Bridesmaid’s Utterly Insane Email Setting ‘Rules’ For Bachelorette Party Is A Gift To Us All

If a bride, groom, or bridesmaid acts out—you best believe it’s going to get exposed on social media, and people are always down for a wedding disaster story.

The latest in the ridiculous stories about weddings comes from Imgur user UrsulaIMeanVanessa. She posted photos of an email she received from another woman in the bridal party who was invited to the bachelorette party in Vegas. Originally the Imgur user said this woman “wasn’t invited” on the trip because she’s a total “womp womp” downer, but she bullied her way into getting an invite (which seems pretty psycho on its own).

Then, the bachelorette bully proceeded to send an email filled with “rules” for the entire bachelorette party’s trip to Vegas. And, it’s absolutely f**king insane.


So, let’s break it down, shall we?

Basically, she found a church to go to in Vegas on Sunday—she even told the Pastor of the church to “expect them.”She also said that there would be “no liquor” in the hotel room at all because they could fall off the balcony and die (which sounds much better than staying with this woman anywhere). She also said that no one could have any sex on this trip—none, zero, zilch. No drugs—not even Adderall.

On top of these demanding rules and regulations, she’s also insisting that everyone in the bridal party who is attending the trip to send her $50 each, because she “plans on spending $900 on groceries—nine hundred dollars.

People on Twitter were blown away that this woman would force her way into the bachelorette party and then demand that everyone follows her rules—and she’s not even the bride!

Others said they would want their bachelorette party to be the exact opposite.

Some hoped that the rest of the party kicked her a** to the curb.

And plenty of people were dying at the language she used.

And her outrageous rules.

Some wanted to use this for actual good.

Also—the burning question we all have…

Honestly, everyone on Twitter (and everyone over here) wants to know what actually went down. Someone, please give us a follow-up.

h/t: Twitter, Someecards

21 Kids Whose Honesty Skills Are Borderline Savage

When it comes to being honest with our friends, family, and loved ones—many of us don’t want to be brutal. We want to be as kind as humanly possible when telling someone we don’t like their spouse, we think they look fat in a dress, or we truly just cannot stand them. Basically, we sugar coat everything so we don’t hurt someone’s feelings.

But, if you want to get a true and honest opinion on something—go ask some kids. Kids are the most savage, ruthless, and cutthroat individuals when it comes to being truthful. Don’t believe me? Just ask these kids who have no problem bringing forth the savage truth.






















h/t: Bored Panda

Employees Reveal The Dirtiest Secrets About Their Industry And It’ll Leave You Shook

Working for a big corporation or organization can be a great gig, but it can open your eyes to a lot of atrocities that go down behind closed doors. Most companies like to present a clean, eco-friendly, pristine image to the world and its customers but, in reality, they couldn’t give two sh*ts about what actually happens. And, if you knew the truth, it would probably change the way you feel about a lot of industry big shots. Recently, users on Reddit who work for big industry names have been sharing the dirty secrets no one wants you to know—so prepare to be shook.


Starbucks corporate makes us have those recycling bins in the lobby to present this green image, but most of the time all of the garbage ends up going to the dump anyway because the facility doesn’t have recycling.



Businesses offer rebates rather than cash discounts because they know the odds of you going to the trouble of mailing in a rebate coupon are minimal. Then they don’t pay the first time, because they know the odds of you complaining about it are infinitesimal. But they usually will pay off if you complain.



I work with kids at a daycare and we see babies take their first steps sometimes but we never tell the parents because we don’t want them to feel bad about missing it.



Never use glasses provided in hotel rooms, especially the bathrooms. I’ve seen those get ‘cleaned’ with the same rag that cleans the toilet and sink.



When renting a storage unit you do not need to get the insurance they offer. Even if they say it’s “mandatory”, it’s illegal to force you to get insurance. Also the rent will increase yearly, forever.



I used to work at a large national chain of bridal stores and the wedding dresses you’re trying on are never washed. We would try to spot clean if a bride got makeup or a build-up of deodorant inside, but they smelled like BO and dirt.



I worked for a very large lingerie company. When we would get returned underwear, you’d think they’d just get damaged out because nobody knows if they were really worn, but they don’t. We put them right back out on the floor.



Funeral homes are businesses, and funeral directors will absolutely take advantage of grieving people.

The most offensive to me are the cremation boxes. They’re literally just big cardboard boxes, and should cost less than a hundred dollars. But they also make really expensive boxes, and directors will say things like “grandma would be more comfortable in this”. No, she won’t, because she’s dead. Some of these boxes reach 1000 dollars, and of course are all just burned.



I don’t know that this is a secret but flight attendants and pilots don’t get paid while boarding, deplaning, and delays. So when you’re delayed and angry, so are we. We’re not making money and still have to be there.



The food on a supermarket deli counter is often stuff that’s gone or about to go past its best before date.



Professional hair color at a salon costs the salon around $6 a tube. That $40 product actually costs $10 to anyone who had a license. Salons are huge cash cows because the products are actually so cheap.



At a hospital the straight cash price discount for many outpatient tests (MRI, CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Labs, etc.) can often be cheaper than using insurance and dealing with deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and on and on.

I’ve seen test billed for thousands of dollars to insurance cost a cash paying patient less than $400.

It’s insane.



Credit companies will raise your interest rate for no reason and wait for you to call and complain to get it lowered. Check your statements and review ALL notices that come with your bill.



Almost every register nurse has what is called a blacklist of doctors she or he would not want even remotely near them should they need emergency services.

People need to take better care and precaution of who they choose to accept as their doctor.



The comforters in hotel rooms almost never get washed. They are nasty.



I worked at a sports bar and we would regularly find chicken heads or other weird parts of the chicken with the wings. Chicken wings are forever ruined for me because of the things I’ve found while working there.



In an auto shop, what your mechanic tells you may not be in your best interest, but instead what is most convenient, and what is the least amount of work to do.



Hospitals are not clean

The only really clean place in a hospital is the operating room, other than that the place is crawling with germs and whatever else has mutated on the floors and walls.



The clothes you find at an outlet (more often than not) are not “cast-offs” or overages from the regular store. There’s a whole separate entity that designs and produces clothes at a lesser quality for outlet prices.



Terrible and illegal things go on in every strip club. Owners only hire people for upper management who they have trusted for years because they all know this.



Most ‘subscription services’ will raise their prices over time because they expect you to just suck it up. Call up and politely complain about the price. Either you are speaking to someone who can reduce the price or they can put you through to a person authorized to reduce the price.



Your mortgage has been transferred so many times that the odds are that your payment records are incomplete.


h/t: Reddit, BuzzFeed.

This Guy’s Story Of His Haunted Ouija Board Experience Will Make You Swear Off The Game Forever

TIf you’ve ever used a Ouija Board, you’d know that those things can seriously be haunted. Maybe you believe in spirits, maybe you don’t—but, for many of us, Ouija Boards have given us some spooky times and haunting moments. Marcus Hitchcock shared the story of using a Ouija Board and, the story is so messed up, you will swear off every playing the game again—for real. Even Marcus himself says he will never play again.

Apparently, Marcus’ aunt was living in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. She didn’t evacuate and instead, she died.

But, Marcus’ aunt was also into some spooky sh*t.

Things just got weirder and weirder from there.

I’d probably poop in my pants.

Oh My God.


I’m sweating.

I wouldn’t go back there either! GTFO!


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever touch a Ouija Board…ever.

This Guy’s Story Of His Haunted Ouija Board Experience Will Make You Swear Off The Game Forever

If you’ve ever used a Ouija Board, you’d know that those things can seriously be haunted. Maybe you believe in spirits, maybe you don’t—but, for many of us, Ouija Boards have given us some spooky times and haunting moments. Marcus Hitchcock shared the story of using a Ouija Board and, the story is so messed up, you will swear off every playing the game again—for real. Even Marcus himself says he will never play again.

Apparently, Marcus’ aunt was living in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. She didn’t evacuate and instead, she died.

But, Marcus’ aunt was also into some spooky sh*t.

Things just got weirder and weirder from there.

I’d probably poop in my pants.

Oh My God.


I’m sweating.

I wouldn’t go back there either! GTFO!


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever touch a Quija Board…ever.

Bride Threatens Bridesmaids With Forced Lie Detector Test After One Leaked Her Outrageous Demands

When it comes to weddings and demands, most brides expect a lot from their friends and family. It’s no secret that women want their special days to be “perfect,” and almost always that means spending a lot of money. But, recently, one bride went viral online for her outrageous list of demands she gave all of her wedding guests.

The original post was put on her Facebook page and outlined a very specific request for outfits from all the guests. The wedding, which is “a year away in Hawaii,” broke down what each guest should wear according to their gender, age, and weight. Additionally, the bride said her guests should plan to spend $1,000+ for their outfits (not even considering the trip itself and the wedding gift).

After many people who saw the post screenshotted and reshared it online—trolling and shaming her—the bride went back to social media to respond to all the negative vibes being thrown her way. Not only did she shame “whoever it was who posted it again,” but, she also said she was going to have all her friends and family over for a “Polygraph Party.” Yes, that’s right, she wanted to have people over to take a lie detector test just to find out who reposted her original attire request. Talk about insanity.

After her long-winded explanation and more yelling, more people on Reddit were honest.

She’s just a gift that keeps on giving.

Meanwhile I would certainly trust a $100 lie detector bought off Amazon. /s

I hope it reads like everyone is lying. Even her husband.


Damn, she really suffers from a bad case of god complex


Haha. Spiritual healers. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


Anyone over 160 pounds represents the devil that she wants to get rid of… I’m sure they feel super welcomed at her wedding!!


I have to agree—I’ve seen crazy brides, but this…this is insanity.

Doctors Found 27 Contact Lenses In This Woman’s Eye And I’m Literally Gagging

When it comes to having some “fears” in life, putting things in my eye is definitely up there. While I need glasses to see, I’m one of those people who outright refuses to wear contact lenses because sticking anything in my eyeball just seems insane to me. Nope, won’t do it. And, even though my own mother is an eye doctor—who constantly reminds me I’m being an immature child—I still cringe at the sight of people doing it themselves.

But, it seems as though my fears may have some validation, as a study revealed that putting contacts in your eye can lead to some horrifying complications. According to a report in the British Medical Journal, a U.K. surgeon discovered a mass in a 67-year-old patient’s eye that was bothering her, and when they checked out what it was, it turned out that it was 27 contact lenses. 27 CONTACT LENSES STUCK IN HER EYE. AT THE SAME TIME.

Now, I know you’re wondering one thing—how the hell can someone not realize they had all of these contact lenses in their eye? According to the report, the patient had worn “monthly contacts” and had no issues—but, it seems as though the discovery was made when she was getting cataract surgery.

British Medical Journal

The mass was reportedly blue and “hard.” No sh*t it was hard…imagine having all 27 contact lenses glued together in your eye-socket?!? How on earth this woman not remember to take out her contacts? It turns out, she thought she dropped them, every time she couldn’t find the one to take out. Oh. Okay. No problem.


The doctors in the study and report say that it’s record-breaking—they’ve had patients who have lost a contact or two, but never 27.

Let this be a warning for you all who love to stick things in your eyes—take the damn things out!

Guy’s Story About How His Friend Had A Horrible ‘Netflix & Chill’ Date Is Gonna Take You On A Hilariously Wild Ride

Dating is not for everyone.

That is clear from the hundreds of stories we have read before. That may be because you can’t find anyone nice or that everyone is already having an affair. Whatever your reason, I am quite sure it can’t top the following story.

I’m sure you have met countless people who seem to be awesome people, and you always ask yourself why they are single? Well, if the following story is anything to go by, it’s probably because they have seen some shit in their life.

I won’t bore you with details any longer, so here it is. Get ready for a wild ride.

Source: Twitter


Trapped in the closet.

Liking girls.


Breaking it down.


Talking in her voice.

Male nurse.

Netflix and chill.

Taking the plunge.

Pooched the cooch.

Paying attention.


Next level.


Old school.

First step.


Apple pie.


On a journey.

Womanhood quivering.

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