Husband Texts Wife To Say He Took $800 Out Of Their Vacation Fund To Help His Student

With all of the negativity currently inundating our newsfeeds, we figured Giving Tuesday was a good opportunity to shine a light on some more positive stories. Take this man, for example, who decided to sacrifice his personal vacation fund in order to help a student and their family. See? Not all hope is lost.

James, a devoted school teacher, and husband, recently sent the following text to his spouse saying he had a story to share.

Bored Panda

He told his spouse about one of his students who didn’t have the means to afford warm clothes.

Without hesitation, James lent a helping hand offering to buy his student and the student’s grandfather new clothes and groceries.

Bored Panda

And James did so with the money from the vacation budget he shared with his spouse.

Bored Panda

Needless to say, she was extremely proud and even suggested James invite his student’s family over for the holidays.

Bored Panda

She also shared the story on Facebook and people were touched by James’s act of kindness.

See? Told you they still existed.

Husband Texts Wife To Say He Took $800 Out Of Their Vacation Fund To Help His Student

With all of the negativity currently inundating our newsfeeds, we figured Giving Tuesday was a good opportunity to shine a light on some more positive stories. Take this man, for example, who decided to sacrifice his personal vacation fund in order to help a student and their family. See? Not all hope is lost.

James, a devoted school teacher, and husband, recently sent the following text to his spouse saying he had a story to share.

Bored Panda

He told his spouse about one of his students who didn’t have the means to afford warm clothes.

Without hesitation, James lent a helping hand offering to buy his student and the student’s grandfather new clothes and groceries.

Bored Panda

And James did so with the money from the vacation budget he shared with his spouse.

Bored Panda

Needless to say, she was extremely proud and even suggested James invite his student’s family over for the holidays.

Bored Panda

She also shared the story on Facebook and people were touched by James’s act of kindness.

See? Told you they still existed.

30+ Pictures That Are Real As Heck For Any Woman Who Lives With A Man Child

Growing up seems like something that everyone goes through–but there are some individuals who take much longer to mature than others. When it comes to our boyfriends and husbands, we realize from time to time that no matter how old they are, it only takes 2 seconds for them to revert to being an absolute manchild. Ladies, don’t leave your men unattended in stores, with the kids, with the dog, or anywhere in the house. You never know what they’re going to do–and, most of the time, it’s groan-worthy.

74. We’re Adults And We Get To Decide What That Means: The Home Depot Edition


73. There Was A Storm During The Eclipse So He Improvised


72. During A 12 Hour Flight Delay My Boyfriend Wandered Off. When I Found Him He Was In The Middle Of A Pixar Movie Marathon With A Group Of 5-Year-Olds. He’s The One For Me


71. Today My Boyfriend Bought A Label Maker


70. My Buddy Wins Father’s Day Today. – “I Woke Up Today With A Missed Call From My Mom And About 15 Tags To Beat The Cheerio Stack Record. 10 Hours Later It Has Been Broken”


69. My Father-In-Law Is A Contractor. This Is Him Installing A Mirror


68. Had Sparklers At My Wedding Reception Last Night. I Think They Won Over My Father-In-Law


67. He Really Wanted To Swim With His Turtle


66. My Friend’s Dad Is In Boston Sightseeing Today


65. When You Ask Your Husband To Pack Your Lunch


64. While On My Computer My Boyfriend Walked Up Behind Me And Started Rubbing My Back. I Thought He Was Being Sweet, Then He Sent This Picture To My Phone


30+ Comics That Perfectly Describe What Being In A Long-Term Relationship Is Like

Being in a long-term relationship seems like it’s an amazing accomplishment–you get to spend all your time with your best friend who is also the love of your life. But, there are moments that are simply annoying, hilarious, or hard to deal with.
Continue reading 30+ Comics That Perfectly Describe What Being In A Long-Term Relationship Is Like

This Is How People From Divorced Homes Love Differently Than Everyone Else

It’s not uncommon to grow up with parents who just don’t stay together. Whether you’re a child growing up in a small town or a kid roaming the streets of the big city, you’re not alone when you think your entire world is falling apart because your parents have decided to go their separate ways. One minute you’re sitting at the dinner table with mom and dad discussing their work day, talking about how much they couldn’t wait to come home to each other – and the next, they’re barely speaking over Thanksgiving turkey.

Divorce sucks. It’s hard, long and emotionally draining. It shows children at a young age that love can be dispensable and not every “forever” truly means forever. It gives us the thought process that things are temporary in life and even if you work incredibly hard at something, it doesn’t always stick around. Children who grow up in divorced homes are unique, special and often times, vulnerable. They don’t love like everyone else, they don’t see the world through the same rose-colored lenses most people do and they certainly don’t look on the bright side all of the time.

1. We’re Often Cynical About Love:

When you watch your parents – the two people who brought you into the world –  fall apart before your eyes, it’s almost impossible for us to feel optimistic about being in love with someone. When we do approach love, we do it cautiously and with our guards up. We’re scared that if we love too much, get too comfortable, the situation will fall apart before our very eyes – just like mom and dad.

2. We Question Things A lot:

We need answers, sometimes too often. We want to know from the get-go that the relationship is going somewhere – or anywhere at all. We’re scared to waste our time on things that won’t last or have an expiration date. Because of this, we tend to ask more questions than most people can handle. We are the type to love you – and love you hard – but we need some security in knowing you feel the same.

3. We Take Time To Do Things:

People who come from divorced homes aren’t ones to rush things. We may feel like we love you, but you can think again if we’re going to say it first. We wait until we’re sure of everything before we let ourselves be open and vulnerable to being hurt.

4. We Hurt Very Easily:

While we may hesitate on things, we also take things personally. We’re not ones to think lightly about situations and when things go south, we usually blame ourselves. It’s like that classic story where the young kid naively blames himself for his parent’s divorce. We tend to look at things through a very narrow lens, dissecting all the things said and all the things done. Tread lightly with us, we’re a little sensitive.

5. Arguments Are A Sore Spot For Us:

When fights break out, we tend to flinch a bit. We grew up with bad words and bad vibes all around us – it takes us back to a pretty dark and troubling time in our youth. When things get a bit loud and argumentative, we retreat more than we want to combat.

6. We Expect A Lot From Our Significant Other:

We aren’t the kind of people who settle easily, we tend to stay solo until we find that right person. When we do, we expect them to step up to the plate. We know that no one is absolutely perfect – because shit, we have a ton of baggage – but we do expect our partner to deliver. We don’t need someone who we can’t trust, we question or someone who makes us uneasy.

I Can Feel It in My Bones, That’s How I Know It’ll Always Be You

You. It’s such a complex and meaningful word. And to each individual person it can mean multitudes of things. It varies from person to person and experience to experience.

But when I think of the word you, I am overwhelmed with so much love.

Not long ago I was thoroughly convinced that love was an absolute joke and I had wasted all of my time. I was certain that happiness and contentment were so far out of my reach. And so I settled for the mundane. And then you became a part of my vocabulary.


At first, it was so subtle. I had no idea that you were going to change everything. I wasn’t looking for you at all, but you found me anyway.

The coincidences were too great, and so I began to believe that this was somehow fated to be.

As I poured out my soul to you, I realized it was the first time I hadn’t been scared of the truth. Looking into your eyes, I was able to own up to every mistake and stupid decision I made.

But after finding you, I’m not so sure they were mistakes. Every decision I made, no matter how big or small it seemed, lead me to this exact place. And I wholeheartedly believe that I was supposed to find you.

I had spent so many years chasing things that were not meant for me, and only now can I understand why every single one of them fell apart.

My heart is damaged, and a small part of me will always be broken. But you know that, and you choose me anyway.

You look at me as if I am a constellation, and you’ve never seen stars. And though it terrifies me, it also makes me feel whole again.

You value me, even when I don’t value myself. You tell me the honest truth, even when I don’t want to hear it. And you are constant, in an ever changing world.

You are so much more than what I could have dreamed up. I have struggled so long with finding somewhere to call home and finding somewhere that I belong. I realize now that it’s not a place. It’s you.

This unspoken peace crashes over me every time I look at you, and I know that no matter where I am, I will be coming home to you for the rest of my life.

You are the greatest blessing I have ever received, and I’ve never been so grateful for anything in my whole life.


A Husband’s Love and Passion: Know Her Pains and How to Soothe It

A Loving Husband

To a husband, they face a considerable amount of emotional skits and episodes from their pregnant wife. They have  hormonal imbalance which affects their mood.  And they may be justifiably cranky because of the aching pain they feel.

Why Feel Pain?

When pregnant, there is a long list about the “Dos and Don’ts,” which includes sitting or standing too long. A recent Netherland study shows that standing or sitting too long would affect the baby’s growth, which could lead to several pregnancy problems.

Furthermore, the feeling of ‘pain’ when pregnant are usually joint pains, abdominal pain, back pain, etc. due to the stretching of ligaments.

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