7 Ways to Have a Healthy Long-Distance Relationship

Does distance really make the heart grow fonder? Even though it may suck, it’s not impossible.

I’ve been in a long-distance relationship for several months now, with my boyfriend living between New York and California, and me living in Tennessee. Seeing as though he and I have a shared love language of physical touch, distance hasn’t been the easiest thing (which is putting it lightly). But there are things that we’ve done, and you can do, too, to make it a little more bearable.

1. Make a Schedule

One of the things that my boyfriend and I have done is figure out what each of our schedules looks like separately before making one together. Since his work schedule is a little more unpredictable than mine, I plug in the days he’s working into my schedule so that I can look and see when we both can be free at the same time. This also helps when you have other things to do such as errands, cooking, hobbies, etc., and you’re looking for a way to best utilize your time.

2. Communicate

Since you won’t be in the same place as your significant other, communicating is the most important thing you can do to make sure your relationship thrives. This goes for close-distance relationships, too! If there are things you don’t like, communicate that. If there are things that really work, communicate that, too. In doing so, you’ll see your relationship flourish even more.

3. Set Aside a Certain Amount of Time to Talk

Once you’re aware of each other’s schedules, try and designate certain times to spend time together – whether that’s over FaceTime, a phone call, or anything else. Putting effort into your relationship doesn’t mean you have to be in the same place as them, it just means that you actively try and spend time with your significant other in one way or another.

4. Have Virtual Dates

There are ways you can have virtual dates that are just as good as in-person dates. Set aside time for a FaceTime movie night, tune into the same live stream for a concert or comedy show, play video games together, make dinner at the same time… It really comes down to having some sort of bonding experience, even from far away.

5. Take Time For Yourself

Just like in any relationship, time alone is healthy. Making sure you set time to unwind by yourself is something that will make your time spent together as a couple stronger. When you take time for yourself, not only are you making yourself healthy, but that, in turn, will help the health of your relationship.

6. Flirt With Each Other

Just because you’re long-distance doesn’t mean you can’t still flirt with your significant other! One of the best ways to keep your romance alive is by showing your attraction to your partner in one way or another. Although you’re not there to do it in person, flirting over the phone or via text is still possible and an important aspect of a healthy relationship.

7. Talk About Your Goals

Actively talking to your significant other about goals in your relationship will help keep the purpose of your relationship at the center. Before even dating, discuss what you want your relationship to look like. Are you aiming for marriage? Something casual? Not really sure? The best way to navigate is to have those “define the relationship” conversations.

Being in a long-distance relationship may be challenging, but not impossible when they’re with the right person. The key is to communicate, and never stop communicating with your partner. If you feel a little lost in your long-distance relationship, there are other people out there who feel the same! But, by following these seven tips, you might find your relationship will become stronger than ever.

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

I Have The Internet To Thank For My Best Friend

They say the best people come into our lives unexpectedly. Call it fate, call it destiny, an act of god if you will. These people will pop up LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE and then BOOM! They mean the most to you, and now you can’t picture life without them.

What I feel is really unique about these people is that you come across them in places you would never expect. For some, it’s friends you meet at camp when you’re younger, others, it’s on a vacation. For me, though it was surprisingly the internet, of all places the world-wide-web. 

Do you ever go on Facebook, Instagram, or Tumblr and see these random articles that you can lowkey relate to? Well, same! One day while I was bored out of my mind I was curious about how these companies find their writers. So I did what any curious person would do and googled it. Turns out anyone can really write for them, so I took a shot in the dark and applied.

To my surprise the next day I got an email back asking me to join. I was then told that I would be placed on a team of writers. It’s pretty cool, my team is kinda kicka**. It’s a bunch of young women who are so incredibly smart, intelligent, beautiful, and unique in their own ways.

One of these girls and I hit it off from the very beginning, that girl was actually my editor. The girl who took me on as a new writer. As time went on, I continued to grow with the company, as well as my editor. Until we were both paired together as editors to lead a team.  

You would think that two girls who live only an hour away from each other would see each other all the time, well… if you thought this you would be wrong. By the time the two of us became close one of us had moved to Florida while the other lived back home in NY making our friendship a long-distance friendship. Trust me when I say this is one of the hardest things ever! 

When we think of our best friends we think of someone who comes over every week to watch the bachelor with us or our go-to person for Friday night adventures. Well, in this case, your best friend is a couple of hundred miles away. They can’t be there every Friday night, which is completely fine because when you finally do get to see them, it makes you appreciate that time with them so much more!

This is where the internet comes in handy, social media, facetime, zoom, and phone calls as well as many texts are sent between two besties who live in completely different states. These things that seem so simple and things that we take for granted are the very things that keep us together even when we are apart.     

We may have only met a handful of times but it’s like we have known each other for years. I don’t know what I would do or who I would be without my best friend.


7 Reasons Why Having A Long Distance BFF Is A Blessing In Disguise

Being apart from your BFF sounds awful, and don’t get us wrong, it’s not ideal. The relationship is bound to be different with a lot of miles between you two and without your regular hang out seshes, but don’t despair! It’s not all terrible, either. There are actually some things that are really awesome about it, even though it might not seem like that first.

1. You’re only a text, Facetime call, or phone call away.

Not being able to hang out in person is hard to get used to, but with today’s technology, it’s really easy to keep in touch. Whenever you’re feeling lonely, you know your bestie is always going to have time for you.

2. Seeing each other is a big deal.

Much like a long-distance dating relationship, having your BFF far away means that the times you do get to see each other are extra special. You learn to really value being able to see them, and you never take them for granted.

3. It’s a fun trip to go visit them.

Not only do you get to see your best friend, you also get to meet the people they talk about and see all the things they see and do during their daily routine. You’re not just hanging out doing the same old, same old, there are all kinds of new adventures that you can have together that you wouldn’t be able to have if they still lived in the same place as you.

4. You have someone to send mail and presents to.

Receiving old-fashioned mail is the best! Especially mail sent to your best friend, when you can decorate the envelope with stickers and fun stuff. Taking the time to mail something to your BFF really lets them know that you’re thinking about them and that you care. And that you want to embarrass them in front of the mail carrier.

5. You now have someone who will give you totally unbiased advice.

Now that your best friend no longer lives near you, chances are you’ll end up hanging out with some new people who your bestie doesn’t know. That’s actually pretty cool because, since your BFF is on the outside of this particular friend group, she or he will be able to give you honest advice, unclouded by personal bias.

6. You won’t take each other for granted.

You love your best friend to death, but sometimes spending too much time with the same friend can get a little humdrum. If your BFF lives far away, just about every interaction is meaningful, because it takes more work than just being able to hang out whenever you want to.

7. Making a friendship work long distance is a good sign that this person will be in your life for a long time to come.

If you can make a long distance friendship, with all its shortcomings and communication challenges, work, then you can be pretty sure this is someone who is going to stay your friend for the long run. It’s easy to be friends with someone you see every day, but when you and your bestie make the effort to keep each other in your lives, then it’s a sign the friendship is strong enough to stand the test of time.

7 Reasons Why Having A Long Distance BFF Is Actually Amazing

Being apart from your BFF sounds awful, and don’t get us wrong, it’s not ideal. The relationship is bound to be different with a lot of miles between you two and without your regular hang out seshes, but don’t despair! It’s not all terrible, either. There are actually some things that are really awesome about it, even though it might not seem like that first.

1. You’re only a text, Facetime call, or phone call away.

Not being able to hang out in person is hard to get used to, but with today’s technology, it’s really easy to keep in touch. Whenever you’re feeling lonely, you know your bestie is always going to have time for you.

2. Seeing each other is a big deal.

Much like a long-distance dating relationship, having your BFF far away means that the times you do get to see each other are extra special. You learn to really value being able to see them, and you never take them for granted.

3. It’s a fun trip to go visit them.

Not only do you get to see your best friend, you also get to meet the people they talk about and see all the things they see and do during their daily routine. You’re not just hanging out doing the same old, same old, there are all kinds of new adventures that you can have together that you wouldn’t be able to have if they still lived in the same place as you.

4. You have someone to send mail and presents to.

Receiving old-fashioned mail is the best! Especially mail sent to your best friend, when you can decorate the envelope with stickers and fun stuff. Taking the time to mail something to your BFF really lets them know that you’re thinking about them and that you care. And that you want to embarrass them in front of the mail carrier.

5. You now have someone who will give you totally unbiased advice.

Now that your best friend no longer lives near you, chances are you’ll end up hanging out with some new people who your bestie doesn’t know. That’s actually pretty cool because, since your BFF is on the outside of this particular friend group, she or he will be able to give you honest advice, unclouded by personal bias.

6. You won’t take each other for granted.

You love your best friend to death, but sometimes spending too much time with the same friend can get a little humdrum. If your BFF lives far away, just about every interaction is meaningful, because it takes more work than just being able to hang out whenever you want to.

7. Making a friendship work long distance is a good sign that this person will be in your life for a long time to come.

If you can make a long distance friendship, with all its shortcomings and communication challenges, work, then you can be pretty sure this is someone who is going to stay your friend for the long run. It’s easy to be friends with someone you see every day, but when you and your bestie make the effort to keep each other in your lives, then it’s a sign the friendship is strong enough to stand the test of time.

What It Means To Love Each Other, Even When You’re Miles Apart

He’s miles away from you, on the other side of the country, or perhaps, halfway across the world. The distance makes your heart pine for him, even as it pushes you apart. But, love always remains, even as times change and the distance between you increases.

Your love transcends the physical. You wish you could hold each other, hug each other, kiss each other. You long to wrap your hands around each other, to feel your hearts beating in synchronicity as your chests caress each other. But, you discover your connection is richer, more emotional. You no longer need to rely on gentle touches and sweet kisses when you know each other’s souls more deeply than each other’s lips.

What to Look for When Planning a Long Distance Move

It’s a safe bet to say that most people have had to plan a move during their lifetimes. However, most moves that people plan are usually not to a faraway location. Usually, it’s just to another part of time, sometimes just a short distance away from their original home. In cases like these, it’s usually a straightforward process to plan a move.

Planning a long distance move, however, can be a different story entirely. Making visits to the new city, planning the logistics of the move, and trying to familiarize yourself with the new area when you don’t live anywhere near it can be a nightmare. Even trying to find long distance movers who can move your belongings to the new city can be difficult.

The difficulty with planning a long distance move is completely understandable. If you feel discouraged about it, then just remember that you’re not alone. Many people before you have also made long distance moves, have managed to find cheap long distance movers, and have successfully settled into their new homes. If they could do it, then you can too! Read on for a few tips about what to look for when trying to find the best long distance movers.

Look For Movers Who Specialize in Long Distance Moves

The first thing you need to remember when looking for long distance movers is to make sure that the moving company in question can actually move you to your new location. Finding a cheap, local “mom & pop” operation is probably not the best way to go if you’re moving from Baltimore to San Francisco. Make sure that any moving companies you look for can handle moves to your location.

If you’re not sure what to look for, then find a moving company that advertises moves to different states. Many local moving companies will probably not be willing or able to move you to the other side of the country, so you will want to tell any moving company that you talk to right off the bat where you are moving to.

Cheapest Isn’t Always Best

For most people, finding cheap long distance movers is usually preferable. After all, most of us aren’t made of money or have money trees growing in our backyard. Find a good cheap solution is what most people want, but sometimes it’s not the best option.

Not all moving companies will have the same capabilities or the same attitude. The cheapest solution may not be the one that meets all of your needs. For instance, if you have anything big and heavy in your home like a piano, not all movers are well-equipped or even willing to deal with such an object.

Also, the cheapest movers sometimes might not have the best staff. There are many horror stories on the Internet of people finding the cheapest moving solution, only for their moving experience to be a total nightmare with broken items and rude or inappropriate staff. While it’s preferable to find a cheap moving company, just keep in mind that you might be getting what you pay for.

Read the Reviews

Once you have found some moving companies that seem to be able to meet your needs, it’s time to see what other people have to say about their services. Finding long distance movers reviews on the Internet should be easy, and many people like to post reviews of their experiences with moving companies, so chances are that you can find some reviews for the ones you’re currently thinking about.

Looking for the best long distance movers reviews can also give you some suggestions that you might not have found before. There are many sites that include reviews about various moving companies, including Yelp and even Google. There are a few other review sites out there too, so chances are that you can find good long distance movers reviews that will tell you what you need to know.

Ask Your Friends and Family

It’s almost certain that you know someone that has had to make a long distance move before, either a close friend or even a family member. Asking them about their experiences is good not just for finding the right moving company, but also for finding out details about a long distance move that you might not have thought about before.

Of course, different people have probably had different experiences with moving companies, so asking around is always a good idea to get multiple opinions. Even if someone you know isn’t able to recommend the best long distance movers, they can probably help point you in the right direction.

Make Sure the Movers Understand Your Expectations

Once you have settled on a good moving company that you think you might use, talk to them and make sure that they understand exactly what you are expecting from their services. Give them an estimate about how much furniture and how many boxes you have, give them the size of your old and new homes, and let them know about any fragile items that require special care. Most moving companies will require this information before they are able to give you an estimate of the cost of their services, but make sure they have as detailed of a picture as possible about what you need from them. This will go a long way towards avoiding any misunderstandings and ensuring that you get the services that you are expecting.

Planning Makes Perfect

Keeping all of the above suggestions in mind will go a long way towards providing the best moving experience. Finding the best long distance movers reviews, asking friends and family, and communicating effectively with your moving company of choice will give you the smoothest long distance moving experience possible.


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