23 Savage Instagram Captions To Throw Shade When You’re Feeling Brand New

Instagram is really a fabulous app for millennial and it serves so many unique purposes. For starters, it is a great way to showcase the life you want to perceive yourself to be living and easily make others despise you for having what they don’t. The reality of it though is that what you perceive yourself to be on Instagram is just want you want people to think of you, not really who you are…but that’s a whole different story for later.

If you are going to fall into the flow of using Instagram to perceive yourself as something specific, then why not throw shade at all the people who did you wrong with a lovely caption and a photo that says, “nothing bothers me.” Captions are a perfect way to throw some shade via Instagram.

For Throwing Shade At The Boy Who Did You Wrong:

1. “Silly me, expecting too much from people again.” – Unknown

2. “Don’t come back when you realize that I’m rare.” – Genereux Philip

3. “Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back.” – Stephan Labossiere

4. “I gave your nickname to someone else.” – Drake

5. “All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” – Mae West

6. “As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”  – John Lennon

7. “All of my ‘let’s just be friends’ are friends I don’t have anymore.” – Drake

For Throwing Shade At The Girl That Stabbed You In The Back:

8. “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.” – Unknown

9. “I’m Angelina, you Jennifer. Come on (girl), you see where Brad at.” – Nicki Minaj

10. “If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the scissors.” – Unknown

11. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce your blocked and deleted. You may now kiss my *ss.” – Unknown

12. I don’t hold grudges, you just become irrelevant.” – Unknown

13. “Do it for the people who want to see you fail.” – Unknown

14. “Like I mean I don’t even know why you girls bother at this point. Like give up, it’s me, I win, you lose.” – Nicki Minaj

For Throwing Shade At The Haters:

15. “Here is my justification: I don’t have one.” – Eric Gibson

16. “The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.” – Criss Jami

17. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin

18. “Haters don’t really hate you, they hate themselves; because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.” –Yaria

19. “The hated man is the result of his hater’s pride rather than his hater’s conscience. – Tom Hiddleston

20. “Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.” – Mae West

21. “When there are so many haters and negative things, I really don’t care.” – Kim Kardashian

22. “You’re going to have haters and you’re going to have lovers.”  – Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi

23. “You’re going to have hatersand you’re going to have lovers.”  – Bruno Mars

Busy Philipps Expertly Roasted A Troll Who Tried To Mom-Shame Her New Tattoo

When women get tattoos, the last thing on their minds is how they’re going to explain them to their children. Let’s face it, our bodies are our bodies and we don’t feel the need to explain our tattoos to anyone—even our kids. But, recently, Busy Philipps—TV show host and true ’90s icon—received some rather annoying mom-shaming for a new tattoo she inked onto her body.

The tattoo in question, which Philipps posted on Instagram, showcases a girl figure skating across the words: “F*ck ‘Em”

She captioned the post:

“My favorite illustration drawn by @mcfetridge for my book #thiswillonlyhurtalittle (it’s in the A Movie Script Ending chapter). Tattooed beautifully by @dre.dayli in Dallas at @thirdeyegallery last night,” she wrote. “And weirdly true to form and as things always tend to be, it really always only hurts a little.”

Surprisingly—but not too surprisingly—people began to comment on the photo to ask Philipps how she was going to explain the new ink to her children. When you’re a celebrity with offspring, it always seems as though you are nothing without your children. No matter how successful you may be, it always comes back to: “you’re really going to do that even though you have kids?” *yawn* Boring!

Instagram user @debohya left a comment saying she “wasn’t judging” but was curious what the Freaks and Geeks star would tell her children.

In all honesty—it’s a moot point. As a parent, you don’t need to revolve your entire life around your kid. In fact, you should never have to do so at all. Philipps made a point to be very clear that she would not be taking any sh*t from mom-shamers.

Philipps responded: “I tell them that these are words to live by. Especially as a woman.

People online whole-heartedly agreed with this statement.

But, that didn’t stop another mom-shamer from jumping in and asking yet another stupid question.

Don’t worry—we have a feeling Busy can handle herself. I mean, she’s been known to totally shut down trolls in the past.

Like, this one time a guy commented on a mirror selfie after the gym complaining that her “rolls were showing,” and she replied with a pretty great burn.

We love us a strong woman.

h/t: Scary Mommy.

Amy Schumer Demolished Someone Who Photoshopped Her To Be ‘Insta Ready’

Comedian Amy Schumer is no fan of Photoshop. And she’s not afraid to stand up and tell people when she’s not pleased with something, or when she feels something was done for the wrong reasons.

And so it was that a fan of hers recently found themselves in the hot seat after they edited a picture of Amy Schumer to make it look “better” on Instagram. Schumer knows she looks good just as she is, and she let the person who made the picture know her feelings on the matter without hesitation.

The Instagram post showed a split between a Getty Images picture of Schumer and one that had been digitally altered to make her look…like another person altogether, honestly.


In the comments on the since-deleted photo, Schumer wrote “Woof this is not good for our culture. I like how I look and don’t want to look like a carbon copy of this one type woman you feel is the best way to look.

She makes a great point—why look like somebody else altogether when you can just look like yourself?

People on Instagram loved her response, and let her know in the comments how much they appreciated her standing up for women in general.

One person praised Schumer’s response and said we could all learn a lot from it, like to “Love who you are and be your authentic self.”

Another person pointed out the irony of the fact that the original photo had been taken at the premiere of Schumer’s movie I Feel Pretty, a film with the message that we should all love our bodies and feel beautiful just the way we are.

This isn’t the first time that Schumer has gone after someone on Instagram for altering pictures of her. One person said she looked “way better” in a bikini after the picture had been changed to make Schumer look skinnier.

Schumer commented on the picture, writing, “I disagree. I like how I really look. That’s my body. I love my body for being strong and healthy and sexy. I look like I’d give a good hug or have a drink with you. The other picture looks nice but it’s not me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as well. See, we’re both right.”

In that case, the person who had changed the picture responded for his “ignorance” and added that he has “no right to make people feel bad about themselves.”

Cheers to Amy Schumer for being the strong and positive woman that she is!

h/t: BuzzFeed

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