Becoming a mother for the first time can be one of the most life changing things in the world.
There are late nights, lot’s of poop and endless worrying that never ever stops.
When a daughter is born it’s a whole different ball game. One day they will look at you and see themselves.
This morning my daughter asked me if I brushed my hair because I was beautiful. I simply smiled and said “yes”, and told her she was beautiful too inside and out.
Daughter’s always look to their mother’s in the beginning to see there self worth.
To every mother out there that lend by example, and showed your daughter how strong you are I applaud you right now.
Raising children isn’t just giving happy childhood’s it’s making them functioning adults that will go onto raise more hopefully functioning adults.
When you show your daughter that you can build her bed all by yourself you are showing that she can one day do that too.
When you comment in front of your daughter that you need to go on a diet, later on they will think they need to go on a diet too.
Empowering your daughter to be great and love herself is not for the faint of heart.
We must first love our self’s as woman to teach this.
There is no more of a powerful tool than leading by example, those little rug rats are always, and I mean always watching you.
Being a kick-ass mom isn’t always about building thing’s it’s telling your daughter endlessly that being imperfect is what make’s her perfect.
It’s showing her we don’t need daddy to mow the lawn that we got this.
When your daughter feels like she is struggling with her weight and doesn’t like her body it’s bonding with her over the issue.
Not by telling her she need’s to go on a diet, but, by getting outside and doing something physical with her.
Being kick-ass is supporting your daughter’s boy-like hair cut, when no one else think’s it looks “girlie” enough.
It’s your daughter’s world and don’t let her listen to the hater’s because at the end of the day this will empower you too.