For those who won’t have a father on Father’s Day this year

Father’s Day Memories


Used to be such a happy day. I use to celebrate this day with joy in my heart, thankful for my father and him keeping himself strong everyday. The Father’s Day i spent seeing him when he was sober free we were fishing, out to lunch, or antique shopping. Since you left me dad, since your addiction took a-hold of you i have all this love in my heart with no one to give it to. If your father has passed this day will be a struggle for you. You will watch as others love and praise their fathers while you might feel anger or hurt in your heart towards others because your jealous of what you don’t have anymore.


My dad passed away August 27, 2014.

I have started to lose memory of his voice, every single detail of him. My dad was quite the character, he had sarcastic humor and a heart so rare.

He wanted so badly to love and be their for his family. Sadly  addiction took a-hold of my father. My father was a determined person and fought addiction his entire life. He loved to tell stories, and make you laugh from his corny jokes till your stomach hurt. My first fathers day without him i spent the day in tears at his grave screaming and yelling so angry with the world. I couldn’t help but scream to god with anger at him for letting my dads addiction take his life. I hadn’t realized that their was a plan, someday i would.


The plan was for me to educate others on Drug Addiction and the disease. I will spend my life educating others on this disease, and i will help in anyway i can. Along the way i met a friend and she has become one of my best-friends. About halfway through our friendship she lost her father. I felt anger again towards the world for letting God take away her dad.

Fatherless And Fierce

Growing Up Without A Father

What does every girl want in her life? Well besides marrying her soul mate,  is her father being supportive. When a father leaves because of abuse, drugs, or he’s a workaholic, or he just does, it has been proven to hurt that daughter(s) more than the son(s). And it hurts more on certain days like…

Fathers Day

Everyone is with their Father on this Day Of Celebration. Except more than half the woman across the world. It may just be one of those days just like every other but deep down its not, to you it is like seeing every other girl in the world be happy holding hands, spending the day with, hanging out, loving, seeing, being with their Father, everyone except for you.


Graduating is one of the most important days in everyone’s life including Fathers and Mothers. Graduating is a thank you to them,  and in a way telling them you raised this grad and that you helped them become this person.

Wedding Day-

Your wedding day isn’t just about you it’s about how far you have come in life and it seems like you are just beginning but honestly you are. And you are starting a brand new chapter in your life and it’s not only about you it’s also about your parents.

Strong girls, without Dads, stay strong. And be grateful for who you are becoming. You are Fatherless and fierce.

This Is Why It Hurts So Damn Much When You Ask About My Dad

There it is. The shot to the heart.

Who are your parents? What do they do? How did they meet?


So when I start with ‘my parent’s got divorced when I was a kid’ the questions usually change.


Oh, where does your mom live?  Is she remarried?  Do you have step siblings? What does she do?


All easy questions.


Until the dad questions come up, and I will say something that will make you feel sorry for me. That will make your heart ache for me for just a moment.


That will make you look at me differently for the rest of the time you know me.


5 Heartfelt Questions for the Dad Who Left


The one word question bounces around my head, day in and day out, since the day you left.  Years go by, and this question still remains.

This is the toughest one to ask, but one that I will always be searching for the answer to.  What was the reason?  There had to be something.  How could I not see this coming?


Was it my fault?

Though it is the most cliché and seemingly obvious question to answer, I cannot help to think that I had something to do with it.

I mean, I don’t think I was that bad of a kid, but I was a kid, what did I know?  If it wasn’t me, was it one of my siblings?  Were we too much to handle?


Let’s Be Real, I Was Never Your ‘Daddy’s Little Girl’ and I Never Will Be

I am so sorry that you felt the need to leave us back then. I know that so many years have passed, maybe even decades, but I need you to understand the sadness that I still carry with me to this very second.

I’m all grown up now but I need you to know how badly you hurt your little pumpkin.

For years I would cry when it was time to hang up the phone when you would call once a week to say hello.

I could never make it from the phone in the kitchen to my pillow fast enough to mask the tears from Mom.

I missed my Daddy.

I would cry for you out of the car window as our weekends together came to a halt. Our time together never seemed to last long enough for my tiny little heart.

Quickly, all of those happy moments turned into angry memories. How could you walk away from me? How could you possibly love your little princess as you turn your face away?

Your weekly phone calls turned into monthly voicemails that I saved for evidence against you. And just like that, in the snap of a finger, your little princess wanted nothing to do with you.

That little girl finally realized that her sadness was not her fault.

It was your choice to walk away from your family, none of this was my fault.

I hope that every moment you missed me chips at your heart for the rest of your entire life.

I’m all grown up, and I don’t need you. I never needed you; It has taken me this long to accept that.

I will never be Daddy’s little girl.

11 Struggles Only Fatherless Daughters Will Understand


The importance of a father figure

It’s a role, that, for a child, it’s importance is something that cannot be disputed. And it doesn’t matter what gender you are, a healthy relationship with your father can have a direct impact on your social and emotional development.

Every girl wants to be a daddy’s girl, but sadly, not every girl has the chance.

My father passed away when I was young. At this point, I have lived the majority of my life without him. Whether or not your father was voluntary or involuntary absent, many of the struggles that follow can be very similar.

The difficulty of growing up without a father figure will continue to reveal itself in the closest of your relationships, in the quietest of your thoughts, and in the most seemingly insignificant moments.


Some (or all) of these struggles may apply to you:


1. You experience an increased need for approval. Not only from males, but from females as well.


2. You have somewhat unrealistic expectations in your romantic relationships.


3. Over time, you have built a nearly impenetrable fortress around your own heart to ensure that no man will ever be able to hurt you. Knocking that fortress down is a long, crumbling, and painful process. But there is so much beauty in the breaking.


4. You have a habitual fear of being left by your significant other. You want all the quality time, regardless of if that person needs some time for themselves.


5. You have an increased subconscious need for male affirmation. This can even be true in your career…



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