Why Do I Need Pregnancy Insurance?

Motherhood is something that most women look forward to at some point in their lives. It might cause you anxiety and stress first, but then the feeling of joy and excitement takes over. 

When it comes to expecting mothers, each understands the significance of quality maternal care, prenatal care, and postnatal care. Unfortunately, this quality care comes at a steep price, hence, making pregnancy insurance necessary. A proper maternity insurance plan will ease your stress regarding expenses and allow you to enjoy blissful moments with your newborn and your family. 

So, let’s take a look at the reasons why you need pregnancy insurance:


1. Provides Valuable Financial Backup

Many expenses arise during pregnancy – delivery, pre and post-delivery hospitalization, room rent, surgeon and nurse charges, and new born care-related expenses, to name a few. This is why pregnancy insurance offers valuable financial backup. Whatever procedure with regards to pregnancy is required, it will be covered by the insurance. Thus, relieving your stress as much as possible.


2. Handles Complications

Pregnancy insurance also includes coverage for post-delivery complications. Such complications may include excessive bleeding, premature delivery, and infections. In the case of premature delivery, the newborn has to be kept under observation in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or an incubator for at least 2-3 weeks. 

This adds a massive burden on the parents because NICU is extremely costly, and its expenses range between 2,000 and 12,000 per day, depending on the location. Hence, making it important to purchase pregnancy insurance


3. Provides Immediate Insurance Coverage for Newborn (s)

Health insurance plans do not provide coverage for babies until they are 90 days old. This turned out to be an issue since babies are extremely susceptible to illness in the first 90 daysHowever, this is not the case with pregnancy insurance plans.Some pregnancy insurance providers also include vaccinations for babies as part of the coverage. 


4. Deliveries in Private Hospitals are Expensive

Over the past few years, medical expenses have skyrocketed, making pregnancy a costly affair. Regular or caesarean deliveries in private hospitals can cost anywhere between 30,000 and 2,00,000, which can cause a significant financial setback to the family. 

Such rising costs have made pregnancy insurance necessary. This type of insurance includes cover for both type of deliveries, thus, allowing the mother to make her choice without any worries. 


Exclusions in Pregnancy Insurance

While on the topic of maternity insurance, it is vital to know the medical expenses that are not covered by this type of insurance. Some of these expenses include:

• Treatment and tests with regards to IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and infertility.
• Non-allopathic treatments like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, and Unani.
• Dental treatment.
• Any illness or disease contracted within the first month of the policy start date.
• Any injury or ailment that was acquired within four years of the policy issuance. 
• Cost of contact lenses and spectacles.
• Treatment due to self-inflicted injuries, alcohol, or drugs.
• Congenital disabilities such as Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida. Such disorders can occur due to the genetic composition of the parents or arise during the development phase of the fetus. 

Waiting Period in Pregnancy Insurance

Maternity insurance policies have a key clause in place that must be met if you want your insurance claim to be successful. This clause is known as the waiting period. The waiting period refers to the duration before which an insurance claim cannot be made. 

In the case of maternity insurance, most insurance providers have a waiting period of 2-4 years. Hence, it is important for you to fully plan out your pregnancy if you want to receive pregnancy insurance benefits

Maternity insurance is one of the key reasons why couples can steer clear of financial burdens when babies are born since most of the maternity expenses are taken care of. Hence, if you want to have a baby, it is essential that you purchase pregnancy insurance from a reputable insurance provider such as Care Health InsuranceDoing so will allow you and your family to cherish the bundles of joy when they are born, without worrying about the financial aspect

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Pregnancy Tips for Young First-Time Moms

Finding out what you’re expecting comes with a lot of happiness but with a lot of anxiety. Not knowing what to do at first and how to act now that you have a bun in the oven, causes plenty of stress to moms-to-be. However, there’s no need to worry too much. Even though you’re now growing a new life inside you, your routines shouldn’t change drastically. Yes, you will need to modify your lifestyle slightly, but no, you won’t have to go from being super active to staying home and resting. Relax, grab a cup of tea and keep on reading for a few tips that will make your pregnancy stress-free.


You can continue to exercise as before

If you were an active gym member before you got pregnant, there’s no reason you should stop with your daily workouts now. As a matter of fact, physical activity and workouts, are more than recommended for pregnant women. Not only does exercising slow down pregnancy weight gain, but it also combats fatigue. Make sure you consult with your gynecologist about the types of exercises that are best for pregnant women, and yourself especially, because every pregnancy is different.


Watch your diet

Even though you’re eating for two, you shouldn’t eat recklessly. Sure, you can allow yourself to go on a craving banter every now and then. However, you shouldn’t overindulge in carbs, sweets, and everything that you’ve tried to avoid before you were pregnant. Many women use pregnancy as an excuse to stuff themselves with all those junk food and desserts that they successfully avoided, to keep their body in shape pre-pregnancy. You should treat your body the same this time and eat only nutritious foods, which are healthy for you and the baby.

That’s why you should get healthy pregnancy meals and provide only the best for you and your baby from day one. Ordering pre-made meals will be perfect for moms who are unsure of what the most nutritious options are. 


Practice self-care

Practicing self-care is especially important during pregnancy. That will be a time of immense stress and expectations, and can often leave you exhausted from all the planning and thinking. So, when you feel tired, take a nap. When you don’t feel tired, rest anyway. You’re growing a new life, and that’s a work on its own. Better yet, stock up on those zzz’s because when the baby comes, you may not have the time. Drink plenty of water to keep you and the baby hydrated and in good shape. Treat yourself to a pregnancy massage at least once a month, and more often closer to your due date. Meditation can also be invaluable, allowing you to find your inner peace and completely de-stress.


Don’t forget to take prenatal vitamins

Having healthy food will get you plenty of nutrients, but you should still make sure you get enough of those prenatal vitamins. To ensure the baby’s healthy development and your well-being, supplement your diet with essential prenatal vitamins and minerals. Consult with your gynecologist first, so you’l know with which vitamins to supplement your diet. While some women may need more iron, others will require more calcium or zinc. You should not get them by yourself, but always schedule a consult with the doctor, to know which vitamins to take in each of the stages of your pregnancy.


Final thoughts

Becoming a mom is the biggest miracle in life, and as such, will come with a variety of emotions and feelings. To make sure that your child develops well and is healthy once born, follow the aforementioned tips and have the most carefree pregnancy ever.

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About The Author

Jasmine Anderson is a Sydney based lifestyle blogger and a toddler mom, with a Fine Arts Bachelor’s degree. Expressing herself through different mediums is what keeps her spirit bright. She loves to spend quality time with her family, go thrifting, and spend just a little bit too much time on the internet.  You can follow Jasmine on Twitter

Can you have it all and should you even want it? 

As women, we are often told we can’t have it all, and that it’s either/or. Either we are good mothers, or we have successful careers. Because god forbid we should be good at both!


There’s even that episode of Sex and the City where Samantha claims her and the girls have it all, only for her curtain rod and her immunity to come crashing down, shattering her belief system, even if for just a little while.


But is that really true? Can we have it all? And do we even want it all?

As I’m writing this, I’m trying to take stock of my own life. Do I have it all?


Career woman 

Personally, I was always labeled as a career woman, from a very young age. Back then, I was no more than a career child, but I was always ambitious and driven, and knew exactly what I wanted to build for myself.


When I announced I was pregnant with my first child (at 28), some of my friends and business acquaintances were honestly shocked. How can you have a child now, I was asked. It will completely derail your career!


Mother of two 

When I had my second daughter two years later, I got the same kinds of intrusive comments.


How are you going to cope with two kids and that job of yours (I was working at a marketing agency at the time), you won’t have time for the girls and a full time job. You get the idea.


Turns out, I have had time, and still have, for both. And allow me to let you in on the big secret.


All or nothing 

In an overly (yet covertly) misogynistic world, where men demand that women give up their titles because it “sounds comic”, in a world where girls are still denied an education in nearly half the countries in the world, can we really expect to be applauded for our efforts?


When a woman chooses to devote her energy to her kids, a portion of society will label her as antiquated or taking the easy way out. After all, she is now relying on her husband for support, as opposed to paying her own way.


When a woman chooses to build one of those high-powered careers for herself that surpass the men in her league, she’s called a man-eater, heartless, cold, and a whole host of other terms I’m not going to repeat here. Can we just remember Miranda Priestly?


And, when a woman chooses to have both – kids and a very successful career, instead of seeing her as a source of inspiration, we drag her down and tell her she can’t possibly be good at both. That she will either be bad at her job, or raise inadequate kids.



The crux of the matter 

What I am about to say might be a bit of an unpopular opinion. However, I firmly believe that the women’s movement is about choice. About the ability and the right to choose what you want to do with your time on earth, free of judgement and prejudice.


If a woman decides she wants to be a stay-at-home mom, she needs to be able to fulfill that dream. If she chooses to run her own tech company, she should be able do that too. And if she wants both, what’s there to say that she can’t do it?


In reality, the only thing that dictates if you can have it all is time.

There are 24 hours in every day, and if you can fill those 24 hours with enough sleep, exercise and good food to keep yourself healthy, and find enough time to spend with your kids, your husband or wife, doing your job, watching Netflix and taking the dogs out for a walk – then there truly are no limitations.


Remember – the kids will grow up, and they won’t need your attention 24/7. If you make the time your kids and your career, well, you can live an incredibly full life. And even if you don’t – channel your inner Michelle Obama, the woman who has proven the sky is not the limit!


Discover your all 

I urge you to ask yourself what it is that you actually want. Don’t listen to society, your parents, your significant other. Listen to the voice inside your head exclusively, and decide what you want to do with the time given you.


If you don’t want to have kids, teach yourself how to survive the pressure others will put on you to try and change your mind. And if you don’t want a career, come up with a witty answer to the intrusive questions. If you want to be the first woman on Mars, just find a way to get in touch with Elon Musk.


A personal wishlist 

Finally, let me tell you how I realized I can actually do everything I wanted.


I adopted a dog in college. He was a French Spaniel, as I wanted a breed that was super sweet and snuggly, and despite everyone telling me I had no time for a dog, that the dog would be lonely and misbehave, that I would have no time to study – Jack taught me I can do it. Take care of him and myself, and graduate summa cum laude.


I realized I could have kids and still work. And that neither having kids nor working needs to trip me up, or prevent me from doing whatever it is I want to do – including going out dancing with my husband on a Wednesday night.


Phenomenal woman 

You’ll forgive me if I part with a quote adapted from Maya Angelou and a bit of Oprah:

“Make yourself proud to spell your name w.o.m.a.n. – whether you choose to spend your days raising happy humans, breaking the glass ceiling, or living a quiet, contented life no one may ever read about, but that puts a smile on your face every single morning.”


About The Author

About Julia Robson: Julia is the mum of two girls and two pups, a self-employed work-from-home wife and an expert librarian who can always find a book her kids will love to read next. She has always been a writer at heart and has finally found a way to let her creative side show – you can read some of her work on Medium

How to Better Prepare for Pregnancy After 30

More women are deciding to delay childbirth until they’re 30 or older. Some are choosing to focus on their education, some want to establish a career, and others just want to live up their 20s before committing to the role of a mother.

Women choose to delay pregnancy for different reasons, and that is something that’s completely up to them. However, once they do decide to try for a baby, it’s important to know how they can prepare themselves for pregnancy and stay healthy in the process. Below, five things to keep in mind before trying to conceive after 30.

Take fertility tests

Women’s fertility rates start to slowly decrease after the age of 32. Around 37, the decline becomes steeper. Egg count, egg quality, and frequency of ovulation are all affected by a woman’s age. Aside from her age, some other factors that contribute to a woman’s fertility include her hormonal balance as well as the regularity of her periods.

Taking fertility tests is one of the ways to increase your chances of conceiving after 30. The tests can be taken either in the doctor’s office or at home with the help of a kit. By monitoring your body, you’ll get an insight into everything from your vaginal pH to cervical fluids and body temperature and learn what’s the optimal time for intercourse.

Go for genetic screening and testing

While a lot of women in their 30s give birth to perfectly healthy babies, it’s important to note that the risk of health problems increases with mother’s age. The risk of genetic disorders in babies, in particular, increases in women that are 35 or older, as this is considered an advanced maternal age.

Going for genetic screenings can be very helpful in determining the likelihood of genetic problems in babies. They are sometimes a part of prenatal care appointments, and can help calculate the risks through your blood test. Genetic testing, on the other hand, is more accurate, and will provide precise details about the genetics and diagnosis of your baby.

Get informed on different birth options

Although there are certain health risks involved with becoming pregnant in your 30s, the process doesn’t have to be complicated. The most important thing is getting regular prenatal care, as it’s one of the best ways to promote a healthy pregnancy and birth.

Moms in their 30s should also try to get as much information about different birth options. Aside from deciding on the delivery method, you should also look into options such as cord tissue, placental tissue, and umbilical cord blood banking which involve saving stem cells for possible later use. In doing so, parents can protect their future child’s health for years to come. All in all, it’s essential that you get informed in advance and make any important decisions before it’s time to give birth.

Create an effective exercise routine

Aside from preparing mentally and emotionally for your pregnancy, you should also focus on preparing yourself physically. Generally speaking, this means stopping with the use of any contraceptives, quitting any harmful habits such as smoking or drinking, and, of course, striving for a healthy body weight.

Being overweight or underweight can interfere with your chances of conceiving. So it’s important to get your BMI (Body Mass Index) to a normal range before trying for a baby. To do that, try to create an effective exercise routine you can stick to. Regular physical activity is essential for staying healthy during pregnancy and after giving birth. So try to engage in activities you enjoy for some extra motivation. In doing so, you’ll manage to keep your body weight in check while also reducing stress and ensuring more energy on a daily basis.

Focus on fertility foods

Your diet will also play an important role in conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. To boost your chances of conceiving, incorporate more fertility foods into your diet. These include foods rich in antioxidants (nuts, fruits, and vegetables), high-fiber foods (beans and whole grains). and high-fat dairy (whole milk and full fat Greek yogurt), and multivitamins, especially ones containing folate.

After giving birth, especially if you plan on breastfeeding, make sure to include proteins, fiber-rich carbs, and healthy fats into your postpartum diet. This will provide enough nutrients for your little one while also helping you lose that baby weight.

Wrapping up

Motherhood is the most wonderful stage in a woman’s life. And while some choose to enter this phase earlier, others choose to wait a bit longer to take on the role of a mother. With these tips in mind, you’ll manage to better prepare your body, mind, and soul for this wonderful journey and start this amazing new chapter off on the right foot.

About The Author

Taylor Parker is an American based writer and blogger. She is very passionate about family, fashion, health, and lifestyle. Taylor writes mostly lifestyle articles, but also you’ll find her in home improvement and other niches.  You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter

Some Advice About Motherhood For The New Mom

New Mothers…


When I was younger, there was nothing more I wanted than to be a mommy. I was so convinced it was my destiny in life, and I was sure I would rock at it. And I was ready to be a new mother. Ready for diapers and bottles and sleepy cuddles, and to hell with what my mom and older sister said about it because, well, what did they know?


And then I got pregnant, and after eight long months, suddenly he was here: my little bundle of joy, and I had become Mother to this squalling, pink thing.


And suddenly everything my mom and sister said was right: I wasn’t ready.


You see, Motherhood is never quite what you expect it to be. And things rarely go the way you planned them. And all of those things to which you say “Well, I would NEVER…” suddenly become things you wind up doing.


For example: I spent a lot of time judging my older sister for letting her girls sleep in her bed. And I would say: “Well, I would NEVER let my children sleep in bed with me. They should be in their own beds!”


The reality? My son spent 15 LONG months in bed with me.


Every night was a cuddle fest and it was hot and uncomfortable and I’d barely sleep because every twitch of his muscles would jolt me awake because I was convinced he was dying in his sleep. And I hated it.


But then it stopped, and he started sleeping in his crib, and my nights were free of a sweaty head pressed against my cheek, and I could stretch my limbs across the bed as I saw fit. And I should’ve been relieved but you know what? The reality was, I missed him.


5 Things I Learned In 2 Weeks Of Being A Stay-At-Home Mom

I recently became a stay-at-home mom.

This means day in, day out with a sassy two-year-old wanna be grown up. If you ask anyone, I was the last person they would expect to fulfill this kind of domesticated role. I went back to work when my daughter was 5 weeks old and NEVER looked back.


My Monday through Friday was filled with daycare drop-off at 6:30 am, work from 7-5, daycare pickup at 5:30 and an hour-long commute home. . .which put my daughter & I at home between 6 & 6:30 pm.  This gave her daddy and myself just long enough to get her dinner, get her a bath, and get her in the bed.


By that time, I had no energy left myself and would be in bed shortly after, leaving my fiancé with no time from me. For nearly two years, I thought working was helping my family, but I learned among the other things I will tell you in this article that I was only hurting myself & them. I became a woman stretched too thin. Who did I think I was? Superwoman?


Before I go on, this is not a pro stay-at-home mom article stating that every woman MUST quit their jobs today and stay at home. Every woman is different, every situation is different, and every family is different. I fully support the workin mamas out there, ya’ll rock!


It Takes A Real Man To Win The Heart Of A Single Mom

Dating is hard, so dating a single mom comes with additional challenges that only a real big-hearted man will be able to overcome. The good thing is that if you put in the work, you’ll realize that dating a single mom is extremely fulfilling.

Single moms are straight up badasses. A single mom has her priorities straight and knows exactly what she wants and needs in her life.

She doesn’t want to waste her time simply because she doesn’t have much of it, to begin with. And when she does, she won’t be with someone who’s not willing to put in the effort. The bottom line is, she’ll share her precious time with someone who is willing to be as committed as she can be if you’re right for her.

She has to be picky about the person she chooses to date because she needs to think about her little one too. She knows that every decision she makes might directly or indirectly affect her child. She’s really good at keeping her priorities straight, so consider yourself lucky if she decides to give you the time a day.


10 Thoughts Every Mom Has While Babywearing

I had a baby a few weeks ago. (thank you. thank you.) And by now all of our visitors have left and my little family is trying to get into a routine. This routine includes walking my older child to school every morning, taking the dog on walks, and then walking to pick up my child from school again. Lots of walking you see. Which is great for getting Mama back into shape, but not so easy to push a stroller with a fussy newborn in it and hold onto a dog leash at the same time.


When all your visitors leave and your husband goes back to work you find yourself doing a whole lot of, well, nothing. Just holding a baby that doesn’t seem to want to be put down. (You can’t spoil them at this age. You can’t spoil them at this age.) My house hasn’t been cleaned in weeks and I’m starting to lose my mind. This new routine is hard.


So in comes: Babywearing.

Wraps, Slings, Mei Teis, Buckle Carriers…there is quite a few different types of babywearing devices. It’s perfect for bonding, calms baby, and helps you get stuff done. I had a few of them on my baby registry. Around day ten I decided to try out a sling, but did not find it comfortable at all. I switched to the Wrap, and I also recieved a buckle carrier that I use pretty much every day. Babywearing is an art form. And I’m still learning the craft.


To All the Kick-Ass Moms Teaching Their Daughters Self Respect

Becoming a mother for the first time can be one of the most life changing things in the world.


There are late nights, lot’s of poop and endless worrying that never ever stops.


When a daughter is born it’s a whole different ball game. One day they will look at you and see themselves.


This morning my daughter asked me if I brushed my hair because I was beautiful. I simply smiled and said “yes”, and told her she was beautiful too inside and out.


Daughter’s always look to their mother’s in the beginning to see there self worth.


To every mother out there that lend by example, and showed your daughter how strong you are I applaud you right now.


Raising children isn’t just giving happy childhood’s it’s making them functioning adults that will go onto raise more hopefully functioning adults.


When you show your daughter that you can build her bed all by yourself you are showing that she can one day do that too.


When you comment in front of your daughter that you need to go on a diet, later on they will think they need to go on a diet too.


Empowering your daughter to be great and love herself is not for the faint of heart.


We must first love our self’s as woman to teach this.


There is no more of a powerful tool than leading by example, those little rug rats are always, and I mean always watching you.


Being a kick-ass mom isn’t always about building thing’s it’s telling your daughter endlessly that  being imperfect is what make’s her perfect.


It’s showing her we don’t need daddy to mow the lawn that we got this.


When your daughter feels like she is struggling with her weight and doesn’t like her body it’s bonding with her over the issue.


Not by telling her she need’s to go on a diet, but, by getting outside and doing something physical with her.


Being kick-ass is supporting your daughter’s boy-like hair cut, when no one else think’s it looks “girlie” enough.


It’s your daughter’s world and don’t let her listen to the hater’s because at the end of the day this will empower you too.


To the Mom Battling Her Postpartum Depression, You’re Not Alone

I see every ounce of effort you are pouring into your day. You are doing it. You may not hear it as much, but you are doing great.

I know some days your Postpartum Depression has you feel so heavy that you don’t even want to pull yourself out of bed, and it’s ok to not be able to. I see you, you drag yourself out of bed even though all you want is to sink into your bed forever and never be found.

You may not brush your hair today, or tomorrow, or for a few days. You may wear the same shirt that you wore yesterday. I see you get up and struggle to push through the day because you are mentally exhausted. I know you are probably fighting through the day and it’s hard. All day you feel so helpless, so worthless.

Your Postpartum Depression tells you, “I am a horrible mom,” “I can’t do anything right,” “my kids are so much better without me,” “Why can’t I just be normal?” “why can’t I just do the things I’m supposed to do?”


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