Creative Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life

If you’re experiencing a sexual rut in your relationship, don’t panic. There’s a stage in every relationship when couples are not having the same drive they used to have. This article explains things you can do to improve your sex life, thereby, healing your relationship. Keep reading!

Why is Sex Important?

The true benefit of having sexual encounters is the increased intimacy and connection it brings to a couple. After all, you are letting your partner into a very private aspect of your life, something that no one else but them will ever get the chance to experience with you. That can be an incredibly bonding experience. 

In addition, according to the opinions of several specialists, sexual activity is associated with improved moods, decreased rates of depression, healthier hearts, and even reduced chances for some cancers.

It is essential to remember that a human need is for connection and closeness with other people. Therefore, physically touching another person and having meaningful connections are vital to our pleasure. 

When it comes to obtaining these essential components of a happy and full existence, sex is the ideal remedy. How frequently, then, should partners engage in sexual activity? Of course, the exact number depends on the couple, but maintaining a healthy sexual connection should be a top concern for any couple.

Tips to Improve Your Sex Life

There are many ways to spice up one’s sexual life. Novelty, charisma, and playfulness are a few of the characteristics that people say they miss in long-term relationships. As a result, whatever we can do to rectify or reintroduce these missing parts into your sex life will likely make a difference. Here are five things you can try:

Experiment New Things

Experimentation is essential if you want to find out how to have more satisfying sexual encounters. You can restore the excitement and sense of adventure by changing things up. This might be as easy as trying out new positions or as spicy as introducing new toys into the bedroom routine. 

Experimenting together to figure out what each person enjoys is a great way to strengthen bonds and is also really thrilling. In addition, you can liven up your sexual life by trying out a variety of new sexual practices or simply just engaging in more foreplay.

You may try having sexual encounters in a setting different from what you are used to, or you could even get a hotel room for the night because research suggests that this results in more satisfying sexual encounters. Since trying new things can make your sexual life better, you should explore as many options as possible.

You can also check the internet for ideas on any of these things, especially sex toys and different positions. An excellent place to start would be to check the best free onlyfans profiles online.

Build Anticipation 

Build up to anything you want to do in order to spice up your sexual life. Develop a sense of anticipation for your partner and keep them in your thoughts throughout the day. It’s remarkable how much more enjoyable sex can be when there’s the anticipation leading up to it. 

You can start by sending sex texts during the day, and telling your partner what you want to do. It keeps them anticipating! It also demonstrates to your partner that you really desire them during the day and it prepares both of you for a successful evening together.

It doesn’t matter whether you use cheeky tiny notes to express your interest and create suspense or play enjoyable games that make you wait for the final prize; anticipation is strong!

Increase the Tempo

Increase the frequency of your sex with your partner. The more sex you have, the more you want it. Having sex boosts your libido and causes more good hormones to circulate throughout your body. This assertion is supported by scientific evidence! According to several studies, if you want better sex, you should have more sex! In this case, practice makes perfect; over time, this will become your preferred activity to hone and improve. 

In addition, the more times you have sex together the more you can communicate openly with one another and know about the things your spouse really enjoys.

Create the Right Atmosphere

In order to have a satisfying sex life, it is essential to establish a relaxed atmosphere for both you and your partner. The following are some options that you can explore:

Dim Lights

Having sex in complete darkness prevents you from looking into each other’s eyes or enjoying the visuals. On the other hand, having sex in a room that is flooded with bright light can cause some people to feel uncomfortable. Find a balance that works for you by turning down the lights a little bit or lighting some candles. You might also want to add some scented candles for even more ambiance.

Change Your Sheets

The idea is to inspire a different feeling, a special feeling during the awesome moment with your partner. Something as simple as changing your bedsheet can do that. It is not the same thing you see every night before sleeping. You can even spice it up by choosing a sheet with a romantic design and color. This will help you and your partner have a different sensation from every other time you have spent in that bed.

Don’t Stop the Flirt

You and your partner used to flirt a lot. Do you still do that? If yes, then that’s excellent! If not, it might be time to consider doing so because it has the potential to assist in maintaining enthusiasm. Flirting is not simply about making sexual advances; instead, it is about displaying your total interest and engagement in the other person. This means that non-sexual behaviors are as important when it comes to flirting. You can do random acts such as surprise flowers, sensational notes, night dates, spa days, and more.


Work hard at it if you want a satisfying sex life, and keep things interesting between you and your partner. The idea that sexual activity occurs spontaneously and does not require any preparation or planning is untrue, and it cannot possibly support a long-term partnership. You can have a better sex life by making an honest effort, like using any of the above ideas.

3 Reasons Why Your Man Doesn’t Want to Get Intimate Anymore


There are many reasons why men don’t speak about their emotions. But you won’t know those reasons because they’re not vocal about them.

You ask them if everything’s alright, they’ll nod their head and say yes. However, in the coming weeks, when you’ve been asking them if they want to cuddle, they say they’re tired or not feel like it. What’s up with that?

As far as you know, you haven’t done anything wrong to tick him off, so what can you do to get rid of his cold shoulder?

You have to realize that there might be underlying reasons he’s not responding to your verbal and physical cues.

Stress at Work

You might not notice when he comes home late at night, but he might be very stressed and overwhelmed by work.

Frequent meetings with clients and managing employees can take a toll on him, and he won’t even have the time to talk about it. So he comes into the room and plunges into his bed.

Over time, this routine can affect his physical and mental health. He might avoid talking to anyone altogether and instead choose to curl in a ball of loneliness.

In such a case, it’s best to decide on a specific time and catch him on the weekend, when he’s not busy with work. This way, you can get a clear idea about his inner turmoil and help him cope with his stressors.

Weight Issues

Sometimes stress at work can impact your partner’s eating habits. One night he can come home starving for a microwave pizza. Before he knows it, this eating pattern can become a regular habit.

As his weight increases, his confidence decreases. He won’t feel comfortable being naked with you and resort to hiding himself. Especially since he looked like a Greek god before his weight gain, it would affect him significantly.

It’s crucial to point out that his weight impacts his libido, but not mock or degrade him. Hurtful words can only make matters worse, and you’ll be doing more damage than good.

You can cook some healthy meals for him or pack a few snacks and remind him to take a break and make time for eating. He needs to feel assured that there’s someone who cares about his wellbeing and who’s willing to help him attain a healthy weight to feel comfortable again.


Erectile Dysfunction

The last thing your partner wants to admit is how he’s unable to satisfy you in bed. Many males want to feel confident in bed and wouldn’t want something to affect their masculinity.

For them to be vulnerable is a sign of weakness. However, conditions like erectile dysfunction will interfere with his performance and cause him to avoid being intimate altogether. 

Erectile dysfunction in men can present itself through decreased arousal and trouble getting an erection. Sleep disorders, diabetes, heart disease, and tobacco use are some of the causes that lead to this health condition.

Most men won’t spill out their pecker problems to their partners. Still, they might feel a lot more comfortable talking to a health professional. To those residing in Australia, men’s healthprofessionals can help both your partner and you achieve optimal sexual wellbeing.

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How To Tell If Your Relationship Is Healthy

Ideally, a healthy relationship is one that lets both of you feel connected to each other and still feel independent. It is a relationship that makes both of you feel generally well. You see, the relationship that you have with your spouse contributes greatly to your emotional, mental, and general wellbeing.

In addition, a healthy relationship is packed with a lot of other benefits. When you are comfortable and happy, you are able to respond positively to life stresses. You are able to adopt healthier behaviors, leading to a longer life. Above all, you feel a greater sense of purpose in life nurturing a relationship.

The question, however, remains what makes a healthy relationship. The following are ways that you can tell if your relationship is healthy.


1.      Honest communication

Communication is very critical for a relationship to thrive. You will know that your relationship is healthy if you can freely express yourself without the fear of being intimidated or ridiculed. Communication is two ways in that you listen to each other and everyone feels heard.

It is also crucial that you keep in touch with one another when you are apart. This is where online communication comes into play. When using the internet for this reason, make sure that you have Residential Proxies for getting a fast and safe experience while checking different websites. 


2.      Fair fights

Fights are inevitable in any relationship. In fact, you should be very careful in a relationship that has no fights. That could mean that one of you is not genuine, or is holding back something. People in a healthy relationship fight, but they fight fairly without insulting or humiliating the other person. They fight for their relationship, but not each other.


3.      There is independence

The fact that you are together doesn’t mean that you will have the same interests, pursue the same dreams, keep the same friends, and literally do everything together. You each had your own dreams before coming together. A healthy relationship will provide a conducive environment for each person to pursue his or her interests, and personal growth. You should in fact be supporting each other’s dreams as the biggest cheerleader. When you grow individually, you become stronger together.

4.      You appreciate each other

Relationships thrive when you appreciate each other. You are different individuals and each of you contributes a share in the happiness and joy that you savor in. If you are in a healthy relationship, you and your partner will be always eager to appreciate each other. You will not need a reason to celebrate the other person. Gift-giving comes naturally to you.

Pro tip: If you want to appreciate your partner, you can never go wrong with music. If your partner is a music lover, download free music-making software and send them tunes that you created yourself. You will be giving your partner something to remember you by even when you are apart from each other.


5.      There is trust

The truth of the matter is that you can’t be able to follow your partner whenever he or she goes around the clock. You will have to trust the other person if you are to set each other free. That means staying away from snooping into each other’s phones or tracking their whereabouts. You will also not keep any secrets from each other. If trust is present in the relationship, then that is a healthy one.


6.      You don’t tell bad things about each other to other people

Most people run to other people when their relationship faces a problem. While your partner would be the last person you want to see when you are mad, venting out to other people only shows that your relationship is unhealthy. In a healthy relationship, talking ill about your partner to other people would be the last thing on your mind. You will seek to fix the problem with your partner first before reaching out to a third party.


7.      Your relationship is a safety net

Life happens and a day has a lot to deal with. At the end of the day, you want to go home to a quiet place where you will find the peace and rest that you so much need. If your relationship is a safe haven that you want to run to when things get tough, it is definitely healthy.


8.      You find balance

A relationship demands so much especially when you are living together. There are the chores and paying bills and childcare among other things. Most couples fail to find a balance, and one partner will often feel overwhelmed. When you are in a healthy relationship, finding a balance is not a difficult thing. You are able to play fair with your spouse in this aspect. And in the end, having holidays together will reward all your hard work on keeping the balance up.  



Technically, a healthy relationship boils down to good communication and healthy boundaries. In other words, you communicate openly, honestly, respectfully, and without criticism. In addition, you respect each other’s personal life as well as trust each other.

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About The Author

Freya is a Math teacher, Yoga enthusiast, and a beloved mother of three lovely daughters. She is always looking for ways to grow and help others around her thrive through self-learning, meditation, and physical fitness. When she is not teaching or spending time with her family, Freya regularly writes on topics related to self-improvement and women empowerment.


Ways to Improve Your Long-Term Relationship This Year


Most of us experienced a considerable amount of stress in 2020. Individuals, couples, and families were navigating life in the midst of a pandemic, which meant that many people had to change their work schedules, children had to attend online school from home, and some people became unemployed or underemployed in an attempt to prevent further spread of the virus. Due to these life changes, some people experienced significant strain in their relationships for a variety of reasons. If you’ve resolved to improve your long-term relationship in 2021, here are some tips that could be helpful.

Make Communication a Priority

When you read relationship books or articles, “communication” is mentioned often. However, communicating with your partner is a customized process that should be tailored to your relationship. If your partner needs to have meaningful conversations often, it is important to be aware of this. If your spouse’s preferred method of communication is loving texts or notes throughout the day, satisfying this need can help strengthen your bond. In order to know what your partner’s communication style is, you’ll need to talk to each other and have the willingness to give your loved one what they need from you. When you communicate in a way that works for your relationship, you can avoid feelings of resentment and confusion to make your relationship stronger.

Have Fun Together

The past year has been particularly stressful for couples and families. Many people have had to deal with the anxiety of caring for a loved one with the virus, and unfortunately, some families have had to grieve the loss of family members who were unable to recover. These unprecedented circumstances have made it difficult for couples to enjoy the time they spend together. Making an effort to do fun things with your partner can help revitalize your relationship and remember why you fell in love. Due to social distancing mandates, it may not be possible to visit all the places you used to love to go, like museums, concert halls, or restaurants. Having a movie night at home with takeout from your favorite restaurant, taking a hike along a local walking trail, or even having a virtual game night with friends can give you and your partner an opportunity to laugh with each other. Even though the two of you may be dealing with huge life changes, remembering why you fell in love in the first place can help you remember why you fell in love in the first place.

Make Time for Intimacy

Intimacy is an important part of romantic relationships. Due to the huge changes in people’s work and school schedules, couples have had less time to bond with one another on a physical or emotional level. Stress and anxiety have also affected people’s energy levels, which can make sex less appealing. It’s important for you and your partner to be honest with each other about what is lacking in your sex life, as well as what works for the both of you when it comes to intimacy. It may be best to meet with a sex therapist so you can sort your feelings out with a non-biased third party who can give you tips and suggestions for maintaining a close relationship. If you live in or near the Miami area, consider booking an appointment with a sexual therapist in Miami to help you bring the spark back to your relationship.

Make an Effort to Be Supportive

Your partner likely needs your support now more than ever. Even though you’re likely dealing with your own fears and anxieties, it’s important that you let your partner know that you’re available to offer emotional and physical support. For instance, if your partner has to stay home all day working virtually and teaching the kids, you can pick up dinner on the way home from work to give your loved one a break from cooking. If your spouse is an essential worker, carve out some time in the evening to allow them to vent their frustration once the kids are asleep and you can give your partner your full attention. These small gestures can make a huge difference in your partner’s emotional state and shows them how much you care.


These helpful tips can improve your relationship this year and in the future. The more you incorporate these tips into your relationship, the more you’ll strengthen your relationship and find fulfillment in the love the two of you share.


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About The Author

Rayanne Morriss is currently working towards her BA from Oregon State University. She loves to write, read, travel, and paint. She enjoys finding new coffee shops with friends and expanding her cooking skills with her husband.

7 Signs You And Your Partner Should Definitely Breakup

You probably clicked on this article for two reasons. One is that you think this is click bait and I have zero clue about what I’m talking about and are looking to troll me and my relationship advice for the entire Internet to see. Two is that you’re in a relationship where you are unhappy or borderline unhappy and want to know if it’s just you that’s feeling this way. If it’s reason one – go home. If it’s reason two – you’re not alone.

I was in several long-term relationships in my life where I overstayed my welcome. Sometimes, there are warning signs and red flags that are right in front of your face – waving in thin air – but you stay because you don’t want to lose something special – comfort. Far too long, people stay in relationships they are severely unhappy in because of being comfortable and, the fear of being alone. For these two reasons, we find ourselves settling – wondering what else is out there and is there someone better suited for me – and yet, we may lose opportunities to meet those someones because we are suffering in our own despair.

There are a lot of tell-tale signs that point to a relationship ending, but, some people don’t want to face the truth. But, when it’s there, there’s no denying it.

1. You’ve lost that loving feeling.

Sure, I just took song lyrics and made it a point – but it’s actually true. When you look at your partner and no longer smile right away or feel that “overcome with emotion” sensation – chances are, you’re falling out of love with them. You want to look at them less and when they come home from work – it’s just “whatever.” The more you fall out of love, the less love you will feel. We all know how it feels to look at someone we are in love with. We laugh, we get giddy, we smile and we become hot and bothered (sometimes). But, when you feel indifferent towards them, you’re going to begin to resent them eventually. Their qualities you once loved will become flaws and sooner or later – you’ll hate yourself for not ending it.

Tips to Maintain Sexual Intimacy in a Long Distance Relationship

Those who are spared from it are in bliss while those who are in it will wholly agree how hard long-distance relationships can be. Unlike other couples, long distance couples are much away from all the good things that physical proximity brings, like hugs, cuddles and most important of all, sex. Sex not only brings couples together and binds them for long but it also creates positive psychological outcomes for the entire relationship like trust, empathy and a massive reduction in stress.


Healthy sex with a partner can help both persons involved deal better with anxiety, be happy and have better mental health. This is not to say that the modern, hook up and disappear next morning sex, too will reap the same benefits, in fact, that can create issues for both men and women internally as it strips away human connection from the activity, while being disguised as a temporary pleasure. But in a long distance relationship, months and years of sexual deprivation can be much harder on both partners than casual sex, so in such a situation what should a long distance couples do to keep the sexual spark and connection alive?


Have Digital/video sex as needed,  preferably as much as possible. This the most effective way for you and your long distance partner to experience each other sexually. Since you both are so far from each other, this is a sure fire way to pull you closer in an intimate manner. How you do it is entirely up to you. You can either plan it out a few days in advance, or just get in the mood while you are having a regular video call to discuss the daily. Whatever it is, be prepared to put in some effort as sex online is hugely different from sex in real life. But you know what doesn’t change in either case? Your imagination. Imagine how you would want to achieve maximum pleasure with your partner in real life and then tell them that. Take their opinions on what they want you to do and similarly give them some instructions as well. A healthy sexual relationship will be possible if both the partners truly want and make the effort to do that.


Whilst Doing video sex and texting, automatic toys in the bedroom are essential! There are lots of different sex toys which have been developed for this exact purpose.


Send tit bits. Since you are committed enough to be in a long distance relationship, you can pump up the fun factor by teasing your partner with sexy/naughty/funny but hot pictures or videos. It doesn’t have to be a full-fledged professional looking perfect image, instead, accept your situation, your limitations and drop those inhibitions. Take a video in the shower, or a picture while getting dressed and share with a simple loving message like “Miss you” or “Wish you could help me with the zipper on this dress”. By adding sweetness, you won’t feel like a sex robot every time you send a nude and it will take the pressure of seduction off, while still putting a smile on your partner’s face and a suggestive thought in their minds.


Experiment with different platforms. Something as simple as a sexy voice note in your turned on voice can do the trick sometimes, while at other times you may want to get creative. For those times adult chat rooms can be a fun thing to try where you can make alias accounts with alter ego personalities and then seduce each other. This will greatly help you in getting rid of all your shyness and you can make a secret pact of never discussing the activities of the chat room sex to keep that mysterious kink alive.


Shed the label. So why is dirty talk considered dirty anyways? For many people, especially women, dirty talk can be a very uncomfortable experience which they feel embarrassed about thanks to all the sexual and moral policing that our society does to a women’s sex life. Yet the truth is there is nothing wrong or dirty about sexual talks. It’s perfectly normal to have the sexual urge and to express it imaginatively is a great attribute that will make your lover feel wanted, desired and sexy. So just do it. Tell them how much your “whatever part of the body” misses their “whatever part of the body” when it did “that”. Communication is the key to maintaining a relationship and if you can initiate sex while slipping your hand under the sheets, you can also do it on the phone.


Write a sex story. For those who really want to open up with their partners about their sexual fantasies, this is a perfect outlet. Write a short, erotic sex story and leave it on a breath holding cliff hanger. Pass it to your partner to continue and keep writing and passing until one of you either writes the end or calls video. Not only it will be highly effective in extracting both people’s individual desires but it will also be a great exercise in trust building and bonding, and a fun memory to hold on to for years to come.

Just like a healthy body needs good food and routine exercises, a healthy relationship needs good sex, positive communication and lots of love to combat  stress, mistrust and drifting apart. If the relationship is a long distant one, more of all these ingredients must be added on a regular basis to keep you and your loved one together until you can finally be next to each other.

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