People Are Livid With Gigi Hadid For Promoting McDonald’s During Coachella

When you live your life with millions of people watching, every move you make can become the point of judgment and gossip. This is why the rich and famous have to be careful about which products/companies they choose to support. Model Gigi Hadid, for instance, is currently getting slammed for a sponsored Instagram post she did with McDonald’s.

Gigi Hadid was among the many celebrities who attended Coachella last weekend.


In between watching live music, the model shared a sponsored Instagram post in which she munched down on some McDonald’s fries.

Her caption reads: “pre festival with @mcdonalds yesterday??fed & hydrated, thanks friends ! ???”

And while some commenters were in love with the post that gained over 2 million likes, others weren’t too happy to see Gigi supporting a company that “leads to obesity.”

One comment which has been liked over 2,800 times reads, “I really do not understand why you would promote McDonald’s.”

McDonald’s has yet to respond to the negative comments on Gigi’s post, but according to Politico the company is working to become a more “modern, progressive” burger chain.

h/t Business Insider

10 Things That Will Make Every Iced Coffee Addict Say ‘Preach, Sis’

Coffee Addict ?

How much iced coffee do you drink a day? Is it almost too much to keep track of? Are you known for your caffeine addiction? Would you date it if you could? Do you have a coffee problem? That’s okay, you’re in good company. Addicts read on.

1. You always have some with you.

2. It doesn’t matter if it’s negative fifty degrees, you have some.

3. You really can’t make it through the day without it.

4. It doesn’t matter what place you’re at, you’re definitely ordering coffee. Starbucks? Dunkin Donuts? Greasy diner?  Your grandma’s?

5. Your barista knows your order without you saying anything because you get the same iced coffee every day.

6. You sometimes order two and drink them both.

7. You spend more money on coffee than on rent.

8. Your car is filled with the detritus of coffee—empty cups, straw wrappers, coffee-stained napkins…

9. You get happy just thinking about coffee.

10. You’re on your way to get some right after you read this.

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