14 Things Only People With An Odd Sense of Humor Will Understand

There are just so many different types of humor out there. Yours is just a bit odd. You’re always laughing at things no one else finds hilarious. Maybe you have a dark sense of humor, or the sarcastic slightly offensive kind. Possibly the dirty sense of humor, or the dry one. Or maybe you laugh at almost anything. Either way you have an odd sense of humor but hey, no one will ever call you boring.


You’re completely inappropriate laughter. Things that everyone else considers to be serious has left you in tears laughing out loud. Which means you now have to apologize while trying to contain your overflowing laughter…


And when someone asks what was so funny, you explain, only to receive blank stares.


Or they nod their heads smiling, and you know they don’t get it.


Your sense of humor is fluid, so while everyone is busy feeling insulted, you know how to laugh at yourself.


You need to be careful who you joke around, because your jokes have a tendency to be inappropriate.


It’s the best feeling ever when you find someone that has a matching sense of humor.


You avoid people with no sense of humor like a bad stomach virus.


People Are Pranking Their Moms With A Fake Picture And The Results Are Hilarious

Our poor moms. They put up with so much from us and yet so many of us still feel the need to prank them from time to time just because we think it’s funny.

In a tweet that’s gone viral, Twitter user Jordan Rutledge posted a picture of an oven in which a pizza had been placed on a now-completely-melted PLASTIC cutting board. The picture originally seems to be from Reddit, where someone wrote that their daughter was the culprit. Was she stoned, or just not thinking, or basically dumb? We’ll probably never know.

Rutledge instructed his followers to text the picture to their moms and say, “I didn’t know you couldn’t put the cutting board in the oven.” Ouch.

The responses were predictably hilarious.

Moms, we feel your pain. We just think it’s funny! Just be happy this picture isn’t actually of your own oven.

30 Things To Thank Your Significant Other For

Being Thankful

Life is crazy. Sometimes, we’re in such a rush we put our underwear on inside out (or is that just me?) Due to the crazy, chaotic and hectic realities we all live in, it’s common that we forget to say “thank you,” to our partners for everything they do for us.

In relationships, appreciation goes a long way – especially, when they deserve it. It’s the small moments of recognition that make us feel that we’re truly loved.

Here’s to the boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés, wives and husbands that we far too often take for granted. Here are my Thank You’s…

1. For not watching the new episode of “our show” without me.

2. Being patient with me.

3. Not judging my ugly crying face.

4. Being understanding.

5. Sharing you fries. And your onion rings.

6. For going to all the places I’ve forced you to go to – against your will.

7. Listening to my weird rants at 2 a.m.

8. Believing in my dreams and goals.

9. Not judging my awful singing voice in the car. And the shower.

10. For being supportive, especially when I need it the most.

11. Dealing with my horrible morning breath.

12. For coming into disagreements and arguments with an open-mind.

13. For laughing at my jokes even when they’re really awful (and not funny).

14. Including me in your decisions.

15. Letting me sleep, even if your arm is numb because I passed out on top of you.

16. Dealing with my crazy side.

17. Vegging out with me on a Friday night in PJ’s.

18. Making me feel like the only person in a crowded room.

19. Looking at 25 pictures of adorable animals with me because…well why the hell not?

20. For accepting me for who I am and where I am in life.

21. For being just as weird as me.

22. The surprises – even the small ones.

23. Not judging me when I yell at the television during a game or a show.

24. Always making life an adventure.

25. For Showing me truth.

26. And Showing me reason.

27. Thank you for showing me love.

28. And for being you.

29. For all the small things.

30. And the big ones, too.


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