27 Things Only People Who Love Their Alone Time Will Understand

“DO NOT DISTURB.” – you, constantly.


1. If you spend more than two days with friends…



2. You desperately need to escape them ASAP.



3. But it’s not personal! Promise.



4. You’ve lied to people about your plans for the day…



5. Because you wanted to be alone.



6. You thoroughly enjoy solo adventures and exploration.



7. Shopping alone is so much easier, too.



Ditch The Roommate? Top 10 Things That Tell You It’s Time To Live Alone

Are you thinking it might be time to live alone?

Ahh our roomies! We love them! Or do we? You probably moved in with your closest friend. And you know each other so well! You like a lot of the same things and you definitely look out for each other.

Unfortunately, being best friends does not always mean you can live together. And at some point it will be time to put your grown up pants on and get your own space. Here are ten signs that tell you it is time to live alone.

You Really Want YOUR Space

When you can get along really well with yourself, it’s natural to crave your own space. Having your own space gives you room to breathe, relax, and daydream.

You Are The Cleanup Crew Or You Like A Messy House

Neat freak or Comfortable Slob, being able to tidy up your house at your own pace is always better than being your roommates’ clean up crew. Or, feeling bad that you just can’t keep up with their cleanliness.

Your Sleep Schedules Don’t Match

Alarms going off at different times? She works nights and you work days? It is almost impossible to create a routine when one of you is constantly getting ready for bed or ready for work. So it just might be time to live alone!

It Is Impossible To Get Any Work Done

A crowded house makes it very hard to study and get your assignments turned in on time. And If you are past the college phase in life, your online coursework as well. So maybe it is time to get that second job and get your own pad?

You Want A Party In Your House And She Doesn’t

At your own place, all your friends are welcome. You are just a social butterfly and that works well for you. What doesn’t work is having to ask for permission when you invite someone over.

This situation in reverse is not cool either. Imagine coming home to constant strangers in your living room? And what if you work from home, uh no thanks.

No-one Can Seem To Mind Their OWN Business

I once had a roomie who was also a tarot card reader. And she was always using her psychic abilities as an excuse to sit down after my date with a potential suitor and see what the cards had to say. Needless to say, this got tiring, fast! No-one needs to be in anyone’s business twenty four seven. And a roomie has nothing better to do than to know what is what and then some.

Sharing Is Caring

No, it can actually be so annoying. Especially if you both go into the roommate situation with expectations. Like my roommate is not going to break all my things. Or borrow my favorite shirt without asking? Or my makeup ? I mean, cmon! For someone who did not grow up with a sister, sharing personal items is tough.

You Want A Pet Or They Have One And You Are Not An Animal Lover

Pets are wonderful. But you and your roomie both need to get along well with the type of pet that you share your space with. I am sure the dog or cat or bird would love you both unconditionally, but people, are picky. Yes we are! And having your own space allows you to make the ‘with pets’ or ‘without’ decisions. Maybe it’s time…to live alone?

Financially You CAN Live Alone

Living alone is a very grown up thing to do. And it gives you all the space you need to create your own peaceful environment. And if you are financially ready, you should make the leap.

Walking Around Naked In Your OWN Place

Sounds fantastic. Enough Said

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