Living With Anxiety

Anxiety is something that I have struggled with since I was little. They called me the worrier of the family. As we all go through this uncertain time in life I am sure we all feel that our anxieties are a a higher level than normal. 


My anxiety in particularl always feels high. Now you throw a global pandemic into the mix and my anxiety level is off the charts. So here are some things I am doing to manage: 


Hot Shower

This is something that has always helped me calm down. I even find it helpful when my anxiety is really high is to lay in the tub and listen to the water fall. It reminds me of the rain. With a few deep breaths I can feel the anxiety coming down. 


Talking to a Friend

We are all feeling a little isolated right now so this will help your friend as well. So far I have had FaceTime lunch dates. I have drove down by the river and parked next to a friend and sat and talked. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone new. 


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