She’s been called “crazy” many times just for having feelings and being unfiltered. Are human beings not supposed to have human emotions anymore? She must have missed the memo.
She used to hide her so-called-crazy. She used to apologize for it, but she won’t anymore because it’s just who she is. She’s a bold, crazy, unfiltered, brash, outspoken girl and she doesn’t give a single fuck.
1. She’ll never pretend to be someone she’s not.
She’s happy. She’s had bad relationships and great ones, been in love and fallen out of it. Trying to hide her true self only got her hurt.
Now she’s her authentic self at all times and her authentic self just so happens to be a badass bitch. Sorry, not sorry, that makes her pretty awesome.
2. She gets what she wants when she wants it, no games necessary.
Unfiltered girls tell the truth, even when it’s harsh. She asks the hard questions in the heat of the moment, goes with her instincts, and acts on what her conscience tells her.
And that’s why she gets what she wants. She says what she wants and fights for it when necessary; eventually, she gets it.
3. She never hides her true intentions.
If she only wants to sleep with him and keep romance out of it, she lets him know right away. If she’s falling for him, she tells him. When she’s in love, she says so, even if she’s scared or it’s “too soon.”
She won’t sugar coat shit. She knows what and who she wants. She wants a king, not a prince because she’s a queen, not a princess.
4. No one fucks with her… at least, not more than once.
Her reputation precedes her. She’s intimidating for a reason: to protect herself. She DGAF who’s scared of her or who calls her crazy (it’s actually a compliment at this point.)
Men know not to play with her heart like it’s silly putty. People who haven’t even met her already know her…well, they know that “she’s crazy.” Her resting bitch face helps deter the few who don’t.
5. She’s passionate and she’ll fight to keep the things she loves.
She knows how to love. She feels every feeling to the extreme, that’s why she acts on every little thing. Every pesky argument she starts comes from an uncontrollable place in her brain that’s directly connected to her heart.
She wouldn’t be worried that someone was lying to her if they didn’t matter. All of her craziness is pure, caring, and true; it’s dramatic, but it’s not an act. She doesn’t fight for people who aren’t worth it.
6. She’s herself, always, and there’s no one she’d rather be.
She has absolutely #nofilter. She says what she thinks when she thinks it. When she says “I’m fine,” she’s actually fine. She doesn’t have two personalities and she’ll never put on a show for anyone.
She will never change. Anyone who thinks that’s a bad thing can walk away – she won’t care. She’s not interested in wasting her time on people who want her to be different. She may be unfiltered, but she’s sure as hell never boring.