13 Signs That Prove You Have A Unicorn Boyfriend

They exist! They really do exist, I PROMISE! How do I know, you ask? You see that’s because I have one! I truly never believed they existed either that was until I met him, my unicorn boyfriend. I have told him time and time again, that he can’t possibly be real. to which he has replied with (oh! Let’s use this morning’s reply!) “Well you hit me in your sleep last night with and that pain was real” Oops!… Sorry, babe!

Here are 13 signs that prove that you truly have a unicorn boyfriend!

  1. He listens to you and takes your feelings into consideration
  2. He knows that when you say you’re “fine” that you are not in fact fine, and tries to actually figure out what is wrong, and tries to find a solution to the problem
  3. Your man knows how to treat a lady and spoils you – cute bag at KateSpade? He won’t let you pay for it
  4. You don’t have to question or worry about what he is doing when you are not with him because he doesn’t give you anything to question or worry about!
  5. Date nights are important and he likes to keep you on your toes with surprise date nights!
  6. He has the patience of a saint! I don’t know about you ladies but my man is trying to teach me how to golf and DAMN! this man deserves an award for trying to teach me this sport!
  7. He knows how to handle the mood swings you throw at him and he takes it like a champ!
  8. CUDDLES! He loves to cuddle and you never have to ask for them!
  9. You two see eye to eye on what you want in the future. you know he wants marriage, kids a house… it’s the dream!
  10. He’s not just your boyfriend but he’s become literally your best friend! not just because you two are dating and “forced” to be best friends but like he is your best friend and knows everything about you.
  11. He knows the importance of girl time with your best friends and he truly gets along with your besties
  12. Your family LOVES him! nothing is better than getting the look of approval from your little sister who has literally hated every one of your boyfriends! ( You truly did something right with this one!)
  13. Totally underrated but if you are not with him when you wake up in the morning or go to bed at night, you always go to bed and wake up with a good morning and goodnight beautiful text message.

If you are lucky enough to have a boyfriend who does these 13 things consider yourself lucky and count your blessings! Men like this are very few and far in between! And you are the unicorn girlfriend he was searching for.

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Adventure Book Dating Tips for a Healthy Relationship

Are you in a healthy relationship? Building and maintaining a connection with your adorable partner is trickier than it seems.

Having such a connection means nurturing positive interactions while avoiding negative emotions, discussing your conflicts, respecting the boundaries, sparing daily time for communication, having fun, etc.

Individuals in unhealthy relationships are constantly controlled and humiliated, as well as disrespected and intimidated. No person deserves to feel dependent and controlled by his/her partner.

The adventure book tips below will help you build a good connection with the person you love.


Make deposits in the emotional bank account

The emotional bank account term was coined to describe the combination of negative and positive interactions in a relationship. Following a negative interaction, couples need twenty positive interactions to restore the emotional balance back to normal. Examples of negative interactions include having a fight, being ignored, feeling disappointed, etc. Find out how to keep negativity out of your marriage.

A healthy relationship means positive interactions always outnumber negative ones. Making deposits to the emotional bank account is done by creating positive interactions on a regular basis, like flirting, being a good listener, making a cup of coffee for your partner, celebrating small achievements, and other small gestures. If you don’t recall the last time you’ve deposited in your relationship account, it’s definitely time to make some changes. 


Always discuss your conflicts

Another dating tip for building a healthy relationship is to discuss your conflicts. After having a fight, many couples wish to move on by pretending the conflict ever happened. In such scenarios, both partners are relieved to be back on the same page without considering the potential buildup of negative emotions in the background. 

While such behavior is somewhat understandable, a healthy relationship means talking through the conflict and preventing destructive patterns from repeating in the future. The more you ignore your conflicts, the more resentful you are to become. Partners in a functional relationship learn lessons from past mistakes and discuss what to do differently when facing a future conflict. 

Additionally, by discussing conflicts, partners look for the source of the problem, whether it is superficial or serious. Couples striving to build a healthy relationship should be prepared to constantly work on their communication, as communication is key for growing and changing positively. Evolution is indispensable for every relationship, and couples should learn to embrace it. 


Create a conflict contract

Another helpful dating tip for building and maintaining a healthy relationship is having a conflict contract. These relationships are based on trust and have boundaries, which must be respected in order for nobody to get hurt. Nevertheless, when fear, anger, or jealousy run high, these boundaries can be crossed without considering the consequences. 

Therefore, couples are advised to safeguard the trust by creating a conflict contract, which both partners have to adhere to in times of disagreement. This contract involves certain boundaries that apply to communication when not seeing eye to eye. For example, these boundaries might include rules like no shouting, not bringing up other topics to the conversation, using no offensive words, etc. There are no right or wrong boundaries, as every couple knows what works for them. 

Nevertheless, it’s not surprising if a person ends up crossing these boundaries accidentally. In such moments, stopping the argument is crucial until both of you have calmed down. Healthy relationships are those where partners are aware that protecting their intimacy and connection is more valuable than being winners of the argument. 


Spare daily time to connect

In a healthy relationship, partners are expected to spare daily time to connect, not just during date nights. It doesn’t have to be the entire evening but as many as ten minutes a day to devote yourself to your partner and to leave the phone aside. Make sure you choose a special time during the day to eliminate all distractions and focus on your connection. 

Couples choose different times in the day based on their schedules. For instance, some partners make time early in the morning before going to work, while others make thetime right before hitting the sack. For others, the best time for connecting is dinner time. Everyday communication is crucial for feeling close and appreciated, especially if you know the other person has deliberately spared time for you. 


Have fun

Another secret weapon in building a healthy relationship is having fun, even though many individuals neglect this aspect. At the start of the journey, most couples seem to enjoy effortless fun by laughing at each other’s jokes and doing fun activities together. Anyhow, as partners become busier, they usually lack the energy and time they’ve had before. 

If playfulness is no longer present in your long-term relationship, try introducing some fun once again. Partners should search for datebooks online, which offer fun dating ideas. There are various sites, such as https://www.theadventurechallenge.com/, providing adventures for every relationship. Playfulness and laughter are always welcome, as these feelings remind couples of the time they fell in love. 

Additionally, there isn’t supposed to be any special reason for doing something fun. You can perhaps recreate some of your first dates or consult the datebook for advice. 


To sum up

No person should stop investing effort in romance

Always keep the spark alive by communicating daily, respecting your darling, listening to his/her problems, resolving conflicts, and promoting positive interactions!

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Wearing Your Boyfriend’s Clothes Boosts Mental Health, So Stealing His Hoodie Is Officially Self-Care

Boyfriend Jean… literally,

If you’re one of those girls who love the comfort of wearing your boyfriend’s oversized clothes, then you should know that there’s more to it than looking hella cute while enjoying the way your guy smells. A new study suggests that wearing your boyfriend’s clothes such as an oversized button-down shirt or college hoodie can be beneficial to your sanity, especially when your guy’s far away. Yes, turns out, your guy’s not just good for your heart but also your mental health, so stealing his hoodie is officially self-care.

The University of British Colombia conducted a study using 96 participating couples. The data was gathered as followed: Men were asked to wear new t-shirts for a period of 24 hours, under a set of guidelines that would prevent them from altering their scent. The t-shirts were then collected and frozen to preserve their scent and then given randomly to the women to smell. Not all women were able to smell their partner’s shirt which helped control biases.

Ready for the results…drum roll!


1. Your guy’s scent could make you zen.

Results gathered by the group of women who were given their boyfriend’s clothes to smell showed that having close access to your partner’s scent as in “wearing their clothes’ lowers the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the brain. In short, these women were less stressed.

“Our findings suggest that a partner’s scent alone, even without their physical presence, can be a powerful tool to help reduce stress.”  – UBC Department of Psychology


2. You can miss your guy and soothe your heart at the same time.

“Many people wear their partner’s shirt or sleep on their partner’s side of the bed when their partner is away, but may not realize why they engage in these behaviors,” said UBC department of psychology grad student and the study’s lead author, Marlise Hofer.

Well, now we know and we’re loving it!

According to the results in this study, if our loved one is not around, we can assume that the next best thing would be to cozy up in one of your boyfriend’s clothes until you get the real thing. Because, although it might not be the real thing, but it can definitely give you the comfort that you need until they’re back.

On the other hand, there are other interesting findings in the study…


3. Another guy’s scent could have the opposite of a stress-free effect.

Not that you’re looking to wear some other guy’s shirt but in case you’re wondering. Results gathered by the group of women who didn’t get to smell their partner’s shirts indicated an elevation in the stress hormone cortisol in their brain. Researchers believe that ‘fear of the unknown played a big role in making these group of women more stressed.

“From a young age, humans fear strangers, especially strange males, so it is possible that a strange male scent triggers the ‘fight or flight response that leads to elevated cortisol. This could happen without us being fully aware of it”


4. Girls have a new way to tell their guys how much they want them by their side.

Sounds corny but hey, you love your guy and now science’s on your side. Next time he rolls his eyes when he catches you grabbing his bottom-down shirt to wear around the house, let him know that his scent puts you in a good mood and also makes you less prone to give him shit about him going away for a few days.

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All The Ways That He Makes Me Feel Special

With Valentine’s Day looming, it got me thinking about all the ways he makes me feel special all year long. 

He tells me he loves me

I am so lucky to get endless messages telling me how proud he is of me. That he has made it safe to wherever he is going and that he loves me. He tells me that I work so hard, and that he is in awe of that. He talks about all the things I do and I see that he is proud. I have heard him talk about me when I’m not in the room and I can hear the love coming from his voice. 

His surprises

It’s not everyday but he shows me that he’s thinking of me in so many ways. He brings me lunch when he knows I have had a hard day and the last thing that I wanna do is make food. He sees little things like my refills for my Burt’s bee pop socket. He finds gifs that make me smile. He know how to make me slow down and bring me back to reality.  

Date Night

He is always down for a date night. He’s always down for my ideas for date night. Whether it’s a family date where we all go for a walk in the park, or we are having date night in he is down to go get our favorite dinner and snuggle up on the couch. He is even willing to get dressed and head out with me if that’s what I want. He still puts the effort in and that’s all that matters. It’s one of the many ways he shows me how much he cares. 

He’s willing to make my store runs for me

Having a busy girlfriend isn’t easy. It means that there are times that I have to relay on him to make my store runs for me. Whether I’m at work and he has to make a Target run for tampons or I need him to hit the grocery store because I just cannot go back out again and we need chicken he’s right there. 

Snuggle time

Snuggling with no strings. Which usually leads to me falling asleep. Let’s be real sometimes we just need to cuddle and feel safe. I have to say my man is amazing in this department. He usually knows that I need him, and he is happy to oblige. He turns a movie on and wraps his arms around me and before you know it I’m asleep. I usually wake up to him smiling down at me. It’s the best feeling in the world. 

None of these things are earth shattering. None of these things are life changing, except that they are. These are the things he does mostly on a daily basis to show me that he loves me. Maybe that is why I don’t need a holiday to celebrate our love! 

Happy Valentine’s Day C, I love you. But don’t get me anything! Let’s celebrate our love everyday instead! 

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To My Boyfriend, Who Made Me a Better Me

My Boyfriend

Ever since I found you my life has been better, you’ve made me into the person I am today and I couldn’t be more grateful.


I’ve loved you ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the person for me. I’ve tried to love before and it just didn’t turn out the way I wanted, until I found you.


I didn’t know if we were going to make it when we first started dating, just the way you were, but you proved me wrong, don’t get me wrong we’ve definitely had our differences but we’ve overcome


Someone, Please Tell Me, How the Hell Do I Know If I’m Actually in Love

Apparently, you just know.

I say apparently because there’s been dozens of times when I thought I knew. And I was convinced, actually, that I had found it. I had ridden the roller coaster up, only to come crashing down within a few short months.


Apparently, it’s a feeling that you can’t describe.

Some claim that it’s the greatest feeling one could ever experience, while others swear against it. Saying it only causes more harm than good. How could something so wonderful be so hurtful?


Apparently, it’s different than any relationship you have ever shared before.

Differentiating between infatuation, and lust is the struggle of our generation. Was it a one-night stand or will this develop into a friends with benefits type of thing? Will I be able to escape the friend zone, or is he just being nice?


So honestly, I’m waiting for someone, for anyone to let me know how the hell do I know when I’m actually in love?

Through all the confusion, you can’t help but wonder, am I ever going to feel it? Does it even exist, or are all these people who are “in love” just forcing some emotion that isn’t really there? You can say I’ve read one too many Nicholas Sparks books along the years. That maybe this is my foolish, naïve, inner-female speaking. Call it what you want, but I believe (and I’m sure I’m not alone) believe love exists. I believe that love is the most magical experience a person could have.


11 Rituals We All Have With Our Bestie

You and your bestie are attached by the hip. You know each other well and know you’re truly best friends because you guys have your own set of rituals that you strictly abide by.

1. Pregaming and getting ready to go out.

Possibly the only thing more fun than going out with your BFF is getting ready with her. Let’s just say, lots of wine and lots of liquor is involved… Not to mention, piles of clothes on the bed, makeup all over the bathroom sink, and perfume bottles spraying through the air. You guys won’t go out until all outfits are okay-ed. And then the fun begins.

2. Being each other’s wing-woman when you go out to the bar.

There’s nothing like going out for a crazy night with your BFF and knowing that you have each other’s backs when it comes to the cuties. She steps in at the perfect moment to save you from the creeps and always encourages you to go for it when you want to.

3. Pretending to be different people when you meet strangers on your night out.

You and your BFF can play along with any lie to total strangers when you’re out. You’ll put on fake names and fake accents and tell them fake stories just for the hell of it. And you never have to worry about one of you not playing along because you both know when it’s happening.

4. The hangover texts the morning after.

Hangovers suck. The only thing that makes them better though is the knowledge that your BFF is on the same page as you. It’s an endless array of hungover AF looking selfies, and you guys saying “I’m never drinking again.” (Right.) Plus, if you guys don’t text about your hangovers the day after a night out, are you even really friends?

5. The pep talk before a first date.

You’re going on a first date and you couldn’t possibly be more nervous. So who else to call but your BFF when you’re busy hyperventilating in your room? She’s the only one who can tell you to STFU about your nerves, make you feel beautiful, and get you excited to meet up with your date.

6. The outfit run-through.

Before any big event or date, you and your BFF text each other a million photos of possible outfit choices. She’s the only opinion you trust how good you look. She’s the only one who’ll be honest enough to tell you if something isn’t working.

7. The birthday ragers.

No one gets more excited about your birthday than your BFF. She’s there waking you up with breakfast in your room, showering you with cuddles and presents. And she helps you get ready for your party before anyone else is there and goes harder than all your guests.

8. The crying to each other when you’re heartbroken.

Sh*t hits the fan and things fall apart with a guy. Your BFF is to the rescue. She’s the one who lets you ugly-cry for hours, go on and on about all the things that happened, and let you eat your body weight in ice cream.

9. The getaway trip.

Sometimes you and your BFF have had it and just need to say goodbye and f*ck you to everyone. So you get in the car and get the hell out of town because that’s the only solution. Just you, your BFF, and a highway leading to wherever you so, please.

10. The reality check.

Your BFF is the only one who can be honest enough with you to call you out on your sh*t. You appreciate her bluntness because she’s just trying to look out for you and has your best interests at heart. If she’s telling you you’re messing up, you must really be messing up.

11. And of course, the heart to heart.

Every now and then, in any healthy BFF-ship, you guys will go on about how much you love each other. She’s your soulmate for life, the only one who gets you and you can’t go on for too long without letting her know that.

This Is How She Wants To Be Loved, But Will Never Ask For

She wants to be loved in uncertainty. When it’s not easy. When you’re fighting and your eyes are reddened from emotion and frustration as you storm out the door. She wants to be loved in those moments of doubt when she’s driving you crazy. She wants to fall asleep, and wake up knowing that her heart is safe. She wants you to realize that she fights with you because she loves you because she is cut like a gem with many facets, she is a woman who won’t always be simple. 

She wants to be loved through your actions. Not by saying ‘I love you.’ 

She wants to be loved when you’re not with her, especially then. When you’re at a bar and she’s far away, and another girl approaches you, this is when she wants you to love her. Because that’s the real love that’s dying the romance of having patience, loyalty when things aren’t working at that moment, the romance of not having one eye wandering at the so-called ‘options,’ because you know that it’s all bullshit – that this ambiguous ‘more’ doesn’t even exist.

She doesn’t care about the grand gestures of love – she doesn’t need you to light a hundred candles, a five-star dinner or a romantic trip to Paris. Those things are nice, but this is not how you love her.

You love her by not breaking her trust, you love her by not seeking comfort or validation in the flirtation with another.

When she’s far away, when there’s doubt, this is when she wants you to love her the most.

She doesn’t want you to always agree with her. She wants you to understand her, but she wants to be challenged, pushed – to be better, to live better, to grow. She wants you to care so much that you won’t ever let her slack on her talents or not get everything she deserves.

She wants you to love her demons, the parts of her that can’t seem to love.

She wants you to see her at her worst, frustrating the shit out of you, and then think, ‘this is the only problem I want to have.’ She wants you to cup her face when she’s bare-faced, consumed with insecurity, palms sweating, scared to death to let you in, and look at her with such intimacy that it makes her believe in lasting relationships again. This is how she wants to be loved. 

Even if she’s a million miles away, she wants you to still feel her touch, her lips on your skin, seeing her gaze, looking right through you, touching those vulnerable parts of you that you hate. This is how she wants to be loved, and if you can’t love her like that, if you can’t love her when she’s not there with as much certainty as you do when she’s next to you, she doesn’t want your love.

She wants to feel like dating her is not the end of your freedom, but the beginning of it.

She doesn’t want to feel like the person you’re settling with, but the person you’re taking off with – planning every adventure with, shutting down the club with, every crazy dream you plan for the future, she wants you to see her in it. 

She wants to be the first person you rant excitedly to when your dreams come true, she wants you to see her next to you. And if you don’t see her there, she doesn’t want your love. Because this is how she wants to be loved, she wants to inspire you to get every single thing from this life that you want. 

She doesn’t want your money. She doesn’t want the lavish gifts. She doesn’t want to hang out, ‘Netflix and Chill.’ Not all the time. She wants to play, she wants you to dive into life with her, but not because she’s right there, because it’s comfortable, easy, but because everything is brighter and better next to her than you ever thought it could be. 

She wants to be the girl you fantasize about. The girl who makes your whole body excited with electricity.

She wants you to make love to her with such intimacy and passion that it makes her body tremble as chills run up her spine. When you look at her, she doesn’t just want you to see the woman that you want to grow old with, have kids with. She wants to be the reason you feel alive, the reason you love life. 

This is how she wants to be loved, but will never ask for. And if you can’t love her like this, she doesn’t want your love at all.

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10 Signs You’re Dating The Man You’re Supposed To Marry, Not Just Date

When we’re out in the dating scene, we tend to say a lot of goodbyes to guys we thought we’d have a happily ever after with. But every once in a while, we meet someone we don’t have to say goodbye to.

1. He’s not hesitant about making plans.

A guy you date will hit you up once or twice and then never call you again. (Though he will text you saying “sup”? five months later thinking you’ll actually respond.)

But the man you marry isn’t that guy. The man you marry is firm with his intentions to see you tomorrow because he wants to turn that tomorrow into the rest of his life.

2. He immediately makes new plans if he can’t make it.

A guy you date has no problem canceling on you last minute. It’s not really a big deal for him. But the man you marry? No, he wouldn’t dare dream of it.

When he cancels, it’s ahead of time, with good reason. And if it ever comes down to that, he makes sure to make new plans, which you can bet your a** he’ll make it to.

3. He doesn’t have other women on dial.

A guy you just date has a hearty supply of other girls on his phone. The second you’re out of the picture, he’s always got his stash to fall back on. The man you marry, though, will put the rest aside for you. He’s putting all his eggs in one basket and knows it.

4. He means it when he holds the door open for you.

A guy you date will act chivalrous with the hope that he gets the gold at the end of the rainbow A.K.A. you in bed. But the guy you grow old with will continue to open doors for you, even when he’s holding a walking stick.

5. He’s not hot and cold.

The man you marry is like hot cocoa on a winter’s day – warm, delicious, and most of all, consistent. He’s a balance, not a blizzard.

6. He makes you want to live forever.

We all get down sometimes and fall into moments of darkness where we feel stuck. But the man you marry will pull you out of trenches and break the monotony of it all. He’ll reinvigorate you with the lust for life you knew you always had. And a guy you just date won’t do that.

7. He won’t get off until you get off.

Some guys think that good sex is equivalent to “lie down & c*m fast.”? But the guy you marry will make it a point to put you first in all aspects of the life, which includes the one in the bedroom.

8. He embraces commitment.

A guy you just date might be sweet and all, but when it comes down to bigger commitments, he’s suddenly squeamish. The guy you marry, though? No, the word girlfriend doesn’t scare him. Because what’s the word girlfriend when he’s got bigger things on his mind, like wifey?

9. He’s the good kinda crazy.

A man you date will show sides of his crazy that are destructive to your relationship. Or he’ll run away because he has “issues”? before he even makes the relationship official, which really means he’s batsh*t.

But the man you marry will be the right kinda crazy that complements your crazy. Your levels of weird are soulmates, just as much as you guys are.

10. He wants the same things you want.

Not all guys we date are assholes. Sometimes things just can’t progress because the two of you have different outlooks on life or you want different things.

Whether it’s kids, where you want to live, or how you want to live, the man you marry will want the same as you so that you can start building the lives you’ve both dreamed of.

For more of Defne’s writing, follow her on Facebook.

To The Girl Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

I know you’re disappointed. Again. Maybe this one was using you to cheat on a girlfriend, maybe he only wanted one thing. None the less, it’s one more washed up a failed attempt at finding the right guy.

I know that feeling when you see cute posts from couples or hear song lyrics you wish you related to more. I know you’ve been through the emotional ringer, and you finally feel ready for the real deal.

No more games, no more fumbling when things go wrong. You’re confident, smart, beautiful, and you’re ready for someone else who sees those things in you.

I know you’re looking for it. Every time you get into a cute conversation or you have a new date you wonder if this one is the right one.

You’ll overlook red flags and mistakes because you want so badly to hold on to what’s right in front of you. After all, if everyone else can make it work, why can’t you?

Yet, somewhere deep down you know you deserve better. You know you’ll find the love you’re looking for. You just don’t want to wait.

Please, please, stop looking.

Stop sending the text first, stop being so available. Focus on your life and yourself.

Don’t keep putting other people before yourself, don’t give people the ability to keep using you. Be patient. Let love find you, and in the meantime fall in love with yourself.

Turn yourself into the woman of your dreams, because she’s who will attract the man of your dreams.

I know it’s not easy; it’s tempting to fall back into old habits.

Do not give in.

Do not settle.

Do not overlook mistakes and red flags.

Do not short yourself into letting someone make you feel guilty or make you feel as though you need to stay or you won’t find better. Don’t lower your standards.  The right guy will raise himself to meet them.

The best love isn’t looking for. It’s unexpected and natural. He’ll be there one day, I promise. Just be patient, and take your time.

Enjoy the views life gives you and live to the fullest. You deserve the world, and you should accept nothing less.

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