Eight Self Care Ways To Enjoy Labor Day This Year

Labor Day is almost here. And while it may bring on some end of summer bummer blues, Labor Day is a great day to reset and renew. If you are familiar with the history of labor day, you will know that it is rooted in our culture since the late nineteenth century. The first Monday of September is a federal holiday that annually celebrates the hard work of all, and the prosperity that labor brings this nation.  So it is time for some self care celebration, you worker, you.. here are ten ways to make this Labor Day glorious.


Wake Up Late

You heard me. Wake up late. No alarm, no am agenda. Just you and your time.  Break out of your routine and dare to dream a little extra on Labor Day.


Have Breakfast

And I do not mean a protein bar. A real breakfast, maybe even brunch with friends. Because there is nothing better than slowly sipping coffee over some good girlfriend chatter. No friends in town? no problem, a solo date at a cafe is sure to renew. Pumpkin Season is coming– so maybe a pumpkin latte, a croissant and some people watching..  I’m in!


FALLLIFY Your Closet

It is almost time to transition to fallwear. Which means breaking out those light to medium sweaters, bringing up those fall boots closer to the front of the closet, and chanelling your inner Marie Kondo. So make those donations, get your consignment on locally, and get those fall hats ready to brim over your cute fall face.


Nails Done

Rustic oranges, burnished burgundies, and smokey blue hues,.. nail color goes darker after Labor Day. So why not pamper yourself with a pedi? Spa time never fails to rejuvenate!


Get On The Water

Lake life and Beach life beckon us all on Labor Day. Kayaking or Stand Up Paddle, or just float in the pool. Taking some time on the water will help you find your blue mind and reset your mindeset. Ditch technology, read a book and turn off all push notifications. Find your zen with simplicity today.


Shop For Deals Online

There are some amazing deals online on Labor Day. So grab that sports bra for your fitness or finally get that larger purchase on a deal like a new bike. Let your fingers do the bargain shopping, perhaps poolside?? Just remember to wear the sunscreen. Its hot out there!


Catch Up On The Binge Worthy

Maybe a Labor Day Netflix and Chill is the perfect self care idea. Spend some time alone with your Love Island, Gossip Girl and let’s all freak out with You. Break out the popcorn and snacks, and enjoy your space. And your day off. Ahhhh


Find Your Evening

Grab a catch up drink with a friend, find a patio and wear that labor day white item–Just make it an early start so you can have quality time with your bestie today. Don’t work too hard at making plans today. Just go with the flow.


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Bacardi Spiced Palmer – Labor Day’s Must-Have Cocktail

It’s a party with Bacardi…

Labor Day is a day to be with family and friends and drink and eat incredible foods. Hot dogs, hamburgers, cookouts, desserts, cocktails, you name it. However you celebrate, you’re almost always guaranteed to have a drink in your hand. For my over-21 friends, the Bacardi Spiced Palmer needs to be in your cup.

Bacardi is a rum company that was established in 1862 and features rum that is aged for at least 10 years. The company produced dark, gold, and white rum, which are good for multiple kinds of drinks.

From the website, the recipe is described as: “Inspired by the traditional lemonade and tea combo, the Bacardi Spiced Palmer is the perfect cocktail to sip while you enjoy labor weekend with friends.

I was contacted by a team member at H&S – a brand partnering company that connects with influencers to bring awareness to certain brands. When I got an email to sample Bacardi, I was pumped. A specific recipe I was asked to make was the Bacardi Spiced Palmer. Included in this recipe are Bacardi Spiced (which sells for roughly $13 for the smaller bottle), lemonade, and peach iced tea.

The recipe is simple: 1.5 oz. Bacardi Spiced, 1.5 oz. lemonade, and 1.5 oz. peach iced tea

I tasted it, along with my brother, to see what he thought about the recipe, as well. It was a huge hit for both of us. I can confidently say that this recipe will be a must-have for holidays moving forward. At your average liquor store, there are bottles in two sizes: 750 ml and 1.75 L. The packaging is sleek and is a great addition to any collection you may already have.

Considering the price is so low, there’s really no reason to not try this drink. Adding up all the good factors: low price, great taste, easy to make, etc., I would highly recommend everything about this drink. So, if you’re over 21, find your local liquor store and stock up for the holidays.

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

The History Behind Labor Day And Why You Should Celebrate

Like clockwork, I grabbed my morning coffee on my way to work and waved to the elderly man at the shoe shop on the corner. 

Every morning he is out there before the streets start to fill up and the village shops open. His face is worn and exhausted but is always friendly and greets passersby with a smile and a wave.

This man represents all small business owners.

The first Monday in September is a federal holiday in the United States. Labor Day—a tribute to contributions made by American workers to the growth and development of the country. For many, Labor Day is the ultimate long weekend—the end of summer, the beginning of fall, and for some the last day to wear white.

This year, we face a new challenge. What would normally be a long weekend getaway with friends or family, that camping trip you take every year, or the annual end of summer BBQ, we are now forced to cancel normal routines and celebrations due to a pandemic. 

So, now what? I say, take a day for yourself. You deserve it. Sleep in, go for a leisurely walk, read that book you have always wanted to read, stay in your PJ’s all day, and binge watch that Netflix series. After all, this day is for you.

Here are some fun facts about the history of the holiday:

The very first Labor Day consisted of 10,000 workers marching in New York City

On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in NYC, holding the first Labor Day Parade in U.S. history.

“No white after Labor Day

Ever wonder why? The tradition goes back to the end of the Civil War when society was ruled by the wealthy wives of old-money elites. As more new-money millionaires entered society, the jealous old regime invented a whole suite of arbitrary fashion rules that only those in the in-crowd would know. Anyone who showed up to an autumn dinner party in a white dress, for example, would be instantly outed as a nouveau riche newbie. That tradition of not wearing white past summer has since trickled down through fashion magazines and into mainstream culture… even for those of us whose ideal dinner party garb is sweatpants. The good news is most fashion experts agree that there is no need to follow this elitist rule today.

Other Countries have their own Labor Day

It is called May Day, takes place on May 1, and just like Labor Day, was established to celebrate workers’ rights.

It is a weekend for people to come together

In 1898, Samuel Gompers, the head of the American Federation of Labor said that Labor Day was meant to be a time when workers “lay down their tools of labor for a holiday, but upon which they may touch shoulders in marching phalanx and feel the stronger for it.”

So, whether you are stepping away from a laptop or a lathe, this weekend is a three-day salute to what you and your colleagues have achieved together. Enjoy it.

About The Author

Danielle is a lover of all things. When she doesn’t have her head in a book you can find her taking advantage of long summer days hiking or camping with her dog Nora. Danielle is currently working on her Bachelor’s Degree in Homeland Security Management.


40 Signs That Labor Day is Almost Here

Follow these signs and you’ll be enjoying an exciting Labor Day weekend in no time:

  1. The leaves are really turning red, it’s not just a dead branch stuck up there.

  2. The Halloween candy is already picked over in the grocery store.

  3. Back to School supplies are on clearance.

  4. You can’t get a reservation at the lake; they’re booked.

  5. People are stocking up on Hershey bars, marshmallows and graham crackers.

  6. No one is using the pool.

  7. You’ve given up on your flowerpots.

  8. The dog is shedding ferociously.

  9. You took your window air conditioner out.

  10. Thanksgiving decorations are already in the drug stores.

  11. The catalogs are already stressing you out about Christmas.

  12. You finally found the perfect pair of white shorts, but you can’t wear them now.

  13. The NYS thruway is peppered with overloaded cars with university stickers.

  14. The school buses are doing their dry runs.

  15. Guidance counselors are hiding under their desks because of the barrage of parents.

  16. You haven’t uncovered the lawn furniture in a week.

  17. It’s dark already at 8:00.

  18. You need a jacket to go out to dinner.

  19. Starbucks is featuring their Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  20. Ice cream stands are out of your favorite flavor.

  21. Radio stations are doing “end of summer” mixes.

  22. The cooking shows are featuring oven dinners.

  23. Your favorite brewery is featuring the winter brews.

  24. Everyone is wearing boots again.

  25. You feel stressed that you haven’t taken the boat out “one last time.”

  26. Your hallway is laden with paraphernalia for a dorm room.

  27. You’re switching from light fruity drinks to dark, dry, red wine.

  28. The soccer coach has already called with the fall schedule.

  29. You’ve received a list of items to buy from your child’s teacher.

  30. It’s almost the playoffs in baseball.

  31. You find yourself making hot tea.

  32. The thunderstorms are furious.

  33. It’s really hurricane season.

  34. You’ve given up on achieving your bikini body for this year.

  35. You brought your sweaters to the dry cleaners.

  36. The florists are featuring mums.

  37. The apple stands are open.

  38. Suddenly, you’re craving homemade maple syrup.

  39. You feel an intrinsic urge to buy new pens.

  40. You got the school calendar.

11 things you can do this Labor Day weekend to feel like you still rocked your summer

It happens every year. You make plans for “the best summer ever” in May, lounge around in June, party a little too hard in July & then BAM. August rolls around, and the Sunday of summer leaves you with regrets of the summer that passed you by & you didn’t take advantage of.

Here are 11 things you can do this Labor Day weekend that will make you feel like you still did summer right:

1. A water balloon fight. Childish? Maybe. But that’s the point. Summer is an ode to the school years when this was your freedom & running around chasing your friends with the thrill of getting hit with a water balloon? Sounds like summer to me.

2. Read a book outside in the park. Sure, nothing beats cozying up under the blankets on the couch in the fall with a good read, but an outdoor book sesh can’t be beat. Find a tree with lots of shade, pack a little snack (and maybe a bottle of Rose) and call it a day.

3. Go on a bike ride.  This may seem simple, but I would put money many of us still have our wheels collecting dust in the garage.

4. Grill a burger. Or better yet, host a BBQ. Nothing says summer like the smell of a full grill & a few charred weenies.

5. Get a pedicure. Your toes thirst to be seen! And truly, they’re kept hidden year-round until summer sandals are your staple. Those little piggies need to look their best.

6. Create a “Summer playlist”. Even if you don’t listen to it. Go through your recently played from the past few months (hello Old Town Road!) and combine them for the ultimate “Summer Jams” list. In a few months, you’ll be glad you did Even if you were lame all summer, these tunes will bring you back to the sunshine days.

7. Buy the perfect summer dress. Nothing says summer like twirling around in the warm sun and a flowing dress.

8. Post up poolside. Can’t make it to the Hamptons? Us either, girlfriend. But find a neighborhood pool or find a kiddie pool on clearance & relax your legs in the cool water.

9. Road trip to visit an old friend that moved away. If you have the financial means, make a spontaneous trip to visit your friend you’ve been meaning to visit. Summer always brings plans that end up getting canceled…don’t let this happen.

10. Turn off Netflix.  For real, how much of your summer months did you spend watching the Orange Is the New Black or seeing what all the Ozarks fuss was all about? Binging can wait until it gets cold outside.

11. Lighten up your hair. Even if the trend is to go “dark” for the fall with your locks; go against the norm & throw in some blonde highlights & feel like a summer beach bum.



Labor Day Memories: The Holiday Will Be Different This Year

I remember the early morning of having a Coney Island breakfast, and then making our way downtown to mark with my Grandpa’s fellow union brothers and sisters. Then when I became of age and started working, it was different walk. I was walking for my rights as well as the rights of my fellow union brothers and sisters. I have found memories of hot dogs and music back at the union hall. 

This year will look a little different. However my traditions will still live on. Here is how I plan to celebrate Labor Day even when parades are not going to be a thing. 

I’m going to get up early and make myself the hot cakes and some fried potatoes. Then I’m going to take my cup of coffee and sit at my kitchen table and remember what this day means. For a girl who’s grandpa was chairman of his local it means workers rights and working hard to create the life that you want. 

Then around the time we would have walked (always starting late because you know organization of crowed of people is hard) I am going to hook my dog up and we are going to walk. No it won’t be the same as it would be with all the people downtown, but it will still mean the same in my heart. 

After the walk I’m going to pull out the sprinkler for my pup and baby sister. And I’m going to heat up my grill and cook some hotdogs. We will eat and listen to music. We will dance and sing and play in the water. Then we will have an ice cream and enjoy the last day of a beautiful Michigan summer day. 

At the end of the night after it’s all cleaned up, I’m going to pull out my clothes for work. I’m going to pack up my lunch for the next day and I’m going to take on another year. 

Here is to all the hard working Americans. I hope you too take some time with your friends and family on Labor Day (responsibly of course). Yes it’ll look a little different this year but we can still make it fun and remember what the day stands for. All of us who keep America moving! 

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