Man’s Post About His Ex-Wife’s New Engagement Photos Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons

Divorces can be pretty hard on families and individuals when they happen. Some get married, get divorced, and end up absolutely hating each other for the rest of their lives. But, there are others who defy the odds and decide that maybe marriage isn’t for them—but, they can still be friends. This is vital for couples who are going to remain in each other’s lives, especially when they have kids.

One man posted a status on Facebook about his ex-wife’s new engagement and it’s going viral because it’s definitely out of the ordinary. While many believe that an ex-husband may be bitter and salty that his ex-wife is moving on, Blake Higginbotham has a different mentality on this. He wrote:

This is my ex wife. The mother of my 3 children. The woman who brought all 3 of my children into this world.

We got married young , had 3 beautiful children and had a bitter divorce.
3 years later , that relationship is much different. We share the kids evenly and support them in everything they do. We act as a team.

The man she’s with is a great guy. He’s great to my kids and they love him to death. As a father , I couldn’t ask for anything more. I sincerely wish you both the best. I’m thankful for many things including yalls relationship.
To anyone divorced, I encourage you with all of me to try and look at this from a different angle. Just because you didn’t workout as husband and wife doesn’t mean you can’t be mom and dad.

Many people online were shocked and almost emotional over the bond that Blake and his ex-wife still have, and how they have worked to keep their friendship civil and alive to make sure that their kids have good role models in their lives.

We totally agree—this is how it should be.

People Share The Best Way To Split The Bill When Out With Super Rich Friends

When you go out with friends to eat or grab drinks, one of the most awkward and uncomfortable things to deal with has to be when the check comes. Especially, when you’re out with friends who are just a bit richer than you. You often times feel the need to cover the check in order to make yourself feel as though you’re not as broke as people think you are. But, other times, you think your wealthier friends should grab this round. It does leave a bit of confusion to some: what is the right protocol when going out with your wealthy friends?  Does everyone pay just for their own meal and drinks or is the entire bill split evenly. Well, what if I order just a salad? Should I have to pay for some of your steaks. I didn’t eat it! Lucky for us, the people of the Internet have blessed us with tips on how to overcome this uncomfortable issue especially when everyone is wealthy, expect for yourself.

If you invite then you shall pay:

 I recently watched all the episodes of “House of Cards” about wealthy people like the fictional “Raymond Tusk – multi Billionaire” …I found the portrayals very realistic for a change. Their lives are not so different from ordinary middle-class folks. Most don’t drive Lamborghinis, etc. How do I know about rich people? Well, here in Monaco, that is pretty much the only kind of people around: Wealthy people who have moved here and bought a small apartment for a few million Euros…Why? Mainly because their tax savings exceed the apartment costs usually by a wide margin. So most make a million a year or more. I also know a lot of new millionaires from Silicon Valley who live in tax havens like this. They can veer in either direction — big newly rich show-offs who got their lifestyle clues from old movies, or more usually, humble, low-profile guys.

Thus, to answer the question, this is the real “protocol” that usually applies: The person who has invited the other person for lunch at a restaurant pays. Cash or credit card. They don’t have special staff around just to pay bills. I used to always pay the restaurant & bar bill for a prize-winning journalist friend from high school whom I perceived as not having too much dough. Then, years ago, he said “I don’t need you to treat me all the time so we should split the bill from now on.” And that’s what we did after that. Then there was my stock broker and a few others who MADE MONEY from me: They ALWAYS pick up the checks. I never do. I think that is how it works with most wealthy people. If they work for me I pick up the checks. I once had lunch with a guy who must have expected me to pay. I would have — except that he ordered crazy expensive wine at $200 a bottle. When the outrageous “La Addition” arrived, I was not shy & said, “Hey, I invited you, but you can cover the $400 for the wine you ordered.” He actually gave me an argument and claimed to have forgotten his wallet. That was the last time I ever saw that deadbeat schnorrer (i.e. moocher) or wanted to see him.
If invited to dine at somebody’s home, we all bring wine or flowers — usually. That’s what you should do whether wealthy or not. It’s just good manners.

If you go to dinner with someone much wealthier than you are, it is good form to say “Let me pay for my share!” Your host will almost always say “No, you are my guest.” But don’t order the most expensive things on the menu or $200 wine if you expect them to pay. When a consulting client and I go to lunch or dinner & he asks me PT type questions, he pays. If it is purely social & I invited him, I pay. Sometimes we split. No special rule.

If we are looking at it from a roaring 20’s, The Great Gatsby perspective:

“The very wealthy, especially old wealth or “old money” as it’s sometimes called, have a set of protocols as second nature to them as splitting the bill is to us. The ones I have glimpsed are as follows: They have an arrangement with the establishment, whether it’s an exclusive restaurant or Harrods. At the restaurant there is no bill. It is just handled.” 

It’s best when there is no fuss or drama over the check:

“I’m not super wealthy, myself, but I have friends who are. And my answer is a little counterintuitive. They usually pay. But it’s not because they’re rich – or, at least, not directly so. It’s that they reach a point where money isn’t a big deal, so they don’t like to waste time and energy on these issues. I.e. “Let’s get the damn thing paid, and let’s get out of here.” Or, by the same token, it’s totally OK if someone else wants to grab the check quickly and without fuss or drama. Just as long as it’s not a Thing. “

When dinner is similar to a business meeting:

“I eat out almost every day. Often twice a day. It’s either that we trade off: I buy one time, the person that I’m meeting with will buy the next. Or…If it’s someone that’s not as well off, even if they are asking for mentoring/advice, I pick the restaurant that I want to meet at, so I almost always pay.”

Or you find the really rich guy with too much pride to take you to dinner.

“Hell No. What kind of cheapskate do you want to be seen as? I figure that I make $2,000 per hour in passive income so as long as dinner for 4 or 8 or 12 isn’t $2,000, I figure it is no big deal. I have my own table at restaurants that I frequent. I have a saying “My table, my rules”. I almost never let anyone who is my guest at my table pay for dinner. I have allowed a few notable exceptions when the person invited me to dinner and they insist for whatever reason. I never split a check, I haven’t done that in 30 years.”

25 Life Lessons You Only Learn When You’re A “Real” Adult

Adulting is hard. Anyone who says otherwise is either full of it or in complete denial. No matter how ready you might feel, there’s nothing that quite prepares you for the nonstop rollercoaster of responsibility and exhaustion.

It isn’t until you become a “real” adult that you learn just how difficult it is to balance careers, relationships, social lives, health, diet, fitness, etc. all while maintaining your sanity and getting some sleep. Fortunately, you also begin to realize that no one knows what the hell they’re doing and everyone is just as clueless as you.

These are just a few lessons people learned as they struggled through the crazy world of adulthood and tbh, we can totally relate.

1. Everything is expensive.

2. Eat your produce right away.

3. You have to actually answer phone calls.

4. You’ll try to stay healthy at all costs.

5. Bad things happen to good people.

6. Maintaining adult friendships is difficult.

7. You can’t use your mom as an excuse anymore.

8. You will always be tired.

9. You’ll get excited by little things.

10. There are lots of perks.

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11. You might become obsessed with interior decorating.

12. You start enjoying grocery shopping.

13. Your life is just the time in between laundry cycles.

14. Everyone around you is reproducing.

15. School didn’t teach you the important things.

16. You’ll start to savor every penny.

17. And try to avoid eating out.

18. Those rhymes your dad taught you start to come in handy.

19. There’s no better feeling than an empty inbox.

20. Google is your daily crutch.

21. You have to find a rhythm and stick with it.

22. You realize that no one actually knows what they’re doing.

23. You start to really understand your parents.

24. Kitchen appliances excite you.

25. Punishments become hobbies.

Screw You, Getting Attached To A Guy Doesn’t Make Me Weak

So, you meet a guy that you’re really vibing with. Modern dating websites and magazine articles will tell you that it’s all downhill from here. The minute that you feel something that may, down the line, lead to love—run for the hills.

For some reason in today’s society, the girl who feels too much, too soon into a relationship is the one who is prone to getting her heart shattered. Everyone will tell you that getting attached to someone—investing your time and efforts towards another person—will ultimately scare the said person away. They’ll think you want too much, too soon. They’ll stop calling, they’ll stop texting, the dates will become more infrequent in time before they completely stop altogether. So, if this is the solid truth in society—what’s a girl to really do when she feels something for someone? Act heartless and emotionally detached? Talk herself out of something that makes her feel alive?

Absolutely not.

Contrary to what many may tell you, becoming attached to someone is the furthest thing from weak. In fact, it means that you’re a pretty strong person – here’s why:

When you begin to invest your time and emotions into someone, it’s a pretty big step in life. I’m a firm believer that giving someone your time is more important than giving them anything else. The only thing we truly do have control over in our own lives is how we choose to spend our time. With life always being chaotic and hectic as we get older—working, seeing our families, seeing our friends, school, exams, going to the gym, watching our shows—it seems to happen that we have less and less free time available. When you decided to use those slivers of time you have with another person, it’s a big deal.

The more you invest your time in them, the more you’ll inevitably invest yourself and your emotions in them as well. When we fall in love with someone, it’s a universal truth that we begin to give ourselves to them – whether we mean to, or not. We start to include them as part of our lives, make them a priority in our decisions, our plans – our long-term future.

This moment, when we begin to let somebody into our world, takes the most strength. You’re opening up your safe-zone—your world—to somebody and trusting them not to break anything. You’re letting them into your heart and giving them the chance to hurt you—while trusting them not to.

Personally, I believe that takes more balls than it does to just walk away from someone you have potential with. If anything, society has it all wrong. Walking away from someone who can very well turn out to be one of the best things to ever happen to you in fear of being hurt is the ultimate definition of weak.

Sometimes in life, you have to take risks—blindly jump into the open abyss, unsure if whether you’ll fall or fly. Only the coward will watch from the sidelines, fearfully wondering “what if.” It takes a strong person to put themselves out there, not watching life happen but actually making it happen.

More from PizzaBottle:

10 Things All Outgoing Loners Will Understand

Outgoing loners are compelling humans because we get called ‘intense’ but never actually overwhelm anyone – in fact, we often energize the people around us. We’ve never been told to shut up for talking too much, but we can talk a lot with certain people, and often with our hands, maybe even too much.

Sometimes we’ll have those “OH MY GOD I NEED TO BE AROUND PEOPLE?? days, and sometimes, we’ll sort of isolate ourselves, definitely needing to be alone to recharge our social batteries after we come home from work.

Certain people and crowds can recharge our batteries too, but we’re definitely not as simple as either being a loner or really outgoing..we fall somewhere in between, but exactly where we fall is a conundrum… 

1. It took us years to figure out that we don’t actually love to talk

We just surround ourselves with people who we connect with on a deeper level, so we can talk to them for hours, about everything. But overall we actually kinda hate talking because we feel like most conversations are pretentious and we’d prefer not to be involved.

2. It all depends on the company.

We ebb and flow between over-thinking before we speak, to saying whatever is on our mind – with zero filters or shame.

3. That goes for everything in our life, too.

 One moment we’re over-thinking everything – we’ll delete texts, hesitate over writing emails and Facebook messages, delete and re-write tweets. And the next we’re living in the moment, thoughts that spark in our mind come out of our mouth and we really don’t give a damn about how we’re perceived by others.

4. It’s not that we don’t love meeting new people and hearing about their lives, we do.

It’s just that it has to feel authentic, we will never do something just to say we did it; we have to be genuinely interested. We’ll never talk just to hear the sound of our own voice. If we feel like the company is ungenuine, we will get really uncomfortable, and most likely withdraw into ourselves. 

5. That’s why social situations can be tricky. 

We can be loners but not because we dislike people – it’s actually the opposite. We dislike the barriers like small talk (which often comes with going out) creates between people, and try to avoid it at all costs.

6. Dating is weird.

 Like extroverts – we can be extremely charming, laughing and being very talkative, genuinely having fun and connecting on a date. But then, we won’t want to answer their texts for a few days, because like, we just want to be left alone…

7. Because this facet is such a contrast to our big, bold personalities.

It’s really hard to explain to friends. But we really do have a tendency to isolate ourselves to recharge and be left alone with our thoughts.

8. It’s especially hard to keep up with old friends. 

It’s not a lack of love or interest – we always have mad love for them. Sometimes we’re just not so good at replying and talking on the phone. It’s not personally –  we screen our phone calls, even from our closest friends.

9. Outgoing loners sometimes hate the phone.

Because it’s all, like, intrusive and tears our minds away from whatever we’re deeply focusing on (and we are always deeply focusing on something).

10. Our mind doesn’t change direction easily.

Listening to one thing and seeing something else is a lot of sensory input piled on top of everything that’s already going on in our heads. But when we do see our friends, there is nothing in the world we’d rather be doing.

10 Simple Ways To Fall Back In Love With Yourself

“Never let anyone disturb your composure, deter your accomplishment, or destroy your happiness.” – Anonymous

1. Know when to walk away.

I truly believe that the moment we start accepting bullshit is the moment we start falling out of love with our lives. Investing our time and energy into something or someone who isn’t offering respectable returns is a recipe for falling out of love with ourselves – and then our lives.

In order to fall back in love with our lives, we have to let go of certain things that we’re wasting our precious energy on; we have to know when we’re being taken advantage of and when to walk away from people who aren’t appreciating us.

Having a very low tolerance for crap enables us to walk away when we need to and therefore use all our energy to build the new, to innovate the lives we actually want to live.  

2. Stop accepting half-ass commitments.

You give too much to receive an “almost.?? You offer too much to waste your precious time with someone who gives you almost what you need – someone who is not yet ready for love, who is afraid to say too much, to feel too deeply, to commit fully.

Never accept that romance is dead or that people don’t fully commit anymore. It’s only dead for those who accept “almost” – who don’t know how love or commitment looks like, sounds like, feels like.

3. Don’t take bullshit excuses.

Often “almost?? relationships come with excuses. Don’t accept any bullshit – that he’s too “complicated” or “just being honest” or scared because he likes you too much. No.

Bottom line is if you don’t mean enough to someone for them to make the effort to be with you fully – they shouldn’t get any of you. #Bye.


10 Things Your Toxic Love Taught Me

Love is complicated, but in the most simplistic way that it is almost incomprehensible. Here are ten things your toxic love taught me.

1. It should be easy.

I always thought I had to work for you to love me…That’s not the true love is something that you give to another person freely without conditions or double standards. You love them simply for who they are nothing less, nothing more.

2. Sacrifice & compromise is a two-way street.

I gave up everything to be with you, I compromised on my family and friends, sacrificed my dreams for your own dreams to be able to come true.

We make sacrifices for the greater good of our relationships. Not for your own selfish agenda.If you both don’t benefit from the choices you make then no one does.  You compromise to show compassion not to hold it against them later. there can’t always be a winner and a loser in love.

3. Controlling isn’t protecting.

I use to think how wonderful it was that you would watch out for me all of the time until I realized that you were controlling every aspect of my life.

It is one thing to worry about your significant other and want to protect them from harm, it’s another to decide which friends are good enough for them, how late they can stay out or even what they have on their phone.

If you love someone you let them be free, you are there to observe and support not to regulate and enforce.

4. No one is sunshine and rainbows.

When I had a bad day I never wanted to come home and tell you about it because you always made me feel stupid for feeling upset.

Love someone at their worst. There are going to be times that everyone struggles internally and externally. sometimes the only thing they need to know is that you are going to be there for them and that everything is going to work out in the end.

Everyone’s feelings are valid even if you don’t understand them.  As long as you stand by their side there is nothing you can’t do together.

5. The past is the past.

Everyone is someone else’s EX. I loved someone before you, and you punished me for it. If you can’t let go of someone past or even your own, you will never have a future together.

Live for today, and tomorrow doesn’t let yesterday’s worries or insecurities shape your happiness in the future. You can’t go back all you can do is learn from it and move on.

6. Sex is important.

You cheated on me, and your biggest excuse is that you were bored… Sex is half the game people and if you think it’s not then you are naïve because no one walks across the room to hit on you because they can tell how hot your mind is.

It is okay to have your own sexual prerogative to play and have fun and experiment, but communication is key. If you’re too embarrassed to talk about your sexual want and needs or even fantasies with your person then you might as well not get naked at all because bad sex is worse than no sex. Trust in that.

7. I’m not calling you a liar, but you better not lie to me.

You hid so much from me that in the end, I had no idea who you were.  Hiding something is the same thing as lying.

If you can’t tell the person you love the truth then you should probably rethink what your version of the truth is.  Nothing can damage a relationship more than getting caught in a lie no matter how small or how big nothing beats the truth.

8. The little things.

It was the little things that meant the most to me.  Sometimes it’s the little things that really matter in the end. Never forget to ask how someone’s day went, or to take the time to say how proud you are of them.  One small gesture can change everything. It’s remembering to pick up milk from the store or holding the door open.  All the little things add up in the end.

9. Hold yourself accountable.

it was always easy for you to blame me for your unhappiness or failures but the truth was you are the only one that is responsible for you.

Be accountable for how you show up in your relationship.  If you don’t put an effort in then you can’t blame the other person for their lack of.

You create your own reality and if you are having problems it’s a good chance that you are to blame, hold yourself responsible for the energy you put out in the world whether you’re at work or home or in anything you set out to do. Be there and be accountable.

10. Love Yourself First.

I never loved myself I only loved you and that was the biggest mistake I made I lost who I was to love and please you.

How can you even have a concept of how someone else wants to be loved if you don’t love yourself? Be kind to yourself, you are only human and no one is perfect.

Never give up on your own personal growth to please someone else. but if you can’t love your imperfections and be proud then no one else will either.

Things That Happen When You Grow Up With A Blunt Dad

For many girls, fathers are their first loves. Dads are our teachers, caregivers, and best friends. But growing up with a blunt dad is a totally different ballgame. He’s hilarious and fun, but he’ll always tell it like it is. He never had to beat around the bush when trying to teach or discipline you. If that dress was too short, he’d tell you exactly what you look like.

1. Your dad tells the best jokes and stories.

Blunt people are brutally honest. Describing life exactly as it is, with a little bit of sarcastic humor thrown in there, can be hilarious. When your dad gets started, there’s no stopping him. And there’s no escape from the gut-wrenching laughter, either.

2. He has no problem confronting you about your modesty (or lack thereof).

If you were one of those teeny sixteen-year-olds who got dressed up to “go out,” your dad made sure you were kept in line. He wasn’t terribly strict per se, but he was not going to let you out of the house in that dress. The one that made you look like a hooker. Nope, not happening.

3. He gives you the best life advice.

A blunt dad calls it as he sees it. Even if you don’t ask for advice, he’ll tell you what you need to hear. If you’re clearly miserable at your summer internship or hate your major, he’ll sit you down and tell you to look at different paths. A blunt dad won’t just sit around and support you no matter what. He’ll do that, but he’ll direct you down the path you need to take.

4. Your dad always corrected your mistakes.

If you messed up, he’d tell you. But he wouldn’t get mad and get over it. He’d teach you, and help you learn from your mess up. He’d joke and say “Ok, well that was awful.” But he’d make you get back up and try again until you got it right.

5. When your teenage boyfriends came over to meet the parents, he’d tell you his opinion with the most brutal honesty.

It was either, “that was a good kid,” or “HA! get rid of him as fast as you can.” You might have rolled your eyes and dismissed his honesty, but deep down, you know that his judgments were spot on. And thank god for that, because he saved you from a ton of deadbeat scumbags.

6. Your dad would critique your middle school group of friends and steer you in the right direction.

If you had a friend that was too loud, obnoxious, or too shy to say hello, he’d call them out on it. Albeit, he’d be polite, but you were mortified. Your dad likes people who are upfront and direct, so carrying a conversation with your little friends wasn’t too pleasant for him. If it were up to him, he’d tell you who to hang out with.

7. You were never reprimanded by your dad. He taught you how to see things in a different light.

If you broke the rules, your dad wasn’t angry or upset. He was disappointed. But he told you exactly what you did wrong, how you needed to change, and how to be consistent. And when you worked it out, your dad was first to tell you how great you are.

8. He defined the parameters of right and wrong.

Blunt people are black and white. There’s no wishy-washy grey area. So there’s no cutting corners or taking the easy way out with your blunt dad around. He’ll call you out on your laziness, procrastination, or anger. And he’ll help you through it.

9. His love for you is unconditional and pure.

Even though he’s blunt, he’s still a mush for his little girl. You know your dad loves you no matter what, and he’ll always be by your side to guide you and support you through it all.


To The Girl Who Always Puts Her Needs On The Back Burner, It’s Okay To Be Selfish

I know who you are, you’re the girl that can count on one hand how many times you have put yourself before anyone else.

You’re the girl that even in the toughest situations still finds a reason to put yourself on the back burner.

You’re the girl who always has a smile on her face and when someone asks if anything is wrong your first response is always “nothing.”

Even though that always isn’t necessarily true is it? You could be struggling and having the worst day ever and you’ll completely file it away to help someone else.

Everyone comes to you when they need advice because you’re always willing to listen and never quick to judge.

You are the shoulder to cry on, the one who appears with ice cream when your friend’s hearts are breaking, you bring flowers when they’re having a bad day and you drop whatever you’re doing if they tell you they need you.

You’d do anything for the people that mean the most to you and I think that is admirable and selfless.

There aren’t a lot of you left in this world; it seems most folks are too preoccupied on what is going to be best for themselves to think about others, but not you.

You’re the first to offer help whenever it’s needed, whether money, advice, a shoulder, a place to stay or anything else that comes your way but you wouldn’t dream of telling anyone you needed help.

It’s stressful even if you won’t admit it. I know you struggle with figuring out what you’re going to do with your own life and the path you’re supposed to take.

You may wonder how I know all of this and it’s because I’m exactly like you.

I would never dream of putting myself before the people that matter the most to me, in fact, I never do. I always think about long-term and who else will be affected by my actions or decisions.

I could have made my life so much easier in situations if I just would have thought of myself but you already know that didn’t happen, because as much as we tell ourselves that we can’t keep doing this, we do it anyways.

From one back burner to the other I’m going to let you in on one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to wrestle with.

It’s okay to put yourself first.

Yeah, you read that right; it is absolutely 100% alright to allow yourself the opportunity to be first. That doesn’t make you selfish and any less of a wonderful person. How can you continuously be there for others if you don’t take care of yourself? You will wear yourself out if you continue on like this.

Not just your physical but your mental and emotional health are so important and they deserve as much focus as anything else. It’s okay to make time for yourself, to make decisions that are best for you. I promise it’s not as terrible as it seems and you are still the same person as you were before.

Everyone at some point needs to put themselves first. Everyone does it. I repeat, everyone is allowed to put themselves first time to time and that includes you.

You wouldn’t be bothering or upsetting those close to you if there comes a moment that you tell them that you’re not okay and that you need a shoulder as well. I promise they will be there by your side judgment-free, willing to return all the favors you have given them.

You have to find a balance, a comfortable middle that allows you to be the kind, caring, outgoing and generous person you are without forgetting to take care of yourself as well.

Don’t stop taking other’s feelings in mind and helping them when you can because I know you can’t do that.

I know this won’t happen overnight, you can tell yourself you’re going to start doing this till you’re blue in the face, trust me I know. You can shake your head and agree with me but until you actually do it you just may run yourself ragged.

So no, it’s not selfish to prioritize yourself from time to time. You deserve it because only you know what you can handle and what you can’t. You’re the girl that is relied on by so many people, which is great but please don’t forget that in order to be there for those people you have to be there for yourself as well.

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page

15 Truths Of The Girl Who’s Hit Rock Bottom

Life sucks more often than it doesn’t these days. You feel like you’re stuck in a deep hole that you can’t get out of, and no one can help you.

The sky is raining cat piss and you can’t afford an umbrella because it’s either that or no pizza, but you’re learning about yourself—and life, more now than ever before, so you’re not letting it get to you.

In a way, you’re proud of your home you’ve built in rock bottom.

  1. In an attempt to shop for groceries like an adult, you end up getting a frozen pizza.

  2. You grew impatient waiting so you took it out early, and ate it alone in your bed in one sitting, even though it was partly still cold.

  3. Your card gets declined at least once a week. And usually when you’re about to purchase something essential, like tampons or coffee.

  4. For every day you have more than one meal a day, you have to skip one in the coming days.

  5. You leave the house without a bra more often than you leave the house wearing a bra.

  6. It rains every time you go outside without an umbrella, even if rain wasn’t in the forecast. And when it rains, it pours.

  7. You bought shoes knowing that it would overdraft your account.

  8. After reading all of the drunk texts you sent your ex, you smile to yourself because you’re actually pretty proud of the insults that drunk-you came up with.

  9. You don’t ask anyone for advice anymore. Not your mom, not your best friend, no one. You rely on yourself to get through this because you don’t get disappointed in yourself for not taking the advice you prescribe.

  10. You identify with Kristin Wiig’s character in Bridesmaids.

  11. At this point, your wardrobe is pretty much exclusively sweatpants, all of which have holes in the butt and/or crotch.

  12. It takes you three to five hours to get out of bed every day. Because your best friend’s dad’s Netflix account is always there for you.

  13. You ate an entire plate of nachos on your last date, and he admitted he kind of thought you were going to share it.

  14. Since you’re always too tired to do laundry, you’re wearing your underwear inside out. And will until all of those are dirty—on both sides.

  15. When that happens, you’ll probably just buy new underwear, which will probably overdraft your account. Whatever, everything is gonna be ok. Not today. Probably not tomorrow. Maybe not any day soon. But someday.

And once you kick rock bottom’s ass, you’ll be on top of the world. One day, you’ll laugh about your dark days in a walk-in closet filled with shoes and all of the puppies.

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