Love always, Grampy’s Girl

To my big teddy bear,

Where do I begin? COVID really threw us for a loop, didn’t it?

I miss you like crazy, I miss all the games of life and go-fish we would play, but most of all I miss hearing you sing. You were the one to introduce me to my passion for music. I miss you teaching me Randy Travis songs and cheesy riddles and jokes (I will forever share them, no matter how cheesy)

You know, sometimes I wish I was little again, My favorite sick days were spent with you making mac ‘n cheese and watching scooby doo.

It’s weird now that you are gone, I miss you and I always wish I got the chance to say goodbye. There was still so much I wanted to know and more stories to be told. You showed me how to live life to the fullest and to always live in the moment.

Two of the most important lessons I think you have taught me is that you are only on this earth for a short amount of time, so take risks, chances and have fun while you are young and while you can! Even if it gets you in trouble, it will make for a good story later in life.

It’s always better to think back to when, instead of thinking of what could have been!

The second lesson is to always be kind and a friend to all. You truly never do know what someone else is going through until you have walked a mile in their shoes. Just the kindest words and a bright smile can really make someone’s day!

You’ve done a lot in your life grandpa. I am so beyond thankful that I was able to witness 24 years of it. I promise to be a friend to all and to never take life too seriously. It’s really going to be different now that you are no longer here with us, We all miss you so much.

I know I’ll see you again someday but until then, See you later and I love you most!

Love always, Grampy’s Girl

I Might Not Love You Perfectly, but I Promise I’ll Give You My Whole Heart

I need you to know that I’m going to love you with all of me.

I wish I knew all the right things to say and when to say something and when not to. I can’t give you answers for things I can’t explain, nor can I promise you’ll always like what I have to say.

I can’t promise you that we won’t argue or anger each other to the point where being in each other’s presence infuriates us. I can’t promise you that I won’t raise my voice or that sometimes I won’t deserve you raising yours.

There’s no guarantee that I won’t be needy or selfish or whiny. I might nag you constantly. I can’t promise that I’ll always be appropriate, or ladylike either. But I’ll try my best.

I can’t tell you that this will be easy. More than likely, it won’t be. I’m difficult and I know it. I can’t promise to give you the world because it’s impossible.I can’t make all your dreams come true. I can’t answer your prayers as much as I wish I could.

Ladies, You CAN Say ‘I Love You’ First


Why is that so terrifying to say?

It can take months to build up the courage to say these three simple words for the first time.

And for a woman, the wait is even longer.

There is such a stigma around it that we start to panic about even the thought of saying it…FIRST.

We’ve been told for so long that we should never say it before he does; that we will undoubtedly scare him away if we show too much emotion.

So, we start acting weird instead. We start to monitor every word we say around him because we’re so afraid we’ll accidentally just blurt it out mid sentence.

And then, if by some miracle we do finally build up the courage to initiate the feeling, there are hundreds of rules we then have to follow on how to go about it:

Don’t say it before x many months.


Don’t say it before, during, or after sex.


Don’t say it in a fight.


Don’t say it until he’s relaxed.


Don’t say it until you’re sure he’ll say it back.


The pressure and “advice” is literally endless. If we try to follow it all and wait for that perfect millisecond where its acceptable, we’ll NEVER be able to say it.

So, what are we supposed to do? Hold our breath until he says it first? Wait until we literally burst from holding back for so long?

Ladies, I say we forget the rules and GO FOR IT.

What’s the worst that can happen?

He may even surprise us.


40 Signs You’ve Finally Found A ‘Good Guy’ Amongst All The Douchebags

Dating in your 20’s can be really difficult. It’s the time in your life where you are in the, what I like to call, “gray area” when it comes to relationships. You’re still young enough where you can have a good time and date around, but in time, you reach the point where you worry about who you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.

When this happens, you take a look around yourself and the men who you have let into your world and realize—some of them have been complete tool-bags. You’ve let in players, f*ckboys, a**holes and liars. You’ve dated the manipulator, the charming but douchey guy and—you’ve even slept with a few of them too.

But, there comes a point in time where you finally find someone who doesn’t fall into the above categories, and, you realize—you’ve finally found a good guy.

1. He’s honest with you from the very beginning about his intentions and what he’s looking for.

2. He treats you like a person and not just a piece of meat.

3. He wants you to be around him all the time, not just on Friday nights.

4. He communicates with you efficiently and doesn’t leave you on “read’ for days.

5. He doesn’t play the whole “jealousy” game, making you chase after him.

6. He makes you feel reassured and comfortable in where you’re headed.

7. He wants to have you meet the important people in his life.

8. He cares about your hobbies and interests.

9. He plans dates and trips, instead of just taking you to his apartment all the time.

10. He isn’t ashamed to show you his insecurities or flaws.

11. He isn’t afraid to be sentimental or romantic.

12. He doesn’t talk badly about you amongst his friends.

13. He talks about a future with you.

14. He takes time out of his life to build a relationship with your friends and family.

15. He congratulates you on the big accomplishments.

16. He remembers important dates, like birthdays and anniversaries.

17. He doesn’t call you “clingy” or “needy” when you need a little TLC.

18. He always makes an effort.

19. He doesn’t push you away when he’s having a rough day.

20. He talks to you about his dreams and aspirations.

21. He doesn’t judge your taste in music or TV shows.

22. He doesn’t judge your past or who you’ve dated before him.

23. He treats his family with respect and love.

24. He doesn’t mind carrying your baggage from time to time (physically and emotionally).

25. He doesn’t expect you to do all of the cooking.

26. He respects your boundaries and when you say “no.”

27. He compliments your quirks and enjoys them.

28. He doesn’t hate your granny panties you wear during “that time of the month.”

29. He doesn’t make you feel guilty about working overtime.

30. He wants to build an empire with you, not just for himself.

31. He doesn’t check out every girl that walks by him in the bar.

32. He makes it known you are his girl.

33. He makes you feel like the best version of yourself.

34. He doesn’t ignore you during arguments but instead wants to talk things out.

35. He holds the term “relationship” to a high standard and doesn’t make you feel like you can’t trust him.

36. He ensures that you’re always comfortable when you go to his friends’ parties or a business dinner.

37. He asks for your thoughts and advice on the big things.

38. He isn’t afraid to use the term “love.”

39. He makes the little stuff just as important as the big stuff.

40. He never lets you forget how much you mean to him.

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