4 Essential Rules for Having Sex on the Beach

First off, getting creative like this is a huge bonus in your life with your partner. If you and your partner are this fun and wild, then your relationship is great, and keeping the sex and adventure is in full force.

Sex is fun, but when you spice it up and add new locations into the already adventurous cycle, it is going to be mind-blowing. There is some careful planning that needs to be worked out. You need to make sure you are carrying all the essentials! When it is “go time”, you and your partner can get freaky, and have sex – but also keep from getting caught.

1. Different Types of Beaches

When you get to the desired location, the first thing you and your loved one should do is scout out the location. Beaches are all different. Some of the beaches are going to be a bit rockier, and some might even have a nearby cliff. I used to live on a beach that was sandy, but it also had cliffs nearby that were close enough that if an ambitious couple wanted to have sex, all they had to do was go around the rocks.

Of course, those with binoculars from the condos above the cliff could get the view of a lifetime, but anyone else would not be able to see a thing. From time to time you would see couples come from that area, but no one would flat out ask them if they were having sex over there. Check the little areas that seem slightly private, and you should also check out where most of the people tend to hang out. You can check into beach tents.

You might find a beach tent that is available for rent. The larger beaches always have beach equipment that can be rented by the day or hour.

2. The Time of Day

Obviously, if you and your partner are thinking of a nighttime fuck-a-thon on the beach, then that is almost a no-brainer, but you still should watch for a few things.

This may sound silly, but paying attention to high/low tide is highly recommended. That can not only ruin the mood, but all the items you may have brought to the beach will wash away, not to mention sand in places that sand should never be found.

Once you figure out what time of the day you plan on having your sexy sand date. Planning what to bring is going to be a very important next step.

3. Sand Sex Attire

The fun part of planning this is, really there isn’t a great deal that is going into this process. The most important part of fucking in the sand is making sure sand does NOT go into your partner’s vagina. That will instantly ruin the trip. You should bring a good-sized towel or blanket.

All of the intercourse needs to be on the towel or blanket, otherwise, just think of a very uncomfortable time that might need medical attention if an infection occurs.

As sexy and hot as it sounds with waves and sand all over your partner’s body like the movies portray sex in the sand, the reality is sand will totally fuck up your sexy time. An easy outfit for your woman in the sand for sexy time is a long sun dress. She will be able to wear no panties. All you have to do is hold the dress up.

4. Sexy Sand Positions

Since sand in the vagina is the major no-no you should think of some new positions or ways to please each other. A blow job is the easiest way to have sex on the beach. All that is involved is dropping to knees and sucking. If a male is hoping for some oral fun, then there is a super-naughty way to have fun.

Bend your woman over, give her a tug on her hair, and begin licking from behind. This is very exciting and a turn-on, because you can get a great view of the hole you plan on sticking. You can lick her into bliss, then slip your cock in her vagina or ass. If you are going for a missionary style of sex, then you might consider rolling her ass up off the blanket, because you want to avoid any little bit of sand if possible.

The goal is to keep the vagina away from the sand!

Always watch for people that might be roaming the beach. Most of the time people keep to themselves, but you should always be scanning the area.

Night-time sex on the beach is going to be the easiest, but try to watch out for noise. If your partner is a screamer, you might have to shove something into her mouth to keep her quiet as she is having an orgasm. If the first time doesn’t work, try again. Hot beach sex is a super fantasy and should be tried at least once if possible.

8 Tips to Keep the Quarantine from Ruining your Marriage

How is your marriage holding up against the COVID-19 pandemic?


In March, things were happening fast. There were lockdowns, closures, and new cases every day.


But you were okay because you knew that you were going to go through the quarantine phase.


At first, you probably liked having your spouse at home! Sure, that financial stress loomed in the air, but you got to spend fourteen uninterrupted days with your sweetheart, cuddling and obsessing over Tiger King.


But soon, March turned into the longest month in the world. Then April came around, and we were all in shock that life was still so different. 


Suddenly, those cute morning cuddles with your partner turned into laying in bed, playing on your phones, and not showering for days on end.


Now that May has rolled around, and we’re all still home together with no signs of escape, it can be difficult not to take our stress out on our partner.


So how can a marriage survive in quarantine? Keep reading for eight tips on how to strengthen your relationship while under lockdown.


1. Allow yourself to grieve

Did you and your spouse have big plans for 2020?


Maybe you wanted to start a family, travel to a bunch of new places, or had tickets or plans for some great events.


You may feel like it’s a “first world problem” to be upset over such things, but just know that it’s okay to grieve the experiences that you’ve lost with your partner.


If you don’t take the time to grieve these losses, you may start to bottle up your emotions. This is bad because it could cause you to take your resentment for current world conditions out on your partner.


2. Stick to your daily routine

What was your routine like before all of this madness started?

It may have looked a little something like this:

·       Wake up

·       Work out

·       Shower

·       Eat breakfast

·       Go to work

·       Have lunch

·       Work

·       Come home and eat dinner

·       Spend time with your spouse

·       Go to bed


This structure helped you stay balanced then – and it still can!


Perhaps you have the ability to work from home during quarantine? 


If so, get up and go about your business as usual, then find a quiet space away from your spouse to work.


If you aren’t working, find something else to occupy you during your regular work hours, such as writing or working on some other project.


Modify your routine to suit the current situation. This will help you feel organized and bring some semblance of ‘normal’ back into your life.


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