To the Strong Girls Growing up with a Single Mom

Dear daughter,

I am sorry you got stuck with a single mom.

Love, Me.

No really, there are nights I want to go into your room when you’re asleep and whisper into your ear, “I’m sorry”.

You see, ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to be a mom. And boy, was I going to be amazing at it!

I was going to be the mom who was up early and made you a healthy big breakfast to start your day off right, packed a nutritious lunch with the cheesy note slipped inside, picked you up from school, where I helped you with your homework, and we made dinner together, and afterwards we all sat on the couch watching a movie and laughing eating the homemade dessert I made earlier that day, then I’d tuck you into bed.


An Open Letter To My Mom: You’re Better Than Your Bad Days

Dear Mom,

I want to start off by telling you how much I appreciate you. Even when I’m at my lowest… slamming face first into rock bottom…you have my back. I’ve never had to question your loyalty or your trustworthiness and that is something that means the world.


You’ve always got the best advice. You know what to say to the boy that I want to date, the ex best friend that stabbed me in the back or that super annoying teacher that totally has it out for me.

You support me in everything I do, whether it is my new shade of lipstick or my life altering decisions that nobody quite understands. You love me even at those times when I am truly unworthy of your love.

But let’s face it. As amazing and completely perfect as you are, you still are going to have cloudy days, even when it is sunny and 75 degrees out.

To the Girl Who Grew Up Without Her Mom

As the end of my freshman year of college comes to a close, all I can think is, “Wow, I need my mom.” And as anybody who has ever lost a parent knows, it absolutely sucks to go through life reaching milestones without him/her standing by your side.


But what we don’t grasp is that she is and always has been right there with you every step of the way.


First of all, you’re okay. I know it doesn’t always feel like it, but you are. I don’t know how many times I’ve looked up at my ceiling and asked, “Why did you do this to me?”


Or how many times she pops up into my mind in the middle of an important test. Losing her has been a burden. It’s been one of the hardest, most challenging things I’ve had to face in my everyday life. But as I said, you are okay.


To Mom Who’s Can’t See The Damage She’s Doing To Her Daughter

I know you think you’re helping her, but in reality, your constant criticism is doing more damage to your daughter than you could even imagine.

You’re her mom, her hero, but right now your daughter can hardly breathe when she’s around you. She’s frozen by fear that she’ll do something wrong and you’ll crucify her for the millionth time.

Can’t you hear her heart drop when you tell her she shouldn’t be wearing that crop top, she shouldn’t laugh so loud, and she needs to find better friends? I know you think if only she’d “take your advice instead of rolling her eyes and ignoring you” she’d be so much better off, but there’s so much more going on that you’re blind to.

To All the Kick-Ass Moms Teaching Their Daughters Self Respect

Becoming a mother for the first time can be one of the most life changing things in the world.


There are late nights, lot’s of poop and endless worrying that never ever stops.


When a daughter is born it’s a whole different ball game. One day they will look at you and see themselves.


This morning my daughter asked me if I brushed my hair because I was beautiful. I simply smiled and said “yes”, and told her she was beautiful too inside and out.


Daughter’s always look to their mother’s in the beginning to see there self worth.


To every mother out there that lend by example, and showed your daughter how strong you are I applaud you right now.


Raising children isn’t just giving happy childhood’s it’s making them functioning adults that will go onto raise more hopefully functioning adults.


When you show your daughter that you can build her bed all by yourself you are showing that she can one day do that too.


When you comment in front of your daughter that you need to go on a diet, later on they will think they need to go on a diet too.


Empowering your daughter to be great and love herself is not for the faint of heart.


We must first love our self’s as woman to teach this.


There is no more of a powerful tool than leading by example, those little rug rats are always, and I mean always watching you.


Being a kick-ass mom isn’t always about building thing’s it’s telling your daughter endlessly that  being imperfect is what make’s her perfect.


It’s showing her we don’t need daddy to mow the lawn that we got this.


When your daughter feels like she is struggling with her weight and doesn’t like her body it’s bonding with her over the issue.


Not by telling her she need’s to go on a diet, but, by getting outside and doing something physical with her.


Being kick-ass is supporting your daughter’s boy-like hair cut, when no one else think’s it looks “girlie” enough.


It’s your daughter’s world and don’t let her listen to the hater’s because at the end of the day this will empower you too.


45 Things I Don’t Tell My Mom Enough

I don’t know about yours but my mom is pretty much one of the greatest human beings out there. I know as a daughter we’re supposed to say those things but it is so true. Life gets in the way sometimes though and there are so many times that I forget to remind her of how important she really is.

1. Firstly I should tell you thank you in general. Thank you for always being there for me when no one else is around. Thank you for answering the phone at all hours of the day, for making sure I always have what I need and that I know that I’m never truly alone.

2. Thank you for the little things you do, like cooking my favorite food when I come home, sending me a text asking how my weekend is going and always answers my questions no matter how silly they are.

3. Thank you for the big things you do in my life as well. Thank you for setting examples of what it’s like to be a woman who has achieved her goals and never stopped until she got what she wanted. Thank you for showing me what a genuine, compassionate woman looks like.

4. You are hands down one of the best things in my life.

5. My siblings and I are lucky to have such an incredible woman in our lives.

6. You are my role model.

7. You’re beautiful. Even when you’ve had a long day and you’re stressed to your limits.

8. I miss you.

9. I cherish all the time we spend together.

10. I’m so proud of you.

11. You’re a bad ass.

12. I’m sorry you have to listen to my venting and whining.

13. I’m sorry my siblings and I can be challenging at time.

14. Your love for God is amazing.

15. For all the times we have all screamed “MOM” at the same time you’ve never failed to help each of us even when we’re being absolutely ridiculous.

How I Earned My Stripes

My Pregnancy

I felt like a whale all through pregnancy, as I watched my body come to resemble a huge capital B. I was so self-conscious, I hated the idea of anyone seeing me naked. On top of the present insecurity, I worried that post-pregnancy, my body and my confidence would never return.

 I was right in a way. It’s true, my body will never be exactly the way it was before I got pregnant.

Even being in my early twenties, pregnancy and breastfeeding matured me physically and brought about changes that will never go away. I now have stretch marks, and stubborn belly fat, and wider hips that refuse to fit into my old jeans.


But I was wrong about my confidence. I have found myself more confident with my body now than I was before.

I am more confident because pregnancy made me gain a new admiration and respect for my body. It also made me admire and respect other women, too, instead of judging them for being overweight or having tiger stripe bellies or whatever else the media makes us judge women’s appearances for.

A Thank You To My Mom, Everything I Am Is Because of You

From the moment I entered this world, my mom has had my back. She is my absolute everything.

She is the first one I call when something goes wrong and the first one I call when something incredible happens.

She was there when I was a rebellious teen and pushed her away and is still here now that I’m twenty-something and call her thirteen times a day. And to my mom, how can I say thank you to my mom enough?

I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better woman to be my mother. She is my teacher, my comforter, my home, my best friend. She has never steered me wrong.

She has stood by me through stupid boys, late night study sessions, random phone calls asking what setting the washing machine should be on because I’d never lived away from her before.

Through every smile and every stress-induced, tear-filled, crazy moment, she’s been there.

She knows exactly how I think and how deeply I feel things, and, most importantly, she knows I don’t mean the things I say when I’m hangry.

Without a doubt, she is my rock and will forever be my best friend. I would be lost in this world without this beautiful angel I was assigned.

She carries me when I am weak, picks me up when I fail, and rejoices with me when I succeed.

She has taught me that it’s okay to make mistakes and that my ponytails don’t have to be bump-free. She has taught me how to love but also how to stand up for myself.

Everything that I am and hope to be I owe to my mother. I wouldn’t be half of what I am today if not for her guidance, love, and support.

I could write pages about her forgiveness, kindness, strength, unconditional love… But no amount of words could ever express how grateful I am to have her in my life or just how much I love her.

For more from RC, visit her writer’s page here. 

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