Are Your Multivitamins Working? An Interview With Dr Gregory Hall

I have always taken a daily multivitamin. Even as a child, I remember a daily chewable was always part of my morning ritual. And while we all know that vitamins and minerals are essential for our overall health and wellbeing, I often wonder, do supplements actually work? And is my multivitamin working for me? We sat down with Dr. Gregory Hall, developer of Sequence Multivitamins and asked his expert opinion to learn more about the benefits of multivitamins and why he saw the need to develop Sequence Multivitamins.

How Do I Know Which Multivitamin Is Right For Me?

Dr. Hall 

While this question is common, that answer has more to do with who the person is. How old are they? What is their gender? How is their overall health? Do they have any diet restrictions? What is their ethnic background? And do they have any hereditary health concerns?  Until I have all of that information I cannot make a wise suggestion for them.

You Mentioned Ethnic Background, Do You Mean Whether or Not I am Hispanic Or White Or Black? Does That Make A Difference?

Dr. Hall 

Precisely. My patients are predominantly African Americans. And most of them are deficient in Vitamin D. The patients that I do see from other ethnic backgrounds generally have normal Vitamin D levels.

So You Are Saying That A Person Who is African American Needs More Vitamin D?

Dr. Hall

Yes. However just adding higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals will not necessarily make the supplement right for the patient. Sometimes removing vitamins will be necessary too. For example, when I designed Sequence Multivitamins, I increased levels of Vitamin D, and C, as well as Zine and Magnesium and Potassium. These are all essential minerals and vitamins that most African Americans typically lack enough of in their diet. But I also omitted vitamins E and K, knowing that these are not necessarily helpful for African Americans.


So For Certain Ethnic Groups Some Vitamins Are Actually Bad For You?

Dr. Hall

Correct! I developed Sequence Multivitamins to have more vitamins D and C as well as zinc and potassium due to scientific data showing that these necessary vitamins and minerals are typically much lower in African Americans. But there are certain vitamins that aren’t necessary for certain ethnicities. Like everything in life, you can have too many vitamins. And there are similar studies that show that Vitamin K and E are not necessary or complementary for African Americans. Hope this info was helpful to you. And that I answered your question.


To learn more about Sequence Multivitamins and Dr. Hall watch this video Youtube









8 Unusual Ways to Boost your Immune System

Everyone knows the quintessential remedies for the common cold – lots of rest and vitamin C, right?

Studies suggest that if you want your stufalumps and sneezles to go away quicker, you may need to do more.

If you really want to prevent getting sick and/or shorten the duration of your illness, try these things that not only stave off illness but also have a variety of other health benefits.

  1. Complete your shower with a cool rinse. According to a study from the Thrombosis Research Institute in England in 1993, individuals who took daily cold showers had more virus-fighting white blood cells in comparison to individuals who preferred their showers steamy. Researchers believe that the body’s attempt to heat up increases the metabolic rate and activates the immune system which then releases more white blood cells. Furthermore, Vincenz Priessnitz, a german farmer in the 1820s, who coined the term “hydrotherapy,” used cold water to cure everything from broken bones to erectile dysfunction. He treated dukes, duchesses, counts, countesses, and princesses with his cold water therapy. Alternating hot and cold is also said to improve lymphatic drainage which can enhance the immune system’s ability to fight illness. Please note: this one is to prevent getting sick and is not recommended if you’re already under the weather.
  2. Meditate – A new study at UCLA shows that patients with HIV who meditate prevented a dramatic drop in their immune cells. Zen monk masters can also use the meditation to change their body temperature at will and can stay warm and healthy in freezing environments. OOOOMMMmmmm!
  3. Get down with downward dog –  A study published by scientists in Norway in PLOS ONE online journal suggests that practicing yoga rapidly changes your internal structure on a genetic level. “These data suggest that previously reported (therapeutic) effects of yoga practices have an integral physiological component at the molecular level, which is initiated immediately during practice,” says the main researcher Fahri Saatcioglu.
  4. Essential oils. No, they’re not just for smelling. Essential oils like Clove, Bay laurel, Cinnamon leaf, Eucalyptus globulus, Frankincense, Oregano, and Sage are believed to enhance immune system function too. For fighting the infection and helping the body to heal itself, try Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Pine needle, SandalwoodTea Tree, and Thyme essential oils – the lovely aromas are a bonus!
  5. V treatments: Oral supplements or just eating healthy are the most popular ways to improve your immune system and maintain it, however more and more people are starting to take IV fluids to boost their immune system, and also rehydrate their bodies. IV fluids are liquids full of vitamins and minerals that go directly to your body. The process takes up to 1 hour, during which you feel an instant energy boost. It balances your vitamin levels, which of course is essential for your immune system. You can find IV therapy by searching IV fluid therapy in Austin, or the city near you, and contacting IV therapy professionals.
  6. Wear copper. Copper is a necessary trace-mineral in the human body that binds with enzymes. Enzymes aid in the creation of hemoglobin which is vital for healing and repair in the body. So copper is an essential part of the body’s immune system to work at full capacity. Wearing copper is said to slowly absorb into the tissues and bloodstream, helping to build the immune system.
  7. Himalayan sea salt –  To eat and to heat! This is not your average table salt. It contains 84 essential trace minerals that your body needs to be healthy. Our cells, blood, and tissues are a salt water solution and need these trace minerals! They also have Himalayan sea salt candle holders and lamps that heat the special salt, leading to ionizing the air. Here’s what WebMD had to say: “Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy,” says Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C. “They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation.”
  8. Fermented foods According to Medical News Today, fermented foods contain essential probiotics that boost immunity. “Because the intestinal microbiota can regulate immune responses outside the gut, the absence of the ‘right’ gut microbes may conceivably shift the balance toward disease in individuals genetically predisposed to autoimmune diseases” they stated. If you can’t stand the funk of these sticky foods try a high-grade probiotic at any health food store.
  9. Sip on herbs. Try this ‘Cold Season Yogi Tea’ for added support during the chillier months. With an organic proprietary blend of herbs including ginger root, licorice root, eucalyptus leaf, orange peel, valerian root, lemongrass, peppermint, tulsi leaf, cardamom seed, oregano leaf, clove bud, parsley, yarrow, black pepper and cinnamon bark – you can’t go wrong. Just make sure to only sip before bed (as the valerian is very calming).

What are some immune system heighteners that you swear by? Are any cold and flu remedies that work like a charm? Please comment below.

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