feel like you’re coming apart at the seams, but please know that even when you feel like you’re breaking, you are not broken. You are never broken. You’re only human. 


And, you may be losing hope, but you’re not hopeless.

Because I know you pride yourself on being the girl who always has it together and doesn’t need anything from anyone. Yes, you are a strong girl. But, guess what? Needing help is making you even stronger. It’s making you aware that this life is messy and things don’t go as planned. It’s making you realize that sometimes you need back-up, and knowing when to recruit others to come to your aid is a huge indicator of a strong woman.

If You Ever Think Your Mental Illness Defines You, Read This

Mental Illness- By Definition

“Having depression means you don’t care at all, having anxiety means you care too much, and having both is like living in hell”

This is a quote that I have heard numerous times. Just because I have a mental illness does not mean I am that illness.

I am not my depression, and I am not my anxiety. I am not all the horrible words that people tell me I am. I’m beautiful, I’m strong, and most importantly, I’m independent. I’ve seen some things that I will never recover from, but that I have bounced back from.


Having breakdowns doesn’t mean I’m weak,

it simply means I’ve been strong for far too long. Breakdowns are bound to happen to everyone, it’s just how it works in life.

Dealing With Hair Loss ? What you can do about it

Hair loss, also called alopecia, is the thinning or complete loss of hair from the scalp or body. It can be temporary or permanent, and affect people of all ages and genders.

Here’s a breakdown of hair loss:

What is hair growth like normally?

Hair goes through a natural growth cycle with three phases:

  • Anagen (growth phase): This is the active growing phase, lasting 2-7 years for scalp hair. During this time, the hair follicle produces a new hair strand.
  • Catagen (transition phase): This short phase (2-4 weeks) signals the end of the growth cycle. The hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the blood supply.
  • Telogen (resting phase): Lasting around 3 months, the hair is no longer growing and eventually falls out naturally. A new hair then begins to grow in the follicle, restarting the cycle.

What happens in hair loss?

Hair loss occurs when the growth cycle is disrupted, causing more hair to fall out than is replaced by new growth. This can be due to various factors:

1. Genetics: Androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, is the most common cause of hair loss. It’s hereditary and related to hormones like testosterone.

2. Medical conditions: Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medical conditions like thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata, or treatments like chemotherapy.

3. Stress: Severe physical or emotional stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to temporary hair loss.

4. Hormonal changes: Hair loss can occur during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or due to hormonal imbalances.

5. Medication: Certain medications may cause hair loss as a side effect.

6. Scalp conditions: Fungal infections like ringworm or inflammatory scalp conditions like psoriasis can cause hair loss in affected areas.

7. Hairstyles and haircare: Tight hairstyles that pull on the hair (cornrows, tight ponytails) or harsh hair treatments (bleaching, perming) can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss.

8. Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies in iron, protein, biotin, or zinc can contribute to hair loss.

So, what happens during hair loss?

Depending on the cause, the hair growth cycle can be disrupted in various ways. For example, the anagen phase might shorten, leading to shorter hair growth. Alternatively, the hair follicles might enter the telogen phase prematurely,causing more hair to fall out.

It’s important to note that hair loss isn’t always a cause for concern. Losing 50-100 hairs a day is normal due to the natural shedding process. However, if you’re experiencing excessive hair loss or have sudden bald patches, it’s best to consult a doctor to identify the cause and explore treatment options.

Scheduling a free consultation is the best way to learn what can be done for your hair loss. We will be glad to answer any questions over the phone. Also, if you email your hair loss pictures to dermhair5@gmail.com we will be glad to discuss a possible plan. We are glad to accomodate patients who can not come in, but we do feel that the one on one private consultation is the best way to assess hair loss. Please schedule a free consultation by calling 310-829-4291. hair transplant los angeles

10 Awesomely Unique Ways to Work Out

Tired of doing the same weight-lifting or cardio workout day after day? When it comes to losing weight and getting in shape, your worst enemy is boredom! Working out is already hard enough, but it becomes twice as difficult if you have ZERO motivation to get through that workout.


Instead of forcing yourself to slog through the routine you always do, it’s time to mix things up! Get out of the gym and check out these EPIC ways to get in a wicked workout:


Sprint Training — 20 minutes of exercise to burn the same number of calories as you would in 45 to 60 minutes of jogging? Yes, please! Sprint training is a High Intensity Interval Training workout involving 30 to 60 seconds of sprinting interspersed with 30 to 90 seconds of rest. The more you sprint, the more calories you burn–up to 400 calories in just 20 minutes!

Rock Climbing –– If you’ve never tackled a challenging rock face, you haven’t lived! Not only is it absolutely exhilarating once you reach the top of the cliff, but it’s a grueling workout just to make the climb. Every muscle in your body will be quivering from supporting your body weight, and you can burn up to 900 calories in a single hour!

LARPing –– Live Action Role Playing isn’t just for geeks and nerds anymore! You can dress up in a suit of homemade armor and challenge your fellow man to a duel. The running, fighting, falling, and acting will be a goofy, hella-fun way to burn calories! (See the movie Role Models for an example of LARPing…)

Dancing –– And by “dancing” I don’t mean the Zumba or hip hop workouts you see in every gym, I mean Tango, Flamenco, Salsa, Bachata, break-dancing, or anything new and fresh. Not just a great cardio workout, but a whole lot of fun as well.

Martial Arts/MMA –– Nothing beats kicking ass and getting a solid workout in at the same time! You may only burn about 500 calories per hour in training, but once you hit the sparring ring and take on an opponent, your calorie-burning increases to as much as 800 to 1000 calories per hour. Add in improved dexterity, enhanced breath control, and an understanding of self-defense, and you have one killer workout!

Hiking –– Instead of sticking with walking or jogging in circles around your park, why not take to the forests and hills around your city? Hike to the top of a nearby mountain, or visit a lake a few hours’ hike from your home. The walk will do you good, and you’ll enjoy some time with family and friends away from the city.

Parkour –– Want to be one bad-ass man or woman? Take a crack at Parkour, the French art of running, climbing, and jumping. It’s an amazing workout that pushes both your cardio and muscular endurance, and you’ll find it’s a whole lot of fun as well!

Commute by Bike –– Instead of trying so hard to fit a gym trip into your day, why not simply cycle to work and back? You can read speeds of about 15 MPH pretty easily, and you’ll find it’s a great way to get in a workout (morning and afternoon) without having to fit any extra gym time into the schedule.

Pole Fitness –– Even men can try this class, though it’s usually aimed at women. Combining sexy pole dance movements with exercise and awesome music makes for an epic workout, and you’ll find that it leaves you tired and sore like any gym training session!

Golfing –– No, not the kind where you casually stroll across the greens and hit the occasional ball. We’re talking the driving range, where you hit those golf balls with all the power you’ve got. Not only will you work on your form, but you can have a whole lot of fun driving those balls and getting in a decent cardio and core workout!


How Your Pet Can Help You Get More Exercise

Pets Are Good For Your Health

Pets make wonderful companions. And the create compassion in us humans, as we realize their sweet vulnerabilities. We care for them and we love them as family.

Pets Give Back

But did you know? Pets can also help to boost morale, reduce depression, and be a source of physical comfort. But pets are SO much more than just epic friends; they’re also great workout buddies!

Pets Keep You Fit

In addition to emotional support, pets keep you moving!

No, it’s not crazy to think that pets can help you get more exercise. Here are a few ways it’s possible:

Walking Your Dog Who Walks You

Walking — Studies have shown that dog owners walk nearly twice as much every week as people without pets. That’s a lot of calories burned just because you had to take Fido out of the house! The more you walk, the less time you spend on your couch and the faster your metabolism burns those calories you ate!

Take Your Dog For A Run

Running/Jogging — When you set your own running or jogging pace, you burn a steady number of calories. But if you have to run to keep up with your dog when it races ahead, you’ll burn a lot more! Training with your pet can be a great replacement for an expensive gym membership-it will help you save some money while keeping you in great shape!

Biking With Your Dog

Cycling — Most dogs will love to run alongside you as you cycle, and you can help your dog get its ya-ya’s out by taking it for a bike ride!

Take A Hike With Your Pooch

Hiking — Dogs aren’t just great when you go walking, but they can make hiking a whole lot more fun. Plus, they can carry supplies (food and water), and they’ll even come in handy in case of an emergency!



Throw Those Skate On 

Rollerblading — Rollerblading around town is a great way to commute, but it’s also a wonderful cardio workout! Taking your pet with you can actually make getting around easier. After all, the dog can pull you when you’re feeling tired.

The Non Workout

Even if you don’t work out with your pet, the truth is that you are naturally going to get more exercise just because you own a dog (cats are more sedentary). The dog is going to be eternally begging to get out of the house, to go on a walk, and to play. Pet owners that want to have happy pets will make an effort to play with their pets or take them out, and that gets your butt off the couch.

A study conducted in Australia discovered that pet owners did up to 77% more exercise than people who didn’t own pets. That’s A LOT of exercise that you would never have done had you not had an animal begging for you to take them out of the house.

Your pet isn’t just going to be the thing getting you off your butt, but they make great exercise companions. They will walk and run alongside you, serving as a silent workout partner that will help to keep you accountable for getting in a proper workout. Plus, they are great for social support, and they may even help you to make new friends and meet new people!

Consider how you can do more exercise along with your pet. Maybe there are dog parks in your area that you can visit (check out this Dog Park Finder app…), or you can hit the trails around your city. Find places where you can take your dog for a walk, and you’ll be forcing yourself to burn more calories while keeping your pet happy!

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