Summertime comes with sunshine, ice cream, short dresses, and getaways. You could do many amazing things for fun and relaxation during the blissful days of summer. But, whether you’re raring to sit by the poolside lazily, take a walk on the beach, or go out hiking, summer fun can quickly turn tragic if you’re unprepared.
First aid can quickly treat common summertime injuries, including sports wounds, heat-related illnesses, bicycle injuries, playground injuries, and the like. However, the secret is to have some knowledge of first aid.
To help you with this, here are some things you need to know about summertime first aid:
1. Have A First Aid Kit Handy
A first aid kit is essential for the first response to any unexpected situation or injury. You, therefore, have to ensure that you always have one in case of an emergency. Having multiple kits could help ensure that there’s always one handy when needed. Ideally, you should have one first aid kit at home and another in your car. If you’re going outdoors for activities like hiking or cycling, be sure to go out with a portable first aid kit.
Having a first aid kit is one thing, but having the right one is another. Ready-made first aid kits are typically available in drugstores and supermarkets. Otherwise, you could make your own kit at home if you like.
First aid kits typically contain:
- painkillers
- antiseptic wipes
- antibiotics
- antihistamines
- band-aids
- adhesive tape
- eye solution
- gloves
- gauze
- thermometer
- scissors
Always ensure that your first aid kit contains everything your family might need. For example, if you have a family member who suffers from allergies or particular medical conditions, your first aid kit must contain their medication. If your group will be out hiking or, basically, any activity, it’d be wise to have some sugar tong splints in your first aid kit, which can be especially helpful if someone injures their forearm or wrist. For the uninitiated, sugar tong splints can be single or double.
2. First Aid For Heat Injuries
Because summertime can expose you to some extreme heat, you and your loved ones are prone to some heat-related injuries. Exposure to too much sun may lead to emergencies, such as heat exhaustion, dehydration, heatstroke, and heat cramps. Some common symptoms of these conditions include fainting, dizziness, muscle cramps and tightening, nausea, headaches, and fatigue. If these symptoms aren’t quickly treated, they could quickly escalate into more severe conditions.
If you suspect your loved one is experiencing some heat injuries, get them to a cool place as quickly as possible and find ways to cool their body. You could use some water spray or place a wet cloth over their body to help reduce their body temperature. Next, you could try to rehydrate them by getting them to take electrolytes-replenishing beverages.
If you feel that the symptoms are persisting, then it’s time to call 911. Otherwise, they say prevention is better than cure. So, whenever you’re outside in the summer heat, try to protect yourself from too much exposure to heat. You can do so by taking plenty of water, applying sunscreen, and wearing protective gear, such as hats and sunglasses. If possible, they say you should try and avoid doing some outdoor activities during heat peak hours.
3. First Aid For Snake And Insect Bites
In some areas, summer often brings out poisonous creatures, such as snakes, spiders, and insects. If you’re not familiar with these, it’s advised to consider all of them poisonous. If you or a loved one was bitten, look out for the following symptoms and safety tips:
- Insect bites – If the bite comes with severe pain, muscle cramps, fever, and headache, vomiting, and breathing problems, then you need to call 911. While you wait for emergency services to arrive, clean the bite area with soap and water, and apply a cold compress on it.
- Snake bites – First, you should secure the area and ensure that the snake will not strike again. If you can, back away slowly and avoid going near it. Keep calm and, if possible, clean the bite area with some running water and soap. If the bite leads to pain, swelling, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and confusion, quickly call 911.
4. Performing Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
It’s possible that during some summer activities, someone could experience cardiac arrest. This is when the heart immediately stops pumping blood. When the heart stops pumping, the lungs are said to stop supplying oxygen to your body. Consequently, the brain is believed to be starved of oxygen, which causes one to stop breathing and fall unconscious.
When someone falls into cardiac arrest, immediate help could spell the difference between life and death. One of the proven ways to quickly help someone who’s suffering from cardiac arrest is through CPR.
When administering CPR, it’s advised that the first thing to do is to stay calm and assess the situation. You have to be sure that the patient needs it before you begin. When someone needs CPR, they typically face difficulty breathing and are usually unresponsive.
The steps to performing CPR are as follows:
- Call 911 or ask someone else to do it.
- Lay the person on their back.
- Open their airways.
- Check if they’re breathing.
- If not, put the heel of your hand on their chest and your other hand on top of it.
- Perform about 30 chest compressions.
- Do two rescue breaths.
- Repeat the cycle until professional help arrives.
5. First Aid For Drowning
Summer temperatures are often perfect for a dip in the swimming pool. But unfortunately, this comes at a high risk of drowning for both children and adults. Drowning could quickly turn tragic with poor safety precautions and a lack of first aid response.
Apart from taking preventive measures, such as safety-proofing your swimming pool, you must be prepared for drowning incidents. If one of your loved ones accidentally drowned, here are the first aid steps to follow:
- Call 911 and ask for help.
- If the person is conscious, roll them to ensure that they don’t choke when water regurgitates.
If the victim is unconscious:
- Call for an ambulance.
- Perform CPR compressions.
- Tilt their head back.
- Lift their chin.
- Open their mouth.
- Pinch their nose.
- Administer two resuscitation breaths.
- Wait for their chest to rise and fall.
- Repeat the procedure until medical help arrives or until they’ve regained consciousness.
Summertime accidents are quite uncommon, but what can spell the difference between serious and minor injuries is preparation. Anyone can be a victim of an accident that requires first aid, so stay prepared to help. The results of your first aid efforts may not always be in your control, but giving someone a fighting chance is worth the effort.