5 Things to Consider When Hiring and Working With Millennials

With the younger generation becoming more interested in finding work, the percentage of millennial workers is expected to rise in the coming years. If you want to hire employees from the next generation, you must customize your hiring strategy. Every generation’s priorities and motivations differ from those of the previous generation. After studying the work environments of previous generations, today’s young workers seek a different and better experience. However, if you want millennials to view your organization as a potential workplace, you must consider a few factors. At the end of this article, you will learn how to hire and work with new generation workers.

1. Reduce Your Expectations:

First and foremost, you must recognize that millennials are young people with limited experience. So, instead of saying you want to hire someone with five years of experience, you say you’re willing to hire an entry-level employee. You should be aware that, unlike older generations of workers who are willing to stay with a company even if they are mistreated, millennials are quick to leave a bad job. As a result, they may not have the necessary years of experience. You must also be willing to train your millennial employees for a while so that they have a better understanding of what is required of them.

2. PEO Companies Will Help:

Professional employer organizations, or PEOs, are human resource firms that assist other organizations in hiring employees. Knowing that employee dynamics will most likely change in the coming years, you can work with a PEO to help you hire millennials to work for your company. PEOs are prepared to work with employees of all ages, generations, and locations. As a result, they better understand what you require and the types of millennial workers who would be a good fit for your organization. You can employ a PEO company in Canada to help you if you want to hire millennials from the country. 

3. Work-life Balance:

Millennials dislike having a job that takes up all of their time because many of them were raised by parents who struggled to find a balance between work and life. The younger generation wants to ensure that while working for you, they can still fit in significant tasks related to their well-being. Therefore, as an organization, you must ensure that your workplace is designed to appeal to millennials. You can achieve this by ensuring a balanced schedule for your employees. You might have to design a work schedule that only allows your staff to work in the office. Even better, you can let them operate remotely. Working remotely is more appealing to millennials than going to the office.

4. Competitive Salary:

A well-paying job appeals more to the new generation of workers. Basically, money motivates a lot of things. A millennial employee has many expectations, including that they will be well compensated while working for your company. As a result, you should offer a competitive salary. Make sure your job description is written in such a way that your potential millennial employer understands all of the job requirements. Your job description must support your expected salary. In reality, millennial job seekers may not even open your job posting if they cannot see how much you are willing to pay them. Another tactic for attracting millennials is to give them bonuses and incentives while working. Younger people are happier when working and getting regular pay for it.

5. They Want Skill Development:

Young people want to learn while earning a living. They are drawn to the prospect of expanding their skills and professional capacity while working for your company. As a result, you must ensure that your company invests in employee development. Employee development is critical not only because you want to hire millennials. It is required if your employees are to be productive. If your employees are not productive, your company will be unable to maximize profits. It is critical, however, that you set aside time to train and develop your employees. You can pay for courses to help them improve their skills. If you want to attract millennial workers to your organization, you must do so.

Millennials are the business world’s future; therefore, if you want to attract them to your organization, you must have a strategy. Every generation has its preferences, and to participate in the evolution of each generation, you must learn their preferences and provide them. Millennials are young people who have the potential to help your organization sour, not just a bunch of demanding little kids. However, If you want to work with them, you must have a strategy.


About The Author

Freya is a Math teacher, Yoga enthusiast, and a beloved mother of three lovely daughters. She is always looking for ways to grow and help others around her thrive through self-learning, meditation, and physical fitness. When she is not teaching or spending time with her family, Freya regularly writes on topics related to self-improvement and women empowerment.


Profitable Business Ideas for Millennials

Young people have different expectations from the workplace in comparison to previous generations. The focus is now on jobs that are profitable, but which also allow as much freedom and independence as possible. However, millennials are also much more eager to start up their own businesses and less fearful of failing, which is a huge advantage for someone who would like to take the matter into their own hands. To show you what kind of businesses are particularly appealing to young people, we’ve prepared the following list of most attractive business ideas, which don’t require significant financial investments.

App building

Mobile technology has completely changed the way we communicate and conduct business, and apps are at the very forefront of those changes. The great thing is that even those with little coding knowledge can use platforms that allow them to create apps in a matter of minutes. So, if you think you have a good idea for an app, or several of them, you might give it a try and offer your services to companies.


Young people who have recently finished their formal education, as well as those who are yet to complete their academic career, have a chance to share their knowledge and experience with those who need help in particular subject, such as children, teenagers and young adults. The best thing about it is that you don’t need to restrict your services to your local community but can actually work with people from all over the world provided there is no language barrier. Needless to say, you need a stable fiber internet connection and a good camera, but that is really a small investment when you take into account the potential gain.

Virtual assistant

Another job that is relatively new and that has become available due to technological progress is the one of a virtual assistant. Everyone who is flexible and has good organizational skills can remotely manage people, resources and schedules to make sure their employers have everything they need to succeed. This is a demanding job, but it can pay really well.

Graphic design

With the importance of social media, blogging and virtual presence in general constantly rising, having custom graphics designed to fit on profile pics, banners and posts is something every company needs. If executed well, such designs can help them set themselves apart from their competitors. Those among you talented enough can use this opportunity to offer at least basic graphic design for blogs and social media. You should start small and work your way up, because you don’t want to accept jobs that are too complex at the start of your career.


While the number of pet owners is increasing steadily, there is a problem that many of them face. Namely, people tend to have extremely busy schedules these days, which means they don’t have enough time to walk their pets. Also, some owners can’t or don’t want to take their beloved pets on vacation with them, which means they need to find someone to look after the pets while they are away. If you enjoy spending time with dogs, cats and other pets, you could offer sitting services to peoples’ furry friends. You will enjoy some good company and also lead a healthy lifestyle, because you’ll need to take the pets for a walk quite frequently.


Digital marketing is now the dominant element of every marketing campaign in the world. Companies need technical writers and editors to help them kickstart their content marketing campaigns and you can take advantage of the side gig opportunity by offering technical writing or editing services in your field of expertise. You can choose to focus on writing, producing quality content or becoming an editor. Alternatively, you can work for a company that provides such services as a freelancer.

Website creation

Almost every company in the world now relies heavily on its website to present its offer to the public and attract new customers. That’s why businesses across the world are very interested in having well-designed and user-friendly websites. While almost everyone can use some of many platforms that allow you to create websites through a partially or fully visual interface, it’s only those who are ready to invest a bit of time in making really great websites that can expect to make a career out of it. Luckily, you don’t need any coding experience to use such platforms, but you do need to know what the expectations are and how to meet them.
These are just some of the ideas that young people can use to start their careers and still be quite independent. Naturally, you should choose those jobs that you’re comfortable with and which you think are right for you.

10 Reasons To Elope Rather Than Have A Big, Fat, Expensive Wedding

We’ve all attended our fair share of beautiful wedding ceremonies. The bride(s) is a vision in a stunning white dress or sweet pantsuit. The groom(s) looks dapper in a fine suit. There’s crying,  laughing, cheesy speeches and lots of pictures. You get to witness two people committing to spend the rest of their lives together alongside loved ones and friends. Who doesn’t enjoy celebrating love? Over the last couple of years, however, a growing amount of individuals from the millennial generation are straying from traditional large-scale weddings. A lot of thought goes into these decisions. It’s more than an attempt to rebel against a long-standing institution. These decisions are far more complex than older generations probably understand. We’ve broken down a few reasons as to why more millennials are eloping.

1. Eloping is cheaper.

The average wedding can cost up to $30,000 sometimes. There are so many expenses that go into the “perfect” wedding. There’s the cost of a venue, hiring a catering company, the wedding dress, entertainment and so many other expenses that can add up to a hefty bill. That’s not to say you can’t put together an incredibly classy and beautiful wedding on a shoestring budget. With that being said, the average millennial college graduate owes an average $35,000 in student loan debt. Unfortunately, most millennials are scraping by with the cost of living escalating and trying to pay off student loan debt.

2.  Eloping causes less stress.

A wedding requires a lot of planning. There are so many moving pieces to consider when putting on the wedding of your dreams. Squeezing in appointments with a wedding planner, working out twice as hard to look beyond perfect for the big day and a dozen other factors that come with planning a wedding can be incredibly harmful emotionally, mentally and physically. Keep in mind you still have work and a personal life to worry about. Some people can do this flawlessly, and kudos to them. There are others *raises hand* who don’t handle that type of stress too well and it’s entirely okay.

3. A lot can go wrong at big weddings.

“What could possibly go wrong?” Famous last words, amirite?

If you’re having an outdoor ceremony, you have to prepare for less than ideal weather. If your guests will be bringing their children and toddlers, you’ll have to prepare an excuse possible screaming and crying. If one of your family members has a little too much fun at the open bar, you’ll have to make sure someone keeps an eye on them. There are one too many moving pieces on such a big day, and trying to anticipate what could go wrong can be draining. Chances are, a lot less can go wrong when you are eloping.

4. Planning big weddings sometimes causes unnecessary tension between couples.

When planning a wedding, couples can go about the process as they please. Some couples want to be on the same page about every decision. Other couples will leave it in the hands of one partner. But what happens when both individuals butt heads every step of the way? These disagreements can overshadow the importance of the ceremony in the first place. Should you really be fighting about color schemes and guest lists when there’s a whole life of bliss ahead of you? When it comes to eloping, the toughest decision is picking a location.

5. Big weddings often bring big family drama.

Big families can sometimes lead to big drama. This is dangerous territory when it comes to the big wedding day. If you have family members who aren’t speaking at the moment, it could make the seating arrangements pretty tricky to make. You’ll also have to prepare for input from family members and your own parents when it comes to planning the wedding, specifically if you’re receiving financial assistance from them. Oh and let’s not forget the “why aren’t you having it in a church?” question.

People On Twitter Are Sharing Millennial Dating Rules, And TBH, We’re Taking Notes

Last Friday the Twitter account @HashtagRoundup prompted users to share millennial dating rules by hashtagging their posts, #MillennialDatingRules.

Some of them were pretty straightforward—don’t be sketchy on social media, don’t overcomplicate things, don’t expect a whole lot, etc. Others were a little more nuanced; heart emojis and full student debt disclosure are key, people!!!











If You Were Born Between 1977-1985, You’re Not A ‘Millennial’ Anymore, You’re A ‘Xennial’

Millennials get a bad rap for being entitled, lazy, immature, obsessed with selfies and social media, and so on. They’re associated with the rise of the internet and smartphones and resulting cultural outcroppings of these technological advancements. But generational distinctions are imprecise and subject to debate, and what we typically consider to be Millennials actually contains a subsection of somewhat older Millennials that are culturally distinct from their younger brethren.

Sandwiched between Gen-Xers and Millennials, ‘Xennials’ are typically classified as those being born between 1977 and 1985. They’re a microgeneration that copes with the clash between Gen-X’s cynicism and Millennial optimism.


Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 and Gen-Xers were born between 1965 and 1980. The term ‘Xennial’ to describe the generation on the cusp of the two first appeared in GOOD magazine as a way to define the older Millennials who shared a different experience than the rest of the generation growing up.

According to Notable Life,

The term is a solution to recent complaints by “mature millennials” that they don’t feel as though they fit the avocado-eating, Snapchat-loving mold of the endlessly dissected generation — but also don’t really remember the first Star Wars movies.

Xennials had an analog childhood before riding the digital wave into the 21st century. Xennials were fully aware of the shifting technological landscape, going from a time when the internet didn’t exist, to suffering through the dial-up era, to embracing the latest social media platforms. They were also in early adulthood during the September 11th terrorist attacks, while many Millennials were still in elementary and high school.

Xennials are also called “the Oregon Trail Generation” because of how widespread the educational game was in the “cutting-edge” computer labs they had in elementary and high school.


There are plenty of things Xennials remember that are just fuzzy memories to Millennials. Things like pay phones, landlines, and sitting through countless 1-800-COLLECT commercials.

The landline wars were intense until cell phones came along, and Xennials remember having to talk to their friends’ parents on the phone before reaching their friends. Call waiting and extra phone lines were godsends for the Xennial generation.

And watching Jurassic Park in theaters and memorizing Clueless.


Mean Girls may be the defining women’s movie for Millennials, but Xennial women grew up watching Clueless on repeat at slumber parties. And the cutting-edge computer-generated dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were truly revolutionary on the big screen. Goonies, Heathers and Dazed And Confused were also seminal Xennial coming-of-age movies.

Being a little too old for Pokémon and Neopets.


These pop culture phenomena took off a little too late to get Xennials on board.

Getting that first clunky cell phone in their teens or 20s that was “for emergencies.”


Ah, those indestructible Nokia phones! Before Temple Run and Candy Crush, Xennials killed time by trying to beat their high score on Snake.

Coping with T9 texting was a real struggle for Xennials.

Sure, Millennials are the generation that turned texting into an artform, but Xennials were the pioneers who had to really work to make texting happen.

And connecting with friends on AIM changed Xennial social life.


Online chat application like AOL’s Instant Messenger and ICQ allowed young Xennials to socialize online for the first time.

Looking things up in encyclopedias, and later, Encarta is an experience every Xennial remembers.

Xennials went to school before web-based reference sources like Wikipedia, and many still remember having to use the card catalog at the library.

And the hole in the ozone layer and acid rain were the most critical environmental threats.


Before global warming reached a boiling point, acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were some of the biggest man-made threats to life on earth.

Xennials will remember when this was the hottest boy band around.

Xennials loved Back Street Boys and N’Sync, but the New Kids On The Block were the original boy band.

And trying to hit “record” at the exact right time to snag the song of the moment off of the radio to make your crush that mixtape was a Xennial thing.


Well before MP3s became a thing, CDs were a welcome change for Xennials, who grew up with cassettes and top-40 radio stations that had actual human DJs.

Also MTV showed mostly music videos.


Today, MTV hosts a raft of original programming, but Xennials remember a time when you could tune in to MTV and either see a music video or a VJ introducing one.

And the O.J. Simpson Bronco chase and double murder trial divided America on racial lines.


It was called the “Trial Of The Century” and helped launch the Kardashian’s father to fame (or infamy). News coverage of the double murder trial was non-stop and his acquittal rocked the nation.

Xennials also remember when Columbine was the first and only shocking school shooting.


Long before the current epidemic of gun violence plaguing U.S. schools, the mass shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado shocked the country. Ask a Xennial and they can probably tell you where they were when they heard the news.

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