Grandma, Missing You Is My Heart’s Way of Reminding Me How Much I Love You

You weren’t just my grandma, you were also my best friend. All the fun moments that we spent together will forever make me smile when I am having a bad day. When I think of you often, I am thinking of what advice you would give me, would you be proud of me?

I was supposed to have more time with you. You were supposed to be at my graduation, you were supposed to be at my wedding, and see you great grandchildren. I was supposed to get thousands of laughs with you.

When I was told you were gone, my  back slammed against a wall and I let out a huge gasp for breath. I fell to the ground I let out a scream.

My happiness vanished. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I didn’t want to hang out with friends. I wanted to lie in bed feeling the weight of guilt for not being there for you when you took your last breath.

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