If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing

Not to sound like everybody’s grandmother here, but finding a man in this day in age is a damn mission and a half. Finding a good man? EVEN HARDER. Finding a man who stays loyal AND plans for your future? Girl, marry him ASAP because that sh*t is rare.


Being a twenty-something year old in 2017 is wild. This is the part of your life where people expect us to settle down and get married, buy a house, and soon after, have babies. Ugh, I know, right?


This list is to help you narrow down whether or not your man is ready for the long-run because if you and your boyfriend can relate to the things on this list, you have got yourself a keeper, and you are set for life. Go be free, get married, and live happily ever after. I have done my job. You’re welcome.


1.He appreciates you and shows it.

It’s not hard to say thank you, and your boyfriend knows that. He tells you how much he loves that you’re his girlfriend.

This Is The Way A Strong Woman Loves

Strong Woman


A strong woman loves like a gentle rain swirling into a hurricane. Her love is cautious as she fights to maintain her independence; reserved as she convinces herself that she doesn’t need a man in her life. But slowly and steadily, she lets herself fall into him, washing away her inhibitions, loving him fiercely.


A strong woman loves with steadfast reserve turned to unquellable passion. She wades into his life unafraid that he will break her but constantly wondering if she should embrace her ability to feel. His love for her strikes her in the center of her hardened heart, and she rapidly melts under its weight. As she plummets, courageously aware that there is nothing to cushion the pain, her strength manifests in her powerful, steady feelings for him.

8 Small Ways To Combat Anxiety When It’s At Its Worst

When I first experienced anxiety in high school, I didn’t understand what was happening to me. Why was I always so sad? Why did my heart beat so fast? Why was I worrying all the time and why couldn’t I breathe? When I was able to put a label on it, go to therapy and figure out how to deal with it, it was so much easier to handle my issues. Even though I have come to terms with how to handle my anxiety, for someone who is just experiencing anxiety for the first time (and there’s definitely a lot of people who don’t know how to handle it), it can be a very jarring experience.  Something that was really difficult for me to deal with when my anxiety attacks were getting worse, was how to deal with the anxiety in a public place. I knew how to handle myself when I was home, in my own space but when I started having anxiety attacks in public: in class, in the bar, at work… it was a real problem. But, I’ve learned there are ways to handle anxiety in situations that are always going to help – especially when panic attacks strike.


1. Remove yourself from any situation that triggers you.

When you feel an anxiety attack coming on, the first thing you should do is remove yourself from whatever situation you’re in. Clearly, what you’re doing or where you are is what therapists call “a trigger.” Whether that’s at the office, out with friends, or at a party, just get out of where you are. Your anxiety could be made worse by the crowd surrounding you or the situation you’re in so it’s best to step aside. Once you feel as though you’re in a safer environment, your mood and anxiety will shift.


2. Try the 4-2-4 breathing method.

The best breathing exercise for anxiety is four in, hold two, four out; inhale for four seconds and hold it in for 2 seconds, then exhale for four seconds. Once you have the rhythm going, you’ll feel much better and be able to think a little more clearly. Focus on your breathing and how your body feels. Even focus on your stomach as the air goes in and out. Getting your mind off of whatever is worrying you and focusing in on something will be helpful.

This Is The Only Kind Of Person Worth Dating

This person is going to challenge you.

Whenever we find ourselves single, we automatically feel lonely. We scroll through our social media feeds watching everyone else we know fall madly in love and wonder when we’re going to get our shot at the “real deal.”

We day-dream about being swept off our feet by the “right person,” curious as to when the f**k they’re going to stroll on into our lives and take our breath away. And we feel alone and tired of waiting and instead of looking for the person we should be with, we settle for people who don’t deserve our time or being.

When you’re venturing out on the quest for love – there is only one type of individual that is worth your time – the person who pushes you to be a better version of who you already are.

When you find the right person for you-you’ll know.

The right person will challenge you because they want you to grow – to expand your mind-state, thoughts, and opinions further than what you’re accustomed to. People are going to tell you they’re wrong for you because they push you, but in reality, it’s exactly the kind of person worth giving your energy to. They want to open your world to new cultures, ideas, and notions – expanding your knowledge and showing you thinks and places you’d never even dreamt of.

The Biggest Lessons You Learn Being Raised By A Single Mom

Growing up, things were never easy. Our household consisted of coupon cutting, sporadic family time, and a lot of rushed meals. My mother worked full-time, 6-days a week, and my sisters and I were all at different stages of our life, academically and socially. We were a tight-knit gang of 4—supporting each other every step of the way, but I’d be lying if I said things were easy.

There were times where I answered the phone and the bank was calling about money owed, times when I needed money for a school trip and the funds just weren’t there, times when I woke up in the middle of the night and heard my mom crying, quietly in her room. There were memories that I look back on and wonder if there were things I could have changed. But, there are traits and lessons I have learned, throughout the years, that made me realize that growing up with a single mother was the biggest blessing I could have been given.


How to manage my money.

My mother worked very hard to make sure that my sisters and I had everything we needed. But, working on a single income in New York City with three kids is not easy. In fact, my mom had to budget the sh*t out of her paycheck every single month to make sure she had enough to cover rent, food, electric, clothes, extracurricular funds, etc. Everyone in my family laughs and calls my mom the “bargain hunter,” but, she’s taught me the value of always looking for a less-expensive route in all that I do. Now, as an adult who has moved out on my own, I’m always looking for sales, looking at circular fliers, and trying to get everything for the lowest price possible. In the end, it only pays off—literally.



Why It’s Totally Normal To Be Lost As F*ck In Your 20’s



It seems like there’s a universal mantra that we should all have our sh*t together by the time we get in our 20s: and that we should graduate college and know what we want to do with our lives and our careers; that we should fall in love and have our fairy tale wedding planned out; and that we should have our solid group of girlfriends to fall on and have our list of bridesmaids ready and mapped out; that we should have our 5 year plan stapled to our foreheads; and that we should know what we want to do with our lives and how we’re going to do it.


To be honest, it’s all just bullsh*t.

I’m 24-years-old, and I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing with my life. Sure, I have a plan – I have a job, I’m in graduate school, etc. But, for a while, I was freaking out about it. I’m still freaking out about it most days – but I’m slowly starting to realize that not having it all together is okay – actually, it’s normal.


Why do we feel such immense pressure to have our lives all sorted and figured out in a neat and picture perfect timeline? Why do we feel like we’re never doing enough and we’re not good enough at this stage in our lives?


Social media perhaps?

People spend more time on social networks and social media than they do doing anything else during the day – eating, working, going to the bathroom. It’s no wonder that we’re always pinning ourselves up against other people – destined for failure in the self-worth department.


15 Things Your Anxious Girlfriend Wants To Hear When Her Anxiety Is At Its Worst

More often today, people are experiencing high levels of anxiety and panic disorders. Whether it be the influx of technology and stimulation we’re becoming accustomed to, or possibly the continuous piles of stress and responsibilities we have to take on—it’s no secret that many of us do suffer from anxiety disorders that, at times, can be debilitating. While doing everyday things can be quite difficult when you have anxiety, being in a healthy relationship is definitely something you have to work on.

Not all partners are understanding and compassionate when it comes to anxiety and anxiety attacks. There are those who understand, who go through it themselves and can relate. But, there are also those who have never dealt with anxiety—and, they believe the go-to mechanism is “relax.”

We all know—there is no worse trigger for anxiety than hearing the words, “just relax.” So, if you’re someone who is in a relationship with a girl who has anxiety and panic attacks—strap in, we’re here to help you out.

8 Reasons Your Work Friends Are Your Biggest Blessings

We spend the majority of our time working to make money to survive. While we all have different careers and types of jobs, we all have the experience of making new friends while on the job. Whether you work in an office, are a teacher, a nurse, a waitress—you’re nothing without those good friends to get you by during your days or your shifts. Here’s to all our work BFFs who make life a little more tolerable.


1. You never have to have lunch/breaks alone.

Having BFFs at work means you’ll always have someone to spend time with during those breaks or lunch hours where you could be all alone. They’re always there to take a coffee walk with you, grab some salads with, or even hit up a quick donut run to get you through the day.

I’m A Feminist, But Damn, I Can’t Wait To Be A Wife And A Mom

Feminism, or more simply, the equality between men and women has been a topic forever. From fighting for the right to vote to fight for the right to your own body, badass women have been paving the way for the ladies after them for a long time.


Women have done some incredible things. From inventing ground-breaking medical technology to winning awards in male-dominated industries to crushing sports records, the limit to what women can do apparently does not exist.


I’ve long dreamt of being one of those incredible women. A doctor, a lawyer, a CEO, a lady breaking stereotypes wherever she saw them. But as I’ve gotten older, fallen in love and thought long and hard what I want out of this life, I know that being a wife and a mom is an incredible thing this woman wants to do.


He’s Never Going To Be The Man You Want Him To Be

The Man You Want

You love him, you love him with all of your heart. You think that he is “the one,” the person that you can spend the rest of your life with. But, there’s something inside of you that is holding you back—that is making you second guess where you are and where you’re going.


It’s that little trickle of doubt that keeps you up at night when he doesn’t come home on time when he isn’t answering your calls, when he takes too long to answer your texts.


When we love people, we always try to see the best in them—think of it as wearing rose-colored glasses. We see everything in bright shades of pinks and reds—looking at everything as though it’s sunshine and rainbows.

We don’t want to be bothered with the harrowing realities of seeing the truth in people, their true colors and who they are. And we try to end fights as soon as they begin—we’d rather go back to happier times when we’re laughing than those sad times of misery.


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