1.“You’re faking it.”
No, no I am not “faking it”, do you really think I like to have my chest tighten up, my breathing to become irregular, and my heart to feel like it is about explode? No, no I do not. I’m not faking it, so kindly fuck off, k? K. Byeeeee.
2. “You just want attention.”
Yeah, cause I totally want to have all eyes on me, pity and fear from anyone around me, watching me struggle to catch my breath and my thoughts, not being able to form words, sweat beading my forehead, and my entire being freaking out. Yeah I loveeeeee the attention, NOT. Go on with your judging ass self.
3. “Calm down.”
Haven’t you learned by now, telling anyone to calm down is just going to piss that person off more. Like I can control my freak outs? Like I want to freak out? Yeah, I’ll just “calm down” ‘cause you told me to…Bye Felicia.
4. “It’s going to be okay.”
Is it? How do you know? Why would you say that when I, deep down, know I am going to be okay, but in my current state, I can’t breath, I can’t talk, and I can barely process what is going on around me because everything seems like I’m in a long tunnel, and all noises sound like I’m under water, so don’t tell me it’s going to be okay.
5. “Why are you freaking out?”
Do you think if I truly knew why I was freaking out, I would have already tried to find a solution to fix that problem? Sometimes anxiety hits without warning, out of the blue, no triggers, it just happens. Panic attacks can come on, full force, and I haven’t a single clue to why. So stop asking okay?
6. “Anxiety isn’t real”
The fuck it aint. It is 1000% real. It sucks, it makes no sense at times, and it drains you, not only mentally, but physically and emotionally too. You literally feel like you’ve ran a marathon, and your mind becomes so cloudy and foggy afterwards.
7. “It’s all in your head.”
Maybe it is all in my head, but regardless, at that given moment, when I am profusely sweating, my body seizing up and becoming overheating hot, to numbingly cold, I’m not telling myself, “it’s all in your head”, I’m just trying to ride the panic wave out, until I can finally feel like my normal self again.
8. “Just breath.”
Yeah, duh Captain Obvious, I’m fucking trying to. I happen to like breathing like a normal human and not like a wheezing cat that just can’t hack up that hairball.
9. “Mental health is stupid.”
Oh is it? Is mental health stupid, or is it just you, because you don’t understand it, and can’t be bothered with being empathic and sympathetic? Mental health is real and it isn’t funny. It’s not a game, and it sure in the hell isn’t a fun little game to feel like you’re crazy because you’re different from someone else. Stop trying to make others feel bad about something they struggle everyday with to control and manage, just because you don’t have the issues or been through the shit they have.
10. “You’re crazy.”
Being called crazy is the quickest way for someone to get throat punched. Having panic attacks or anxiety attacks doesn’t deem you crazy, it just means your mind works differently. Don’t dog on a person just because they are different. It doesn’t make them crazy because they have triggers that send them into panic attack mode. They already feel crazy because everyone is watching them, and they can’t focus, talk, or think, don’t make it worse by being ‘that asshole’ who calls someone crazy when they already feel a certain type of way.
Kayla Leanne Goss
Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
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