15 Small Outfit Problems That Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

Whenever we leave the house, we’re bound to run into someone we know. Whether it’s for a run to the grocery store, a trip to the mall or even if we’re headed to go to work – it’s important we always look our best. Even if we’re not in the mood to get dressed up and ready for a quick trip out – people judge us for every little thing we wear.

There are a lot of ways that out outfits and appearance can f*ck us over in terms of other people’s opinions of us, without us even noticing. Sure, we may have showered this morning, put on a brand new outfit and tried to look our absolute best, but there are small little details that fall through the cracks and in turn, make us look like we’re riding the Hot Mess Express.

15. Wearing clothing that has small rips, frays or tears in it.

Sometimes we leave the house in ripped jeans or jeans that are frayed at the bottom. While it’s a style statement and trend, sometimes, it makes us look disheveled and unorganized. Sometimes when we wear things too often and for too long, the threads start to wear and buttons begin to become loose – while you don’t think it’s a big deal, people notice.

14. Wearing too many accessories.

While accessorizing can spice up a plain outfit, going overboard can make any outfit look tacky and cheap. If you are going to a work setting or a really nice affair, you don’t want to overdo it by blinging out a fancy dress or pants suit. Keep it simple.

13. Not ironing your shirt/dress/skirt.

Sometimes when we leave the house in a rush, we don’t have time to iron everything. People will run out the door in a button-down shirt that looks like we’ve slept in it, a dress with way too many wrinkles or a skirt that needs to be fixed ASAP. Not ironing your clothing can make you look sloppy in appearance. And, what’s even better is they now sell hand steamers that you can buy and speed up the “ironing process” altogether.

12. Wearing hair ties as bracelets or accessories on your wrist.

It may seem convenient to keep your hair tie or a rubber band on your wrist in case you want to throw your hair up, but it also looks sloppy and makes you appear much younger than you are. It’s better off to put them in your bag, car, or desk at work incase you want it, rather than keeping it on your wrist all day long.

11. Wearing clothes that are too tight on you.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we start gaining weight a bit faster than when we were younger – it’s called growing up. Our metabolism starts to slow down and all that pizza comes back in our faces whenever we look in the mirror. If you’re still wearing shirts and dresses from when you were 18-years-old and they definitely don’t fit anymore, people notice.

10. Carrying around a bag that’s too big in certain situations.

When you go to a job interview or a party, it’s better to carry a smaller bag than a large one. Also, you want to be sure the bag is in good condition and isn’t ripping or tearing anywhere, or that there are no dirty stains on it anywhere. Bigger bags can make you appear as though you’re trying too hard.

9. Visible bra straps.

While many women think showing your bra is a “feminist movement,” it does look sloppy and tacky in most social settings. In fact, if you’re wearing a shirt in which your bra is showing, it can even come off slutty and inappropriate – especially in a work setting.

8. Wearing oversized clothing.

Sometimes, with the right outfit, oversized clothes can be chic and cute. But, often times this isn’t the case and instead, appears sloppy and lazy. Finding clothes that are tailored to your body is the key to appearing professional and kept.

7. Day-old makeup.

Even though you think no one can tell your eyeliner and mascara is from last night, it’s pretty obvious when it’s smudged all over your face. It’s better off to wash your face and start fresh rather than be lazy and keep the same, cruddy makeup on. People will think you are irresponsible and trashy if you appear this way.

6. Animal hair on your clothes.

If you have a pet, it’s likely that they tend to shed all over your house and clothing. But, that’s why God invented lint brushes and rollers. Just because you have a dog doesn’t mean you want to show up to a meeting covered in dog hair – it just looks awful.

5. Sweaters with pills all over them.

Every girl knows there comes a time when we need to retire our favorite sweaters (RIP). Although we love them and had some good times in them, when they begin to get “pilly” it’s time to chuck them and get new ones. Wearing pilly sweaters make you look cheap and dirty.

4. Wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong outfit.

Even if you’re trying to be comfortable rather than classy, you can always throw sneakers in your bag for your commute home (which is what we all do). When you’re at the office or at a party/event, don’t show up in your sandals or sneakers just because you have to take the train home. It looks tacky and unfortunately gives off the vibe that you don’t care.

3. Wearing any clothing with stains.

Sure, you may have gotten oil on your favorite t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean you should continue wearing it just because it’s your favorite. If you can’t get a stain out, that means you have to replace whatever item you’ve stained. Going out with stained clothing is horrible for your appearance and will always make you look sloppy and disorderly.

2. Wearing white shirts/dresses/pants/skirts that are no longer bright white.

Eventually after owning white clothing for years, the white begins to fade and it becomes more of an off-white/gray. This is when you need to purchase new whites. Whites should be bright and clean, not dull and dirty. Wearing these “white” items will make you look cheap and as though you don’t wash your clothing often enough – or separate your laundry.

1. Dirty or chipped nails.

If you don’t take care of your nails, it’s an issue. Even if you’re not into getting them done or painting them, you should always clean them and cut them. If you do get manicures and your nail polish is overly chipped, that also is a sign of sloppiness and bad hygiene. The minute you see dirty under your nails, clean them. If they’re too long, cut them. If they’re chipping, take the nail polish off. Clean nails make you look cleanly and responsible.

The 5 Keys To Acing a Virtual Interview

Virtual interviews were rising in popularity even before the pandemic. Now more than ever, they are a favored method for companies to screen candidates. While you may be asked the same questions as you would in an in-person interview, there are unique aspects to this interview style that you must consider. We share 5 key things you must do before a virtual interview.

1. Prepare for the questions

First things first, you will need to prepare for the interview itself and the questions you will potentially be asked. Preparation for virtual interview questions is identical to preparation for questions during in-person interviews.

Here are a variety of question types that are asked in an interview:

  • Fit: Questions that find out if you are a good fit for the position, team, and company.

    • Ex: Why do you want to work here?

  • Behavioral: Questions that gauge how you have acted in certain situations or how you would act in certain situations.

    • Ex: Talk to me about a time you encountered a problem while working in a group.

  • Technical: Questions specific to knowledge and abilities required for the position.

    • Ex: How would you conduct a marketing audit on a company?

  • Company/Industry Specific: Questions to test how much you know about the company and/or industry:

    • Ex: Who are our company’s competitors and how do we all differ?

Do your research to find out what questions are most commonly asked by the company you are interviewing with. Once you have gathered a healthy list of questions, create flashcards.


2. Carefully choose the location for your interview

The location and environment where you conduct your virtual interview should not be overlooked. You can choose a room in your house, your office, or a conference room at the library. It doesn’t matter where as long as the location has these key features:

  • Free from noise and distractions

  • Allows you to feel comfortable

  • Has a good internet connection

3. Ensure your technology works and that you have backups

For virtual interviews to happen, technology must be used. Typically, most interviews are conducted using the webcam on your computer.

Prior to your interview, you should run several tests on your tech.

Double-check that internet again to make sure the connection is strong and consistent.

As for your computer, you should check the following:

  • The webcam works and is wiped clean of dust and fingerprints.

  • The microphone picks up sound clearly.

Do some test runs and film yourself in the location you have chosen. How do you look on camera? How do you sound? Does your voice project at a normal conversation level or would you have to speak louder for the interviewers to hear you?

In the unlikely event that your computer doesn’t work, have backup options on hand. For example, if you are using your laptop for the interview, keep your tablet or phone nearby. If your laptop malfunctions, you can quickly switch over to another device.

4. Be conscious of appearances

Appearances matter a lot in a virtual interview. All the interviewers have to judge you by is what they see on the screen.

Your backdrop should have an aesthetically pleasing background; one that isn’t too loud nor too plain. Lighting is also important. Prior to your interview, figure out how to get lighting that complements your face and the background.

If you aren’t sure how to go about this, I’d advise you to go on YouTube and search “how to set up lighting for a virtual interview.”

5. Practice body language and voice

This key relates to appearances as well. You can help your case as a strong candidate through your body language and voice. With those two, you can communicate a lot more than you can with just your words.

Some research claims that up to 93% of communication is nonverbal! So, it’s best to take this seriously.

You want the interviewers to come away from the interview believing you are confident, competent, personable, comfortable, and coachable. How can you do that? Here are a few tips:

Body language

  • Sit upright with your shoulders back.

  • Use your hands while speaking when it feels appropriate.

  • Rest your hands in your lap when you aren’t using them.

  • Aim to be relaxed and loose rather than stiff.

  • When your interviewers are speaking, look engaged.

  • Don’t be afraid to smile.


  • Speak with “umph” and conviction in your responses.

  • Don’t speak too fast or too slow.

  • Change up the tonality of your voice so you aren’t monotone.

  • Don’t be afraid of pauses. Taking a second to think before you speak is fine and actually admirable.

To practice body language, set up a chair in front of the mirror. Role play, ask yourself the questions, and then answer the questions while looking in the mirror. Analyze your posture and what you do as you speak.

Additionally, you can record yourself on your webcam as if the real interview was happening. Now you can analyze your body language and your voice too. Are you speaking at an appropriate pace? Are you saying “um” or “like” a lot? How can you change up your tone of voice on certain answers to make them more impactful?

Observe, refine, implement, and repeat. Follow that sequence until you are ready to ace the virtual interview.


About The Author

Brandon Hill is the creator of Bizness Professionals, a resource to current or aspiring young professionals for well-rounded growth and career development. Outside of his blog, he continues to work in the field of finance.

Khloé Kardashian Claims Jordyn Woods Was ‘Lying’ During The Red Table Talk Interview

The Kardashian/Woods/Thompson cheating drama is neverending. Okay, deep breath: in case you missed it, which I doubt you have, Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson split up last week after word got out that Thompson cheated with Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods. Today, Jordyn Woods went on Red Table Talk and told Jada Pinkett Smith that Thompson just kissed her on the lips, no tongue, and that they didn’t have sex. And when asked by Pinkett Smith if she thought she was the reason that Kardashian and Thompson broke up, Woods replied, “I know I’m not the reason.”

Uh, she might want to rethink that statement, because Kardashian says she IS the reason, and she would know. Khloé tweeted, “Why are you lying @jordynwoods ?? If you’re going to try and save yourself by going public, INSTEAD OF CALLING ME PRIVATELY TO APOLOGIZE FIRST, at least be HONEST about your story. BTW, you ARE the reason my family broke up!”

A little over 20 minutes later, Kardashian tweeted again, this time to clarify why she went after Woods in the tweet and not Thompson.

“Tristan is equally to blame but Tristan is the father of my child. Regardless of what he does to me I won’t do that to my daughter. He has been addressing this situation PRIVATELY. If Tristan were to lie publicly about what conspired,then yes I would address him publicly as well,” she wrote.

On the show, Woods admitted that she wasn’t exactly honest about the night when she called Kardashian the following morning. She explained, “I just knew how much turmoil was going on, that I was, like, let me not throw more fuel on the fire. I know I was trying to protect Khloe’s heart. She doesn’t deserve this either … It’s not fair that she has to deal with this either.”

Woods defended herself by saying, “I’m no home-wrecker. I would never try to hurt someone’s home—especially someone that I love and has a beautiful daughter. I would never try to steal someone’s man. I don’t need your situation. I really just hurt so many more people by not telling the truth.”

Woods is also still sticking with her “it was because I was drunk” excuse, saying, “When alcohol is involved, people make dumb moves.”

h/t: Page Six 

Khloé Kardashian And Her BFFs Are Dragging Jordyn Following The Announcement Of Her Tell-All Interview

Khloé Kardashian and her squad don’t care what Jordyn Woods has to say.

Woods teased an upcoming tell-all interview on Jada Pinkett Smith’s Red Table Talk earlier this week, her first public appearance and acknowledgment of the Tristan Thompson cheating scandal.


But—according to TMZ and People, the KarJenners really don’t want to hear it. In fact, the family is “pissed” about Woods attempting to “spin her story” rather than dealing with the situation privately. A source told People:

“The Kardashians are feeling 100 percent done with Jordyn. They’re saying she should’ve reached out directly, but she did. They were just too pissed to listen to her or pay any attention.”

Meanwhile, Khloé and her friends have taken to social media to publicly denounce Jordyn following the Red Table Talk announcement.

Longtime Kardashian friend Larsa Pippen admitted she was curious to see what Jordyn would say in a comment under a post by Instagram account Hollywood Unlocked—the same account that broke the cheating rumors in the first place.

“Can’t wait to see which version of her story she tells,” Larsa wrote. “Hope it’s the same [one] she told @khloekardashian when she checked her.”


Then, Khloé’s best friend Malika Haqq responded to a fan in the comments section of an Instagram quote she posted.

“I admire how you own your mistakes and are always there for @khloekardashian. She deserves all the happiness,” wrote one user.


Malika replied, “I’ve been wrong before and I’ll be wrong again but I damn sure wouldn’t make excuses (alcohol) in an interview to gain self pity and save face. No one in my life would could that coward like behavior.”


Malika was referring to Jordyn’s claims she was “blackout drunk” during her hookup with Thompson. Last week she also wrote, “These h**s ain’t loyal,” under a meme about the cheating incident.

As before, Khloé didn’t publicly address the situation but liked two tweets that made her feelings abundantly clear.

The first argued that Jordyn “smeared her OWN name” because none of the KarJenner’s “publicly said ONE bad thing about her.”


And the second tweet Khloé liked says that Jordyn could never “justify what she did.”


The official Red Table Talk Twitter account revealed the interview would be dropping on Friday evening.

\We’re curious to know how it’ll play out—especially considering Jordyn’s iron-clad NDA from her time on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which legally forbids her from talking about the personal lives of her former “sisters.”

15 Small Outfit Problems That Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

Whenever we leave the house, we’re bound to run into someone we know. Whether it’s for a run to the grocery store, a trip to the mall or even if we’re headed to go to work – it’s important we always look our best. Even if we’re not in the mood to get dressed up and ready for a quick trip out – people judge us for every little thing we wear.

There are a lot of ways that out outfits and appearance can f*ck us over in terms of other people’s opinions of us, without us even noticing. Sure, we may have showered this morning, put on a brand new outfit and tried to look our absolute best, but there are small little details that fall through the cracks and in turn, make us look like we’re riding the Hot Mess Express.

15. Wearing clothing that has small rips, frays or tears in it.

Sometimes we leave the house in ripped jeans or jeans that are frayed at the bottom. While it’s a style statement and trend, sometimes, it makes us look disheveled and unorganized. Sometimes when we wear things too often and for too long, the threads start to wear and buttons begin to become loose – while you don’t think it’s a big deal, people notice.

14. Wearing too many accessories.

While accessorizing can spice up a plain outfit, going overboard can make any outfit look tacky and cheap. If you are going to a work setting or a really nice affair, you don’t want to overdo it by blinging out a fancy dress or pants suit. Keep it simple.

13. Not ironing your shirt/dress/skirt.

Sometimes when we leave the house in a rush, we don’t have time to iron everything. People will run out the door in a button-down shirt that looks like we’ve slept in it, a dress with way too many wrinkles or a skirt that needs to be fixed ASAP. Not ironing your clothing can make you look sloppy in appearance. And, what’s even better is they now sell hand steamers that you can buy and speed up the “ironing process” altogether.

12. Wearing hair ties as bracelets or accessories on your wrist.

It may seem convenient to keep your hair tie or a rubber band on your wrist in case you want to throw your hair up, but it also looks sloppy and makes you appear much younger than you are. It’s better off to put them in your bag, car, or desk at work incase you want it, rather than keeping it on your wrist all day long.

11. Wearing clothes that are too tight on you.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we start gaining weight a bit faster than when we were younger – it’s called growing up. Our metabolism starts to slow down and all that pizza comes back in our faces whenever we look in the mirror. If you’re still wearing shirts and dresses from when you were 18-years-old and they definitely don’t fit anymore, people notice.

10. Carrying around a bag that’s too big in certain situations.

When you go to a job interview or a party, it’s better to carry a smaller bag than a large one. Also, you want to be sure the bag is in good condition and isn’t ripping or tearing anywhere, or that there are no dirty stains on it anywhere. Bigger bags can make you appear as though you’re trying too hard.

9. Visible bra straps.

While many women think showing your bra is a “feminist movement,” it does look sloppy and tacky in most social settings. In fact, if you’re wearing a shirt in which your bra is showing, it can even come off slutty and inappropriate – especially in a work setting.

8. Wearing oversized clothing.

Sometimes, with the right outfit, oversized clothes can be chic and cute. But, often times this isn’t the case and instead, appears sloppy and lazy. Finding clothes that are tailored to your body is the key to appearing professional and kept.

7. Day-old makeup.

Even though you think no one can tell your eyeliner and mascara is from last night, it’s pretty obvious when it’s smudged all over your face. It’s better off to wash your face and start fresh rather than be lazy and keep the same, cruddy makeup on. People will think you are irresponsible and trashy if you appear this way.

6. Animal hair on your clothes.

If you have a pet, it’s likely that they tend to shed all over your house and clothing. But, that’s why God invented lint brushes and rollers. Just because you have a dog doesn’t mean you want to show up to a meeting covered in dog hair – it just looks awful.

5. Sweaters with pills all over them.

Every girl knows there comes a time when we need to retire our favorite sweaters (RIP). Although we love them and had some good times in them, when they begin to get “pilly” it’s time to chuck them and get new ones. Wearing pilly sweaters make you look cheap and dirty.

4. Wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong outfit.

Even if you’re trying to be comfortable rather than classy, you can always throw sneakers in your bag for your commute home (which is what we all do). When you’re at the office or at a party/event, don’t show up in your sandals or sneakers just because you have to take the train home. It looks tacky and unfortunately gives off the vibe that you don’t care.

3. Wearing any clothing with stains.

Sure, you may have gotten oil on your favorite t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean you should continue wearing it just because it’s your favorite. If you can’t get a stain out, that means you have to replace whatever item you’ve stained. Going out with stained clothing is horrible for your appearance and will always make you look sloppy and disorderly.

2. Wearing white shirts/dresses/pants/skirts that are no longer bright white.

Eventually after owning white clothing for years, the white begins to fade and it becomes more of an off-white/gray. This is when you need to purchase new whites. Whites should be bright and clean, not dull and dirty. Wearing these “white” items will make you look cheap and as though you don’t wash your clothing often enough – or separate your laundry.

1. Dirty or chipped nails.

If you don’t take care of your nails, it’s an issue. Even if you’re not into getting them done or painting them, you should always clean them and cut them. If you do get manicures and your nail polish is overly chipped, that also is a sign of sloppiness and bad hygiene. The minute you see dirty under your nails, clean them. If they’re too long, cut them. If they’re chipping, take the nail polish off. Clean nails make you look cleanly and responsible.

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