28 Thoughts Every Woman Has During Seriously Bad Intercourse

We’ve all been there–we meet a guy (or girl) we’re really feeling and we begin flirting and acting cheeky. Before we know it, there’s sexual tension in the air between us and we can’t help but think what it’d be like to get in bed with them.
Continue reading 28 Thoughts Every Woman Has During Seriously Bad Intercourse

To The Girls Who Are With The Wrong Guy

When you enter into the journey of love, you can’t tell whether you’re going to sink or swim. There is no way to tell whether you’re going to fall, or you’re going to fly. When it comes to love, most of us are as clueless as the next, pretending we know what we’re doing but in reality, we’re just trying to figure it out day by day.

And, that’s what love is – finding someone you’re comparable with, and being two, clueless, lovestruck kids together. While not everyone knows exactly where they’re going to go in the game of love, they do know how they want to be treated.

Yet, often times, we find ourselves in relationships with those who don’t treat us right.

We’ve all dated a bad guy or two – some of us even ten – and, we’ve fallen head over heels for them. We’ve divulged so deep into the love story, that we become so immune to the fact that we’re being mistreated. No matter how many times our best friends and our family tells us, shows us the red flags – we pretend we are colorblind.

We make excuses for their behavior. He didn’t come to an important event because he was busy. He didn’t call you because his phone probably died. He didn’t answer your text because he didn’t see it. He didn’t invite you to the party because he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. He didn’t introduce you to his parents because it was too soon. He didn’t want to hangout because he’s tired.

We come up with lies about their problems. He’s not rude, he’s honest. He’s not insensitive, he’s raw. He’s not abusive, he’s strong. He’s not lazy, he’s laid back. He’s not demanding, he knows what he wants.

We begin to form ourselves into someone who we don’t even know anymore. We begin to lessen ourselves to fit into his mold of what a girlfriend should be, rather than what we want to get out of a relationship entirely.

We wait.

And we wait.

And we wait.

We wait for them to “come around.” We wait for them to grow. We wait for them to realize.

We wait for them to change.

The truth is, people are who they are. When someone shows you their true colors, don’t try to paint a different picture. Truth is, you aren’t the first girl that he’s hurt and you probably won’t be the last. In fact, you definitely won’t be the last. No matter how hard you try, how much you give, you won’t ever be able to fix him. Instead, you’re going to be left with holes in your heart and darkness in your soul – constantly wondering why you weren’t good enough.

When it comes down to it, it was never you. It was always him.

In love, you need to be with someone who satisfies your needs, first and foremost. Relationships are give and take, not just give – not just take. In love, you need to be honest with yourself, and forget what you want – remember what you deserve.

You deserve someone who is utterly obsessed with you. Someone who doesn’t make excuses when you portray that as a girlfriend, you have needs. Someone who will call you when they say they will. Someone who will answer the texts that you send them. Someone who comes to events when you tell him that they’re important. Someone who will invite you to the party, and every party, because he’s proud to bring you with him. Someone who introduces you to his parents, because you are part of his life now. Someone who finds the time to see you, no matter what time of night.

In love, you deserve someone who will make you feel important. Someone who will remind you within the little things, that you are always their priority. Someone who shows you that no matter how busy and chaotic life can get, that you are on their mind, even when you are apart.

There is no man out there who will treat you perfectly every single day of the year, but, there are men out there who will try their absolute best. When you fall for someone who treats you right, you aren’t left second guessing, you aren’t left with unsolved mysteries and you’re definitely not left with unanswered questions.

Stop waiting for him to change, constantly dealing with the pit-in-your-stomach pain. Stop making the excuses as to why he’s not around. Stop lying about the behavior that you know is wrong.

Instead of waiting for him to change, wait for the right him.

19 People Confess What Was Going Through Their Heads As They Lost Their V-Cards

Your first time is never quite what you imagine it to be. There’s no magical feeling of change that washes over you the moment you lose your virginity—it’s awkward and uncomfortable but, like anything, with practice it gets better.

At least we can find comfort in the fact that everyone experiences this graceless first encounter. In fact, some have gone as far as to tell Whisper what thoughts were running through their minds during the moment they gave up their v-card and it’s honestly amazing.

1. This person decided to keep it to themselves.

2. They’re not all winners.

3. Some are a little too quick.

4. But they try their best.

5. Some let their minds wander.

6. Some were in disbelief.

7. Others enjoyed a little role play.

8. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies.

9. Just trying to keep the volume down.

10. And it can be less than impressive.

11. This person overthought everything.

12. And this one couldn’t be bothered.

13. This question never goes away.

14. And this is extremely accurate.

15. Sometimes size does matter.

16. Good study material really helps.

17. It’s over before you know it.

18. It’s your story to tell.

19. Just own what you have.

43 Funny Feminist Tweets That Infuriated All The BroFlakes On Twitter

Much of the world has come around to the notion that women and men deserve to be treated equally.
Continue reading 43 Funny Feminist Tweets That Infuriated All The BroFlakes On Twitter

Women Are Sharing Pics Of Weird Stuff In Guys’ Bathrooms And Honestly We’re Confused

I don’t want to stereotype men here. There are lots of men who keep perfectly normal, clean bathrooms, without anything in them that would make a person stop and say “huh?” I think. I think those men exist, but I’m not positive, only because every guy’s bathroom I’ve seen is a huge mess with gross, weird things lurking in every dank-towel covered corner.

Twitter user Jodie Grace posted a picture of something she found under the sink in a dude’s bathroom that defies explanation. Well, I mean, I’m sure there is an explanation for it, but it’s not at all clear upon seeing the item (a hairbrush taped to a plunger). All I know for sure is, that brush is not meant for hair. UGH.


She included the text, “ladies what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found in a boy’s bathroom? allow me to start.”

And many women responded, including pictures of the strange inventions and terrible nightmares that live in dudes’ bathrooms. Like this weird hose.

Or this toilet paper, which, what the?

This has to be the most ridiculous toilet paper holder in existence.

Oh my god, just get a toothbrush holder. Use a mug! Use anything other than actual rotting food!

I guess necessity really is the mother of invention.

Then there’s this skinny guy hanging out in the bathroom, watching people go. Creeper.

What bathroom is complete without a picture of a clown?

This is the biggest cockroach I’ve ever seen.

Hey, at least they have a toilet paper holder. Baby steps.

Everyone loves Jeff Goldblum, but maybe not in the bathroom with you?

When it’s seriously time to do the dishes.

This is not okay.

Again, how much could a toothbrush holder possibly cost?

Okay, not everything in these guys’ bathrooms is awful.

This is the time for clean guys to speak up. Or else women will think that this is how the bathroom of every male they know looks.

H/T BuzzFeed

19 Boyfriends Who Could Not Have Failed Harder In 2018

No relationship is perfect. Everyone has their ups and downs, but sometimes the downs are very one-sided. For instance, maybe your boyfriend is continuously failing like all of these hilarious guys did in 2018. But hey, at least he’s trying, right?

1. This boyfriend who clearly got his penguins mixed up.


2. This boyfriend who’s just a little confused about natural light.


3. This guy trying his best to cut up an avocado.


4. This boyfriend who attempted to draw on his girlfriend’s eyebrows.


5. This boyfriend who was told to hang up the wet laundry.


6. This guy who was definitely trying a little too hard.


7. This boyfriend who was supposed to start a bath for his gf.


8. A guy who’s way too aggressive with paper towels.


9. This boyfriend who should probably just throw the “loufa” away.


10. This guy who was supposed to bring his girlfriend icecream in a bowl.


Women Are Sharing Their Mansplaining Horror Stories And We’re Fuming

Anyone who’s ever had the extreme misfortune of encountering a mansplainer know just how insulting it can be. It happens all too often and is honestly one of the most infuriating situations to be in.

At the very least, we can take solace in the fact that these mansplainers make complete idiots out of themselves and get roasted into oblivion on Twitter.

Nicole Froio, a women’s studies Ph.D. candidate, recently asked her Twitter followers about the most obvious thing a man has every mansplained to them.


Froio also clarified the definition of ‘mansplaining’ for any naysayers who might decide to chime in.


My personal favorite definition is one provided by Urban Dictionary: “A man whom by virtue of the authority and privilege vested in him by society feels entitled to preach or explain how the world works. Bonus, if he is speaking to women, whom he perceives to be naive and ignorant, about problems and concerns with which women have real life every day experience, and the man has NO f***ing clue what he is talking about. This is usually done in a patronizing insensitive manner.”

Unsurprisingly, the women of Twitter had plenty to share.


Oh, boy.

This woman had her own heritage mansplained to her.


Scientists aren’t even safe from mansplainers.


Neither are the female academics of the world.


Nor the education professionals.


Mansplainers have gone so far as to patronize women about things like childbirth…


My eyes have never rolled so hard.

And the functions of breast milk.


Tumblr User Brilliantly Explains Why Men Need Emotional Support In Relationships Just As Much As Women

In society, there’s an unspoken norm that in relationships it’s women who need emotional support and encouragement, not men. Often, people believe women are the ones who need to be complimented, loved, surprised, and nurtured–and men just get by on their own, happy to just be there.
Continue reading Tumblr User Brilliantly Explains Why Men Need Emotional Support In Relationships Just As Much As Women

Men Confess The ‘Creepiest’ Thing A Woman Has Ever Done To Them

In life, it seems as though men get a pretty bad reputation for being creeps. Often times, we never hear about women crossing the line or being a bit “over-the-top,” when we all know pretty damn well women are guilty of doing things just as much as men are.

While I’m not saying women are equally as creepy as some dudes, there are women who do some foul things from time-to-time, so lets not always be quick to blame the man. Don’t believe me? Men are sharing the creepiest thing a woman has ever done to them and the answers will make you reconsider your stance on…well…a lot of things.

Some can’t take “no” for an answer:

Years and years back I worked in a call center and was friends with this girl. Didn’t think anything of it until she propositioned me to have sex with her. While I was flattered I told her I was dating someone else and I was not going to cheat.

Forward to a few days later I go into work and get pulled into HR, turns out she’s now filed a sexual harassment claim against me. She worked in one area away from me but they decided I needed an assigned seat beside my supervisor so that we would have no interaction period. I was fine with that until her friends started sitting not far from me, usually right in front of my field of view and she’d come over and sit and talk to them antagonizing the situation. My boss saw what was going on and brought it up to HR she was pushing the situation but it was her words not mine or my boss.

Few more weeks of me being watched like a hawk go by and I go into work only to find security and my boss waiting for me. Apparently she felt that me looking in her general direction was harassment enough so she filed another claim, this time saying I’ve been sending explicit messages and emails to her. This time my boss fought for me but I got sent home, walked out in front of the entire call center surrounded by security. I remember writing an email to HR and management that night stating I had absolutely zero contact with her since the night she propositioned me and offered my computer, a lie detector, anything to prove my innocence as long as they would question her.

Well.. They apparently brought that to her and she ends up confessing that she made the whole thing up and that she did that to another employee and got them fired because they turned her down. They let her keep her job, in fact gave her a fat severance package a few months later. I got stuck in the same punished seat, being threatened that if I told any coworker what happened I’d be fired.

I left a few weeks after that, but she had ruined my reputation, in that line of work I couldn’t find a job for anything for a while. Few years down the line she spots me on a dating app and tried to hit me up. To this day I still don’t get it.

That’s not creepy that’s assault: 

My ex stabbed me with scissors, when I got home one night. She insisted that since I didn’t answer her calls that I was cheating on her. (I was not…) Scissors went 3 inches into my gut. In a daze of confusion I wrestled her to the floor in an attempt to stop her attack.

I woke up 4 days later to learn her brother, who, while I was trying to subdue her… thought I was attacking her, hit me in the head with a cast iron skillet.

Talk about an invasion of privacy:

Was seeing the girl for like 6ish weeks. We went out one night and she said she had to work late the next day but wanted to come over after. So I gave her my apartment spare key because why not and told her to let herself in.

I ended up falling asleep waiting for her. I woke up at like 12am and noticed there was like a TV light on in the living room. I just figured she was watching something and maybe grabbing a snack before she came to bed. I got up to say hi, rounded the corner, and she was on my computer sifting through my Facebook. I asked her what she was doing and it was obvious she had no idea I was awake and freaked out. Needless to say I told her to give me my key back and showed her the door.

Funny thing is if she asked I would have let her look. I had nothing to hide. I would have thought it was weird but everyone has their trust issues. But doing something like that behind my back was not cool. To this day I never leave my computer without hitting win-L to lock it.

Straight up confusing:

I was having sex with a girl for the first time and during it she stopped and said, “I don’t think I can do this, I think I’m pregnant.” We went to sleep and after that night I continued hanging out with her for a while.

She eventually got a boyfriend and he message me on Facebook saying, “if I ever see you I’m going to kick your ass, I know what you did to her! Don’t respond to this message because I don’t want her finding out I’m messaging you.” I’m still kind of confused by the whole situation.

Coming on a bit too strong:

My 21st birthday, co-worker took me out for drinks, his girlfriend came along (I used to work with her, her boyfriend got me in his company after I got laid off)

I vomitted so much in her bathroom toilet, they went to bed. I woke up several times on her living room couch with her hand up the back of my shirt, rubbing my back. She’d notice I was awake, then go back to bed. Then come back a few minutes later.

They broke up and he told me how much she wanted to f*ck me. Oh, they were both old enough to be my parents btw

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