Typos happen to the best of us, particularly when they aren’t recognized by spell check.
They even happen to newspapers. Just take a look at what happened to upstate New York’s The Post-Journal last Saturday after the outlet picked up an AP story about actress Julia Roberts.
The headline, which read “Julia Roberts Finds Life And Her Holes Get Better With Age” immediately went viral after readers noticed its unfortunate spelling error.
Headline of the day
Julia Roberts Finds Life And Her Holes Get Better With Age pic.twitter.com/85oU83ijgi
— raf taylor (@truthis24fps) December 10, 2018
Obviously, the headline was meant to read “Roles” rather than “Holes”—though we’re certain both are true. The Post-Journal quickly issued a correction, but it was too late.
@TheEllenShow can’t believe this headline in our local paper… Julia Roberts will be glad to know her holes are getting better with age?? pic.twitter.com/gvZkOsBjyN
— elizabeth (@eadavisus) December 9, 2018
Twitter had already taken it and galloped away full speed.
This is why she's a movie star. My holes have only gotten worse with age.???? pic.twitter.com/h3jiuEqF6P
— Busy Philipps (@BusyPhilipps) December 10, 2018
Julia Roberts and her improved holes should host the Oscars https://t.co/JMaagiZlc8
— Max Weiss (@maxthegirl) December 11, 2018
Who needs subs? Julia Roberts, that's who! pic.twitter.com/FK6aO4jIZf
— Neil McMahon (@NeilMcMahon) December 10, 2018
I love a good holesome headline…
— Richard Hyde (@fake_rwhyde) December 10, 2018
Copy editors are very important. Just ask Julia Roberts. https://t.co/hFcZYbwjRs
— Marc Malkin (@marcmalkin) December 10, 2018
I feel this title about Julia Roberts and Holes perhaps needs a little finessing pic.twitter.com/z2o7EmJKbk
— Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) December 10, 2018
Never dictate the headline over the phone. (h/t @NeilMcMahon) pic.twitter.com/0kPUGxQ2sd
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) December 10, 2018
I like to think all of our holes are getting better with age. Also, copyediting is important. pic.twitter.com/uNG0ZKgurx
— Eric Spitznagel (@ericspitznagel) December 9, 2018
The mistake seems to have already been fixed on site, and the superstar has yet to respond to the veracity of the original headline—if true, how does she do it?