‘The Guy Who’s Rude To Waiters’ And 6 Other Types Of Guys To Avoid Like The Plague

Rude To Waiters? Not Dating Material!

Dating is always going to be a bit of a crapshoot. You never know which person is going to ultimately sweep you off your feet—and you’ll probably be immensely surprised when it happens.

However, there are a few good general rules of thumb to follow if you want to find your best chance at a healthy, happy relationship. With that in mind, here are some basic types of guys to avoid if you want to steer clear of tepid, unfulfilling relationships:


1. The guy who doesn’t like it if you’re funnier/smarter/more successful than he is.

Bottom line: a partner should be proud of your successes and accomplishments, and should encourage you to shine at all times. Only guys who are insecure in their masculinity are threatened by a woman who is their intellectual equal — and that’s a pretty outdated way to go about relationships.

If he tends to bristle when you crack a successful joke in front of his friends, or when you beat him at Trivial Pursuit, then maybe it’s time to turn around and walk away.

9 Mom-isms That’re Great for Your Toddler but Not a Grown Ass Man

Mom-isms And Dating

Ladies, it’s that time of day, it’s time to get ready for date night.

It is a magical time where there is typically alcohol, you get to put on something other than sweatpants and you might get to shower for more than five minutes.

This doesn’t happen often. You most definitely might even get lucky.

So, my fellow sisters in motherhood try not to fuck it up. There are at least nine different things that will kill date night and possibly not get your man’s zipper down.

Let me help you avoid being caught up in the momism of the day.


1. The radio

For the love of god, do not and I repeat have the” Kids Radio” station playing while you are on the way to your magical evening of adulthood.

You need to be listening to anything other than Kids Pop. Hell, put on The Weekend on “Earned it”.

Start talking about all the earning he needs to be doing to get lucky in the bedroom/back seat.


30 Reasons Why Men Suck

  1. Men Suck. Here is one of 30 reasons why men suck. Get Ready! First–.They can’t settle down. Its like they have to spread their seed to everyone.
  2. They deny what they said even when they know it was true at that time!
  3. The word love isn’t in their vocabulary, only lust
  4. Their ego
  5. They get jealous easily
  6. I love you means I want sex
  7. They BS constantly
  8. The geniuses tell your best friend secrets and expect them not to tell you
  9. When they’re w/ their girlfriend they look at other girls
  10. Scratch “their stuff” every 15 minutes
  11. They always wanna get w/ your friends
  12. They always call girls bitches
  13. Everything they do is a competition
  14. Claim everything their’s
  15. The good ones are gay
  16. They never grow up, my mom tells me this daily
  17. Leave the bathroom smelling extremely rancid
  18. They demand too much
  19. Expect you on your knees
  20. Some words that are not in a guy’s vocabulary: respect, love
  21. They don’ know how to say sorry
  22. They just can’t be satisfied w/ one female
  23. They don’t take no for an answer
  24. They have this stupid walk
  25. We must not forget their manly tales about stupid stuff they probably never did
  26. They think that they’re just the best
  27. They beat the crap out of each other for fun
  28. Take advantage when you’re most vulnerable
  29. Think they could get anyone they wanted
  30. Treat females like shit Wait… what am i saying… they’re always complete assholes

5 Reasons Every Man Should Invest in a Good Cologne

To all you boys out there…

No, deodorant and cologne are not the same thing.

Deodorant: I am telling you, you MUST to wear.

Cologne: I am highly suggesting you wear.

Reasons you should wear deodorant…you only need one – you stink!

But the reasons you should wear cologne…

1. It’s simply sexy

I cannot even begin to explain how alluring the scent of a musky, yet clean and fresh, cologne is on a man.

It draws a woman in quicker than a sale at Bloomingdales.

It immediately makes you ten times more attractive…and memorable.

2. It’s distinctly you

This scent is permanently attached to the mental image your girl creates of you.

If she’s at the office and catches a whiff of your go-to cologne, wafting in the air; she is sure to think of you.

So, don’t be surprised if you get a text saying, “ Miss you Babe! xoxo”

Every time she smells this scent, she will immediately think of you – and in the best light possible.

3. It triggers a memory

As soon as she smells the scent of the cologne you wore on a special evening, it will bring her back in time to that moment and place.

She will think back to your first date – walking on the beach, dipping your toes into the sand – she will reminisce on the moment you wrapped your arms around her and leaned in for a kiss.

She will remember the look in your eyes, the flutter in her heart, and the smell of your Dolce and Gabbana Sport, drifting in the summer air.

4. It leaves a trail

After a nice night, cuddling and watching a movie together, you head off to work the next morning. But, some of you got left behind…

Her pillows smell so fresh and so alluring. They smell familiar, they smell like – you.

You are bound to be on her mind before she falls asleep at night and her first thought when she wakes up in the morning.

She will only want you, back in her bed, that much more.

5. Its for the woman’s pleasure

We know that you’re not wearing cologne for the sake of your own enjoyment, but for the sake of ours.

It’s a thoughtful way to show you care and want to pleasure your girl in as many ways as possible.

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