What To Expect When You Bring Your SO Home For The Holidays

The holidays are meant for family. You eat too much, give and receive gifts, and you enjoy being in the company of those you love- including your boyfriend.

When you first tell your family that he is coming home with you everyone is more excited as ever to meet him, but here are a few things that happen we he does come home with you.

1. Your parents feel awkward about the two of you sharing a room. 

While you have been away from home you have gotten used to having sleepovers at your boyfriend’s, but your parents are just not ready to acknowledge that fact.

After an awkward conversation, they allow it, as long as there is no “funny business”… whatever that means.

2. You end up telling the story of how you two met about 1000 times to different family members. 

And the worst part is, there is nothing too romantic about meeting each other at a party, is there?

3. You get nervous every time you look over and he is alone talking to one of your relatives. 

Immediately you wonder what they are talking about and praying that he doesn’t say anything stupid.

4. You realize sometimes you need your space.

Spending a whole week with your family plus your boyfriend can be a bit much and everyone needs time to themselves but in the end, you will cherish the time you are able to be with all of them.

5. You realize that no matter what, your family will accept who you date because they believe in your judgement. 

After all of the stressing over if they will like him or not, by the end of the week you realize that none of it mattered because they love you so they will love him.

52 Reasons There’s Really No Place Like Home for the Holidays

The song says it best; there really is no place like home for the holidays.

Home is where you can walk around in the dark and not bump into anything. It is where you know all of the little nooks and crannies.

Home is the place that warms your heart just thinking about it.

The best parts of going home for the holidays are:

1. The specific scent of your house

2. Laying in your comfy bed instead of your one at school

3. Getting to catch up with old friends

4. Visiting the local coffee shop

5. How everything is so very familiar

6. Having access to a full fridge

7. Seriously though, my fridge is almost empty

8. A full pantry too

9. Home cooked meals

10. Binge watching all of the shows you need to catch up on.

11. Having time to binge watch Netflix

12. Loving on your family pet

13. A bathroom you didn’t have to clean

14. Being able to drink good alcohol

15. Catching up on the family drama

16. And hometown drama

17. Lots and lots of sleep

18. Being able to do absolutely nothing

19. Getting a break from trying to adult

20. Heat and air conditioning that you don’t have to pay for

21. Maybe your mom will do laundry for you

22. And take you grocery shopping before you leave

23. Getting to see your extended family

24. No obligations to anyone or anything

25. The traditions

26. Seeing your siblings

27. Grandma making anything you want

28. I’m a sucker for my grandma’s baking

29. Taking un-needed things there for storage

30. Having access to a good iron

31. A real decorated house

32. Having friends to question your life choices with

33. Making more questionable choices

34. Nothing is better than fresh coffee to wake up to

35. Curling up with a good book

36. Not feeling guilty for reading just to read

37. Getting to watch the presents pile up under the tree

38. The big hugs your nieces and nephews first give you

39. Drives by my favorite places

40. Eating out at your favorite non-chain restaurant

41. How happy community members are to see you

42. Everyone coming up and giving you big hugs

43. People being genuinely happy to see you

44. Being genuinely happy to see people that know you best

45. Not having to deal with roommates

46. Having good water pressure

47. Loving on your pets

48. Getting to bum around in your comfy clothes all day

49. Reminiscing with old friends

50. Holiday movie marathons

51. Good quality toilet paper

52. Spending the holidays with the people you love the most

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