Love is Love: A Guide to Celebrating Pride Month

The world is changing every day. In the modern world, LGBTQ+ acceptance has become very normalized in several parts of the globe, allowing queer people to be who they are without judgment or fear. Pride Month is a yearly reminder of the battle that LGBTQ+ individuals have been holding to be able to live their truth and love who they want, just like a heterosexual person would.

Whether you’re a straight person who’s looking forward to being an ally for their friends or a queer person that has recently come out, or perhaps it is your first time celebrating pride month, here are a few aspects to take into account to make the most of it.

1. Educate Yourself

While most people believe that Pride Month is all about parades and watching live shows during the events, it’s so much more than that. Queer people have existed for decades, and although most of them have been purposefully “erased” from the common history books, we have several heroes and icons that have contributed a lot to the cause, allowing tons of LGBTQ+ people to be able to be who they are right now. Take a look at Marsha P. Johnson’s history and learn more about why Pride Month is celebrated in June. It’s also a good idea to learn about pre-Stonewall queer history.

2. Attend a Pride Parade

When pride month comes, it’s just a matter of time before the local communities start organizing a parade. It is a common thing in most places. Not only will you be able to meet other queer people and make friends, but you might also be able to learn more about LGBTQ+ culture and how these individuals choose to express their identity and be who they are. Queer people surely make themselves visible during pride month, but the parades are the best way to be in touch with them and experience for yourself that you might have more in common with them than you think, even if you’re not queer.

3. Support LGBTQ+ Authors

Queer people enjoy more visibility during pride month. While attending the parades and events might be a fun idea, it’s also possible that you’re a bit more on the introverted side and prefer to stay at home. In this case, you can always enjoy Pride Month in your own way by reading a good book with LGBTQ+ stories or characters to learn more about them. Some good recommendations include “This Day in June” by Gayle E. Pitman or perhaps “How We Fight for Our Lives: A Memoir” by Saeed Jones.

4. Volunteer or Contribute to LGBTQ+ Causes

Being queer is not something that happens only during pride month. Chances are that there are tons of LGBTQ+ organizations and nonprofits in your area that you may not have heard about, and Pride Month might be a great way to get involved – especially if you’re looking forward to giving more to your community. You can donate or volunteer depending on your time and what you prefer doing. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated either way.

5. Remember to Have Fun

While Pride Month isn’t necessarily all about having fun and partying, that doesn’t mean that both ideas can coexist. If you’re feeling feisty and would like to celebrate pride month while also having fun, you can always attend a gay bar – such as the Richmond gay bar crawl​ – along with your friends or on your own, make some friends and have fun while at it – even if you’re not an LGBTQ+ person yourself!

The Bottom Line

Pride Month happens all through June. You’ll likely notice it right away since it becomes very apparent on social media. While we’ve listed some of the best ways in which you can celebrate pride, bear in mind that everyone has a different concept of what it is like “to celebrate.” Some people love to attend parades and events, while others prefer to stay at home. Both preferences are perfectly valid, and you should only submit yourself to the experiences that match your personality best.

Whether you are a heterosexual ally or a queer person, Pride Month can be an excellent way to celebrate humanity, individuality, and identity.



If You Let Me, I’ll Love You Like You Deserve

If I had to pick a single reason why I loved you there would be no possible way, because reasons  can fade away. What I have for you can’t fade away so I’d have to say that it’s because of who you are.That’s why I can love you this way.”- Audi Anderson

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it is unpredictable. Things can seem to being going so well before it knocks you over and you’re lying on your back looking at the stars wondering how you got there. It’s that moment when you feel like the world is against you, when you feel like you’re all alone.That is the moment that I’m here to remind you that you really are never alone, because I’ll always be on your side.

These aren’t empty promises, I’m not going to take them back, I’m giving you my word.

I promise you not to rush things. Relationships can be scary, especially when you start to open yourself up to the possibility of someone knowing everything about you. I promise to go at whatever pace makes it easier and more comfortable to you.

I’ll be there even when you drive me ten shades of crazy.

I’ll pull when you push me away.

I’ll love the things you hate about yourself.

When you think you are sucking at life I’ll remind you you’re excelling.

When the skies are grey, I’ll be there to help you see the rainbow.

I’ll love you when you don’t like yourself.

I’ll love you even when you don’t understand why.

I’ll stick around even if you expect me to run.

I’ll face your demons with you; you’ll never have to go alone.

I’ll kiss away your fears, and wipe away any tears.

I can be the strong one when you’re feeling weak.

Even if we fight and argue I’ll still be there.

I won’t let you go to bed upset, I’ll always remind you I care.

I’ll keep you safe.

I promise to guard your heart.

I’ll believe in us even when it seems impossible.

I’ll be honest with you, no matter what.

I’m not afraid to disagree with you, but it doesn’t mean I won’t listen.

I’ll appreciate you for all your imperfections, because they are what make you who you are.

I’ll cherish all the memories we make, it’ll be my favorite movie.

I’ll trust you enough that I can open my heart to you.

I’ll be by your side and push you to achieve your dreams, even if I don’t understand them.

I’ll do all of this not because you ask me to, or because it’s expected but because I want to.

Through the good, the bad, the ugly, the silly, the messy and everything in between. As long as you’ll have me, you’ll never have to go through life alone, because life is better when you share it with someone else.

And if you let me, I’ll love you like you deserve. 

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

7 Ways to Have a Healthy Long-Distance Relationship

Does distance really make the heart grow fonder? Even though it may suck, it’s not impossible.

I’ve been in a long-distance relationship for several months now, with my boyfriend living between New York and California, and me living in Tennessee. Seeing as though he and I have a shared love language of physical touch, distance hasn’t been the easiest thing (which is putting it lightly). But there are things that we’ve done, and you can do, too, to make it a little more bearable.

1. Make a Schedule

One of the things that my boyfriend and I have done is figure out what each of our schedules looks like separately before making one together. Since his work schedule is a little more unpredictable than mine, I plug in the days he’s working into my schedule so that I can look and see when we both can be free at the same time. This also helps when you have other things to do such as errands, cooking, hobbies, etc., and you’re looking for a way to best utilize your time.

2. Communicate

Since you won’t be in the same place as your significant other, communicating is the most important thing you can do to make sure your relationship thrives. This goes for close-distance relationships, too! If there are things you don’t like, communicate that. If there are things that really work, communicate that, too. In doing so, you’ll see your relationship flourish even more.

3. Set Aside a Certain Amount of Time to Talk

Once you’re aware of each other’s schedules, try and designate certain times to spend time together – whether that’s over FaceTime, a phone call, or anything else. Putting effort into your relationship doesn’t mean you have to be in the same place as them, it just means that you actively try and spend time with your significant other in one way or another.

4. Have Virtual Dates

There are ways you can have virtual dates that are just as good as in-person dates. Set aside time for a FaceTime movie night, tune into the same live stream for a concert or comedy show, play video games together, make dinner at the same time… It really comes down to having some sort of bonding experience, even from far away.

5. Take Time For Yourself

Just like in any relationship, time alone is healthy. Making sure you set time to unwind by yourself is something that will make your time spent together as a couple stronger. When you take time for yourself, not only are you making yourself healthy, but that, in turn, will help the health of your relationship.

6. Flirt With Each Other

Just because you’re long-distance doesn’t mean you can’t still flirt with your significant other! One of the best ways to keep your romance alive is by showing your attraction to your partner in one way or another. Although you’re not there to do it in person, flirting over the phone or via text is still possible and an important aspect of a healthy relationship.

7. Talk About Your Goals

Actively talking to your significant other about goals in your relationship will help keep the purpose of your relationship at the center. Before even dating, discuss what you want your relationship to look like. Are you aiming for marriage? Something casual? Not really sure? The best way to navigate is to have those “define the relationship” conversations.

Being in a long-distance relationship may be challenging, but not impossible when they’re with the right person. The key is to communicate, and never stop communicating with your partner. If you feel a little lost in your long-distance relationship, there are other people out there who feel the same! But, by following these seven tips, you might find your relationship will become stronger than ever.

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

You Should Never Feel Guilty For Outgrowing A Relationship In Your Life

There are many times in your life when you’ll meet someone and picture them by your side for years to come. You meet someone and you hit it off so well that you don’t ever want to picture your life without them. They make you feel whole in some ways, as though you were missing a piece of yourself and had never realized it wasn’t there until they walked into your life. They make you see brighter colors, clearer skies, really and truly feel the moments of pure and genuine happiness. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic relationship. Often times, you can exhibit these emotions and feelings in genuine friendships in your life, not always with someone of the opposite sex and someone you are dating.

While meeting people who make your world feel bigger and better is a universal human experience, growth is as well. In life, we all wish to grow into better people. We’d hope, and most of the time we are, growing to become better versions of who we were in the past. No one truly stays stagnant in life. We change and we become different people as we go through different things, different phases of our lives. It’s inevitable. You won’t be the same person you were as a teen when you grow into adulthood. So, it makes sustaining relationships sometimes a bit, difficult. 

When you meet someone when you’re young, you have a particular set of wants, needs, and standards that are set in place for that particular time period in your life. And, as you grow older, these may change. You may want different things out of people growing up. You may think you want to be with someone forever when you’re younger, but as you get older, you realize you are feeling unfulfilled, or as though something else is missing in your life. This isn’t something to be ashamed of or something that should be made out to be a problem – it’s just something that happens naturally in life.

There have been times in my life where I have outgrown friends and romantic partners and at the time, I felt guilty for ending things for the sake of my own sanity or my own desires. It’s like a gut-wrenching pain you feel when you’re hurting someone else, and you don’t wish to ever cause them pain. Outgrowing relationships doesn’t mean you don’t love someone, it just means you don’t want to settle for something and regret it or hurt someone even more later down the road. But, the initial struggle of having to walk away for something you have invested time and effort into while knowing the other person still feels the brighter colors, all-too-familiar pangs of excitement – it hurts.

When you want to spend a future with someone, you don’t want to half-ass it. While it’s a juvenile way to put the feeling into words, when you outgrow a relationship – it feels as though you’re only giving it half of yourself. Things just aren’t as bright and everything seems a bit duller. While you still love this person and cherish everything you’ve built together and everything you have been through, it also feels as though you’re doing a disservice to both them and yourself by staying around. You never want to be with someone just because you know it’s a solid thing and won’t go anywhere, even though you feel as though you may be happier somewhere else.

Outgrowing people isn’t something to feel guilty over, it’s just something that needs to be recognized as what’s really happening. Sometimes, we’ll try to make excuses for why we feel the way we do. We’re having an “off few weeks,” and things will get better. Maybe we’re stressed out because of work, school or outside forces that may be interfering with our emotional balance. But, the more we push the reality of the situation away, the more we begin to resent the relationship and ourselves. It may not even be conscious. We may know in the back of our minds this relationship is no longer for me. I no longer want to be the person who does the things we usually do, I want to expand my horizons, I want to try new things and meet new people. This is totally okay, there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is lying to yourself and the person in your life about it.

You can’t force yourself to stay with someone when you are really unhappy. I mean, you can, but in the long run, things will always be a bit of a struggle. You’ll find problems in everything they do, everything that happens and everywhere you go. You will always be stuck wondering what else is out there, or how you can slowly leave without doing anyone any harm. The truth is, the longer you lie to yourself, the more pain you will cause to everyone involved. Once you address the truth, you can truly learn to make a better life for yourself, and the person you are with can find someone else, as well.

There’s an old saying that says: “stop watering dead flowers.” If a relationship is no longer working for you, you feel it in your bones. There is no need to continue to put time and energy into something that will hinder your growth and trap someone else. It isn’t because the person has done you harm, it isn’t because the relationship is toxic or unhealthy – the relationship just doesn’t work for you anymore and you need to live that truth. Don’t deny yourself the sanity of living your own, authentic life. Don’t deny someone else the opportunity to find someone who will genuinely love and appreciate them either. Face the music.

9 Things You Should Know Before Moving In With Your Boyfriend

Sometimes in long-term relationships, there comes a point where a couple discusses taking that next step from “just dating” to “moving in together.” While it seems like a natural progression in any relationship, it’s actually a huge step to take as a couple. Sure, you may think it’s not such a big deal when the two of you spend every other night at each other’s own apartments anyway, but sleeping at someone’s apartment and actually sharing an apartment together are completely different things – trust me. While moving in may seem like an adorable and magical idea – playing “house” always makes every girl excited and happy – it’s a big f*cking deal, especially if there are things you’re unsure about or questions you don’t exactly have the answers to.

1. Make sure it’s something you both want to do.

Everyone feels as though it’s natural to move in together when you are a long term couple and you’re a certain age (in your mid-20’s/early-30’s). And, while it is a normal step to take in many relationships, you want to make sure that you and your partner are both happy and comfortable with the idea of living together. If one person is more into it and the other isn’t ready – don’t f*cking do it. You both need to be ready to take this step together because if one person isn’t ready, resentment will grow and your relationship will suffer because of it. I know a lot of couples who broke up after moving in together because they just weren’t ready or at that stage in their relationship to do so.

2. Make sure you’re doing it for the same reasons.

If you’re moving in with someone because you want to build a life with them, but they’re moving in with you because it’s financially convenient for them – it’s going to create tension. Make sure you discuss your intentions before you move in together. Make sure that you’re both on the same page and understand what living together really means. It’s not the same as just dating someone and staying over their apartment, you two are no cohabitating which means what’s yours is theirs and vice versa. You don’t want to have false expectations and hope and create conflict because you were both unclear of what you want.

3. Talk about finances, no matter how weird it may get.

When you move in with someone, your finances are now up front and important in your relationship. Most people will tell you not to discuss money with your partner unless you’re married, but, if you’re living together – everything matters in terms of money. And, it’s more than just rent. You’re going to paying for rent together, electric, cable, internet, food, furniture – everything you want to put in this apartment will be both of yours, not just yours or theirs. If your partner is financially irresponsible, that’s a big consideration you need to weigh before moving in. If you make more than your partner, that’s also something to think about. You don’t ever want to be stuck paying for 90% of the things in your apartment and your partner mooches off of your financial well-being, you’ll begin to get angry and resentful and will end up blowing up on them about it. The best thing you can do is discuss how to split things and make a schedule for things such as laundry, groceries and other necessities.

21st Century Dating – Is It Really Better?

Enter the pandemic. And it came on the heels of years of the digital age of dating and matchmaking. These two phenomena have ushered in a 21st-century dating scene like none other before it. Especially for Gen Zer’s and young millennials, the use of online dating apps has exploded.

Given this “explosion,” dating app companies have stepped up to the plate and expanded all of the options possible. Now those looking for dates and/or romance can filter their potential matches for all sorts of demographics – age, race, lifestyles, religion, and, especially important, geo-location so that meet-ups can ultimately happen in person. Is this method of dating better than traditional ways of dating?

Common Traditional Dating Methods

You only have to look at your parents’ dating habits to see these traditional methods.

Meeting Someone at Social Events

Your parents went to happy hours, to weddings, to parties, etc., and sometimes met other singles that resulted in dates and even long-term relationships and marriage.

Blind Dates

Friends often “fixed up” blind dates for their single friends, thinking that they may hit it off, or as a favor to someone else. These could go well or not.

Joining Singles Groups

These could range from anything such as church or community center groups to joining other activities – bowling leagues, dance clubs, and such. Again, there certainly were possibilities that a single might find a good match.

These options are still around today, but most younger singles see them as old, outdated, and a slow route to dating.

Enter the 21st Century Dating Scene

Today, meeting up with other singles who may be good dating potentials is a matter of downloading a bunch of apps and clicking or swiping their way to those possibilities. And, as can be expected, the billions of dating app users increase in numbers as their age group goes down.

So, is this dating scene actually better? Let’s have a look at the pros that digital dating and matching offer:

● It’s faster and more convenient. App users can go looking on their own time and see large numbers of profiles in a small amount of time
● Dating apps are highly specialized. For example, if you are a member of the LGBTQ community, you will find sites like the popular Taimi app, that cater specifically to your dating preferences.
● Most dating apps now offer not just user profiles, but options for audio and video chat, so that they can explore compatibility even further

All of this sounds good. Are there any drawbacks to this new digital dating? Yes, there are some:

● Users may be tempted to try out any of the numerous free dating apps that are very new, not well known, or of sketchy reputation. In these instances, meetups can be very risky. Users are not vetted or screened.
● Users may become targets for cyberbullying or cyber criminals who attempt to get users’ personal and financial information 

In all, younger singles find online dating and matching far better than the methods used by their parents. And, as long as they are careful, use only reputable company apps, and want ease and convenience, this method is a great option.

Do 21st-century singles ever use other methods? Of course. They still meet other singles at social events, and they still may take an occasional blind date. And then, there’s the popular option of speed dating – signing up for a local event and spending short periods of time getting to know other singles who share their interests and preferences. These can be fun events, but again, caution is advised.

21st-Century Dating Will Continue to Change

As technology continues to evolve, so will the technology of dating and looking for relationships. We are not sure what will come in the future – perhaps augmented and virtual reality options, where couples can actually go on virtual dates. What we do know is that technology and new attitudes have already made a huge impact.

32 Cocktails You Will Fall in Love With for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Whether you have plans or are flying solo, these 32 cocktails (for individuals ages 21+) will bring out the love in anyone. Take a look at the ingredients, stock up on them, and settle in for a fun love day – however you’re celebrating.

1. Love Potion #9

  • Strawberries
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Vodka (strawberry, vanilla, or unflavored)
  • White crème de cacao liqueur

2. Sweetheart Cocktail

  • Ketel One vodka
  • Rose petal liqueur
  • Cranberry juice
  • Lime juice

3. Bésame Cocktail (Kiss Me Cocktail)

  • Lime wedges
  • Raspberries
  • Agavero liqueur
  • Passion fruit juice
  • Raspberry liqueur

4. Scarlett Kiss

  • Cranberry juice
  • Drambuie

5. Cupid’s Arrow

  • Vodka
  • Blood orange liqueur
  • Orange juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Chopped berries
  • Sugar
  • Lemon-lime soda
  • Chocolate shavings (for garnish)

6. Chocolate Truffle Martini

  • Smirnoff vanilla vodka
  • Godiva white chocolate cream liqueur
  • Cream

7. Passion Cocktail

  • Tequila
  • Cranberry juice
  • Lime juice
  • Brandy-based orange liqueur
  • Lime slices

8. Chocolate Old Fashioned

  • Ballotin original chocolate whiskey
  • Bourbon
  • Orange bitters
  • Chocolate mole bitters

9. Chocolate Covered Strawberry Shooters

  • Chocolate chips
  • Strawberry milk
  • White chocolate liqueur
  • Vodka
  • Strawberries

10. Lovebug Cocktail

  • White cranberry juice
  • Lemon-lime soda
  • Vodka
  • Grenadine

11. Pink Gin and Tonic

  • Pink gin
  • Tonic water
  • Lime juice

12. Cupid’s Panties

  • Tequila rose
  • Godiva white chocolate liqueur
  • Whipped cream

13. Soulmate Martini

  • Bacardi vanilla rum
  • Bacardi jazz rum
  • Black cherry juice
  • Cola

14. Strawberry Champagne Floats

  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Champagne
  • Strawberries
  • Sugar

15. Valentine’s Day Lady Rose

  • Rose syrup
  • Vodka
  • Pink rose petals
  • Rose water
  • Tonic
  • Pink food coloring

16. Cherry-Chocolate Bourbon Soda

  • Cherry soda
  • Taza Mexican chocolate extract
  • Bourbon

17. Sidecar Cocktail

  • Sugar
  • Bourbon or cognac
  • Orange liqueur
  • Lemon juice

18. Hot Toddy

  • Hot water
  • Whiskey or bourbon
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice

19. Pink Mudslide

  • Kahlua or coffee liqueur
  • Vanilla or plain vodka
  • Bailey’s/irish cream liqueur or half and half
  • Strawberries
  • Vanilla ice cream

20. Flame of Love

  • Monkey 47
  • Dry sherry
  • Flamed grapefruit twists

21. Morse Code

  • Bacardi Superior
  • Plantation pineapple rum
  • Lime juice
  • Sugar
  • Strawberry

22. Pink Lady

  • Monkey 47
  • Apple brandy
  • Lemon juice
  • Grenadine
  • Egg white

23. Ginger and Jasmine Cocktail

  • Simple syrup
  • Fresh ginger
  • Jasmine tea
  • Vodka
  • Lemon juice
  • Santa Margherita sparkling rosé

24. Cupid’s Hope

  • Reyka vodka
  • Lemon juice
  • Rosemary syrup
  • Pear juice

25. Kiss From a Rose

  • Greenhook gin
  • Simple syrup
  • St. Germain
  • Angostura bitters
  • Champagne rosé

26. Tie Me Up Tie Me Down

  • Hangar One Buddha’s Hand vodka
  • Rosemary simple syrup
  • Lemon juice

27. Pink French

  • Lemon juice
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Rose water
  • Simple honey syrup
  • Gin
  • Cava

28. La Vie en Rose

  • 619 rose petal vodka
  • Simple syrup
  • Lemon juice
  • St. Germaine
  • Ginger beer

29. Potion D’Amour

  • TYKU black sake
  • Blackberry purée
  • Lillet Blanc

30. Spicy Love Affair

  • Reyka vodka
  • Lemon juice
  • Ginger syrup
  • Pink grapefruit juice

31. It’s a Match

  • Ketel One Citreon vodka
  • Muddled strawberries
  • Basil leaves
  • Jalapeño disk
  • Lemon juice
  • Simple syrup

32. The Smoke Show

  • Casamigos Mezcal
  • Casamigos Blanco tequila
  • Ancho Reyes
  • Lime juice
  • Agave nectar

However you’re spending Valentine’s Day, whether it’s with your significant other, your gal pals, or just yourself, these 32 cocktails will help spice up your holiday. Have fun and drink responsibly!

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Unique Gifts for New Boyfriends on Valentine’s Day

For when you’re scrambling for a gift that says “I like you” without screaming “I love you.”

Here’s the deal: you got into a new relationship a month before Valentine’s Day and now you don’t know what to get your new boyfriend. Been there, done that – actually, currently doing that. Valentine’s Day shopping is hard enough without that odd pressure of getting someone you’re still getting to know a decent gift. But have no fear – I’ve got some things that might just save the (holi)day.

For the Adventurer

Scratch Map – $26-40

Outdoor Safe Smart Wristband – $25

Portable Campfire – $28

Travel Stub Diary – $15

For the Fitness Junkie

Fitness Dice – $19

Fitness Massage Cube – $29

Bamboo Garden Cork Yoga Wheel – $65

Wooden Hand and Palm Roller – $15

For the Drink Connoisseur

Whiskey Wedge and Glass – $25

Beer Chilling Coasters – $35-45

City Skyline Beer Glasses – $28

BottleLoft – $30

For the Foodie

BBQ Blends Rub and Sauce Kit – $45 ($25 on sale)

LED Grilling Tool Set – $40

Mesh Grill Bags – $22

Global Hot Sauce Gift Box – $45

For the Arts-Lover

Birth Month Guitar Pick – $25

At Home Movie Critic’s Chart – $20

At Home Pottery DIY Kit – $58

What to Watch Streaming Decider Dice – $18

For the Sport Fanatic

Land Shark Golf Ball Marker – $29

Baseball Park Map Glasses – $35

Home Plate Doormat – $34

Anatomy of Sports Coasters – $45

For the Romantic

Date Night Bucket List – $20

Back to That Night (Custom Sky Glassware) – $54

Homesick Candles – $34

Long Distance Message Mug & Coaster – $34-60

For the Wellness Enthusiast

Caffeinated Soap – $18

Natural Beard Care Set – $29

Blue Light Blocking Reading Glasses – $30

Mindfulness Dice – $19

For the Kid at Heart

Game of Phones (game) – $12-25

Murder Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle – $19

Wall Pong – $60

Puns of Anarchy (game) – $35

Wherever you are in the relationship, whether it’s just the beginning or a long time in, these gifts will hopefully work for your man for Valentine’s Day. Some of these products may also be on sale, depending on when you purchase them.

Take the pressure off of Valentine’s Day and whatever you think it should be. Celebrate in a way that is special between you and your significant other and remember: if the gift is coming from you, they’re bound to like it, no matter what it is.

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Want to figure out the soul nature of a current relationship? Find out here!

I do intuitive work. One of the most asked questions is: Is this person my soul mate?

The second most popular query is: How do I attract my soul mate? 

I hate to break it to you, but the age-old concept of “having a single soul mate” is antiquated. 

You actually have a lot of soul mates, and most aren’t romantic. Your child, friend, cousin, or co-worker might be a soul mate. Even your pet can be a soul mate. 

Sure, you might be mated with a soul mate, but the truth is that there are several different types of soul relationships. Figuring out how to negotiate a relationship—or match with a true-blue, forever mate—is dependent on understanding these differences. 

After I review the nature of soul relationships in general, I’ll outline the major soul relationships as described in my newest book, Advanced Chakra Healing. Then I’ll provide a short exercise you can take to label and best embrace a relationship you’re already in.

Soul relationships recognize that we each have a soul. That’s the part of you here on this earth to gather experiences and learn about love. Souls are grouped into soul families, which are based on spiritual purpose, lesson plans, and insights already attained about love. 

These categories work the same way that they do regular family and extended friend groups. You have a lot in common with some set of individuals and not with others. You’ll like some members and not others. A few friend-types, you might be cool to marry. Others? Heaven, spare me, you think. Why would spiritual matters be any different? 

Following is a list of the various versions of soul relationships. As you read through this outline, pay attention to your Ahas! That’s a great start to getting the most out of your various relationships.

Soul Mates: Souls that share similar qualities, experiences, or spiritual goals. You have probably participated in several past lives with soul mates.

Companion Souls: Souls that assist each other in meeting life tasks. Some companion souls become life mates, lifelong friends, or even trustworthy business partners. They might also be members of the same biological or adopted family. These are typically positive and friendly relationships. 

Causal Souls: These help you become more solid in your life, requesting that you clean up your side of the street. However, they are totally difficult, like the proverbial and troublesome in-laws, difficult marriages, or challenging parenting relationships.

Cosmic Souls: These carry a high sexual charge and, paradoxically, lead to an examination of your spiritual purpose. The explosion of sexual energy often activates your kundalini, a divine life energy that cleanses issues and enables enlightenment. These relationships play havoc, especially if you’re already romantically committed to someone else.

Twin Flame: This is your seeming double. You complement each other. Twin flames often try to become life partners, believing that the other person is their “other half.” That statement isn’t true; we are here to become complete beings, not halves of a whole. 

Now it’s time to figure out what a particular relationship might be!



Want to figure out the soul nature of a current relationship? Focus on the following lists and select the one that best describes the relationship. Then turn to the Answer Key. 

  • Connected, easy, like you’ve known each other forever. You’re on the “same path.” 
  • Trustworthy, friendly, and positive. You get things done together.
  • Hard, disturbing, and irritating. You rub each other the wrong way but are forced together. 
  • Vavoom! It’s all about passion and sexual charge. Is this your soul mate? (No.)
  • Similar, two peas in a pod, complementary. Like halves of a whole.


Answer Key

What type of soul relationship might you be in? Read through the line that matches the number you picked in the Quiz and consider the advice.

  • Soul mate. It’s safe to be yourself and share your heart. Enjoy all levels of the relationship. 
  • Companion soul. You can trust each other. Look to partner on anything from vacations to projects—and maybe even as mates!
  • Causal soul. Though challenging, you are teaching each other. Learn your lesson, and the relationship will get easier or end.
  • Cosmic relationship. The attraction will burn out, so be wary. Go otherworldly, not physical. It’s time for both of you to seek things spirit.
  • Twin flame. You seem identical but aren’t. See yourself in the other and further develop those traits. Then you can become friends or move on.

And remember, the penultimate to any relationship is love. Enjoy the love that is present and make decisions accordingly.

About The Author

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and energy healer. She is the author of 28 books on energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality. Her newest book is Advanced Chakra Healing: Four Pathways to Energetic Wellness and Transformation.


Unique Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day This Year

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is either largely loved or largely despised depending on who you asked. Single or in love, some people just don’t have a taste for the candy hearts and roses, and some people are in love with all the sweetness that this day of love has to offer. No matter how you usually spend the day of love, there are a few unique ideas that you can look into for some fun and exciting experiences. Whether you’re rocking it solo, spending time with dear friends or cozying up with your beloved, you can make the most of this Valentine’s Day with some of these ideas.

Galentine’s Day

You may be familiar with the concept of Galentine’s Day from the show Parks and Recreation, although the popularity of this holiday has spawned long beyond its introduction in Pawnee, Indiana. Based on season 2, episode 16 of the show, it decrees February 13th as the day for celebrating female friendships — your gal pals, if you will. Brunch it up, have some drinks, and spend time with those you love! That’s what this day is all about!

Palentine’s Day

If you want your Galentine’s Day celebration to feel a little bit more inclusive, you can either switch up the name or switch up the celebration. Paletine’s Day is just what it sounds like — it’s for celebrating all of your wonderful pals! You can celebrate this on February 13th in place of Galentine’s Day, or you can celebrate it on the 15th so you have multiple celebrations! Additionally, you can also make February 13th Galentine’s Day, and have February 15th be Palentine’s Day for the boys!

Make It an Adventure

If you’re thinking of a more classic romantic time, going out on a regular date might seem a little bit played out. Why not try something totally spontaneous and different? Go on an adventure for this holiday! Of course, you totally can make an entire trip of it, but you can even find little adventures close to where you are. Explore a brand new hiking spot, try something wild like bungee jumping or going up in a hot air balloon! There are so many incredible choices that you might have to save a few for next year.

Self Care Extravaganza

This can be perfect for you to rock solo, for you to do with your love or for your friends to share in the fun! Sometimes, Valentine’s Day can have an air of pressure to it — like you should be doing something fancy and impressive, regardless of what you really want. If you would rather do the things that actually make you feel great, this is the perfect opportunity! You can plan a little spa day, take yourself somewhere nice or even accomplish some tasks you’ve been putting off if that’s what’s calling your name.

Take Yourself On a Date

Who says you need a partner to go on an awesome date? If you want to spend your night out on the town, do it! Partner or no partner, you deserve to have a great time and treat yourself! Find a spot to have a great meal, take yourself out for a drink or even go dancing all night long! Or you can find another date that you’d love to go on and do whatever you want, all day long. That’s the beauty of treating yourself! You know yourself the very best.

Plan a Night In

Again, this can apply to pretty much every group of people — from one single pringle to a whole crowd of pals. If you usually spend this day of love out and about, why not try something different this year and stay in? Plan a movie night, play some games or find a craft you can do! This can be a great way to relax, cozy up and feel super comfortable on this holiday.

Learn Something New

If you want to take things in a new direction and spice things up a notch, why not try something entirely different and learn a new skill this Valentine’s Day? Try taking a cooking class or learning how to tango! Go to couple’s yoga or finally rent that tandem bicycle. The sky is the limit with what you can learn, and trying something new together can truly be an enriching experience.

Getting Creative With Your Valentine

Even though Valentine’s Day might conjure up a very specific image for some, you can truly get creative and do whatever you want with the holiday. From spending it with some of your greatest friends to going solo on the date of your dreams, there’s no stopping you from having a beautiful day filled with love and care. What do you plan to do this Valentine’s Day? Do any of the options on this list stand out to you?

About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find herin a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 

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