Last Friday the Twitter account @HashtagRoundup prompted users to share millennial dating rules by hashtagging their posts, #MillennialDatingRules.
#MillennialDatingRules is this week's Five O'clock Fridays hosted by @BrieHxC
— Hashtag Roundup (@HashtagRoundup) December 28, 2018
Some of them were pretty straightforward—don’t be sketchy on social media, don’t overcomplicate things, don’t expect a whole lot, etc. Others were a little more nuanced; heart emojis and full student debt disclosure are key, people!!!
Don’t bother calling, I only reply to texts #MillennialDatingRules
— BlondeMajesty? (@BlondeMajesty) December 28, 2018
If you're looking for stability find someone on LinkedIn #MillennialDatingRules
— DavaStarr (@DavaStarr) December 28, 2018
Open the Uber door for her #MillennialDatingRules
— Keith G. Blair (@44bizzness) December 28, 2018
#MillennialDatingRules Whatever Boomers did, do the opposite
— NewYeaRaPUNzel (@RandilynIsIn) December 28, 2018
He has to have his OWN Netflix account. He can’t be still using his parents one. That’s how you can tell if he’s successful or not #MillennialDatingRules
— jessica lynn bailey (@anyreasonvegan) December 28, 2018
No flirting with other bishes on social media. Thx. #MillennialDatingRules
— ? Lola ? (@_lola_bee) December 28, 2018
#MillennialDatingRules Split the bill off rip! Ya both too broke for the date.
— Lee Chin (@iamleechin) December 29, 2018
Must Share the Avocado Toast
— Stan 2 As Baby Deadpool (@Eminem11684) December 28, 2018
Show up with Starbucks or don't show up at all.#MillennialDatingRules
— Billie (@Billie_Jean00) December 28, 2018
before our relationship proceeds any further, what's your horoscope? #MillennialDatingRules
— Niki Lee (???) (@nikileeforever) December 29, 2018