5 Things Millennials Can Do to Maintain Their Health

The generation celebrated for their thirst for knowledge and vast education, dubbed the “digital natives”, Millennials are surely a force of nature. Ask any brand that considers Millennials their target market, and they’ll tell you that they need to structure their strategies so that they appeal to this particular demographic – so traditional ads and pushy sales tactics are out of the question. In fact, their lifestyle has become extremely health-oriented, making them the generation that is slowly changing the workplace one smart choice at a time.


Many are working remotely, they have celebrated the trend of digital nomadism, and they have inspired many a fitness and wellness brand into existence. However, being educated, ambitious, and value-driven, they often find themselves stuck in a routine that’s far from ideal. So, to boost their health, every Millennial can benefit from the following self-care strategies.


Manage your stress with meditation


If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing

Not to sound like everybody’s grandmother here, but finding a man in this day in age is a damn mission and a half. Finding a good man? EVEN HARDER. Finding a man who stays loyal AND plans for your future? Girl, marry him ASAP because that sh*t is rare.


Being a twenty-something year old in 2017 is wild. This is the part of your life where people expect us to settle down and get married, buy a house, and soon after, have babies. Ugh, I know, right?


This list is to help you narrow down whether or not your man is ready for the long-run because if you and your boyfriend can relate to the things on this list, you have got yourself a keeper, and you are set for life. Go be free, get married, and live happily ever after. I have done my job. You’re welcome.


1.He appreciates you and shows it.

It’s not hard to say thank you, and your boyfriend knows that. He tells you how much he loves that you’re his girlfriend.

11 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Married In Your Early 20’s

It feels like every time I log on to Facebook, another friend from high school is engaged, married or pregnant. Meanwhile, I have a 500 square foot apartment and a dog. AND I LOVE IT. I don’t want to get engaged, I don’t want a hashtag and I definitely don’t want an expensive wedding. At least not right now. I’m in my early twenties and I cannot understand how anyone could possibly advise anyone get married this young. I haven’t done anything yet! How am I supposed to “settle down” when I haven’t even gotten in the game?

1. Because you don’t know what you want.

How do you know you won’t wake up in two years and hate the face looking back at you? Maybe you never will know that for sure. However, I think we are all definitely making the least informed decisions at this point in our lives. I don’t know what I want! I can barely decide on a color for my nails much less a life partner.

2. Because you don’t want to give up your bed.

One of my greatest joys in life is my queen size bed all to myself (and my dog). Having the ability to completely sprawl my 5’2 body across said mattress is pure bliss. I don’t want to share! Even when I do have company, I can’t wait for them to leave. Getting married means they never leave. I’ll pass.

3. Or, pick up after someone else.

I am an organized messy person. As in, my mess is organized and I don’t need someone else’s mess coming into my mess and ruining it. You have to share everything including chores. Right now, I do everything on my terms. Dirty dishes in the sink? Sure, I’ll get to it next week when I finish binging on Scandal. Marriage, as far as I know, doesn’t really work like that.

4. Because you haven’t dated enough.

I’ve been in one actual, serious relationship and a lot of “I don’t really know what this is” relationships. I’ve been on more first dates than I can count and yet, I don’t think I’ve dated enough. I still don’t know exactly what I want in a partner. I just know everything thus far is a no. I think the only way to find out is well, dating more.

5. Because you need to learn to be independent.

One of the most important things to me in this life is being independent. I don’t want to rely on anyone for anything. Sometimes you have to, but I want to be able to lead a life on my own and I don’t think getting married in your 20’s helps you achieve that. You won’t have the opportunity to mess up on your own and figure out how to fix it.

6. Because you’ll have to compromise.

Do want to decorate your entire apartment with posters of Rihanna? In a marriage, you’ll have to compromise with your partner and probably settle for maybe one poster and not 10. I mean, I know this isn’t the biggest issue, but the time for you to do literally *whatever* you want in life with little consequences is limited. Why end that earlier than you need to?

7. Because you should be selfish during this time in your life.

All of this is to say that I’m probably pretty selfish right now. I care most about myself because no one else is going to take the time to care about my life. Not to say I’m a monster who doesn’t care about other people, but your twenties are naturally a selfish time.

8. Because it could take focus away from your goals.

Say you get an offer for your dream job across the country. If you’re single, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be on the next plane out. If you’re married, however, you have another person’s life to consider. You’ll have to compromise. Once you’re older, you’d be presumably further along in your career and more established. This kind of thing is probably less likely to happen.

9. Because weddings are expensive AF.

Aside from all of the personal reasons, what about the financial reasons? Weddings are expensive AF. Millennials are barely able to move out of their parent’s house. The average cost of a wedding is $35,329 and the class of 2016 has $37,172 in student loan debt. You do the math here, guys.

10. Because you’re still finding yourself.

I’m just now learning who I am and the kind of person I want to be. I believe ~finding yourself~ is a lifelong journey, but your twenties are an important time to figure these things out. Trying to find yourself with someone else sounds a lot more difficult. Having to balance the person you’ve committed to with the person you’re trying to become is an act I don’t want to have to perfect.

11. And, let’s face it, divorce is no fun.

I can barely keep a plant alive, much less a marriage. Plus, the facts don’t lie, people! Divorce rates are high and the likelihood of your marriage lasting is slim. About 40 to 50% of married couples in the United States get divorced, according to the American Psychological Association. And the younger you are, the more likely it won’t last. 

A 2015 study suggests the best ages for people to have a long, successful marriage is between 28 and 32. I’m not saying we should all never get married. Although if you choose to do so, it’s totally cool. I am saying that we shouldn’t give in to societal pressure to tie the knot and that focusing on yourself is just as, if not more important than a wedding hashtag and a lifetime commitment. So, if anything, maybe try holding out a bit longer before you say “I do.”

If You Were Born Between 1977-1985, You’re Not A ‘Millennial’ Anymore, You’re A ‘Xennial’

Millennials get a bad rap for being entitled, lazy, immature, obsessed with selfies and social media, and so on. They’re associated with the rise of the internet and smartphones and resulting cultural outcroppings of these technological advancements. But generational distinctions are imprecise and subject to debate, and what we typically consider to be Millennials actually contains a subsection of somewhat older Millennials that are culturally distinct from their younger brethren.

Sandwiched between Gen-Xers and Millennials, ‘Xennials’ are typically classified as those being born between 1977 and 1985. They’re a microgeneration that copes with the clash between Gen-X’s cynicism and Millennial optimism.


Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 and Gen-Xers were born between 1965 and 1980. The term ‘Xennial’ to describe the generation on the cusp of the two first appeared in GOOD magazine as a way to define the older Millennials who shared a different experience than the rest of the generation growing up.

According to Notable Life,

The term is a solution to recent complaints by “mature millennials” that they don’t feel as though they fit the avocado-eating, Snapchat-loving mold of the endlessly dissected generation — but also don’t really remember the first Star Wars movies.

Xennials had an analog childhood before riding the digital wave into the 21st century. Xennials were fully aware of the shifting technological landscape, going from a time when the internet didn’t exist, to suffering through the dial-up era, to embracing the latest social media platforms. They were also in early adulthood during the September 11th terrorist attacks, while many Millennials were still in elementary and high school.

Xennials are also called “the Oregon Trail Generation” because of how widespread the educational game was in the “cutting-edge” computer labs they had in elementary and high school.


There are plenty of things Xennials remember that are just fuzzy memories to Millennials. Things like pay phones, landlines, and sitting through countless 1-800-COLLECT commercials.

The landline wars were intense until cell phones came along, and Xennials remember having to talk to their friends’ parents on the phone before reaching their friends. Call waiting and extra phone lines were godsends for the Xennial generation.

And watching Jurassic Park in theaters and memorizing Clueless.


Mean Girls may be the defining women’s movie for Millennials, but Xennial women grew up watching Clueless on repeat at slumber parties. And the cutting-edge computer-generated dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were truly revolutionary on the big screen. Goonies, Heathers and Dazed And Confused were also seminal Xennial coming-of-age movies.

Being a little too old for Pokémon and Neopets.


These pop culture phenomena took off a little too late to get Xennials on board.

Getting that first clunky cell phone in their teens or 20s that was “for emergencies.”


Ah, those indestructible Nokia phones! Before Temple Run and Candy Crush, Xennials killed time by trying to beat their high score on Snake.

Coping with T9 texting was a real struggle for Xennials.

Sure, Millennials are the generation that turned texting into an artform, but Xennials were the pioneers who had to really work to make texting happen.

And connecting with friends on AIM changed Xennial social life.


Online chat application like AOL’s Instant Messenger and ICQ allowed young Xennials to socialize online for the first time.

Looking things up in encyclopedias, and later, Encarta is an experience every Xennial remembers.

Xennials went to school before web-based reference sources like Wikipedia, and many still remember having to use the card catalog at the library.

And the hole in the ozone layer and acid rain were the most critical environmental threats.


Before global warming reached a boiling point, acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were some of the biggest man-made threats to life on earth.

Xennials will remember when this was the hottest boy band around.

Xennials loved Back Street Boys and N’Sync, but the New Kids On The Block were the original boy band.

And trying to hit “record” at the exact right time to snag the song of the moment off of the radio to make your crush that mixtape was a Xennial thing.


Well before MP3s became a thing, CDs were a welcome change for Xennials, who grew up with cassettes and top-40 radio stations that had actual human DJs.

Also MTV showed mostly music videos.


Today, MTV hosts a raft of original programming, but Xennials remember a time when you could tune in to MTV and either see a music video or a VJ introducing one.

And the O.J. Simpson Bronco chase and double murder trial divided America on racial lines.


It was called the “Trial Of The Century” and helped launch the Kardashian’s father to fame (or infamy). News coverage of the double murder trial was non-stop and his acquittal rocked the nation.

Xennials also remember when Columbine was the first and only shocking school shooting.


Long before the current epidemic of gun violence plaguing U.S. schools, the mass shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado shocked the country. Ask a Xennial and they can probably tell you where they were when they heard the news.

17 Quotes from ‘The Bold Type’ That Are Straight Up Badass

Ever watch The Bold Type We all know being a Millennial can be pretty tough, or it can be badass, it’s just a matter of how we deal with life. So when in doubt, or when you need that boost, here are seventeen quotes from The Bold Type that are straight up badass for any millennial.

1. “Nevertheless, we will persist.”-Jaqueline. If anyone knows about being a badass and persisting, it’s Jaqueline. She is literally the mirror image of Joanna Coles, the editor of Cosmopolitan. If anyone can persist, it’s a badass.

2. “Yes. I’m very interested in a butt facial.”-Jane. Seriously who else would say this? Millennials know when to stand up to the occasion and when they need to get down to business for their boss. Maybe not really getting a butt facial, but still.

3. “So, I have a favor to ask you. Show me your nipple.” –Kat. Of course this is during her ‘free the nipple’ campaign, but being bold isn’t just about getting your work done like a boss, it’s asking the bold questions, even when it might sound terrible. #freeTheNip

4. “Don’t say I’m sorry when you have nothing to apologize for.”- Jaqueline. Is it just me or is she like the Gandhi of Scarlet? This woman knows how to be bold, don’t apologize for your actions when you have nothing to be sorry for, when you did your best, when you maybe made someone upset that doesn’t have the same views. Be you, and be bold.

5. “First of all, I can screw whoever I want.”- Sutton. Sure being bold means sticking up for yourself, but it also means sticking up for your relationships, even if it is with yourself, or your sex life.

6. “If you can’t do it with feeling, don’t.” –Sutton. Whether it’s a job presentation, college, your hobby, or relationships. If you can’t do it with your heart, then don’t do it at all. Perfect words.

7. “Keep bringing your passion, it’s how you’re going to make your mark.– Oliver. Okay so maybe he isn’t a millennial, but he has a pretty strong point. How will you make your mark? With passion, that’s how.

8. “Go in there with the confidence of an incredibly average white man.”- Kat. Okay so maybe this isn’t the best advice, but she has a point, when in doubt, act like you have nothing to worry about, life goes on and you will still be a badass.

9. “You need to start speaking up for yourself.”– Jaqueline. Seriously can she get any wiser? In this part of the show, she is telling Sutton to stand up for herself, take credit for her work, because she deserves to be recognized for her hard work, especially when someone else is trying to take all the credit.

10. “You need to catch your breath, take an hour, fall apart, come back, and we are gonna figure this out.”– Jaqueline. She is just breathing, living, BOLDNESS. When things start to get rough, take a breath, fall apart. Just remember when you are done, it’s not time to give up, it’s time to become a badass and conquer.

11. “If I’m going down, I’m going down swinging.”– Sutton. When your dreams are right in front of you and you have to fight for them, start swinging and fight for them. Take it from this bold type.

12. “No, I don’t think you know what I’m gonna say.”– Jane. When a guy turns out to be a total dick, even when he is hot, you still have to stick up for yourself, say what YOU want, be bold, be tough.

13. “I’m Nora Ephron, bitch.”-Sutton. When things work out, celebrate, keep that goal in mind to get you where you want to be. If all else fails be Nora Ephron, just have a safety net, like these gals.

14. “She shouldn’t have underestimated me.”- Jane. Sure maybe our bosses are underestimating our strengths, or not letting us live to our full potential, and being bold is taking the chance and still trying to show your worth even when they don’t know you are capable of it.

15. “We should be taking in every experience. We should be living our lives, taking risks, and, you know, putting ourselves out there.” – Jane. Being young and sometimes just being a millennial is just the time to take in every experience, live your life, be bold, take that risk. Take the job, make the move.

16. “I don’t think I realized how much of the weight I was still carrying.” –Jaqueline. Sometimes, being bold is knowing where you lack, where you carry that weight. Sometimes it means letting go of what has hurt you and being better than it.

17. “To having adventures. And making mistakes. To sleeping with the wrong people and the right people. And to unleashing holy hell.” –Jane, Kat, & Sutton. Because being bold is truly sticking with the ones who mean the most and pushing through everything together. Making that mistake, drunk dialing that ex, or showing up outside their house, and unleashing holy hell because you are BOLD, and you are YOU.

Millennial Men: Why It’s Almost Impossible to Find a Decent Guy

Millennial men.. meh…Yep, that’s right, if you clicked on this article, you are not the only girl wondering why on earth is it so damn hard to find a decent guy? Is it true that we live in a world full of Peter Pans and sadly, we are not the only Wendy..

Let’s recap exactly what went wrong in this twisted world to make guys so empowering to women, and make us feel less of a person, as if we are not worthy of their presence.

1. Online dating:

Yes this has ruined are thinking of what dating should be like.. It has empowered men to talk to millions of girls on the internet with no intention of other actually settling down (ever – even if they say that is primarily their goal – *eye roll*), but instead they’re talking to thousands of girls on the internet, hoping for one thing – to score. And poor us, talking to these so called ‘men’, looking for our initial ‘soul mate’ but in reality these guys have no intention of ever settling down with just one person.

Could it be that it is just too easy for a guy to move on to the next girl, that they don’t ever have to settle down? Online dating has made it too easy for guys to just go back on the site and find one girl after the other, ‘instant gratification’ they may call it, I call it ‘alone forever.’

So here we are, the girl who lives alone, with too many cats and dating these worthless guys, that do nothing but bring us out for drinks and dinner (which can be nice don’t get me wrong), but in the end they will do nothing but use us for sex and then ultimately ghost us.

Don’t even get me started on the ‘dating games’, (which may I add that I’ve gotten very good at):

1. Rule

You must never reach out to the guy first (unless it’s Bumble, where you have no choice but you must keep it very vague and not act too interest and message them with a ‘Hey’ or ‘Hi’, and then you can’t write them back, ever!! Muhahaha)

2. Rule

Pay attention to rule #1 but when they do write you, you can’t write them back, that is until they write you several more times. That’s right ladies, it’s all about the chase..haha *eye roll*.

3. Rule

When you do eventually write them back, after they have initiated conversation several times, you must keep it vague by saying doing good you? Or busy at work you? You must be very busy! Too busy to talk to them or give them any information of what you’re doing.

4. Rule

Stay mysterious..don’t let them know what you are doing. Let them ask questions, and keep your answers vague.

5. Rule

You are always too busy to meet him (and might not ever meet him), let him chase you until the end of time, and after you’re dead, let him continue chasing you, because you are not interested (at all). But you are interested, but you will not ever let him know that you are interested *sarcastic laugh*

6. Rule

Go on a million dates just like him (that’s right ladies – date like a man).

7. Rule

Let that millennial man chase you (because again, you are not interested, and guys unfortunately like that *more eye rolls*)

8. Rule

You work 10 jobs, you eat healthy, work out every single freakin day, you’ve traveled to every single country in the world, lived in every single country in the world, you are so freakin perfect – you’re not even human – you are like the bionic woman. You don’t fart, you don’t sneeze, you don’t even breath – because you are perfect and unless you’re perfect a guy is going to get bored of you instantly.

9. Rule

You are too independent to give these guys the time of day.

10. Rule

Always keep about 10 guys in line (just incase the one you like flakes out on you – which will probably happen because you were actually interested, and you are not allowed to be interested)

And there you have it ladies! This is why our generation is F**KED and why millennial men suck D**CK and we will never find true love in a world so screwed up.

GOOD LUCK *sarcastic laugh*

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