The Weight of The World Always Rest on The Shoulders of A Family’s Eldest Daughter.

There are always cheesy themes and hidden messages in movies, and TV shows. Some fake and cliche but some brutally honest and true, One message that is true and through is that…

“The weight of the world always rests on the shoulders of a family’s eldest daughter“.

She is responsible for holding the family together. I found this to be true on many, many occasions. Most recently is this past Christmas season. So recent, trust me I know. All within 72 hours of each other 95% of my family ended up with COVID, my grandfather passed away and I ended up being my little brother’s guardian for four days, all of this taking place three days before Christmas.

You can imagine my shock…

Christmas was definitely weird and hard this year, that is for sure. I won’t lie I had a bit of a breakdown in the store shopping for stocking stuffers for my little brother. I was so overwhelmed and thought I was in way over my head on this. I had never “been in charge” of Christmas before, but I couldn’t let my family know this… I had to hold it together for them. I seriously give my mom credit for always giving my siblings and I such an amazing Christmas all of these years!

Sometimes the task is somewhat simple and manageable, but other times it’s soul-crushing…

Stuffing stockings, and putting presents under the tree, that’s simple. Keeping track of your teenage brother… ahh not too difficult but defiantly not the easiest! Writing your grandfather’s obituary… that, is rough, to say the least.

I’m lucky though because I know that once all of this is over I will have my family to fall back on, and that’s exactly what happened. they were there for me to back me up and keep me level-headed after all of the craziness. I know a lot of girls don’t have that security, and that honestly breaks my heart because it’s a lot, both mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically.

Sometimes ladies like us are forced to grow up way, way too quick. You’ll learn that quickly. I don’t know… eldest daughters are built differently…

It’s almost a natural instinct if you think about it… The eldest daughter almost plays that second mother role, always protecting and looking after the littles when mom is not there. She knows she knows what to do if someone gets hurt, she knows what to do if someone is sad and you know damn well she will do anything and everything in her power to make everything right. Never underestimate the power of the eldest daughter, ever.



Thank You, A Letter To My Mother

Dear Mom,

You raised me. You pushed me out of your womb and into the world, and I’ve been whining ever since. You traded your own time, money, and life to take me on spontaneous road trips, cook family meals, take me to camp, read me books every night, oh the list goes on. You know that I am thankful. I wasn’t spoiled, but anything I needed was always there. You inspired me to travel,  to love, to learn and helped me pick up the pieces after every broken heart.

I am thankful

I would not be the person I am today without you. You taught me how to be polite, how to follow my heart, how to be safe and still wander the world, and how to use power tools. You told me my cooking was great and ate every meal when it really sucked. You answered every 3 am drunken phone call over a boy. You picked me up, stumbling, from numerous parties when I was definitely underage.

You also grounded me for months on end because of that (it’s okay, I understand it now)

You challenged me to be my own person, and even though I still don’t even know who it is, somehow you do. You manage to know me, all my faults and flaws, and still love me. You’ve even loved me enough to let me hate you.

I am lucky

You’ve bailed me out more times than I can count, covered my ass, and lied for me. You made our family eat dinner together. You supported me and loved me when I didn’t even love myself. I am lucky for every time you sat outside and drank beers with me, for every shared evening, for every shared tear. I am lucky to have a mother who is my best friend, who I am comfortable telling my dreams and fears to, and who I can still crawl into bed with after a bad dream at the age of 22.

I am inspired

Because of you! You inspire me every day. You manage to make everything okay when it feels like my entire world is crashing down. You’ve opened up to me as I’ve grown older, and I am so proud of all you have overcome. You are incredibly strong. Sometimes life isn’t always fair, and you don’t always get your way, but you always emphasized that you will always love me, and because of that I am able to follow my dreams.

I am free

You prepared me for all of this. Every single moment you were readying me for this point in my life. When I left for school, I still came home to see you. Weekends, holidays, etc. But now I’m living across the country and it’s a much longer commute. But I am ready. At this point, there are few things I’ve learned a little duct tape and beer can’t fix. I still do not own a vacuum, nor do I know how to cook anything without burning it, but I think I’ve got it all under control. That is all because of you. I appreciate the fact that you let me go, you dared me to find myself, and want nothing more than for me to be happy.

I am thankful. I am lucky. I am inspired. I am free. But most of all, I am loved. I am loved by the most amazing, giving, mother/best friend anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for your sacrifices, tears, support, life lessons, and laughter. Thank you for everything.

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This Mom Had The Best Response When Her Daugher’s Gay Friend Wanted To Come To Her Sleepover

We all have fond memories of sleepovers. Staying up late, watching crappy romantic comedies, talking about crushes and… other things. You may be glad to know that they’re still happening. I know I was, when I saw this story about a young man named Mason who wanted to attend a sleepover at his friend Houston’s house.

Thing is, Mason is a boy and Houston is a girl. That’s usually a no-go because of parents and deep concerns about their kids ever growing up. However, in this case, Mason is gay. So WHAT NOW, MOM?

Well Mason, a considerate gentleman, decided to just go ahead and ask Houston’s mom if it’d be okay if he, a boy who is not interested in any funny business with her daughter, joins the sleepover. That’s when the mom had the perfect response:

Looks like the only thing Houston is concerned about is a late-night husband seducing. Fair.

Mason found the response welcome and hilarious, and naturally, so did the internet.

And importantly, more info on this hot dad was requested ASAP:

And Mason and Houston are having to adjust to being “Gaymous”

Hilarious Mom Who Takes Son’s ‘Monthly Milestone’ Photos Using Pizza Pies Is Parenting Goals

If you are friends with people on Facebook who have recently had children, you know that the first year of a child’s life is filled with photos, photos, and more photos. New parents are obsessed with documenting every moment of the first year—including monthly photos to showcase how much their baby has grown month-to-month. Most parents will try to use cute, creative, and adorable blocks, chairs, signs, and other overpriced items that reveal how many months old their baby is.  But, one mom has found a more creative, original, and fantastic way to document the first year of her daughter’s life and its iconic.

Photographer Dani Leigh and her mom wanted to come up with an original way to document her son, Lorenzo’s, first year on this beautiful Earth. When brainstorming, they decided they may as well eat while doing it. And, after that, a beautiful creation was born. Leigh told BoredPanda:

“I knew what I wanted it to look like in my head and while we do have a favorite pizza, I knew we would have to vary it month by month. We really just went down the menu and got whatever our 3-year-old (Lorenzo’s brother,  Charlie) would be interested in. We did allow ourselves to get our favorite white pizza three times throughout the project. It did help us branch out though and try a few pizzas we wouldn’t have probably gotten – like pesto and shrimp pizza. And we found that the BBQ Chicken pizza can now be added into our normal rotation – so good! All of the pizzas came from our favorite local place, il Forno.”

The finished product? Obviously, an epic display of adorable baby photos and delicious pizza.

Leigh added that if you’re interested in doing this for your own baby, there’s one big thing you’ll need.

 “If you are going to do pizza for your monthly photos, invest in a good pizza cutter because truly no pizza place slices their pizza into 12 slices.”

She also added:

“And invest in family photography because soon enough all your kiddos will be bigger than a pizza box.”

You can see more of Dani Leigh’s work on her social media accounts and her website, here. | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

h/t: BoredPanda.

7 Reasons Why I’ll Always, Unapologetically, Choose My Career Over A Man


I’ve always been a hard worker throughout my entire life. Ever since I was a freshman in high school, I’ve had at least one job. Fast forward to college, I was interning in New York City three days a week, attending college full-time and waitressing at two restaurants to pay tuition and ensure I could graduate with a degree in the fields I was most passionate about. Long story short – I’ve always been a go-getter, someone who puts her work first and never, ever takes a handout. I started out interning at small, start-up companies in journalism and, worked my way up through several companies to be in a position I used to only dream about.


At the end of the day, my work and my passions will always come first. It’s one of the things I value most about myself – my work ethic. While it’s been the reason I’ve always succeeded in life, it’s also the reason I’ve had trouble in relationships. Throughout my life, every guy I’ve ever dated has had a “problem” with the amount of work I do. I never work one job, I’m always working over 40 hours a week and I usually make more money than my partner. Whatever the reason is, men have always given me sh*t for the way in which I choose to spend my time and conduct my life.


The Biggest Lessons You Learn Being Raised By A Single Mom

Growing up, things were never easy. Our household consisted of coupon cutting, sporadic family time, and a lot of rushed meals. My mother worked full-time, 6-days a week, and my sisters and I were all at different stages of our life, academically and socially. We were a tight-knit gang of 4—supporting each other every step of the way, but I’d be lying if I said things were easy.

There were times where I answered the phone and the bank was calling about money owed, times when I needed money for a school trip and the funds just weren’t there, times when I woke up in the middle of the night and heard my mom crying, quietly in her room. There were memories that I look back on and wonder if there were things I could have changed. But, there are traits and lessons I have learned, throughout the years, that made me realize that growing up with a single mother was the biggest blessing I could have been given.


How to manage my money.

My mother worked very hard to make sure that my sisters and I had everything we needed. But, working on a single income in New York City with three kids is not easy. In fact, my mom had to budget the sh*t out of her paycheck every single month to make sure she had enough to cover rent, food, electric, clothes, extracurricular funds, etc. Everyone in my family laughs and calls my mom the “bargain hunter,” but, she’s taught me the value of always looking for a less-expensive route in all that I do. Now, as an adult who has moved out on my own, I’m always looking for sales, looking at circular fliers, and trying to get everything for the lowest price possible. In the end, it only pays off—literally.



A Single Mom has a Heart of Gold, Don’t Take Advantage of It

Single moms are some of the most empathetic and giving women around. They know the struggle and are willing to help out whenever possible. Please stop taking advantage of a single mom’s heart of gold.


If you are short on a bill, she will help you out, because she knows how hard it is to make ends meet.


If you need a babysitter, she will say yes, because she knows how hard it is to find someone at the last minute.

I Am Not Sorry For Being An Involved Mother

“You do so much stuff with your kid, it’s beginning to make me feel like a bad parent.”

That was the comment I received from you the other day in response to the agenda my family had for the weekend. This comment cut me pretty deep, since I never want to make someone feel less than me- especially when it comes to the toughest job in the world: parenting.

However, the more I thought about it and had time to analyze the response to my weekend plans, I became more offended than sorry.

My Boyfriend’s Mom Hates Me And Here’s How I Handle It

Falling in love with someone is a beautiful experience that many people cherish and look forward to all of their lives. It’s a combination of two people’s lives together, making them into one. When you meet your significant other for the first time, it’s as though the entire world does not exist beyond the two of you. That “honeymoon stage,” you wish it would last forever. But, we all know, there are friends, family, responsibilities—an outside world—that factor into our lives, not just love.

I’m A Feminist, But Damn, I Can’t Wait To Be A Wife And A Mom

Feminism, or more simply, the equality between men and women has been a topic forever. From fighting for the right to vote to fight for the right to your own body, badass women have been paving the way for the ladies after them for a long time.


Women have done some incredible things. From inventing ground-breaking medical technology to winning awards in male-dominated industries to crushing sports records, the limit to what women can do apparently does not exist.


I’ve long dreamt of being one of those incredible women. A doctor, a lawyer, a CEO, a lady breaking stereotypes wherever she saw them. But as I’ve gotten older, fallen in love and thought long and hard what I want out of this life, I know that being a wife and a mom is an incredible thing this woman wants to do.


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