Hey Douchebag, Stop Popping Up When It’s Convenient For You

I’m having the best day ever, and BAM! You creep into my messages with pathetic excuses and more bullshit lies.

Stop! Stop contacting me when it’s convenient for you. I don’t have the time or patience. You’re sounding like a broken record. It’s getting old.

You don’t miss me. You don’t love me. You don’t even want me. You’re just sitting around realizing how badly you messed up. The silence of an empty house and life is catching up with you.

Where were you when I wanted and needed you? Where were you when I wanted to be together? You were too caught up in your games to see the actual picture.

The reality is setting in that I’m not there anymore. I got tired of being there at your convenience, dropping everything because I cared. Because you were all I wanted. Because I thought I was what you wanted too.

Don’t text me with your problems and feelings. That door has closed. And that’s your own damn fault. You only have yourself to blame for pushing away the one person who had your back always.

Don’t try to use guilt or manipulate my feelings in order to get your way. I don’t need your drama or your narcissistic comments anymore. You should have thought of that before you tried to destroy me.

I don’t rely on you or your love. I never needed you for anything, I only wanted you for the person I fell for. I thought you were who you claimed to be. But the person I thought you were was all a lie, and our love was a lie.

You’re NOT the man I met or loved.

So stop with the selfish shit and reaching out to me only because no one else is around, or because you feel alone. Don’t get caught up in feelings and memory lane because you’re drunk.

You didn’t want me then, and you sure aren’t going to have me now.

Give Up On The Guy Who Treats You Like a Second Choice

She fell in love with you and got absolutely nothing out of it.

She so badly didn’t want you to just think of her as your very own revolving door. But the deeper and deeper she fell, the more reality set in.

She was just a girl for you to pass through, a rest stop before your final destination, your come-and-go, no-strings-attached, no-questions-asked, easy option.

You sweet talked her, filled her head with false promises and her heart with possibilities of building a future together. She trusted in your false pretenses, knowing full well that it all seemed far too good to be true.You were so noncommittal and yet she, stupidly, fell head over heels.

And I’m sure she wasn’t the only girl to do so.  There were probably hundreds of them; they weren’t special and neither was she.

But that didn’t matter because even though you’d never admit it, you needed her.

You needed her to be constantly available just in case you found yourself without a place to lay your head. You needed her on standby in case you wanted a few days of attention. You needed to keep her far enough away that I’d crave you, but close enough that she’d never turn you away.

It was a constant tug-of-war and she was always losing.

She found you irresistible and you knew that one look from you was all it took to override her better judgment.

But as much as she was drawn to you, she also knew that despite your promises to eventually come back to her for good, she knew she’d never have you to herself.

Your heart belonged to more than just another person and there was no way she could compete with that.

She told herself that the next time you dropped in and right back out again would be the last. She wasn’t gaining anything from this twisted, one-sided relationship. She was putting all of her eggs in one basket for a “see-you-next-time,” and putting her life on hold for a once-in-a-blue-moon encounter. She was done letting you mosey on back whenever you pleased.

Did you really mean to treat her as nothing more than a soft place to land and not as a person with real feelings?

Or did you just not realize that she was meant to be your destination and not just a stop along the way?

Either way, it’s too late. You’ve worn out your welcome.

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