If I Choose To Cheat On My Partner, It’s None Of Your Damn Business

There was a time in my life when I was in a relationship and I was extremely unhappy. I had been with my boyfriend for an extremely long amount of time and due to the fact that I was young, I was too naive and immature to realize that being unhappy is a perfect reason to leave. But, being so young, I thought that leaving was “not the answer.” Instead, I looked for what I felt was missing in my relationship with other people and in places.

My boyfriend and I were together for six years—throughout high school and then for part of our college careers. We were each other’s best friends; we did everything together. If we weren’t at school or at work, we were together. We stayed over each other’s houses virtually every night, we texted all day long, we couldn’t make big decisions without consulting each other first. We were each other’s “everything.” But, eventually, we stopped holding hands, we stopped kissing, we stopped being intimate with each other altogether.

Before I knew it, my six-year relationship had become a close friendship that I did not know how to live without. My boyfriend had become my best friend, but, so much so that it had come platonic—we were no longer involved in a fiery romance, but instead, basic friends who wanted to be close to each other. We still laughed the same, we still had the same fun—but I stopped and realized, I couldn’t remember the last time we had even made out with each other. We were young—young—in college, in our 20s. There was no reason we couldn’t be all over each other—having wild, youthful, intimate fun.

I ended up looking elsewhere to fulfill my desires. What started out as a casual fling, turned into a regular booty call and I became infatuated with the idea that I was living a double life.

Looking back, I regret all that had transpired. I hurt not only myself but, also, everyone around me. I had to look my best friend in the eye and let him know that I had completely tarnished his trust. I had to look my parents in the mirror and let them know that all of their life lessons had fallen on deaf ears. I had to live with the fact that I was, in fact, a cheater. Throughout my life, I had always talked poorly about women who weren’t strong enough to leave before they had decided to cheat. I had watched TV shows, screaming at the protagonist who had done the dirty deed. I had always thought of myself to be better than this.

When things got out, I lost a lot of friends. Some of my best friends—the ones who were supposed to be my “ride or dies,” they decided that being friends with someone who cheats is not a good look. They decided that they couldn’t trust me around their boyfriends. Some of them said that I was disgusting, others called me a whore.

Truth be told—I have regrets. I have tons of regrets. I wish I had broken things off with my boyfriend sooner. I wish I hadn’t gone out and started an affair behind his back. I wish I kept my affair to myself and not told people I thought I could trust.

But, at the end of the day—my mistakes were my mistakes. They weren’t my friend’s mistakes, and it wasn’t their place to judge me. My affair, my cheating, and my mistakes had to do with me, my boyfriend, and the person I cheated with. They had nothing to do with the dozens of people who decided to spread my business around. It had nothing to do with the friends who dumped me like a bad habit, after 15 years of friendship. It had nothing to do with anyone else but me.

I made the mistake. I did the deed. It was my place to deal with it. It was my mess to clean.

The fact that people in my life, those who were closest to me, chose to leave me high and dry showed me a valuable life lesson. Although I was someone who made a mistake, the mistake opened my eyes to people’s true colors. Something that was my burden to bear became a silver lining to see who was really there for the long haul and who was there for a temporary season.

If I decided to cheat on my boyfriend—that was my choice. It was my decision. It was my problem.

Not everyone else’s.

‘Friends’ Fans Spotted A Hilarious Filming Error You Probably Never Noticed

If you’re a die-hard Friends fan, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve seen the series hundreds and hundreds of times. You watch it when it’s on TV playing reruns, you throw it on Netflix in the background when you’re doing other stuff, you watch it when you have nothing better to put on—”I’ll be there for you,” is constantly coming out of your TV and your pores. But, no matter how many times you watch the series, there are some things that you just never pick up on because you’re just not looking for them.

As fans continue to re-watch the show in 2019, there are a ton of PC-flagged issues with the show—like tons of homophobia and transphobia. We get it—shows in the ’90s don’t always age well because we’ve all become much more woke. While people continue to drag a show that was created over 20 years ago—others have found little mistakes that have been made in filming (not writing).

This time around, the episode on trial is The One With The Screamer. True fans know this episode revolves around Pheobe chilling in Monica and Rachel’s apartment for days because she refuses to hang up on the phone company after they put her on hold.


The friends all go out to see a play that Joey is in, and, Rachel brings along a date (Ben Stiller) who ends up being a huge douchebag. Ross tries to point it out the entire time, but, they don’t realize until Stiller’s caught in Joey and Chandler’s apartment screaming at the duck and the chic.


If you look closely at the still shots from the original episode, you’ll see that there’s probably a good reason why Pheobe was on hold forever. A Reddit user pointed out that the phone happens to not be plugged into anything…at all.


There are about 4-5 ports in which the phone should be hooked up to a phone jack in order for it to make calls at all. And, before you ask, this is the ’90s—when you needed to have your phone hooked up to the jack in the wall in order for it to work. I remember because my mom used to ground my sisters and I by taking the plug with her to work so no one can use the phone at all.


So, basically, the producers and directors of this episode f*cked up big time. But, I’m sure if you watched every single episode of a TV show hundreds of times and paid attention to every little detail, you’d find hundreds and hundreds of mistakes made by the filmmakers. Who has time to pay attention to every single tiny detail like that?

h/t: Digital Spy.

Man Turns To Reddit For Legal Advice After Drunkenly Proposing To Wrong Woman

We’ve all been there. Drunk and spontaneous on New Year’s Eve, trying to do something special. But one too many drinks and an accidental proposal later, U.K. redditor u/Propermistakeregret needed legal advice and turned to the internet.

“Proposed to girlfriend whilst drunk on NYE night, can I cancel and get the ring back,” the viral post on popular subreddit LegalAdviceUK begins, before our hungover antihero dives into his night of regrets. He says he fell in love with a co-worker and bought the ring for her, and has been planning to break up with his girlfriend for a while. But now it’s too late: “It’s been posted on my friends Snapchat, my girlfriends Facebook page, everywhere. I saw people proposing so I wanted to go with the flow and proposed to my girlfriend whilst partially pissed. Can I get the ring back and cancel the engagement please?”

Though genuine legal advice was quick to follow, many Reddit users chose to point out the problems with u/propermistakeregrets’ decisions. Why was he dating two women at once? Who just decides to propose because everyone else is doing it?

One user pointed out that in the U.K., engagement rings are an “absolute gift,” which means that “unless some agreement, express or implied, was made when giving it” that it  “would be returned if the marriage did not occur.” They even provided this very helpful link to a site for legal advice.

Another user agreed, telling u/propermistakeregret “You can break off the false engagement by being a real douche and telling her you’re actually seeing someone else and this was a mistake but the ring is hers to do as she wishes. I hope she sticks it where your sun doesn’t shine when you tell her.”

Only one user, Dusty-Pilgrim, gave him any leeway for having been inebriated. “If you were so drunk that you lacked legal capacity to make a gift then that could be grounds for getting it back,” they wrote. “Realistically, unless the ring cost a fortune, lawyers aren’t going to get involved and you will have to resolve this between you.”

Propermistakeregret didn’t actually seem to regret his decision all that much, as he spent most of his time in the comments complaining about the cost of the ring and the unfairness of the situation. He did not reply to a request for comment and the Daily Dot cannot independently verify his story.

He later considered stealing the ring back, apparently, though Reddit advised him not to: A user pointed to the first section of a 1968 law stating that “A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it.”

The top commenter on the thread hit the nail on the head. “Well, from a legal perspective you’re shit out of luck because a gift is a gift, even when given by a moron,” they wrote.

In the end, propermistakesregret did some soul-searching and came to a (likely terrible) decision. He is going to conceal his affair for the rest of his life and marry the woman he accidentally proposed to.

This article was originally published on The Daily Dot.

Mother-In-Law Awkwardly Mistakes A Fish Tank Vacuum For Her Son-In-Law’s ‘Penis Pump’

We all have those stories where our parents, who are behind the times, mistake modern technological items for something else. Like, how many times have your parents seen a new piece of technology and thought it was something dirty and foul? Maybe they haven’t, but I sure know that my mom has mistaken some back massagers for some other dirty items (swear, they were clean).

One Reddit user, u/i_love-lamp, shared the recent story of his mother-in-law coming into his house and trying to get him into some big trouble over the holidays. The story involves a fish tank, a fish gravel vacuum, and a very annoying mother-in-law. Apparently, this woman is the kind who loves gossip and spreading rumors about people. According to u/i_love-lamp, she shows up unannounced and often times just lets herself into their home—obviously, that’s annoying.

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