Why I had to get a new fish

A few days ago I decided I was tired of changing my fish’s water every other day so I ordered a filter. It was like 10$ on amazon and if it meant that I wouldn’t have to change the water constantly I was very up to spending 10$. I love my fish, but since I can’t lift over 10lbs without my parents getting scared I’ll rupture an organ it just made sense to order a filter.

Today my filter came from amazon – a day early! Which was great.

What wasn’t great was going to install it and seeing my fish Rory (named from Doctor who) floating on top of my tank. Instinctively my dad reached in and grabbed the dead fish with his bare hands and picked him up and put him in the toilet. (Which he didn’t flush so that way when I went to the toilet next he could hear my screams).

Now I didn’t just buy that filter to not have fishes in it. I did have one more fish in that tank, but what people don’t know is that like people goldfish get lonely. Goldfish can live longer if they have a friend in the tank with them! Also, they live longer if they look healthier in the pet store.

Barry and Rory (may he rest in peace) were bought at a small pet store in my town, but when I bought them the day after Christmas they weren’t looking too healthy. Barry actually was sick too when I got him but now he’s happy and healthy thanks to proper care and love. I bought my new friend Simon from a local PetSmart and I’m actually fairly impressed with how friendly and helpful their workers were, and with how healthy their fish looked.

I know I only have two fantail goldfish but I’ve also had large aquariums my whole life and raising fish has become a hobby of my and my dad. He used to have a GIANT tank over 20 gallons of salt water life including electric eels and many other weird but cool creatures he could find or save from people who didn’t know how to take proper care of them.

Anyways – my new fish Simon (very colorful) is in the main picture of this article with my other fish Barry! (mostly colorless)

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