Millennial Men: Why It’s Almost Impossible to Find a Decent Guy

Millennial men.. meh…Yep, that’s right, if you clicked on this article, you are not the only girl wondering why on earth is it so damn hard to find a decent guy? Is it true that we live in a world full of Peter Pans and sadly, we are not the only Wendy..

Let’s recap exactly what went wrong in this twisted world to make guys so empowering to women, and make us feel less of a person, as if we are not worthy of their presence.

1. Online dating:

Yes this has ruined are thinking of what dating should be like.. It has empowered men to talk to millions of girls on the internet with no intention of other actually settling down (ever – even if they say that is primarily their goal – *eye roll*), but instead they’re talking to thousands of girls on the internet, hoping for one thing – to score. And poor us, talking to these so called ‘men’, looking for our initial ‘soul mate’ but in reality these guys have no intention of ever settling down with just one person.

Could it be that it is just too easy for a guy to move on to the next girl, that they don’t ever have to settle down? Online dating has made it too easy for guys to just go back on the site and find one girl after the other, ‘instant gratification’ they may call it, I call it ‘alone forever.’

So here we are, the girl who lives alone, with too many cats and dating these worthless guys, that do nothing but bring us out for drinks and dinner (which can be nice don’t get me wrong), but in the end they will do nothing but use us for sex and then ultimately ghost us.

Don’t even get me started on the ‘dating games’, (which may I add that I’ve gotten very good at):

1. Rule

You must never reach out to the guy first (unless it’s Bumble, where you have no choice but you must keep it very vague and not act too interest and message them with a ‘Hey’ or ‘Hi’, and then you can’t write them back, ever!! Muhahaha)

2. Rule

Pay attention to rule #1 but when they do write you, you can’t write them back, that is until they write you several more times. That’s right ladies, it’s all about the chase..haha *eye roll*.

3. Rule

When you do eventually write them back, after they have initiated conversation several times, you must keep it vague by saying doing good you? Or busy at work you? You must be very busy! Too busy to talk to them or give them any information of what you’re doing.

4. Rule

Stay mysterious..don’t let them know what you are doing. Let them ask questions, and keep your answers vague.

5. Rule

You are always too busy to meet him (and might not ever meet him), let him chase you until the end of time, and after you’re dead, let him continue chasing you, because you are not interested (at all). But you are interested, but you will not ever let him know that you are interested *sarcastic laugh*

6. Rule

Go on a million dates just like him (that’s right ladies – date like a man).

7. Rule

Let that millennial man chase you (because again, you are not interested, and guys unfortunately like that *more eye rolls*)

8. Rule

You work 10 jobs, you eat healthy, work out every single freakin day, you’ve traveled to every single country in the world, lived in every single country in the world, you are so freakin perfect – you’re not even human – you are like the bionic woman. You don’t fart, you don’t sneeze, you don’t even breath – because you are perfect and unless you’re perfect a guy is going to get bored of you instantly.

9. Rule

You are too independent to give these guys the time of day.

10. Rule

Always keep about 10 guys in line (just incase the one you like flakes out on you – which will probably happen because you were actually interested, and you are not allowed to be interested)

And there you have it ladies! This is why our generation is F**KED and why millennial men suck D**CK and we will never find true love in a world so screwed up.

GOOD LUCK *sarcastic laugh*

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